
THE WORK LAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUAUY 17, 1923, PAGE FVIE YOUR OLD FAVORITE and STAND BY Dear as STROLLERS Can now be Purchased from all Dealers IN THE REPUBLIC a 10 cts.
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes wo extend a beauty and fordion Barker and the Bundley Senat CANAL ZONE so NOTICE.
Administrator of Estates MERCHANTS Office Plymoth, Musical Entertainment Montserrat, I, Stock up with PIEDoth January, 1928, MONT Cigarettes, Tho Te night.
In the matter of Estate of sallors favorite. Buy them George Skerrett late of Panama deceased now before wo Run out LA BOCA CLUBHOUS. Unrepresented of stock.
Take Natice that you are to British American Tobsecs Co.
Under The Auspices of La come in and prove your debts against the above Estate on or (Panama) Ltd.
Boca Athenaeuni.
before the 28th day of July, 1923 And further take dotice that in Girls Guide OrganTo night the appearance of the default of your so doing, you will Spacious auditorium of Boca be excluded from any benefit ized.
Clubhouse will be as arising from such estate. All possible to that of an opera bouse communications concerning any debts must be sent in to me at when a select musical program On the evening of the 29 will be rendered under the the above office.
ulto. there was o ganized in auspices of the La Boca Athel(Sgd. AGAR Peter Churzh. La Boca, aeum. Much effort have been put Administrator of Estates branch of the Society known forth by the Management so as TU all and singular the Credi as The Girls Guides. large to make this entertainment tors of the above Estates.
number of young ladies, togeth.
thorough snccess, and to this end er with many girls ranging fruwa they have succeeded in getting six to twelve years of age, Wule.
the services of some of our best Jamaica Athletes. present. The oranizar was Mr.
local latents. With exception of ibe presentation of the medals to ma. After explaining the use the winners of the elocutionary (Continued from page 1) of the organization, Mr. We contest held recently at the ClubWe hope that the visitors williams read the rules of fun house, the program will be com spend pleasant and enjoyable by on Society con menting very luke posed of select vocal and in on that on each rule.
strumental numbers.
their only regret on leaving and He then read portions of the Among the vocalists who will which we hope will not make history of the organization, after appear before the footlights are: them sour, will be the defeat which be called upon the Rev.
Messrs Byron Levy, Bayne ad ministered by our local repre Mulcare to say a few words, the famous baritone, Fred Clucis, sentatives of the wheel.
to o the audience, Ins fatherly Trotman, Miss Violet Camp We want all West Indians here the girls, pointing out that the manner Rev, Mulcare addressed bell and Mi49 Olga King. The to feel that they are cur personal Girls Gaides was rua three last named are members on lines guests, and every effort must be of the Musical Art Association similar to put forward to entertain them Baden Powel Boy those on which thg of Panama. MrsKing and Mr.
and make them feel bappy. The carried Scouts was.
Trotman will render duet on.
sports must be made a success Hwas pied from the Comic Opera Julius to see 80 many of despite the very trying time the.
Caesar in Britain (without ac ladies and growing through which we are passing. Youn tions) representing Mons and It will take a big amount to and complimented them bicily girls of the lowa presen Jaswalion. Miss Wilhelmina Alien, Mr. Victor Turpin, Miss finance the visit to a pleasant FOR Leaner Jump and succes, and taking into consid o taking advantage of the opMaster Raveneau will be among the eration the generosity of the portunity to become foundation instrumentalists. Other members appealing for personal or pub that they would be greatly beled Unique Cycle Association, in not members of the Branch aut to not be organized. He assured thin from Primrose Oboral Union, le contributions, the Sirls Friendly Society, Christian can be made satisfactory by from a angles it toes jige iba Endeavor Society and women Society Winding pp he wa bed euch West ladian determining them that they are ex sected to Lite Problem Club Dis support to make the sporto be true guides in their homes, in a briliant achievement.
the community, and to the Gatun.
In doing our part by attending various churches to which they we will be demonstrating our belong, and that any member williogress to encourage inter whose conduct was considerea Death of Lydia Butcher, colonial sports for the future. reproachable, wound b: dismissTo the Jamaica representatiyes led from the Society. Messrs O, Quite gloofir was brought welcome with Baca over High Street on last Thurs for their highest bappiness and Troop of were also day as the report went from pleasure.
present List Friday afternoon house to bouse of the death of Miss Lydia Butcher, daughter 28 Seniors and 21 Juniors wure Among the representatives to duly enrolled, and Mrs. Esith of Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Butcher try conclusion with the Isth Cole was appointed Mistress of Well known residents here. The mian combination, there are deceased was known as Sister ATLANTIC SIDE Davis, Hall, Sangster all whe: the Seviors and Mr. Burke Master of the Juniers, by all her friends and wellmen, Gooden and Betbune, flat wishers, She took sick about men, Davis is called the Hooded ten and sent to Hospital Terror, and Sangster the Aeroplane Sprinter.
where after a short illness was diecharged from that institution The Colon Teachers AssociaIF IT NOT THE BEST and all friends and relatives Labour Shortage at thought she had completely bion will convene its monthly meeting on Saturday 17th Feby, recovered.
STRAIGHT Dairymen League On Thursday last she suc pm in the St. Joseph cumbed to a second at ack. The and friends who are in sympa Grammar School.
DRESSING is the All teachers QUEEN Havana, January 13. labour tuneral took place on Friday and thy with the education of West problem is still the most serious kinky, snarley Sea WAS accompanied by all the one at present and it does not the Indian children are cordially units of the Negro Improvement invited.
seem that it will be easily or Association. CONDENSED EVAPORATED)
smooth. QUEEN We tender our readily solved by the managecondolence to the bereaved ones The rank of the Association ment of some of the estates, pir Use QUEEN HAIR DRESSING and in this bour of their loss and was greatly strengthened at the Is manufactured opening meeting in January ticularly some of those who start sorrow.
Cost only as a large box at kood when Messrs. Thompson and drugstores and by 72, 000 Farsome time after the majority Peters of the Cristoba! Colored of the centrals have begun opeCricket Competition acbool became members, mers ownning rations. In so far as has been re Wholesale Queen Agents ported to date. Central Manati, les Central Avenue. Panama City At that meeting it was suga league about 1, 000 000 one of the largest plants in the 100 Bolivar Street, Colon On Thursday next, Washing gested to start a benefit departton Birthday, the Samaritans ment with the association; This cows which proOrient province has suffered Combination will in a friendly suggestion will be fully discussmost in consequence of the laduce been competition of cricket, cross bats ed at the next meeting Also forced to suspend operations for with the Scottish Mechanics on Mr. Thompson bas promised to the Cornwall ground now known give a Model Lesson to the 5th several days at the factory be Bapt st Church Activities ONLY Sweetened Condensed cause of the lack of cane cutters as the Middlesex. Following grade.
and men for hauling cane. Since Sunday School Anniversity the line up which will reprehent THE These are sufficient induce Central Manati began on Decem service will be held at the Colon Samaritans are:ber the 2nd, it has been neces Church tomorrow, Mrs. Tarift E, Swall. Captain) ments to command all teachers BEST?
Produs AGUST sary for the management to op is to be the special preacber in Jones, Husband Richards, presence. The syllabus has been onlarged Geography with incierate at much less than full ca the morning at 11 am and pastor Worrell, Hall, Mottley, dental History and Scripture Try it and be pacity of the plant.
Efforts are Thrift will preach at 15. At Sanders, Brett. Roberts, added, copy can be had by Dow being made by the officials m there will be a program J. Williamsland Holder. Game convinced of this company to have several of songs, and recitations to be will start at 12 msbarp, and applying to the Secretary, Mrs. McPherson.
bundred the West Indian la given by the Sunday School there will be a flag which will be Agentes: FIDANQUE BROS. SON3 bourers imported to its fields to scholars.
an unknown lady the holsted by an relieve the situation as far as many rooters around this town, On Sunday, to morrow, the Wedding Bells ISAAC BRANDON BRO3 possible. On other estates also Corozal Road Church will bold are all invited to witness the the labour shortagels vexa its Installation service struggle between these two clubs I, L, TOLEDANO, Colon as after the game a grand time quiet little wedding took tlous problem, and some plants immediately before the night of the place at the Wesleyan Church, will take place at oue will be delayed in beginning op preaching service. Pastor Will Saturday evening, the erations this campaign on ac will conduct the installation Mechanic members Residence. Colon, 10th inst, the contracting parcount of this shortage of labour. ceremony.
ties being Mr. Allen of Trottman, Mrs. Charles Mr. Baptismal Sacrament later despatch states the On Monday at 30 pm at the Increased Prices In Com Jamaica, and Miss Hellena Con and Mrs. Charles Mr. and following:Chorrillo Church the Girls missary nell of Port Limon.
Mrs. All Miss Simons, Miss The bride was given in mar Hyatt, Master Simons, P, On Sunday evening last, little reference to the serious labour consist of songs, recitations and Havaas, January 20. With Fidelity Club will give its first missionary program. This will in this town which is now com. Miso Hyatt acted as brldo F. Sisnett, Peat, and Arst born of Mr. and Mrs. being made along various lines The Commissary Department rage by Mr. Pedianettrabite Hunter, Tidas, Minard Miss Isoline Felicia Noville the shortage problem, efforts are a missionary address.
pleted by the carpenters who Nash Hubert Noville was taken to to relieve this shortage by the Baptismal service will be worked like whirlwind for only After the ceremony, the happy St. Paul Church and introduc imp of the ants held on Sunday coming, the 25th three weeks will be known as couple journeyed to 3rd and ed into the Christian Brother. from various sources. During at 30 at the Chorrillo Church one of the best and most Cash Street, where many aphood, The baptismal ceremony the earlier part of the week, when Pastor Witt expect to up to date colored division propriate speeches were made.
was performed by the Rev. proposition wass made by the baptise a number of candidatos.
NOTICE the Isthmus but which there Alter refreshments, Nightengale and the sponsors Chamber of Commerce by Capt. Miss Barnhouse will take the is one thing wbich confront the music, and dancing brought this were Mr. Jordan, Mre, Guglielmo of the Cardi service to morrow Light many customers and patronir merry party to a close in the Elouise Wade and Mrs, Gladys mari, who ers, and that is the rise in wee hours of the morning.
represents the Chorrillo.
Hogan, After the ceremony, National Society of Navigation of Correspondents are requested quite an enloyable time was Genoa, Italy, for the importation prices of Among the many guests present were: to send in their contributions spent at Mr. Noville home of Italian labourers to Cuba for Creoline stratghtens and If you like beautiful hair use Mrs. Brown, Mrs: not later than Thursday evenings when a great number of friends the purpose of working in the beautifies the hair and proAlleyne Mrs. Bates, Mrs. to ensure publication.
were entertained.
Creoline hair producer.
Cuban cane fields, The presi ducas hair on bald heads.
Continued on Page 8)
issie: days previous to be rodeath Monthly Meeting Your Money Back KINKYAIR WILL GET new discovery that Creamy Milk QUEEN feeds the hair roots, helping it to grow long and removes and keeps a clean healthy.
have long wayy. Beautiful hair BREWER HESS: se. to 150. STORES DAIRY MEN DARYMEN SLAG IVOLI from inspected herd CO OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION GENEL OFFICES. UTICA, NY, USA DARYMEN ING on at many articles


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