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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 1923 Consider HOW LONG 16 of them LAST THEN BUY How Much You get for your money A CIGARETTE blended to suit the most exacting taste BUY VICTOR NOW 10c. in the REPUBLIC VICTOR CIGARETTE The SMOKERS NEW STAR The Cigarette Without a Fault APPEARANCES Catarih Victims everything else: catarrh can be cured and we gladly guarantee that Nostroline will do it in your case for failures are extremely rare, All chemists 3 or by post 15 3, from Matthews Labs, Ltd. Culton, Bristol. at ST. PETER CHURCH GIRLS (Athletic Sports Will Be JUAN FRANCO FRIENDLY SOCIETY.
Grand Event Mrs. Estelle Royce visited St.
Was the Scene of Dazzling persuaded Peter Giris Friendly.
The grand Athletic Sports in to try which the Jamaica representa Splendour. Nostroline tives will DV meet the IsthNasal Specific.
Thousands have used it with Latt Thursday afternoon Mrs. Imians defenders will take place Dazzling with You put on your best suit when you went after complete supress. Never mind if you have tried Estelle Royce, the Mother of the on Thursday 22 ad inst, Washing.
splendour, Children Home at Bella Vista, ton birthday; and the second marriment and pleasure, was the your first position. You wore your most becoming scene paid a visit to the St. Peter meet will come off on Sunday spectacular Juan tie the night you proposed Branch of the Girls Friendly So The Unique Cycle Asso Franco race track on Sunday ciety for the first time. At ciation is makicg all prepara last. The elite and middle class APPEARANCES oclock, sharp, the Chaplain, the tions to handle the big crowd citizens of Panama and the Canal Nasal Speciflo Rev. Mulcare. opened the anticipated. The prices have Zone, the foreign residents, all devotional part of the meeting, been increased above previous turn out to enjoy one of the do count, and you cannot afford to risk giving a bad Sold by all Drug Stores Devotinns over, Mrs. Royce was meetings, but this is due to the most sensational race meeting impression through not having gas in your kitchen, warmly welcomed by the Chap very heavy expenses in connec since the opening of the big lain and introduced to the mem tion with the preparation of the hippodrome, bers. He dwelt on the good work track, the purchasing of priz98, The señoras and damas in Labour Shortage.
Mrs, Royce had done, especially the entertainment of the athletes their polleras, their lily white WE SELL GAS STOVES ON EASY TIME PAYMENTS at the Home at Bella Vista, since and other incidental expenses feet were indeed a true cinderella she came to the Isthmus. It was attached to the spore. The story of fairies, The eyes of the (Continued from page 5)
a splendid investment the Church support of all West Indians are artist, the sculptor and the poet in the United States has made in hereby solicited. Johnson an found sufficient to engage the PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY dent of the chamber, Sr. Cataya sendig so able and unselfish and other wheelman Is expected to musings of his soul, and it is was very much interested in the no Indefatigable worker as Mre, arrive to day, wonder at times that men are AT YOUR SERVICE proposition and advised Capt.
Royce to the Church in the Ca.
lost in admiration of the beauty Guglielmo of his intention to nal Zone.
take the question up with Rent Receipt Books in Span placed here and in other parts The Chaplain then called upon General Betancourt. the secreto beautify the world. Talk about the visitor to address the audi Ish and English for sale at the mermaid, those who attended tary of agriculture, commerce the race meeting were certainly Morrow Race Meet. ence. In a real motherly wart The Workman Pri ntry.
The Royal Betrothal and labour, The Navigation looking creatures, Mre. Boyce responded. She company would transport the into lato the eyes of such (By our Landen Correspondent) Italians bere, and return them to stressed the point that it was a Creoline Hair Producer is the (Con inued from page 1)
to to look into their native land at The day was made much more thel happy raceable the many world best hair tonic and will sensational, because three of the but it our advice to our home to whom the Duke of York, the As is well known in Louisiana, the exBowes Lyon.
bright looinggirls, she had not soil or stain clothes.
newly arrived thoroughbreds thing; just go straight to the heard and read quite a deal of were on the card for the day. In Pari. Mutuel and buy on the horse King second soo, is betrothed the Italian is a very excellent the fine work they had done, and behalf of des titute childi en in that particular event the public you think will win, is the dsughter of the Earl of class of labourer in the hoped they would strive to acThere will be six events on Strathmore, head of one of the fields, and in many cases in the complish more good for them the Santo Thoms Hospital in was very much disappointed as could be seen that Crusader the card and each one will be of oldest Scottish families. She is sugar factories. Especially is this selves, and for others. She had Panama City, with She had brought her and Ruby Queen were only much pleasure and interest to a typically British girl in her true when the Italian brings his one or two things to say to them with entered to make the race pos. the turfites.
from the two Great Command: material with which she wanted sible, but that the real contest a grand day at Juan Franco, 1y and can play an excellent game bome, It is such class To morrow will be love of sports and fresh air and entire family she follows the bounds fearless makes Louisiana his permanent of ments of Christ. The visitor then each one present to make at spoke of love to God and love to length two dresses before Easter between the Espinosa and watch for the results.
of golf, In these pastimes she labourers that Cuba needs most, our neighbour. She enumerated for the children just spoken of, Delvalle stables were the two shares the taste of ber financee for not only does the fact that several things which the girls and sbe was sure that, with the borses, Dad and Tigre, Chagres JUAN ILLUECA whoroughly sound game of tennis, Bim more eficient aucun labourer.
their president was uofortunately matched up who, in addition, plays an immigrant expects to remain should do for others during the assistance of permanently country make present season of Lent.
United States fleet would seem done. Winding up Mrs Royce ridden, and left the starting Attorney at. Law with his left hand Incidentally. but be also spends the money be The Mrs. Mulcare, the work would be against fearful odds, was badly to be in Canal Zone waters, and declar it was to her real post last: due very much to the fault No. 44 Central Avenue: The Duke was on Jellico battle makes in the country where he the sailors would be in La Boca pleaspre to have ir visitedent. Ace of Trumps, the native pro TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 19 ship at the Battle of Jutland and made itt a Moreover, in the case horrillo und Parama daily, and Peters and the girls Friendly, is now in the flying corpe. He of the Italians, the entire familie Practices in all Courts of come to she that ked the Charlain and dig with 139 lbs up, demonopportunities would has always shown a particular Grants by the Cuban Govern men, women, children, work.
them time and again to help members for the courtesy extend strated his superiority, over the other contestants coming home Panama.
interest in industrial problems ment are still being given to those men to keep out of trouble, ed to her and promised to pay an easy winner with May Be for English Spoken Fluently out of temptations; and because another visit at her earliest con second place, and as well as being an en several sugar companies to import West Indian they were members of the Girls venience.
thusiastic Sportsman takes Sunday labourera; racing Friendly Society, they would thanked the visitor for her inspir such as Haitians and Jamaicans; and those who enjsyed) In the big race of the really keen interest in serious the Pama Alekra Sugar Company not let these opportunities pass ing address assuring her that she satisfactory International expecting to bring into the island unrecognized. Another kind of would always be warmly wel attended were ample rewarded imported horses, the time over national problems.
work she spoke of was work on comed by himself and the girls, with the fun and pleasure they furlongs was 31 and 5, about 6, 000 for its field work, him and very


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