
THE SA TIDAY TOBRUARY 17 1923 PAGE SIDEN billion billion Chesterfields were smoked last yearnearly 23 million every day CIGARETTES Cigarette value that you really Chesterfield Intresting West lidian Nors The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 5)
cent of toe net profits of enc VIGOR TONIC transacca sball be set aside for the use of the Association and This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend the balancy divided pro rata ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, amocgit the menbers coatributing prodace. Menbers of the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up Association must not ship their a run down constitution.
own produce or sell it for exIt promotes digestion, improves the appepont except after baving first offered it to the Association.
tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
Interest to members and barebolders on their capital DOS: One sımall Wine glass before each meal or times a day.
invested. is limited to five per cent for the first two years.
JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy, ST. KITTS Tercentenary Cf ment was made there until Ho Ro Co Products Warner same.
St. Kitts. parly of Frenchmen, under Contest.
Sieur Esnambuc. arrived shortly after Warner. and were TO BE CELEBRATED ON allowed to land and take posses. 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN ANAY 28TH INSTANT. sion of a part of the island This partition resulted in a century IN PRIZES.
The Tercentenary of St. Kitts for possession of St. Kits. Io strife between the two nations I be celebrated in that island the year 1668 the French gained January March 1923 Conon the 28th instant and the issue the victory, and until the peace test Ends March 31st, 1923.
eta sta np. of very beautiful of Breda in 1658, when the design, for the year 1923 will English portion was restored, st a propriately mark the event. Kists remained in their posses Rules Governlag Contes. January 23th will be tbe 300. hion.
Dalversary of a historical event la 1689 the French once more of importance not only to St. xrested the whole island from Ho O Products will given Eich purchaser of in Kitts but to the whole British the Eaglish. but only for a year, Culori. Empire.
when the English were re intore coupou.
On that day in 1923, the first ed from Barbados and teok it. All coupons must be placed Englishman, under Thomas from the French. The Treaty of in sealed envel pea seat Warner, Captain the King Ryswiek in 1698 restored to each Alexander Sanchez, Ganeral Body Guard (afterwards Sir their original possessions, tailer HOR CO Products, Warner) arrived to In 1702 the English once more 0, Box 879, Ancon, CZ, dot colon z: the island. The design took the French quarters and ater thaa Marc 31st, 1923.
of the stainp shows the Bay, the Treaty of Utrecht, in 1718. Tha competitors of the where Warner landed, with a confirmed the absolute cession largast number ote upo vi 17th century ship in the fore by the French of the wb :le 02 awarded the iz is as 1DW: uued.
sand, This arrangement lasted 1st Prize 20 00 St. Kit was the first of the unul 1782. It was in 1782 het 2d 17. 50 islands to be colonized, and for the last time a chauge ul 3rd 1500 therefore, claims the title of sovereignty in the cebequered 4th 12. 50 Mother of the Antilles. From bistory of St. Kitts took place.
5th aer directly or indirectly, nestly The French gained entire posses.
6th year, after the all the other West Indian Islandssion for 7th 00 with the exception of Trinidad memorable stege of Brimstone 8: 00 and Barbados were colonized. Hill, details of this siege and 9th 50 St Kitts was discovered by the aspect of the war with France and this consequent bearing on 10th 2, 50 Columbus in 1493, but no settle and Great Britain are worthy of Three competent judges will more than were mentioned.
ba appointed to check the coupons on April 5th, and award St. Kitts was restored to the prizes to the successful Great Britain by the Treaty of owners. The names of the wigVersailles in 1783, and has re. Ders will be publish:d in is mained a British possession ever paper.
Opens This Way KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE VINCH ON TO from CAPTIVE CAP that KOV DF TAVE dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled away in the sleeping car or hid under the washstand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held captive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream froin the tube.
We now furnish you with a par:kage of the same high standard as its contents.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
Installation of Officers for TRINIDAD The Present Term Tennis Team For At the ordinary meeting of the Rise of the Isthmus Lodge No. 10. of Trinidad and of held at their Lodgeroom 21 Street Guachupali oa Monday evening Jan. 22nd 1923, The iastillsOUR REPRESENTATIVES tion of officers took place, the ceremony was performed by Bro, T, Wilson Senior, Past Suprem Councillor and Relative to our announcement Sister Rebecca Cogle, K assisted by some issues ago, that a tenuis Bro, C, H, Gallimore, of the order team would be going to Trinidad need Grand Conduo or sud and to play in a series of matches, Conductrica, we are now in position to give! The flowing for the Alpinista the names of the local players tion: selected to undertake the trip. Sisters: Am lis Tucken. PD; EHS The team is not by any means Richards, of Fja; Adriaau Arcurato ube strongest could be got ing LKD of R; Rab: Walima, together in this culoay, but KD of F: Aaa Dirio; LKDP; it should nevertaeless give Eet Gray me, KDOL; Mary na good account of itself. The per Lud ay, KD C; wel: waalden sonnel and the manner in which Dept. C: Aic tine, DK; AJ.
the players will be pazed as bertba Taot 18. LKD of P; Abis follows: Arta strong. LKR PDGracy MEN DOUBLES Mirgan, LKL to PD; Albeha Mason Dowo. LKRS to at Bon; Liisa Grant Thomas Davis, 8 of Fuar: Irena Burak Walter Boyce ley, LKPPD Sanderson ter the Corem by the Sisters sod Abrams others sed visiting sistera so bothers Tim Bosco repaired to the bsaging a wara MIXED DOUBLES ample justics was done to the good Mason Laings provided, Miss Koaggs JNE. Saudersoa invitation of the Superlucendaat Miss Haynes of the Prizua there were number of society poole in atMEN SINGLES tendance. Stokes LADIES SINGLES In Trinidad thera is now a Pig Miss Haybes.
Breeders Association of whica Trinidad interest will be Capt. Cipriani is one of the defended by Dr. Allport, Messrs leading Epirns. The Associat. ca George de Nobrige, Littlepage purchases pigs from approved Anderson, Spercer Kirton, breeders, guarantee the quality Crawford, Alkman, and pork, and sees that the porkers Blair of Port of Spain, and are slaughtered under proper Mr, Parker and Miss Dolly conditions.
Sanderson of San Fernando.
The team will sail from here on OF COURSE January 26tb, returning on the 7th February Your have one Cigarette Prisoners Entertained.
you prefer above others.
That is the ene we want 300 prisoners at the Royal Jail Trinidad, were entertained on the you to compare with 27th Decembert within the pri LUCKY STRIKE.
son, lo a fine sek ction of films.
The electric installation was It will interest and surprovided by the. Trinidad Elec prise you.
Eric Company and the cinema apparatus, film and operators by You will find it delight ube Empire Theatre. At the fully different.


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