
13 PANAMA JOCKEY CLUB What it is. What it Doing 800 3p.
THE KING OF SPORTS NOTICE soos THE WORKMAN MERCHANTS OOT Stock up with PIEDablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies GROND, at the ofice Central Ave tlon. Correspondence on all matters MONT Cigarettes. The Due ad corner of Street, Pansms, of publie interest invited. de sallors favorite. Buy them All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and now before we Run out RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIO must be accompanied by the name ot of stock.
One Year 40 U8. Cy the writer, not necessarily for publica British American Tobacco Co.
Bix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith. Panama) Ltd.
Three We do not undertake to return Announcement Extraordinary ODO 25c. rejected correspondence.
CHURCH SERVICES The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS (American Episcopal Church)
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1923. Second Sunday In Lent. St. Paul Church, Panama THE IMMORTAL GORGAS, aun, Holy Communion 10 am, The Litany 10 20 Am Holy Eucbarist and sermon Last Sunday, when the College of Surgeons honoured pm Holy Baptism the ceremony of the corner stone laying of the new Santo p. Sunday School To The People Of Panama:Tomás Hospital with their presence, they, along with a Holy Bup ism We want you to know that:great concourse of citizens and prominent foreigners, paid 30 Evensong sermon.
unstinted homage to the memory of the late General W, Wedavadav 30 serv co daily in the Church at am The Panama Jockey Club is composed of a rumber of leading PanaC. Gorgas, whose fame as the greatest sanitary expert of manian, American and British business men NIGHTENGALE Rsotor the age is perpetuated by the erection of that institution. The horses include American, Jamaican, Peruvian and Chilean General Gorgas name, as the saviour of the Isthmus St. Alban s, Paraiso.
thoroughbreds, also Native ponies.
from the ravages of disease and carnage has spread all 11 Matins and Address over the civilized world and even school children are Sanday Subool pm The Judges an: Stewards have no fina scial interest in the Jockey familiar with the part played by the grand old man in 7:30 Eveusong and address Club making the construction of the canal a possibility. While NIGH TENGALE Priest in charge The Pari Mutual betting system is used. Under this system all the General was an American by birth, as a genius in the Matthias Mission Las medical world, the found a place in the heart of every other Sabanas moneys bet on a race are added together, the Jockey Club percentage is deducted, and the balance is equally divided amɔngst those holding tickets on nation; and he always thought of himself as a benefactor Matins and Address 11 am the winning horse. There is also a place pool, of the hungan race rather than a citizen of the United p. Caurch School States.
4;15 Evansong and address OUR PROGRAMME FOR ELEVEN (11) MEETS Among the great men of the modern times General A, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge between February 11th and April 22nd includes: Gorgas stands out as the most prominent, he having un20 Class Races consciously, but deeply, carved for himself an imperishable St. Peter Church La Boca.
Value of Purses. 14, 000, 00 niche in the temple of fame. Heroes of the battle field, Morning Prayer srma Holy Com explorers of the Circles, inventors and discoverers of munion 11. 17 Class Races force and science; statesmen and politicians of renown, Children Service 30 m.
Holy Baptism p. Value of Purses 4, 300. 00 rulers with gilded courts and flashing sceptres, possess Choral Evensong with Saemon 7:30 nothing of greatness or merit that is beyond that 11 Class Races which can be ascribed to the man who swept disease from will be servies at o clock every mroexcept on Saturday, morning, there Value of Purses 1, 335. 00 the earth and mad: lands habitable and fit for the human ing this week 23 Native Racesrace. If they have subdued nations or given to them dis MULCARE. Roctor coveries and governments that have ensured their pros st. Barnabas Church Empire Value of Purses.
2, 865, 00 perity and progress, he has given that which ensures the 71 Races Value of Purses 22, 500. 00 foundation and secures the superstructure of every gov. Morning prayer and adcrown 11 ernment and people Sanitation.
Sunday Class There is no other sport that gives you the same thrill that the cry Men of such ability, integrity and practical merit are Evening Prayer and address pm always great assets in the world, and when they walk off THEY RE OFF gives you, for horse racing is T MULCARE Priest in charge the stage of life those who survive always mourn their Bartholomews Church Las loss. General Gorgas death was a great loss to humanity, Cascadas for it is unknown what other triumphs in medical skill lay in the paths of his exhaustive researches and discoveries. Morning Prayer and Address 11.
Here, on the Isthmus, he saw on bis arrival that Sunday School Confirmation Class 2, 30 there could be no canal under the sanitary conditions that Evening Prayer and Address 3, 30 existed all around. He met a formidable aaray of ano T, MULCARE Priest in charge pheles and other infectuous pests. He knew that the Pueblo Nuevo 11 am Pastor Witt Musical fight against there was bard and difficult. He organised his EntertainPanama San Miguel St 7, 15 Deacon Blackburn sanitary for es, and ere he died looking back upon the Cativa Supplied bui ding 18 ment past from the vantage of the present he could truly bave Gospel Sermons 11, 30 a. 7:30 New Providence Pastor Thrift at 11 a. 7:15 Supplied said, Veni, vidi, vici.
Sunday School pm New Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor Thrift AT LA BOCA CLUBHOUSE The new Santo Tomás Hospital is a national monu E, Bailey Pastor ment with a universal significance to the memory of the great medical Scientist who rid the Isthmus of yellow church Of God G St Colon Under Auspices of La Boca USE QUEEN Ebenezer Church Building No.
HAIR fever, black water fever and malaria. It is a grand, im85, Calidonia Road, Panama Athanaeum. Brilliant Success DRESSING posing and appropriate tribute worthy of the man to 11. 30 7:30 Gospel Sermon Sunday. Il am Morning Forship whose memory its fabric is dedicated. But, in a sense, Sunday School p Quite a representative gather there stands among us and staring us in the face greater Sis Brewstor Pastor Evang. pm Sunday School enter pm Evangelistic, tervloe ing enjoyed the musical monuments than this.
New Providence Monday 30 Believers meeting tainment held at La Boca Club.
The new hospital is not the only token of public Gospel Sermon 11. 30 a. 7. 30 Tuesday 30 Cbristain Endeavour, the auspices of the LA house last Saturday night uuder Boa gratitude to the memory of the late General. The new Sunday School pm Wedneday 30 pm Bible reading Anthenaeum. The entertainment Cathedral of St. Luke s, Ancon, is another tribute by Sis Elliot, Pastor, Thursday 30 pm Choir practice on the whole was brilliant Friday p. Junior Christain Endeavour success. The chair was occupled which the medical genius is perpetuated in memory. This Gatun C, 7, 30 beautiful and commodious edifice stands 30 Prayer meeting in the day school is also conducted in the and beside bim on the platfoom by Attorney S, Carrington, Canal Zone among Americans for indentically that which Gospel Sermon 11, 30 7, 30 Church, by Mrs. Stanley, who is also were Reverend John Mulcare Sunday School pm the monumental and artistic structures of the new hosthe president of the Christain Endeavour of St. Peter La Boca and Mr.
George Griffith On Thursday evening from to pm pital represent in Panama. the sincere appreciation of a grateful public for the noble service rendered by a brilliant fancy work class is beld for the young Ath. President of the 165 Central Avenue, Panama Chy, 100 Bolivar Street, Colon people of the eburen conducted by Mirs.
character Seventh Day Adventist Church Ivy Welch, young lady of excellent After the opening remarks by The canal whose construction, but for the lamented STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, talent and abitity. Red Tank. Suu the Chairman prayers were ofGeneral, would have been an absolute impossibility attor day School is also conducted there in fered by Rev. Mulcare (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
and the reclaimed marshes upon whose sanitated areas connection with the Church Me Rocco bricha Misa Yecled Campell ron: Anglicans Drop Hell. dered vocal solo Sabbath (Saturday) 45 Am. Sab Supt.
superb buildings now stand are monuments which bath School 11. 15 am General Worship Rev, Odle, Pastor in charge entitled In the Calmness of a Substitute Grave in vision which was received with speak louder than any other of the great gift to 30 Spanish Class; 30 pm.
prolonged applause. The vocal Psalm science and the happiness of mankind proffered in his life Young People Meeting; 30 o.
renditions were all of high and bequeathed in his death.
Nazarene Christian Church. standard, belng rendered by! London, Fabruary No artful creation from wood, marble or brass, no Claw. All are welcome both young and Sunday evening at Reading Guachap I, Panama some of our best local artists House of Bishops of the Anglican The towering wall and gilded dome, or building of massive old. 30 ro, Preaching Service.
among whom were Mesdames Church to day decided to eliminmasonry, no voluminous record written in ponderous 11:30 am ring worsbip Adela walker, Violet Campbell ate the word hell from and p. Sunday School Armstrong, Messrs forty seventh psalm of the psalthe tomes could do justice to the name of the man whose re The Salvation Army La Boca 7:30 p, Evaaglietie Service Wm. Carr and Olga King and Mrter and to subside therefor the sourceful mind and indomitable character made him one Sunday 5:30. Prayer meeting Monday 30 Believers meeting Trotman word grave.
of the greatest men of the age.
Tuesday 5;30 Junior Christian Endeavour 11 am Sergeant Major Watley Special mention is made of Ali honour and gratitude to the late WILLIAM 7:30 Mrs. Easign benneit The present version reads: 7, 30 Senior Christian Eodesyour the skill exercised by Miss Leanor CRAWFORD GORGAS and Requiescat in pace.
Wednesday Prayer meeting Jump and Master Raveneau in What man is he that liveth Christian Mission Of Panama Thursday 7:30 Choir practice the performance of their piano that shall not see death, and shall Jealousy the Cause of duet Westward Ho Miss Jump be deliver his soul from the hand cartridge. He pointed it at Pansmell a MoCollio 7;30 Friday 7, 30 Opeu air meeting On Thursday Inst, the young people also played the piano accompani of hell?
Shooting, Coote and pulled the trigger Chorillo 11. Am C, Motley 7:30 e. of the Church were treated to an outing ment for several of the vocalists, The revised version isfour times until the hammer in the Sabanas district, and a most and for Mr. OL Harry in his struck the bullet and off it went. La Boon 11. Belle 7:30 Taylor delightful time was enjoyed by all violin solo The Angels Sere and shall not see death, and shall Tileon What man is he that liveth From Central American Express Coote was shot through the side Paraisoll 7:30 Burke Supt prevent.
nade which was Bocas del Toro. and fell to the ground, Warren Gatun 11 am de 7;30 Neblett Rev. Neal Pastor in charge rendered, the power of the grave. On Saturday the 10th instant made his escape; and took with Colon 11 Am 7:30 Miller The Girls Friendly Society of at about 45 a. while Alfred children. Coote was taken to him the woman and one of the La Boca was represented by Mies Elder Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
Selem Christian Church 3rd St. Armstrong, the Universal feature of the program. MB Coote was about to take the pas hospital at Almirante the same senger train at Olivia Farm Cos: day, and although suffering Colon Negro Improvement Association Clan McKenzie, winner of the ta Rica along with his paramour from the wounds he had receiv Colon, 11. Deacon Edwaids Baptist Church second Francis Rodriquez, with her led, it is reported that he sent Sunday 11, 30 Morning worship and Miss Walker, the PrimSunday School Mre present. The winner of the rose Choral Union by Mrs children, a boy Shears old, rend another sont message asking the woman to Chorrillo Am. Dotoon Senit 130 Evar geislio serviss Iron and the Red Tank Literary Cristobal and Mr W Reynolds first priz: Mr SA Ferreira of at Daytonia Baptismal Monday Believers meeting Society by Miss Marie Wason.
ten years, and her littlegirl awalt his return winner of the third prize, gave years old. one Warren, a resi Farm, where they had decided Coronel Rond un am. Mr. Yearwood Wednesday 7, 30 Bible reading The presentation of medals to literary contributions, respecdent of Old Harbour, drew his to live before the fracas took 7:25. Deacon Stewart Thursday 7, 30 Choir practice winners of the elocution coatest tively, after the receipt of their rec repolyer which only had one place.
Empiro 11. 715 Deacon Linton Rev. R, WILKINS, Pastor in obargo held recently at the Clubhouse medals.
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masterly be deliver his soul from HOS


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