p. 8


PAS EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10 19 You May Feel COLD IN THE HEAD KINAIR That your expectations ef how good a cigarette can be have beer fully realized yet st your first purt of LUCKY STRINE you will appreciate that ttcre is a new flavor and alew fragrance possible.
hy not to day? You ll And them everywhere. Good to the last Puff. Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best the mendown Lady and direcum RIIGI. OLAF Crescent her proche der Ribe meetrid membrane frem further infection Use this famOg prie reer heme for every for lokalice chi dren op de Ribe mes the common infectie de ONG in the beetrile, thy why bars with symptoms of UTLINE Be the hat percent LALE ces Ventes, cafe te how.
Thion, ay Ver.
II. DE MATTOR labetes Cultural STRAIGHT QUEEN HAT CVEEN DRESSING discover the ghtens et krorley hai QUERN Ethe hip The it to me CE ME smooth, QUEEN remover dan keen the boala GREEN HAR RSS hare, bertita hair Cwt only large box true stores to BREWER MYS Retre. Si Whlossle QA Metal Arte, Pass 10 Solivar Sir.
JA USTROLINE GET PAIR FOR THE CARNAVAL AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores Panama of the buccaneers Livingen B BR bravery of Lord Braham Bi oll Drug Stores (Continued from page 1)
Irs aliatlon At King SoloApproach or the circult of your and the ses dogs and rovers who non Losige 17. 16 Eta connections.
swept the Spanish main and Coving bere for the first time planted the flag in these latitudes one is astonished to find that it At the end of the last century Ofive and mom he night of Jah, let the is almost as difficult to get from Kint such men as Ceel Rhodes, the limon Lale V, 16. TUO MP3 Islend to island as it was in the Clive of South Africs, showed hode metine in the Tale Hill for eighteenth century. Nothing in that the type was not ticished the time of ines ince the Oddere my opinion should bave preventand used up (applause. We mantled for the oraington: ed the establishment and maintenance of a mail service de to renew it in the revival and re quate to the reasonable de unde The ng polonai storation of these somewhat for the main girdle, and the faded glories but undying trad wre. Sanie local links of the Imperial chain, tions of our western irlands, the tar Dy Bell Parris, certare, Be CWnTree (applause. and it seems to be a and the forsight Bathrin merious reflection upon our maritime el ciency that we bave let Colon early planters (applause. We Cott. TyleBm Wiliam, things slide back so far. It is want to sound again in the Chapir. Per. Smith Am Svaretary Diseible that 88 between the modern tones of commerce and Bo Hochy In Goard: travel the call of the Caribbean The mommy ahly performerly smaller inlands the sir service as it echocs down the centuries JW RPIG Grand Misty may cume to our aid for such with the clarion notes of the Bn Gehm GDM Bo Hilton Glee are prepared to make use of the Britisb breed. It will be to ou: And Bm susrt GSD latest Deans of transport and West The brings us to a comparison trundingly impressive to the the Indies traffic. am in no way qualified which is the inev ta lo betwet a ragglor leitor, should lastig ebaine we make Do Re Jihnen GID Car plause. not havo their share of ador: coinpete in friendly and Chinein Pp. ROTAGION Bm Intony to pronounce an opinion on this ha lish capital and British Strained and ab uaken through the Empira Developement bonourable rivalry rolj. et, but sincerely hopela nility bave done to with the Yearwood, Good Tyle: increase the financial power of London great provided that sound and United States that on air service, with all lie and develope the wealth and may be to day beforedbe watch which lebende ben petrolercial In Solving this New World very interesting ad trest non mioy scbemes fodward, After the Tony Bro y no kir forces available may suo be resources af the Brkibh West in the British West Indies, to propositions. applauset East Problem PIG frm the vurige piste ferice part of the organised life of this inaka 200700 old claim that we Africa and West Africa are all as it has been changed out of all an embers and visitor from a misten Iridies.
of whirb wis crowded with favoured Samante de metal observation note and what have already seen private enterprise which made cradle of our sea power nor the and beneficent construction of the bod je pomemben Bebetto still have in us the true spirit of very well, but they are not the knowledge by tha marvellous1. des lindly preeriard Bin Bridge all that is being dore by the in the Republic of Caba, whereas for two centuries the first nursery of our grand navy, neverthu Panama Canal, one of the Duits Led States tº short circuit America has just appointed an among merchant princes and more efficient although smaller Kreatest of the world. apo wplg of the Kine Sv omon Lideo mo the the of and than it 18 plause. fairy l of Bimini and the new erican corporations have thrown world. applause. Has our hard to day, as we proved to the world plied with formal person bibeta Faid Lode and Oder then th nied be by developed region of the state all their money power into the cat its cuncitg. or perhaps by common sdani siou during the ef by exoloitation or to more forcibly, cur War (applause visiting Bm hors for tbrir kint viss which brings them within close the ene in bringing the installation to reach old and fertile Spanish tist lost its panch. Voicee: No) bave in my mind is the heroic souch of one another. That to dependency, Itselt a Rent Receipt Book in Span Freat fuccess, The ceremony hrint through all legitimate enterprise finely can sovereign tato witch worthily am not spea sing now of pubit could of our old leaders of men.
to the brngnat room to do ceived and efectively establish. won its independence, and ito grauds or subsidies, although It is not only the dim and distant ish and English or sale at The retired results, can honest ed.
Bay, aro can juntion to the good things provided for wby memories of the Elizabethin age WORK. WAN Printery: Teason tha o cusion.
The SMOKERS NEW STAR totis to of one dat Lady Basal


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