
CBITUR Of England London Houscholder Hears Mysieriaus Voices that more like ke it!
fifteen (15)
BETTER cigarettes POLO es in 10 POIS in the Republie Cigarettes oland Made by me. There Addison Ruan autoniatically your busic WILL NOT RENEW CONTRACT WITH PANAMA GOVERNMENT Terrgree to dave to chrocicle SON TO WED the death of Mrs. Lydia Myers, rre Cort av, bich took place at (Contented from Page 1)
her sto residenee No slidonia WRITES PARIT MESSAGES WITH Raj, on Wednesday, January anxious to be shown over Glamis OUT INTENTION OF DOING SO. Iles, falowiek na tack of Caside. Lady Elizabeth, dressing herself as bousmaid approachparabrsia which aused cerebral ed the tourists and offered to HEARS WOMAN CRY besarrages The deceased wars native of Ignorance of the identit ci the Spirit Hoveals the Hiding Lathes 11 years ago. She was show them around. In entire St. Lecle. and este to tbe young person who er lightened them to fully on the history of Place of Will that was greatly beloved by all with the castle, the visitors on departwbom the are in contact due to Missing For Years.
ing tipped their guest.
ber gestio disposition and kindDes of beart, and this was fully tay He Propied Three Times, London, Jacuery An old demonstrated by the large corLindor, Jan. octaad house la Balbam bas staged course of Irleres who followed Preon. Everybody in London supernatural drams in which ber to be Herrera Ceremtery Arote the coekoey to the aristo Rhost vices called out the same where the remains were laid to trat was all agoy to day over of the householder, ghost hands rest Me announcement of the Duke propelled his hand when he sat To her bereared husband and of ti engagement. People down to weite, and ghost in relaties wo extend the greatest dof it everywhere. In tran. Luences conducted bim to the sympathy.
fars, in the busses, in their place of an ola will Luu. es, and in the most gossipy The of livlaces, tae uniq aitous tea. The facts, vouched for by. Britab Consulate Notice.
who resides in the house con famous black and white artist Every conversation, of course, trued by his landlord, and sue t color would be The Acting British Consul soon got to the point where the tained by a search of the records Headma Anderson, the guardian Risd if reworks were prefaced with ac Somerset Bouse, bas been for Cukord Graet, who is stated see by the papers, and then reported to the Rosal Psychical to be a des dents Calon, wou plunged boldly into details. Research Society, call at the butici Caneuste, as Here are some of the things te It should be understood at socn as possible.
garding Palace Albert engage the outset, said the artist to a went to Lady Elizabeth Bowes, Daily Express representative you, daughter of the Earl of yesterday. that am not a ti. it clerice Strathmore, one saw in the spiritualist. simply relate at pepers to day: altogether ur accountable experi The detiek à Consel at The Duke of York popped the enco which telel me.
Colca wuld be slid of informaquestion three times before he No Sense of Fear. tion as to the present wheresucceeded in getting yes for went to live in the house abcate of ore Alexander Felix answer the first time he sometime ago. It is large native of St. Lueia, who was last proposed at a dar ce after Prin old house, not split up in Alsts beard di Jakvary last year, Desa Mary wedding; the When was in certain of the whec bis address was said to be second, while golfing last Sep rooms alone at nights, uu Ga. se tember, and thirdly, last Sunday bad a feeling that other PirBORN aben be was the week end were present with me.
but have given up Iotting myzuest at the Hertfordshire home had no sense of fear, only a alt le a thº dictation of of the Earl of Strathmore. feeling unusual about me. something can not understand.
It is sad that after turning Then heard my name sud and my family still live in Lizgett Myers Tobacco Co.
down the profer, Lady Elizabeth Sometimes it was my Cast 12 house, but we receive no annoy that means quality.
received a letter from the Queenama. and toutils 130 23ca from the hosts. They mylu she was perfectly right name.
wpro ud faed cover show The selves, but tot to marry the Duke upless disturbances in the room. apparetly only wish speak she loved bim. Perhaps the young Dake was surprised by to a friend who is a spirituslist. mentioned these lociderthrough ay autormatie wr ting.
being accepted on Sunday, as band he said, it seems that had not bought the engagement someone is trying to communi ang cate with you. Why not take a So far as know, seid Lady pencil and paper, when you ar Elizabeth fatber to day, the next called and see ir ring has not yet been purchased; when the Prince did not bring one in the ghost voice called cis pocket.
again sat down to write ac Asked whether young York At Once obtained writings, withbetrayed the nervousness coa out any intention to write on my mon to those seeking a daugh part. The name Harry Bishop ter band or a parent, the Earl was written, followed by the of Straubmore said: On no; the accusation that he was thief, a Prince was not in the least liar, and a scoundrel. Oa ab Berrous, only in his usual good other occasion received the aplrits.
name William Rogers, Boi On Monday Prince Albert references to Bishop and Rogers verton. There were constant hurried to Sandringham to get in this entirely automatic writhis parer ta approval, ad bis sucoessful accompliament of: lag.
This was announced an bour made Ir quiries of my lard dater in the cout circolor lord, and ascertained that ycare To day he and Lady Elizabeth before man named Wiliam and her motber lunched at the Rogers lived in the house, aud Btrathmore town house. nat Bishop was bis contidentia Earl Expects Marriage soon clerk, They both died loogag. One night heard the sound had the frst news from my of a woman erying, and receiv wife, who bad been told by my ed the message, am only a daughter, the Earl of Strath servant. Afterwards my bard more said. think the Queen wrote sentences about a will hid wants them to be married fairly den in the base nent of tht soon, maybe in six months time, bouse. Clear directions were but am not certaic.
viven regarding the position o The common belief is that the the will bebind brick in the Aste of Ibe wedding will be anwali.
pounced in a few days, and will confided in my landlord Hikely be set for Mayor June gaio, and we made a search.
in Westminister Abbey. Ibe part in the basemeut indiPrince Albert first met Lady cated in the message was than a Elmabeth at the children party bathroom.
given by Lady Lala Leicester, when Hidden Will Elsabeth was or years of age and the Prince was a schoolboy sequel. We found that one ol Now this is the astonishlag Recently they have danced, he bricks bebind the bath was hunted and played gull and looseand the landlord prised at tennis together. Lady zabeth out. Ia the space bebind was, sister Lady Rose Loveson Gower, brown paper parcel. It bad a hald to day that Elisabeth was cree not a bit bothered by the recent from the biding place.
creepy feeling as we took it out report that she was engaged to the Prince of Wales. do not we found two ball sheets of In the brown paper wrapping think she paid the slightest at Toolscap paper. It was a will of Jention to it eald Lady Rose this william Rokers. The will The quickened interest wbicho the Duke of York because all the King subjects are taking was in his own handwriting.
of We found out later at Boner.
the engagement is sure to be set House that Walism Res manifested at his future public left property worth about 700, appearances, the first of which and the will that was provided is next Thursday night, when was one made subsequent to the be will preside at a festival din will bidden in the wal ner of the industrial Welfare What is the mystery behind Bociety, Scound where the en It all. gagement of Pacter to Wby did I, of all people.
royalty undoubuou KIT the receive thos9 888 written excuse tonight for the ds of without any direction or cort. Here looking to us, will be, labout things of which was visited by the Duke next week, Ignorant. Ce when bs goes to Glasgow to reeleve the freedom of the city and the missing will. Why did get directions of attend a football garne, Lady Elhe sabeth Bowes Lyon marriage The Case is beycad mo.
to an English Prince will be a Spl Atualist explain the matter FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES far cry fron the days of ber by saying there are two earth forebears three of whom tell at bound souls to wish to make Kept in stock at the Flodden in the bi. torie encounter something kowa to the world, between the Scots and Engiish, and that was the mediana ibry ko which tacusand the Scotchose.
tieb nobfity perished still hear my name call FEBRUARY 22 25 are Athletic and Cycle Meet It is reported that the terra for which Mr. Addison 1, R2 signed contract with the Pion ms Gerumant as Fison Azent has come to an end. Mr.
Ruan it is said, has definitely docided not to renew the contract es the powers granted in the fiscal laws of the republic oot such as to give him com pleto control of the respɔnsibilities of his otica.
PH cəsident Porras paid very high and warm tribute of preciation to Mr. Ruan for the bonest acd lostaking services rendered to the country, and th, b:Inglog about of 10 cial progress under Mr.
Ruan Administration 88 Fiscal Agent grudge the at aightforward manly appreciation given to the kentle nan who bas done. 80 much for the financial souadoss of the public dopartmants in this public. It is wellmerited, and we join in the profouad sentiments of apprecia tion.
As Mr. Razn will not renov the contract, according to the decision of the Caiet Esculve the servies of anothyr Uatod Buates citing will be engagui.
No ono JAMAICA vs. PANAMA AT ISTHMIAN PARK Butler Transferrod Balboa GENTS Stand LADIES CHILDREN Track Enclosure Grounds 00. 75. 50 75c. 50 Butler well known emloyea of the District Quarter dastur Dupt in this town nas son tradeferred to Balboa District Qaarter Master office which place na will fall through the discharge of Me. Riley, Mr, Baller is an old timer and will not take long to make friends with his new stav ot Co. workers on the Pacific end. He is also a good cricketer, FOR SALE Ong Si un Piano 1: ORDER BOOKS In 1 Co. in No reasonable ofar turned down.
For particulars apply at WORKMAN PRIN CERY Central Ave Street Panson City WORKMAN PRINTERY If you like beautiful hair use Crec! ine hair producat.
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