
THE WORKMAN 22, 500. 00 A)
IN CASH PRISES Announcement Extraordinary PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB What it is. What it Doing Value of Purses.
Quinquagesima nday)
St. Paul Church, Panama Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica SEROND, 35 the odoo Central Avetlon. Correspondence on all matters SU cm, Holy Communion Duo Nad Border of Street, Panama, of publie interest invited.
10 sm, The Libay de 10 21 Holy Bacharid and on Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must te pm Holy Beptiere written on one side of paper only, and Op Sunday School RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOX muss be accompanied by the name of 1, ly tong too.
Ooe Year 40 8. Cy the writer, not necessarlly for publiesAeb Wedperday Holy Comin am Bix Months 20 ton but mark of good faith.
Litany and Penitential 53 38 pm Three B00. We do not undertake to return NIGBTENGALE Rotor Ooo 250.
rejected correspondence.
St. Alban s, Paralo The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNTOS 11 mm Matins and Aldres Sunday School pm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 1923, 7:30 Ereusos and address Ash Wednesday Holy Communion 7, ma ALL READY FOR THE MARDI GRAS Litany and Penitential Offise 10 P. NIG PENGALE Priest ia La Sabanas Mission Everybody, everything, everywhere on the Isthmus is ready for the grand Islomian Mardi Gras which, with To The People Of Panama:3 Church School 4;15 EVDscng and address its usual round of fun and frolic, commences to day, We want you to know that:A, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge when, at noon, Dios Momo, preceding La Riena del Carnival arrivee in this city. The festival will last for The Panama Jockey Club is composed of a number of leading Panafour days during which time io city, village and hamlet the manian, American and British business men.
St. Peter Church La Boca.
Holy Communion 30.
oli and young, rich and poor will. mix in a contiuual The horses include American, Jamaican, Peruvian and Chilean Macies and addrese. Il a streem of merriment jocundity and music.
thoroughbreds, also Native ponies.
Bunday School 30 to.
This season is looked forward to every year with an Choral Brentong wich Sarana 7730 undoubted measure of enthusiasm, but this year, it The Judges and Stewards have no financial interest in the Jockey LIULCARE. Hector as though the spirit of the carnival excels that of al or Club.
Barnabas Church Empire vious years. Except, but in a few instances where is The Pari Mutual betting system is used. Under this system all Morning prayer od ad crew. Il az ness has marred the spirit of co operation, everything moneys bet on a race are added together, the Jockey Club percentage is Bunday Sebol 30 p;m the voting for the quet ns has been succesfully arrarged deducted, and the balance is equally divided amongst those holding tickets on Evening Prayer and addres 3:30 pm and executed.
the winning horse. There is also a place pool. MULCARE Prient ia sharp The selection of Carnival Queens is always a thing of extraordinary interest and warmth. From the bevy of OUR PROGRAMME FOR ELEVEN (11) MEETS Barth, Jomows Church Cascadas beauties for which Panama has always been noted it is no between February 11th and April 22nd includes: Morning Prayer, and Addro II.
easy matter to choose a queen for the Carnival, for in 20 Class RacesSunday Bebol d:a addition to their general, unique and charming appearance Value of Purses. 14, 000. 00 Ww. sing Prayor sed addre. p. a and gracefulness there exists amongst them all a chain of JT MULCARE Price is on friendship which makes competition keen but convivial 17 Class RacesThe difficult task is over and tonight at the National 4, 300. 00 Thratre, ZOILA 13t, will be crownd the legitimate queen Panama San Miguel NS of the 1923 Carnival of Panama. This will end the excite 11 Class Racesbulding 18 ment of a hot and friendly contest between candidates Value of Purses 1, 335. 00 Gospel Serm 30. 11, 30 a. 720 Sunday School pm for the bighest honor in la fiesta del pais. Society, in it 23 Native RacesE Bailey Pastor garb of exquisite pranduer, will turn cut en masse to witValue of Purses.
2, 865, 00 ness the beautiful ceremony of the coronation after which Church Of God G St Colon the slogan will be: Let Go!
Value of Purses.
Besides he queen of the Carnival proper, there have 71 Races11 30 7:30 Gospel Sermon 22, 500. 00 Sunday School pm.
heen selected several other ladies of ihe gilded emblem.
Si Brewster Pastor Er There is no other sport that gives you the same thrill that the cry Now Providence The Legionaries at Balboa, and Cristobal, the Girls THEY RE OFF gives you, for horse racing is keserves, the Colon queen, the Bocas del Toro queen and Cospel Serm 11 30. 30 el reino del Palo Sco, have all been chosen by vote to Sunca) Sehool pm Bio Elliot, Pastor adorn the thrones of their respective organizations. Never Gatun CZ before, in Panama, have their been as many queens as there are in this year Carnival; and their number is iadi Gospel Sermon 11, 30 sm 7, 30 Hunday School pm cation of the general interest taken by the whole Isthmus in the annual pasatiempo.
OSVOSS CS3 Gectgo Griffith No doubt, the grand procession on Tuesday, the la?
Seventh Day Adventist Church e queens HURRAH in the parade through the city.
FOR STREET CALIDONTA ROAD, The Legionaries of Balboa made a partial commence Prizes and Diplomas (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, THE QUEEN OF THE KITCHEN bbath (s. turday) 45 Sab ment on Thursday afternoon with the coronation of their baib Sobool; 11 15 ronal Worshi queen and a pageant which were the scenes of brillian: AT THE NATIONAL IN3. 30 pm. Spunish Class; 30 pun, Epectacles. These were preliminary to the Carnival and STITUTE TASCerpen Young People. Meeting: 30 o.
anticipated the season of joy and mirth.
How shall the Carnival be celebrated. Suadsy evening at Reading The amusements have been planned, the dances arranged for, the the National On Wedres iay night last, at Clan Al are welcome byth young sad Institute, the parade and paseos outlined and scheduled. The Alcalde annual prize giving of medals start oud. 720 Proachinx Services has decreed the probibition of dangerous missil aud and distributioa of diplomas to liquids. This is done every year to ensure the safety and the successful students came off The Salvation Army La Boca lin a blaza of splendour and enprotection of the public. Without this warning, much Sunday 5:30. Prayer meeting harm and danger might be experienced by the thick was densely packed with one thusiasm. The spacious ball Il am 410 Mayor Watley crowds in the city.
7:30 a Mrs. Easiga baan of the most representative We desire to speak a word of advice to our numerous audiences seen on ibe Isthmus readers and patrons. To certain elements this advice is for many months past. There toza Christian Mission of Paname not necessary, because culture, refinement and common olemnity and reverence which was apparently air of Pasamall. Yard 7:30 Puert fense prompt their proper conduct; but there are other hovers around this ballowed Choritto 11. Burke Bapt 7, 301.
elements who always go to extremes in everything they seat of learning, as one enters Trotman do. In fact, they seem to misunderstand the motive, its precioci, There seems an PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY LB e 11 am Trotmya 7;30 purpose and genius of the carnival altogether and either inclination to glory with those AT YOUR SERVICE Burke Supt.
Prisoll. 7:30 Cragwelt indulge in obscene demonstrations or pernicious sugges. Paplunan ians who worship at the tions. Their participation is often crude and repulsive, To any who are acquainted shrine ot.
Gatun 11 am 7:30 Josh Colon 11 am iN elle7:30 Mottley and detracts from the innocence and simplicity of the with recent educational condi respective places to the commer: merce. 31 were graduated as der Y JW, BURKE Supt.
tions in this country, it is cial, pro essional industrial and masters and mistresses of kinAs we wrote two weeks ago, the carnival is not only astounding and it is a matter for political life of the country, and dergarten schools. In Pharmacy Creoline Hair Producer is the fun, it is business. The money spent ia preparations for satisfaction and delight to this as they go forward in anticipa and Chemistry were graduatewere this annual fiesta, are not profligately thrown away. Al nation, to have demonstrated tion of the wonderful possibili ed. 10 graduated such a world best hair tonic and 138 Licentiates of surveying and tangible amount of ties of the that has been done or is being done is to advertise the literary and industrial progress government to provide for them took their final diploma as not soil or stain clothes.
country through the happy media of fun and pleasure. It ss was magifested at the Insti we are forced to ask where is surveyors and topographers.
is decidedly an unusual way of advertising, but it doesn tate on Wednesday last. It is the solution for the problem o Among the students who fail to resp results. Besides giving license to general very much feared that a large the descendants of West Indians received their final diploma as frolic it puts money into circulation and several businesses to know are not acquainted witb will they be able to hold their. Jamaican who studied under number of persons who ought born in this Republic, and how surveyors was Ezequiel Fletcher Oklahoma Mexia Oil And profit by it the bigh standard of educational own in association with the Dr. Abel Bravo.
Gas Co.
The floats and the disfraces will each advertise some advantages as obtains at the progressive descendants of the special line of busines, industry, or art. Commercial National Institute. It is recret latin races. This is an impor: Police Should Clear Streets showing the business acumen of proprietors and manag givenor do not seek the oppor supported by the parents of interests of every sort will be secu in the parades. Floats sable that the English Preta esat questien Lydges and otner Paf 55 orsh diyedande anno nou which are being 01 Bad Boys.
March 1735 seres in Texas Oklahoma and Ark. 29 shal ers as well as the competitive idea of progressive tunity to be present at these these children and who undoubt Inw oil and a gas walle. Now industry have been prepared and will demonstrate, with yearly functions. Here, the edly coostitate your brotherhood, The attention of the Police drilling well near 20 000 barred psychological force, the present day status of national observer is given the opportunity for you is this problem. Department is called to a gangsher in Smacrover. k Also industrialism in Panama, Agents, with the manufactures to note and put on record what we congratulate Dr. Pereira of boys along Central Avenue drilline offset well to 12. 000 they represents will vie for the highest honors in the mas making of a young and vigorous sors of the Institute for the much to the disgust and real nationalism implies The Meadez, Rector, and the Profes some of whom are almost naked. leand underlies our 208 scres in rel gnsber in recently, samo bar?
querade contest, while no one will lose the opportunity to nation. The laying down of the success achieved.
Ollo, where we have nil and force the importance of bis iaterest upon the mind of the future generation, when litera Amongst those gradgated 12 gas aands producing. Stock to public.
tare, art, science and commerce were 33 masters of Primary tre of modern The pretty costumes and brilliant disguises will serve the lives of the citizens of tris was taken by Manuel Zarate, visitors who come here will be Moner coming to late will be will be the dominating factors in Schools. The firat place of honor Thousands of tourists and other shares 15 cents. par 10 cants, to show the refined taste and ability of our local designers. Republic.
and the second by Baliasar Isuzs disapparea to tad such primi returned Wilann, 48 FriThe neataegs with which the work has been execured Doe hundred and nineteen 19 students were gradusted as tive methods among the walls bare: Fichita Falls; Texas shows the high standard of efficiency attained by our local stadents were awarded gold, and Bachelors of Arts, Gustavo and strai The Government SA.
and should do so Dething to remove artists, and everything seems to say: See what we can broo, medals and Mtulomas at Mendez ist, place of honor the Ort. med. Those youngeecond Benigno Argute. 16 this parnicious class of boys produce in Panama!
men and women will take tuer graduated la clamentary com from the streets.
If you like beautiful hair use Creolino hair producer THE KING OF SPORTS day of the Carnival, will be the most unique ever vitnes. Annual Distribution of libus Geos an 2009 of of notable pedestrains. hoy.
Panama at present is the ceo be withdrawn from market soon.


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