
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUUARY 17 1923, CSS3 si 1994 22, 500. 00 IN CASH PRISES de Three Ope Announcement Extraordinar PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB What it is. What it Doing SXSXSWOENSD Beckoo To The People Of Panama:We want you to know that: The Panama Jockey Club is composed of a number of leading Pana manian, American and Bri ish business men The horses include American, Jam tican, Peruvian and Chile în thoroughbreds, also Native ponies. The Judges and Stewards hav: no fin ic al interest in th, Jickey Club. The Pari Mutual betting system is used. Under this system all moneys bet on a race are added together, the Jockey Club percentage is deducted, and the balance is equaliy divided am yngst those holding tickets on the winning horse. There is also a place pool.
OUR PROGRAMME FOR ELEVEV (11) MSETS between February 11th and April 22nd includes: 20 Class Races Value of Purses. 14, 000. 00 17 Class Races Value of Purses 4, 300. 00 11 Class Races Value of Purses 1, 335. 00 23 Native RacesValue of Purses.
2, 865. 00 71 Races. Value of Purses. 22, 500. 00 There is no other sport that gives you the same thrill that the cry THEY RE OFF gives you, for horse racing is CHURCH SERVICES.
THE WORKMAN (American Spiropal Church. First Sunday In Lent)
Pulised on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applica St. Paul Church, Panama WALIND, the office Central Ave on. Correspondence on all matters nue set corner of Street Panama of public interest invited am, Holy Communion 10 am, The Litany All copy for publication must be 20 Box 74. Ponama 10 20 in Holy Eucharist sodmor written on one side of paper only, and pm Holy Baptiem CATBA OP SUBSCRIPTION must be accompanied by the name of pm Sunday School One Year 40 s. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publics 30 Evensong sermon Bix Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. Serv. co daily in the Church at 60e.
We do not undertake to return Wednesday 30 pm 250. rejected correspondence. NIGHTENGALE Restor St. Alban s, Paraiso. Tulberly of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS 30 am Holy Communion SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1923 15 Holy Baptism 11 sm Matins and Aldress Sunday 8shool pm 7:30 Evensong and address WELCOME TO THE NAVY. P. NIGA TENGALE Priest in charge La Sabanas Mission p. Curch School 4;15 Ersoyong and address The forerunners of the combined Atlantic andi A, F, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge Pacific Fleets of the United States Navy have arrived in Balboa and some of the officers and men have already obtained liberty parole and have visited the city. Right Holy Baptism St. Peter Church La Boca.
from the Carnival rush and excitement we have gone into Morning prayer and adrese 11 a. the whiz of the fleet which, although not quite bere, bas Sunday School 30 p, commenced to arrive.
Choral Evensong with Sermon 7:30 Last year, after elaborate preparations and anticipa Daily, Morning Prayer, except on tious by everbody in the business world, the announce Saturday, at o clock ment that the fleet would not visit Panamanian waters MULCARE. Ractor reached the Isthmus with much surprise and occasioned Barnabas Church Empire no little amount of excitement. The merchants and others Morning Prayer senoa »ly Com euffered a great economic blow as the arrangements they munion 30 am had made for immediate business became abortive. Sunday School Confirmation Class din For twelve months hope has been throbbing in the Evening Prayer and ad dros p:o pulse of commercial Panama and all have been hoping to MULCARE Priest in sharge recover their losses of last winter. The speculation that Bartholomews Church Lus the fleets would again fail to come this way was rife in Cascadas some quarters a month ago, many asserting that the tangle in the Levant would effect the progca nme of naval Morning Prayer and Addrom Ila manoeuvres in these parts. But while the suggestion that Sunday Schoul Confirmation Clase 30 pm the fleets would not come absorbed many who were mak Evening Prayer and address 3:30 ing extensive outlays in finance, others, with an optimistic JT MULCARE Pries: in charge mind dismissed the idea as an absurdity.
Whether there was any real doubt as to the coming of the fleet or whether the movements of the Lausanne Con Panama San Miguel St ference were eyed with the view of their shaping the building 18 naval programme of the United States, the one thing cer Gospel Sermyne 11, 30 a 7380 tain is that the fleets have commenced to come, so here Sunday School pm E, Bailey Pator they are. We welcome them from both sides of the United States extensive coast line where they serve as the watch Church Of God G St Colon dogs at the gateways of the great American nation.
11. 30 a. 7;30 Gospel Sarmon The fleets do not come bere on a mere winter cruise as Sunday School p is thought by many people who are unfamiliar with the Sis Brewster Pastor Evang.
naval programme of manoeuvres, but are rather here on a New Providence test engagement to place their marine and aerial corps Gospel Sermon 11. 30. 80 against the military units of the Canal Zone, the former Sunday School p. attacking and the latter defending the Pan ma Canal.
Sis Elliot, Pastor.
For several weeks the cavalry detachments bave been Gatun C, sent out into the jungles to entrench themselves at strategic points while the machine gun corps and the Gospel Sermon 30 a. 7, 30 infantry have been stationed at other routes along the Sunday School 3p.
George Griffith canal. The plan is for the naval forces to attack the canal and try to take it. This is an enormous programme and means lots of hard work for both the navy and the Seventh Day Adventist Church army. It means a strenuous time for the army, all along, STREET CALIDÒNIA ROAD, and a busy time for the jack tars on the waters. near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
The most that the business public is concerned about is not the manoeuvres of the sea and land forces but the bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabshore leave of the men wbo will come full of the spending 30 Spanish Clas; 30 pm.
spirit and leave millions of dollars in Panama, in Colon Young People Meeting: 30 and the Canal Zone. This visit is a boon to the Isthmus Vespero.
and it will give a fillip to trade that will awaken and Sunday evening at Reading stimulate industry. It is, or will prove to be, the salva Claw All are weloome both young and tion of the Isthmus from economic demise, giving every old, 30 m, Preaching Service, line of business an opportunity to recuperate from the tremendous blows inflicted by the financial depression of The Salvation Army La Boca the past year.
Sunday 5:30. Prayer meeting Not only the business elements will prosper from the 11 am Songeant Mayor Watley fleets, but private individuals who, doubtless, will find 7:30 Mrs. Ensiga tonduit temporary employment in various concerns will be profitted by the coming of the ships. When they shall have gone, it is expected that the results of the stay will be Christian Mission of Panama seen in the business activities all around.
Panamall MoCollio 7:30 The New Year opened dull, but a bright Easter is Cragwell 7:30 forecasted. The people of Panama bave long been waiting Chorillo 21. C, Motley for an economic sweep and if it comes with the fleets all is La Boca 11 a. Belle 7:30 Taylor well. Business bas been suffering hard and long. The Paraisoll. 7:30 Burke Supt time of cheer is here, and we hope that everybody in the Gatun 11 am 7:30 Neblett business lines will get his share of prosperity from the Colon 11 a d 7;30 Miller fleets, der Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
We welcome the hearts of oak and trust that no unpleasant incident will occur to mar the enjoyment of Baptist Church Meir visit to these shorel, Colou 11 am. Mrs, Thrift The public must remember that the sailor boys are all 7;16 Rov. Thrist spirited youngsters whose buoyant animatiðn is curbed Chorrillo 11 am. Mr. Yearwood p. Suncay School Anniversary while they are scouring the waters. When on land, nat2:16 Mina Barnhouse urally they will give vent to some of this pent up liveliness Coromal Road 11 a, 7;25 Pastor which, often is mistaken for outlaw while it is really Witt harmless sportfulness. The number of men who are com Empire 11 Deacon Er Cummings 15 Deacon Brown ing with the fleets will exceed by thousands, the greatest number that ever came here before, and it is up to the Pablo Nuevo 11 som Doroon Smith Stewart public to aid in making their visit pleasant, cordial and Cativa Supplied beneficial to the country.
New Providence Denon Brown Now Gutun Thursday 30 Pastor Thrift It can be asserted with confidence that the government officials of this republic and the commercial bodies will do everything possible to contribute to the enjoyment of the sailors. At the various points of interest where the Creoline straightens and men will, most likely, congregate ample arrangements will beautifies the hair and probe made for their convenience and comfort.
duces hair on bald heads.
THE KING OF SPORTS SIS that more like it!
fifteen (15)
BETTER cigarettes 10 for the Republic POLO Every cigarette full weight and full size POLO Cigarettes Olend Made by Liggett Myers Tobacco Co. that means quality.


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