
TAE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUAUY 10. 1923, PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE soitetos to seves Colon Boys Institute YUR OLD FAVORITE UNVEILS BANNER and BOCAS NOTES CRICKET Fatal Accident At Clovelly Rides Roughshed Canal Mouth, Over Brita inic STAND BY ane STROLLERS OL ober Several were Can now be Purchased from all Dealers IN THE REPUBLIC FOR (aptit 10cts.
Per Package of 15 Cigareties On Sunday January 29th, at mian Park 10 rte man On Sunday lust at the lath On Sunday last, there was a grand parade of the inmates of about o clock pm. a fatal acci League Crickt Paare Biten She Jolou Boys Iostitute when dent louk place at the Chaavut ac CC. went dona like chat vernor Arosemena inspected nola Canal Leonard Olive 18 before the wind in the trads of the boys who were smartly years old and be third so oth Clovally Co.
essed and line op for the Felipe Oglive, who is at present to corrº Pirit in the brand, the Oving to a bye ball gamoos session, A: 455 the Boys arrived Co Commissariat Geavita, rorlu on both sides by the while engageons Rama was not art anul 15 Colon Baden Powell Boy expedition to co wpu. By natal errangment ees. After the arrival of the dear friend, his ride was decided that the game accidentally and the Hays Commander Watson exfriend should be played to sais, etc piained the obj ct of the moveNathan Thompson was shot if it took todays; so thu tag ment. Immediately after, Gov.
through the back as they were lite hour of starting shad not or Arosemema, Mr. Walker, sitting in the bost interfere with the chance of nicipal Treasurer. Miss Men Another boat with a either Cab winning the nates.
the Star Herald and woman was going om Nedrick the Ciovally skipsar distinguished persons when the accident happened to woa the tose, and taking advaas arrived.
young Ozliyie. Ha called for aga of the rannat. sabia addragees help and straightway he report Britannies to but on thair ove delivered, Professor Gilkes spotre ed the matter. Thompson was prepared wicket hard and strongly on the conduct of Bay conveyed to the Almirante hos fairly perlect wick The Scouts. Governor rosemena pical that night but he succumb bowling of Clovely opad with expressed bis satisfaction of the after the ball was extracted by Jones (32dron) ad resit the physicians of the Institution. This pair of axoner the work is progressing Teundlers orwed sad requested the co operation We understand that Thompson too much for tha formidable and support of all to Commander could speak up to tha time he Britt as no pair of their batsWatson was operated on, and he asked men were over really confortably The banner was unveiled by that government should not set as one after th other was 15 Mias Mendez. It was worked up punish the youok man, as the back to the pavilliaa, Taeit or accidental. end wagged well. bywever, at a cost of 49 00.
OVU Wg, nowever, arrested that the apparently decent total ter she uties, and his father of 86 rugs were registered on the becoming bis bailee. Thompson tios, when the last wickat fell Grand Opening of Aero having been a member of Mizoab at 30 the whola side being Park on Sunday Feb, 11.
Lodge, No. 9877. Grand Uaited at the wickats for exactly one Order of Odd Fellows, Friendiy and a quarter byur.
Society, of Guabito, his remains It was 400 ebarp. wban Caplala were taken over by the bretoren The officers and mem ers of the Westmoreland will be on Monday and the last tribute Nadrick gens out Calito and exe of respect was carried through skipper Farquharson to free the baving a kala day on tbe 116 by the dze. The deceased was attack of Blackm 13 and Ship inst, on their oval (Aero Park)
Maxwell tha Brittaole Jamaican, residing here for per the occasion being the opening of their grounds, wbich has many years. was recently bowlers. Spaculation was ritou Clovelly Bite made a member of the Light of to whather the been placed in fine condition for Guabito Lodge. No 88, 10, could live out the wavle din ien the 1923 24 cricket Beason. or if the game S, and he was the only survi would be prolɔnged to another Ver of the Bog Walis incident day. The first pair of bats per Miss Jessie Samuels wbo was the West Indian Princess of the some many years ago, when 38 persons were burled in the dam were in no dsager; 33 to the soon proved, however, that they 1921 Carnival has kindly con sented to open the grounds for His end has just come in the bowling, and that their only sta the occasion manner already The Central American Express, were to carry out the instruction Special invitations numbering of their Cap, and make it a short over two huod red have been road to victory.
sent out to friends and well wisbThis was done in a monar ers including ladies, the Cricket NEW STREETS FOR THE which not only, bafied their oppo Council, also representatives of CITY nants bat all who witness the other competing clubs.
game. By a relentless manipuThe fine band of the Colon lation of th, bowlers, Brittania Art. usical Association will be We have been calling out for tried all they call to stop the Present to render a select proImprovements on the streets of rapid growth of tha Clovelly gramme, fine time is anticlthis towo for quite a long time. score, to no avail. The batsmen pated.
And now we are glad to report just iled the willow as they The Westmoreland wil CANAL ZONE that on Tuesday last there ar inked, to the chagrine of their ved in this port on the oppdents; and at 555 Clo be represent by the following Abangarex Mr. Rıfael Neira velly 0al secured a mis men to play at the opening NOTES. general supervisor of the niticeat victory over Brittanic Public work department of c, hwing massed tha fine Clin Hayward. Capt) Gibson, Postos, together with Mr. total of 95 ruas for tha lost ot Bamnaels, Burkey. Wiliams.
Gamboa Boril y assistant chief only wiccate this tut Davis, Wallace, Stanley, Foulk, IF IT NOT THE BEST civil engineer of the Board of Calit) mida 19, Binletoa 12, Brownie. Coley and Lindo, works Panama Mc Samuels 23 not oat: Ecra3 2, Baptism Celebration Beary Seagall, superio tendent Ndru Melatosh, Mers, engineer of mualcipal works; Johns, Millar and Aathoay dia Good Samaritans Honor On Sunday Feb. 4tb. a delight Mr. Earique Sellborn, assistant not bat. Dr Edward Smith ful afternoon was spent at the engineer and superintendent of Bowling for Clovelly:home of Mr. and Mrs.
roads. Actual work hus Nelson, on beball of their little already begun. The engineers S, Joho 12 overs, midnas, 25 rams for ruas.
Eycinath Pauline have been measuring up the fore an appreciative gathering. one daughter. CONDENSED EVAPORATED. streets, drooping pegs here acd Sargeant 10 overs. maidsas 2) raak otho wost unique and never forgotten Nelson, who was christened on the said there Dr. Neira, who is a dear day.
for wiskola.
vint anong British Samsritans. the friend of the Provioca is here to sumusla 31 overs, Om sid:n, first of its kind) took place on Saturday Among the many visitors Is manufactured all that lies in his power for for wickets, evening lart at the Flower of the lath mus present were Mr. and Mrs. 8: by 72, 000 Farthe uplifting of the people, Lodge Hall in the city when the word Dos Santoe. Mr. Dos Santos And we hope he will accomplish Bowling for Battanie: defense vs handed to Bro. De countryman of Mr. Nelson stood mers ownning be aim to doing 80. But with Z, Blicken un oves, a dok, 38 Edward William Smith. past Supreme as Godfather for the little one, this intention in yiew, the cor run for wickare, about 1, 000 OVO Concillor of the of G8, and and also acted as chairman, The Vedoue poration of the people is much Muxvall ovir, mida, 15 raus If by Bro. Junae Wilson P, 8c company was much enlivened by cows which proneeded, The head tax. we the cbeerful disposition of Mr.
fur wis cet.
Penams, Dos Santos and very much apunderstand will be collected as duce Precisely at o clock the meeting was preciated bis appropiata speech.
road tax and by this means the Goddur! ovir, ovida 18 rue improvement of the towo will be for wickra.
called to order by Bro, Jums! who explained the obj ot of the M, Nelson is from Demerera, ONLY assured. The Central American Sweetened Condensed Bitting for manis CL cccasion and introduced Bro. Wilson to British Guiana (Scuth America. Express. com Mayniri mut 13 Gildard the chair, who left bo skne urned in For the short time that he bes THE 26, Maxwell and Mr. Extras carrying the interesting ceremony to been in Gamboa be has won the 11.
friendsbip of every one from his Bucetseful eod.
from inspeeted herds Born, BEST?
jovial and pleasant nature, CODARYMIENS History repeate itfell. Bro, Smith The cou munity join in wiehing revealy. six years of age, yet die Try it and be To Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Cricket Contest At Coraplaying the appearance of bis twentieth Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and baby.
Ayre, on January 21st ulto.
wall Oval e native of Jamaica. W, He was bealth, strength and prosperity convinced winsome baby girl, at Ancon saitiatıd in this noble Onder since the Than ing you in adyance and Hospital, Mr. Ayre is employed The long expected cricket giar 1894, where he has worked us oblige.
Agentes: FIDANQUE BROS. SONS at the Dispensary in this town contest between LOOG. and Good Samaris with abundant love, and Mrs. Ayre is a trained of Lodge No. 31, against ISAAC BRANDON BROS and no hope of eartbly reward for the nurse. The mother and babe the Scottish der of Machnics Gatun.
have been discharged from the on the Oprawall Os. will divine e use of suffering bumanity. Ho L, TOLEDANO, Colon hospital and they are looking take place on the 22 alias Tua coveked office is well merited.
the pink of good he alth Machanics h4v9 expcassada There were many welcome addreres Death of Mrs. Rhoda cerraiaty of victory but the drom his well wishers and true rabj. e Parris, Samaritang are of opinion that of the Order, while the ladies did their the attention of the Chlef Quar weeting held at the Silver City Gatun Colored Clubhouse they will 19 bdly been The port by egine by mne appropriate for termaster and District Quarter Clubhouse on Saturday night fans are king borward to the ocorsich. The subem, o, Sing In our last issue the name waster to the condition of the last when it was decided to rePraise, beau fa y. rendered by which appeared as Charles Har roads and toilet arrangements On Saturdy Evening February very luterestina ade.
ates. Mayo: ok ad MorersAndror. ris plense read Charles Paris of in the lower section of the reel organize the Cort wall un 3rd, six girls were initiated into med Mitchell, which added to the ex the Municipal Department. The dential area. It is below the der the new name of the Mia the Gatun Girl Reserve. Five JUAN ILLUEGA.
quisite beauty of the event.
deceaseu lady was Mrs. Rboda, standard of modern civiliza dlesex It girls were initiated into the was further Carolya Anderson Club and one Attorney. at. Lawr domust be cumptuou Te paat pro are Mrs Ronch of Silver Cits, bish grade sanitation and pro Ized Club will enter the strell Club. Miss Mabel Jeene, the banquet fol oword and ample justico Parris the two servising sisters high and made by a biele bion with pero arranged that the newly organ: girl into the Mary Church TerNo. 4: Central Avenue very enjoyable ev. ning and Mrs. Wilcott now residing tection to health required by at Colon, three children and her the Canal Zone authorities when Clair Cup Competition for the General Secretary of the TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX NƏ. 71 peat, husband mentioned above. Mrs. he employees and their families season. The entrance fee for gave a very interesting adParris was a native of Barbados, are forced to uut in the open membership will be 50 C, dress urging the girls to be loyal Practices in all Courts of air at nights to their and the monthly contributions NOTICE Panam.
One ef the most interesting 750.
English Spoken Fluently Roads and Sanitary im.
feature of the evening was the provements Wanted, New Cricket Club. The officers at present are. regarding of thirty girls into Correspondents are requested Boyd, President; Jones, Girls have obtained their forty FourthGirl Reserves. These Rent Rscelot Books in Spa to send ia beir contributions tot later than Thursday evenings The residents of the onlored Captain; Raakine, Sec. stary, having carried out their Ishond S1zlish for sale at The to easie publication.
section of this town desire to call There was a very interesting Treasurer.
obligatioos. Nortenaa Printary.
Batch Your Money Back public Dairymen League Creamy Milk DAIR MEN LILLON ULY MILK Produccote ANPERATIVE ASSOCIATION IN me mwon, e


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