
33 PAGE SIX ర ర avowed closely.
TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores Colon FEBRUARY 22 25 solini covered This move Great Britain Sees Mischievous American Writers.
Under the above caption the Jawnice Times of th: com men editorially thu wish Officials Belleve Ruhr Sei indication of resistance. Great ARE THE BEST MADE referends to the agitati bang zure Has Done France No Britain professes to have learned well the lesson of Ireland, and formed in the Uaited States for Good: Dangers Multiplied believes that the Allies likewise the acquisition of the West should bave profited by the postThen why be satisfied Indian coloni io set lament of the Allied war debt to the REFUSE TO INTERVENE. war disasters in Russia and with less than the best United States Asia Minor and in the most Tao extrp reads thus recent events at Memet, where a Italian Ambassador Sees No supposedly unarmed population There seems to be one in di. thing to Encourage The overthrew a foreign administravidals in the Uaited States who Idea of Mediation. tion which was considered opArtel desire that their eyun.
try shold acquire the 1tih BUY PAIR LABOURS ATTITUDE, The position of the British Colonies in the Caribbarn, and Government bas been most the freques with which this Rhineland London cible despatch dificult since the surgeon his of late benad.
vaneed ugests the pre ene of dated Jury 20 states that occupation begun The policy of an insidious and at last postia.
the tru days military occupation dissociation bas been followed However, there has they dangerouz popeva da ia of the Ruhr for the A series Wa do not know who purpose of forcing Germany to been great care on thpart of the advocate of the chyge are py long delayed reparations official circles to empbasize the finds Europe dangerously near Nothing has been said or done hope of maintaining the entente.
or jt what body of American a social, economic and industrial optsion is represented by the articles recently published in the abyss, over the edge in London embarrass the of which Farce and Belgium, with their French Chicago Ttbane. Taeiraru Belgian occupying guments, however, are cartsinly Furden et ve trupin fores; ni thesuhtest intima peculiarly un American and unteady sve disappeared, accord thon or syempatay for Germany de nocratie, Tony plead much in to the view held in British whose Refusal to comply with official circles.
the French demands has been the samsort otin litary na termed fool bardy, and only sity as moved Germany to in.
Stolid John Bull sits far to likely to end in further vade Belgian in 1914; Aneries one side, immovable and almost penalties.
must! have there unapproachable by the fourth Cabines ta ordur member of the disrupted allied ties and seizures on the part of Nevertheless increasing penat to safeguard hersele against ag.
Panama gression by Great Britaid, thay family, Italy, whose nervous France and Belgium and the belog of no 184 to the latter efforts to bring about Franco admonitions from British oficiai except from a purely military Grman mediation were a feapoint of view. The reasoning ture of today developments in circles have seemed ineffective, may ba faultless, but as the the European situatiou as viewed and each day there is further London evidence of German opposition.
premises are bopelessly and Bonar Law Uuhampered.
wickedly wrong; the conclusion is The Italian Ambassador, who false. We seem ta rennbar has just returned from Rome, Fortunately for the peace of hearing that Anerica praca!
has approached official circles mind of Bonar Law Govern aian in the lata war was to make here and broached the question ment, the Parliamentary vaca.
the world safe for democracy, of med ation, which, it the tion enables the Ministers to to uphold the principle of seltBritish initiated it might ter. view the progress of the occu determination; and that sha miuate the virtual state of war pation without being subjected to entered the struggle with the in the Rhineland, but the mus: criticism and questioning from most disinterested of motives; emissary bas received no the floor of the House of Combut President Wilson is now dis.
encouragement mons.
to have been grievously the latest evidence Political quarters believe that mistaken. The United Suatus that the British Goveraiaent is should the House of Commons ought to have got a price upu convinced of the wisdom of the be called upon to day to vote on her participation; and her pris course it has taken in refusing to the large question of British should have been some of Bri be associated in any way with policy there would be fewer than tain oldest possessions, As to the French determination to en the Lab ur would demand even a dozen votes in opposition, but to their iababitants, these bavo force the terms of the Versailies further dissociation and the im no say la tha matter; ia tho)
Treaty at th a point of the bayonet arbeta wiludrawal of the Brit of milit:ry necesity, they simply without giving the Germans dont count Shades of Abrahan another Cance to pay after ish troops from Cologne.
financial reforms had been in With no opportunity of broach stitused by Germany.
Parbaps this impadent agitaing the question in Parliam int, tation is due to a desire to No Resuits From Seizure Labour is turning is etorts inpose probibition in th 999 British oficials, assert that the only other source of bope, British Colonies; wa do not every card the Franco Belgians the League of Nation, and a know for certain what is tha have played in the Rahr has been national campaign, wbich starts compelling motive. But we kao a losing uge, pointing out that to morrow with a thousand that articles of the kind, besid the resuits thus far have been merings throughout the county being in exscrabla tasta, are ill entirel, negative, the only benefit will concentrate lis effort to calclated to promta the c! u 39 being to Great Britain in increas. get the question before the of laternational peaca, and we ed con orders from Germany meeting o the Council of the believe that for this reason thy At the same time it is admitted League, tentative y tixed for will be condemned by th3 that there is still a very remote Janaary 31, at Genzva.
majority of intelligat and rai.
possiblity that the French may joint ineeting of the General ponsible Anerican citizens.
be right, for it is remembered Trades Union Congress and the This, however, does not man that emier Poincare predic el Labour party Ex cutive will be that they ar: not dan irons, that it possibly would be weeks held on January 24, and efforts for even numerically in igibefore profitable results of the are being made to get them to cant minorities, in a republic occupation policy vere evident. join in the cimpaign of the Indelika the United States, can, and Το British chservers the prob pendent Labour Part to have on ocoasion do, waild very great lem of the Rhin land, shorn of the ague considered the whole power, it is a pity that the idea defnuits anctions and treaty subject pat forward by sir Pailip Gbbs.
techn ca lities, tinally resol es In the opinio 1o the Goverr.
the well knowa and war itself into one of foreign domtaa ment offorts by the League correspondent, of an agreement tion of people who give every would be futile.
among newspaper writers to GENTS refrain from making appeals to the passions of the multitudo Marcus Garvey Up to embarass me. There is no which would endanger the cause more loyal American organizzof world peace, has failed to holds His Or tion than the Universal Negro take root ia tha Vaited States.
Improvement Association.
and that song of that country ganization. On behalf of 2, 500, 000 loyal CHILDREN. 50 newspapers are so ready to abuse their influence and powcitizens, members of the Univerer. It seems to us that such sal Improvement Associstion, PROTESTS CHARGES MADE BY who have at all times proved orgars are sadly unmindtal of their great responsibilities, pare NEW ORLEANS POLIGE THAT their loyalty to the Government ticularly at this time, when pesca IT 15 SERIOUS.
of the United States and on be.
and coacord are so much neaded hall of 400. 000, 000 negroes throughout the world who look amag nations.
New York, January 21. Mar to the United States for justice, cus Garvey, President General we protest against the scandal Negro sisseass Seoses DO YOU NEED ment Association, Issued the toward the Universal Negro Inn following statement yesterday provement Association, a legal THIMBLE?
In denial of the charge made organization in the United United States of America in our BOOST Evening School against his organization by the States of America. in the raiding communications.
New Orleans Police, that it was of the meeting place and the We believe it unfair that a anarchistic and contemplated an arrest of the otiicers of the New department of the Government overthrow of the Gayernment, Orleans Division No. 149, by should be used by rival orgaCHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL There is absolutely no truth oficers of your department, who nizations for the purpose of CIGARETTES in the statement of the New are being instigated to act injuring those wbom they de the Universal Negro sire to embarras.
CALIDONIA 0:1 ans police that they have against seized anarchistic literature at. Improvoment Association by Good Sewing can hardly be meeting o! the Universal Negro Ty the National Association for rival negro organizations. DameBest on the Market Improvement Association. The English, French, Spanish, done without goud Tnimbles, association has no auch liters the Advancement of coloured LEBLANC tare, neither does it preach Friends of Negro Freedom, a Socialistic ASK FOR THEM Latin, Geometry, Algebra. store you ll find a nice assorte Among other things at our hatred for any one Socialist organization, and the UNDERTAKER ment of Thimbles in Sterling We have absolutely no con. African Blood Brotherhood, ELIAS PRETO. Agent TERMS MODERATE and 14k. Solid Gold.
Silver, Sterling with Gold Band nection with the murder of representatives of the Bolshe CORNER AND 16th STREET Eason, and the state viki of Russia.
Apply to Member of the ment that Eason was a star British Consulate Notice They are Heavy Weight and witness against me is without Teacher at School, Monday, correctly designed. The Universal Negro Imfoundation, for there was provement Association is neither Universal Negro Improvement nothing the man could have said Sociali:t Bolshevist, nor anarThe Acting British Consul at Wednesday and Friday We also have Thimbles for Association African Comthat would injure me. have chist, as your representatives Colon would be gled of informaTailors in Sterling Silver. Sea prid but little attention to tholare tha at trying to make out. We tion as to the present wheremunities League no connection charge of using the mails to bave absolutely abouts of one Alexander Falix a disloyal movement, defraud, in that koow the with any native of St. Lucia, who was last Craoline FULLER straightens and whole affair to be a trame up and in our recard in five years Vuivarsal African Black Cross Nurses heard of in January last vear, bautilles the hit and pro FINE YATOR WORK EISEAVIKS AND REPAIRIN wberr bis address was said to be among the jealoos negroes who there can be found ansolutely trace of disloyalty to he Special Rate for Members Gatun duces hair on bald heads, have been trying for some time no 122 Central Athletic and Cycle Meet JAMAICA vs. PANAMA AT ISTHMIAN PARK antho. 00 Stand LADIES. 75 Track Enclosure. 750.
Grounds. 50 EMU Avo


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