
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUAUY 24, 1923, PAGE FVIE New Lodge Opened YOUR OLD FAVORITE and STAND BY STROLLERS Se Can now be Purchased from all Dealers IN THE REPUBLIC Scribe 10cts.
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes ATLANTIC SIDE Seoses Session Another Successful EVERY ONE Race Meeting 15 beconiing more discriminating every day.
The of bad the pleasure of AT JUAN FRANCO.
That is one reason why dding a new lodge to their chain of lodges on this side of the lathmus Exciting, pleasant and interthe differently finer aroma The new lodge hailed by the name of esting were the features that of LUCKY STRIKE ciga The Radiant Sint No. 39 was formed characterizad the race meeting rettes makes such an inend dedicated on the 21st of Jinusty at Juan Franco on Banday last.
1913 with forty six members to its credit Turtites were out in large num stant appeal to the lover and a noble promoter in the pers of bers to witness the contest of of good cigarettes.
Bro. James Blair.
the latest arrived thoroughbreds.
Much credit is to be given to the large number of visitors came Give experience a chance District Officers and members of these over from the Atlantic City to decide.
ter edges who suisted in all the cere.
prominent among them were monice, and bebavior that exhistu Messrs. Cambridge, Real Good to the last puit throughout ww excellen: Estate Agent and Lynton, Colon Merchant; Don Arcadio In mentioning the State Grand Ruk end Secretary. Bros. James Small and Pardo, Captain of the Port of Mutual Life AssurBocas del Toro, was also present.
Job Wileon respectively their names will always live in the als of this An American remarked dur ance Society lodge for the able way they directed toe ing the race, This is a fine allir, so that not bitch made place to spend an evening, its the first time have visited the NOTICE.
anywhere race track.
candidates One can certainly Owing to the number of the Initation cccupied two nigbte and was briog his fainily here it is a decent mixed crowd no rowdy: paid up on the last Assess neat All members who have no yst decided oter by the State Gard Ruler ism Bro Email and was finally brought to The Panama Jockey Club 92 are hereby notified that Tuccessful end.
can certainly compliment itselt god feeling of those attending advised accordingly.
for the social success and ethical February 28 h, instant is the The next itim was the dedication of last day of piymas, the lode, Aaung those who asisted in the race meetings. Everything performing the era mony were Bros.
WM. DESOUSA, should be done to hold and im Harvey, Supreune Depu s; Sa all prove this high standard of State Grand Ruer, Secty. Treas.
Clerko, ate order and respectability achierGrand Associste Ruler; Wint, Worthy ed It should be safeguarded High Pries. Jon Wilson, State Grand with alous care, and no Gran Bud of Panama Beribe; Davey. State Grand lawlessness nor vulgarity perTreasurer; ard Davie Chaplin. The mitted anywhere on the track on Lodge nual formalities were prceted with Sundays.
and after a few appropriate bym be wire Again, the glorious uncer INSTALLS OFFICERS rendered, the installation of fliers tainty of horse racing was Illowed Bro Swall then took charge and acted iu the capacity of Installation demonstrated and the favorites failed to point home as winners. Quite ao enjvable evening was spent Master. He called bio lodge to order and installed the following cfficers At the rising of the barrier in at the Green Bad of Posm: Lidze Na the first race, Baby Chagres 7779, F. Saturday 27 Bro Joseph lonac RW. Ruler, 2, was prime fayorite, and seemed January when the installation of offloars Kerr, WA Ruler Blades to have justified the choice of his ia whore hands are entrusled tholu urs R, Miller, Treasurer FOR backers, but he unfortunately success for the term took place, there Bio, Violet McLeod, RW, Conductrere, left the starting polot last; and are follows: Bros, Inoa, IG; Brab Richards, Advisor Broe. DeLeon, Instructor. M, Peters, despite his gallant and plucky Jama Gooding word o MOD Carplio, Guard. Yard, RW. Guard.
struggle was beaten by Thunder PNG; Hward Miller, ES: Jobs Cloud which had gained too Higio, re chated. James The following are the brothers who much of a load at the start.
ly, Tre tre eleed. Willing received the botour of the order as Past The second race was also us. F; Bow, PNP seph.
VG; EP. CEV, G; Willisme Rulers, Jamie Blare (Promoter)
fortunately wretched Retang Brown and DeLeon. At the close of the installation ceremony Bro.
away from the post. Doris Mor: Advocats; Warner, Chuplas di to would have certainly given Bisemb and Waldron RIL!
James Blure was appointed Installing Darling the race of her life bad supporters to G; 8, Grifi nl Master for said lodge, at this point the all the horses got away together. The Paswa Patriarchy, 223 Ward, right and loft Suppor e) to representatives of several lodges iu this In the third race, at the rising of Panama City also paid an officiel city gave very ppropriate address of the barrier Capitaoa which visit said night, on the ins:llazioa which was reponded to with great ap.
was ridden by Teran the new remayny was ably performed by Brot.
preciation Jockey from Peru, shot ahead, Pairweather and Wilkins)n, M:VP, The meeting was then brought to a but was soon overtaken by Tigre Green Bul dgs ein therefore. b928 close and refresbment was served those and Alta Mae. Chomba Loca of bsing the first subordiasta Lodge in prent from the bountiful stores, somosos also came up in the running and Panama quite a struggle was made be its officers, at the close of the mosting bave the Patriarely be all Royal King Davld Holds tween the two stable compa the Bros. rtired to the banquat room nions for first and second place and partook of the toothsome things Special Sesslon.
At the last furlong for bome provided fur them, brother Teran again splendidly and with Wilkinson acted as toastmaster, and the On Saturday night. February first class horsemanship brought brothers indulged in eating and op eeb 24th, 1928, the Royal King David Capitana back in the running king until he wee hours of the more Temple No. 2, at wbich time like a whirlwind ing.
will hold a special meeting for she passed the others making second place on reaching the The meeting nights of this Logo the purpose of initiation and installation ceremonies at tbe Judge Box. Tigre was first. are the first Tuesday and third Saturday of each month; formerly fourth Flower of the Isthmus LodgeIn the fourth race Adelante Saturday, please be guided accordingly.
got the advantage at the startThen why be satisfied ing post and that she maintained throughout the race. May Be CHRISTIAN MISSION Farewell Party To Dr.
was prime favourite, He took Samuels with less than the best second place. The Field Pool pald on Adelante 834 60.
To Entertain Inmates At pleasant function was held The fifth race was brimful of Palo Seco Sunday at the bune of Mr and Mis Fred enthusiasm and excitement. It Samuele, Bolivar Street on the was a problem to select the winnigba of the 20th inst. as a send ner. Buck Dancer was not in On Sunday February 25th, the off to Dr. Samuels his excellent racing form and it was Christain Mission of this city brott er who was spending his a doubtful issue whether she under the wise leadership of vacation on the Isthmus, alter should have been selected as Elder Burke, will entertain the a long abzence of years both winner. Foget me not, did not inmateswat Palo Seco Leper in Washington and Jamaica, the show her picture of good form Asylum, it is also learnt that Mr.
latter where he is nw practisas when last seen at Knutsford George Ricbards is responsible ing. The following were present; in Jamaica. but sbe was very for the carrying out of those enMr and Mrs Hylton, Mr popular with the turfites, She tertainments and all organizzand Mrs Patterson, the Misses took second place to Dad which tions, who are desirous of enDunian, Peareon, Morrell (2. was the winner. This race was tertaining the inmates, may Messrs Foulk, Abrams and run in shockingly slow time, and communicate with him at Balboa Coibs.
Alter refreshments considering the record and pre0.
were served, music and dancing vious time of both horses, the public did not show the excitewete enjoyed until midnigbt, the Creolina straightens and ment Dr, leaves on Thursday for wbich was anticipated. beautifies the hair and proall wishing him bon The distance of six furlongs was duces hair on bald hads.
covered in 21 and BRO, He expressed his delight at In the sixth race it was claim borses fur. Thunder Cloud 1st Beeing the wonderful improve ed that Cortez ridden by Mur Baby Chagres, 2ad. Pool paid ments that were made both in ray, and Avispa :idden by 10, 80 and 40 oa the winas Colon ard Papama during the Teran, cleverly pocketed and 10 on the second.
years he was away, whilst in Mytun in the first furlong and Second Race: Priz, 125. 00 prevented his chance of winning. Car. Darling 1st, Doris Morton Panama be was the guest of Mr and Mrs Samuels, and Avispa came first, and a protest 2nd. Pool paid 90 and 10 on was indeed happy to see the was lodged by Mr. Dalvalle. The the winning horse, 10 on the Carnival, which was undoubtedJudge held up the paying of second. Time 55 sec.
ly one of the best eyer seen on ter. Bro E Nelson took his Flower of the Isthmus No. rights and privileges of the lengthy discussion it was decldthe Pari Mutuel.
the Isthmus.
Third race: Priz, 300. 00 seat precisely at 9, 80 8880 and the Unity Lodge No. 3; he Order. They were decided in a ed that the horse passing the fur. Tigre 18. Capitana 2nd.
ciated with Bro. PS Allman, also visited Loyal Nelson Lodge satisfactory manner; especially Judge Box first and weighs in Time 51. 5. In this raca EspiAllman. T; Smith, D; a little trouble was experienced was expelled for 99 years it was which the Parl Mutuel should Samuda, D; Williams in the latter lodge; yet it was reduced to one year, and another pay. The protest was deferred native horses far Adelante Fourth Race: 125 00 Holds Session Chaplain, Osborne, Grand tempered with mercy.
for years it was reduced to and at a meeting of the 1st. May Be second, Pool pald The minutes of last session months, Stewards held on Monday, the 11. 40 and 50 on the winner The roll was called, prayers were read and confirmed.
purse was awarded The regular session of the At this stage the session was Delvalle horse Ob Pah which 15.
to Mr. on the second horse 10 Times Isthmian District Grand Lodge read and all officers and deleThe Balance Sheets from the adjourned for refreshmento came in second.
No. 4, of the Independent United gates answered to their names.
On refumption the first item First race: Prize 80. 00 native for. Dad 1st, For get 30 Fifth race. Priz) 100. 00 Order of Mechanics was held Credentials were then read from various lodges relative to their under the auspices of Loyal the various lodges and found to financial standing were read and dealt with was unfinished busiaccepted.
2nd Pool paid 90 and 2, 30 Nelson Lodge No. 19, working be in order, Dight terminated at a. in the the first, and 30 on the second under its jurisdiction at their The District Master in his Communications: Under this The rules of the District were regular form.
Lodgeroom, Chorillo. opening remarks referred to bead several appeals Time 21. 5. Suisson from read and debated upon. This The next session will be held Sixth race: Prize 250. 00 The usual formalities having the other officers of his staff tive to the illegal suspension and reading.
The Session wbich lasted all Lodgeroom. YoldedTime 36. gitis No. Charles Pool 80 the water, been observed, the Grand Muse was accorded on visiting the expulsion of members from the otros CONS elmatilan 100015 Delos de donato in vent els 109 sed soles nostres Oro toto ovato sert ble et Walk Over Shoes ARE THE BEST MADE BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores Panama Colon After a Isthmian District nopea etable was coupled.
men det das February 17, 1928. pandang reception himself and brothers were desito with related ingaaidered to be the first under the suspicate of Units tur. Avispa iat, va pal2d7


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