
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY FEBRUARY 10 1093 PACE SEVEN Interesting Wast Indian News. Con. inued from page 3)
DOMINICA Dominica and Popular Representation The best Tonic in the World VIGOR TONIC This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appe tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole rosiers DOS: One sinul is sias balora esch meal or times. com JAVER MORAN Acarican Pharmacy.
Says Wood Report Wil Never Be Acquiesced.
Satisfy They Chesterfield ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN You Can Lose It!
Opens Way KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE The following exceps are autonon? Why are DO YOU NEED Turkish tobaccos se sich taken from the Dominica Guar triled with dia of the 25ttimo: and aromatic. American toWe believe that our leaders THIMBLE?
brccos are mildt nelow.
Papolar e presentation and Defederation reusin live wires are conscious of their trust and Chesterfields are a blend of in Dominica notwithstanding the are true to teir politica frito.
the finest of each kind. That blichung depression that has Mr. it is said, accepted a why they taste so good. Try threatened to settle on us con sent on the Lislature on a them today.
quent on the visitation 00 official represe. tation be Wi bertip od Alasurim. Indeed log made to him that his assis the dco apetence and indifer tance would be quired in the ence to the wel are of cho con tf so, the vitta ally promised new So Frating of a new constitution.
by our Gond Sewinz can hirdy Crown bay Mandarins in the constitution barry Failed to bandling of the Alastrim epide materialise ha os feel the done without good Inimbies, mte and the ignorance of the Anomaly o position ass Among other things at our elementary principles of poltical noutated as the Coun store you ll find a nice assaeconomy betrayed by them in cil keenly The observatien ment of Thimbles in Starling their dealings with our flancial applies wica equal force to the Silver, Stering with Id Bad probleme, have served to ac Hon. Macintyre, who was and 14. Solid Gold.
CIGARETTES centuate the desire of Dominican one of the principal spoks men of all classes for a share in the of the presentative Govern Thụy are Heavy Waight and. of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended management of their own public ment Association deputation to correctly designed.
the Wood Mission, and to all the other members of the Council.
We also have Thim les for who, whether, officials or uo: Tailors in Sterling Silvar. Su LIGGETT Myers TORACCO Co.
The Wood Report will never officials are all pledged eitaer them at be acquiesed in by the people ot expressly or by necessary impli FULLER Domiutua. At the bidding of the cation, to support the Associa leaders of the presentative too platform and whose views FINE WAT OM E13107113 AD BEPAL Guern nent Association, we nave been treated with thinlylı22 have refrained from demonstra led contempt by the Colonial Central Avs on. We have patiently awaited Office, the ve ct of the Governor, to develop in intensity throughout wbom our petition was received.
Our referee has adopted an attiThe redemption of these the night and lasted all day to day, tude of pl. usivie passivity. Why pledges must be the first conMuch danige has in conse does be not allay public anxiety corn of the official and unofficial by announcin without further members; otherwise the rank and qpence been wrought amɔng the IT WILL PAY YOU pice a tivation the granting of file of the Representative Gavlplantations, and in some cases our prayor for a fair measure ofernment Association will take it would appar that the damage tmatters in their own hands. is greater than that of November wave of popular indignation will last. At the time of telegraple compel the necessary constita ing a correo: estimate could not ional changes, and our leader ba obtained, but 11 seems certita will themselves in the unhappy that the percantaa with ba position of jockey gulding his nearer the double figure stage borse by bolding on to its bail. tnan the stogle tigare. Bh the United Fruit and the JADAICS The above must however, be construed not as an expression Companies are heavy suferera 24 well as the small growers.
of want of contidence in the Fortunately the United Froit Car This present leaders of the Repre is taking fruit to day, so that sentative Government Assoclation but rather as a warning to the loss in marketable fruia them that the time is ripe for ac illno, be as great as was duik cipated tion. The patience and moderation stunt can be overdone avá in any event is apt to be misinterperted by our Crown Colony TOBAGO Mandarios as the equivalent of political pusilanimity Dominica, what of the night Tobago The nightmare of 1922. passes.
With the dawn of 1923 let us re State peat our prayer to the Government Abandon the ways of Autocracy; adopt the principles of NO CASES ON SESSION3 CALEN Liberalism.
There will be no tranquillity in Dominics until that prayer is granted.
Judge Russell Gets White Gloves JAMAICA An annual but very gratifying Incident occured on Weduesday AVE Heavy Norther Does last at the Tobago Crimin dental creata? Has it ever dropped and rolled. Jastice 11 away in the sleeping car hid under the wash.
Damage to Banana taking his seat on the Banch in Palmer Chiez la rose and said: stand at home?
Fields Your Honour, understand that Then you will appreciate the cap that is held cap there are no criminal cases on the calendar to day, and follow tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure WINDS OP SEMI. CYCLONIC ing the tradition of the British until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the FORCE THROW DOWN FRUIT Bar. must congratulate Tobago tube.
on not having any crinioul C1896 TREES IN GOLDEN GROVE to present to the Court and Jury.
We now furnish you with a package of the same also have mucb pleasure ia high standard as a contents The Gleaner of the 19th ulto presenting Your Honour with the says for the past two or three proverbial pair of white kid THE KOLYNOS CO. Na Haven, Com. days, the Eastern end of the ieland has been experiencing His Honour said: bsve muck Norther of more than usual pleasure in accepting this badge strength, and according to re as a token of the happy state of ports received in Kingston tome Tobago free from any serious damaga bas been done to kind of crime. It is many years barana in places in St. Thomas ago since received a pair of kid Bad St. Mary.
gioves bere also rembo Judge Swan receiving Bananas Sutter at Golden Tobago has since changed le Grove.
many respects, but this ewlen Golden Grove, Jan. 18. Whated to her immune state agaivat to abow that she has retan goes is generally beld to be Norther serious crime, and may be long of semi cyclonic proportions has continue in this state(as it is me been the experience of residents of her characteristies) and that In this part of the island. Asbe will continue to progress for snmewbat unusual phenomenon good, at this particular time of the year, as stated by some of the Messrs. Palmer Caimas. De There were present at the Bar oldest residente in the locality. Bily, McEachrane.
The change in the weather Pitcairn and Ligoure.
begin to develop Tuesday night with accompanying aquells of rain and wind. This lasted dur.
Rent Rocolpt Books In Spe ing a part of yesterday and by evening the rains bad censed Ish and English for sale at the vallo the wind continued Workenaan Printery.


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