
West Indian Possezsions and War Do not extract an aching tooth decayed tooth if it has at least Debts BY TAKING two good walls can be saved to give you good service for many WAY IN WHICH THE HAVANA DR. SANGER CAPSULES Pearse Il your teeth are loose with POST LOOKS UPON THE pus Feeping around the neck of AMERICAN PROPOSAL WONDERFUL CURE FOR th teeth, giving your breath an offensive odor you are suffering PEOPLE OF ISLANDS BLADDER IRRITATION from Pyhorrea Alveolaris. Tois can be cured. Do not bave them extracted unless there is Vert Are Not Mere Chattels To It Conta ns East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood little connection between the Be Passed from One Aland other ingredients bony tissue alveolar and the tooth.
legiance to Another.
If you are interested in saving Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours your teeth see The Haram Post of January contains the following editor DR. JOHNSON ial:Surgeon Dentist BUY BOX TO DAY In a recent despatch from 139 Central Avenue Washington correspondent intimated that there might be AT THE Over City Pharmacy in early flood of congressioni CHORRILLO DRUG STORE aloqanca in support of the No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
If you like beautiful hair use frequently but always unticially mentioned proposal that Croieine Hair Producer.
Great Britain and Frane turn over Jheir island possessions in the West Indies as part payment of their war debts to the United States, says the Chiogo Vows.
While no one can say what food of congressional eloquence might or might not accomplish there is little likelihood that the Frenchland Britisb possessions oll the American coast will CIGARETTES change ownership in the settlement of the debts now disturbing the world Wbile the United States maintains its present regard for the right of self determination, it can hardly consider those island peoples as mere chattels to be passed from one allegiance to another in settlement of debts.
It would be different if the 1sanders wanted to change their allegiance, but they do not. The Bermudian and Jamaican are wholly British in sympathy and loyalty, and the people of Guadeloupe and Martinigae are said to be as intensely French as are he Parisians. Indeed. a membir of the French Senate from Guadeloupe, according to infor mation cabled recently exacted from President Milerand Written Promise that France would not sell that island to the United States or any other power. Further, the French Minister of the colonies is about to set out for St. Pierre and quelon and will later pro SURPRISINGLY GOOD.
ceed to the French islands further south to assure them of the affection of the mother coun.
try for them all. The British and French Islands off the American coast should be valuable to the United States if the dwellers in those islands wished to be Americans OF whom to citizenship They do not wish to be Americans. Therefore the chance that even congressional loquence can effect a change of their ownership seems remote carried in stock enough. Meanwhile the United States has Porto Rico and the Virgin islands and hardly knows what to do with tnem.
Until it has changed its dissatis. fine Selection of tied Porto Ricans for example into satisfied dwellers under the Stars and Stripes it should not go out looking for more trouble AND amid alien peoples down toward the equator.
ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY in 1 Condition SHIRTS TIES COLLARS No reasonable offer turned ETC. ETC. ETC.
For particulars apoly at the feet long, with a girth of tive fee WORKMAN PRINTERY Interesting West Indian News. nesses are concerned, next sign observed was on Sun one inch was caught in the harday morning following. January bour yesterday afternoon at Central Ave Street 21st, when the boat in which about o clock from off the PERREIRA (Continued from page 2)
Panama City chardson was supposed to have Princess May, Capt. dil, been riding at anchorage in sailed to go back to the steamer, whica was lying in the stream CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA. was towards Port Oklahoma Mexia Oil And small on boat at his service, Royal with out oars. his seket! large hook baited with a which he made errands to the land bat being the only tbtogs in plece of salt beef, wi8 put out Gas Co.
shore and back to his ship dally, the boat that could give some and at the hour camed the sea as the circumstances demanded solution of the mystery This Isot tiger came along, salped down spries ge tho one caught by Mr. and poultry, growing in Montser.
tempting worsel and was to have made in this lutle boat Police, and a search party went up quite a fight, and Capt, All The last such trip he was known was communicated to the water trendy hooked. The shariki put intchell Hedges early last year. rat, to arrange for the best its shipment, and also to supply March. 1785 acres in Texas.
Paid 55 cash divedends since was the one wh he turned up out, but up to the time of writing and his crew had no easy job to at Mr. Webster shi3 this article, over a week after, land their catch, eyen after MONSERRAT the best varieties of trees, Oklahoma and Ark. Has 29 shalping office, the owners of the po trace of the missing seaman several shots had been put in vegetables, implements and low oil and gas wells. Now on packages at wholesale prices. drilling well near 20, 000 barrel January 20th. He arrived at 11 is feared that Richardson the monster body. Co operative Association.
Mr. Webster office at about on his way back to his ship, lost Eventually the shark was subThe Association may purchase gasher in Smackover. Ark. Also fruit, vegetables ett o clock that morning and his balance in the boat fell into dued brought to the ship side for ship ärilling offset well to 12, 000 bar; received some money tow the sea, and was drowned.
and despatched. Then a dozen Fruit and Vegetable Grow ment from any one in Montser rel gusher in recently, ards, wages etc, and left. It is men bauled the big fish abard. recently rat. Advancas may be made to sand underlies our 208 acres in however, reported that he was where after being photographed, been formed on the stad of members in respest of produce Okla. where we have oil and.
seen near the sea front as late as Another Large Shark Is it was cat open.
Tweal yonite Montserrat, ou co operativa delivered for shipneni. Tue be withdrawn from market goon o clock that Saturday after Caught In Harbour, young ones were taken from basie; the been membership sub procerda or the sales shall be shares 15 cents, par 10 cents.
noon ahd seemed to have the body also a quantity is seription 24. 61 and the posted, and after deducting Money coming too late will be of large bones and three fist of origical shares partaking of liquor.
Magilla ropsThe trei of the unfortunate The Gisaner of the 30th ulto The obj cts of the A9soclatior wrang expenses, three per returned. Wilson, 48 Pric bergWichita Falls; Texas man ends here as far as eye wit says that a shark tea and a hali The shark was of the same are to develop fruit, vegetables (Continued on Page 7)
Olny the Best and all desirable persmerican JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WTH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Men Furnishings English Woolens White Linen Drills as AT THE PALAIS ROYAL same


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