
PAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY FEBRUARY 24 1923 France Is Not Pårt Refugees From Turkey ing with Her To United States Islands.
GUI 1 that more like it!
10 They POLO Unemployed Youth POLOS Cigarettes The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
fifteen (15)
Say Russia is in a DeplorBETTER ALFRED TOUSSAINT, Defendant, 0, President Preparing To able Condition: Royalist cigarettes Put Dobt Funding Act DIVORCE To Congress.
Forces are Becoming Stronger.
WHEREAS action for divorce STRIKE IN NEW YORK on ucout of desertion, as proA Direct West India Cable in the Republic vided in the Act of Cingress approved September 21, 1922. By Dir et West India Cable despatch from New York dated was instituted in this court from Cherbourg, dated February February 8, states that one January 25, 1953, by Satira on th it is stated that Albert hundred and twelve officers in Toussaint against her husband, Sarraut. Minister of the Colo cluding three generals, formerly Alfred Toussaint; and whereas ries, returning on the Beren of the Imperial Russian Army.
Simmons issued by this curt garia today from St. Pierre in faded and patched uniforms, Miquelon said, there torough the marshal thereof was no all the clothing they owned arrived yesterday from Con.
against said question of France ceding th: Alfred Toussaint Islods has been returned with notice stantinople on ibe steam ship He add d, that he had organiz which docked in South Brookly Madonna of the Fabre Line, that the defendant cannot be found in the Canal Zone; Therevemeu, for improving travelled steerage and fore, in accordance with provithe port by the installation of were sent to Ellis Island for sions of the status. notice is Jial these and the construction fumigation and to await orders bereby given to the said Alfred of a la storage plant for fish from Washington Toussaint to appear in this court The Colony resources In the war. ridden party were within ninety days after the firkt Sarraut declared. will allow it to two major generals, one general, publication of this summons pay the cost of these improve Vladimire Zarokine 60, grey and (February 24th, 1923) and there ments without aid from France.
make answer The Minister said he brought baggard as the result of an ex. H, SHEIBLEY back the impression that the perience which began with his escape from the Bolsheviki, and people of the United States ended when he crossed the Acting Clerk of Court.
understood that France Rubr border in Turkey.
policy was based solely upon the He was engaged in the strugº desire of receiving what is due gle against the Bolsheviki, and ber, when forced to surrender manEvery cigarette full Irish Rebels Caught aged to get away before being weight and full size The problem of devising Quand Cork, Feb. Twenty men condemned to death. He had methods that will ensure have b:en captured in the Nins heen Commander of the Imthat the juvenile unemploydale area while in possession of perial Guard and a friend of the Made by ed, istead of being ruined by rifles revolvers and ammunition, Czar.
Another who fought with Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
idleness, will be kept fit to says an official Free State com that means quality.
munication, Arrests were made Generals Wiangel and Denikine take their place in industry in other areas in the country was General Nikolas Erkaraas, when trade revives, is being Extensive cutting of telegraphs formally on the Russian General grappled with by the Govand telephone wires was out by Staff. His clothing, too. was ragthe Irregulars last night, ernment. There are between ged and thread bare, but his dignity was whole two hundred thousand and Debt Funding Law All the officers refused to talk, three hundred thousand Washington Feb. The Presi save to answer one or two ques.
juveniles between 14 and 18 dent cided to day to postpone tions of reporters. They said years of age unemployed in until tomorrow at least his Russia is in a deplorable condithat in surrounding England, Scotland and message to Congress asking for tion, Wales. The Government moditication of the debt funding countries Royal st forces are be law to permit inal approval of coming stronger and that the has worked out two schemes will fall the funding settlement recently Soviet Government for improving the chances sooner or later. General Wrangel begotiated with Great Britain.
will be the chief military officer of these young people, the Canadian National Ral way then, they added.
one migration scheme to Ottawa, Feb. The Canadian There were 137 other. Russian Australia and the other the National, Railway apart from the refugees on the Madonna. They setting up of recreational Grand Trunk bad an operating were placed on the ship through centres, three fourths of the surplus of 754 502 in Nov. last the efforts of the American Concost of which will be borne as compared with 720 514, the sulate at Constantinople, after operating surplus for November, representations of Washington by the State.
1921, according to statement in their appeal to the Consulate tion scheme, which is to be Issued to day by the Bureau of they said that it compelled to launched at once, is for the Statistics In November 1922 return to Soviet Russia they recruitment of boys between the Grand Truck had an opera would be either killed or imthe ages of 14 and 17 as ting surplus of 587313 dollars as prisoned farm workers in the Comcompared with one of 182 895 dollars in November 1921. The monwealth. After arrival operating surplus of the Canadian More Air Traffic.
their well being will be the Pacific Rilway in November, particular concern of the 1922 was 6, 787, 115 dollars as com Dared with:4686, 756 dollars in There is much talk in aero Government of the Sate in November 1921.
nutical circles just which they settle, now of The great extensions of fiying serOttawa, Foby. By the vices, both internal and interna opinion of those closely identrade treaty between Italy and tionat: The biggest and most tified with work amongst Canada, tabled in the Canadian interesting proj ct of the kind youths is that a boy who Parliament to day, each country will be a fleet of flying boats runs idle for a couple of gives the other most favoured to liok up Southampton with years becomes almost unemdation treatment as regards im Cherbourg and Harve. In this ployable.
ports ard exports duties. The scheme the Cunard, the White To prevent this treaty extends to Italy automa. Star and the Atlantic Steam in the case of the large numtically the benefits of the treaty ship Lines will be directly in number of juveniləs not diswith France.
soterested, as its posed towards, or qualified purpose is to It includes the possessions save the time of the transfor, emigration is the object and; colonies of Italy as well as Atlantic traveller. Passengers of the centres at home.
that country itself. The terms and mails will be picked up at These centres will be largely of the agreement are four years, Cherbourg and taken across to recreational. There will be subject to renunciation at one Southampton in a few hours or year potice, rentzailtused on the outward voyage the proorganized games, handiStrike In New York. boegs will be reversed. In the GENTS crafts, and lectures, while case of the flight between there will be New York, Feby. Seven Southampton and Harve this is Certain amount of education, the workers employed in abɔut 800 shops in the coas intended to speed up the jour.
LADIES. 75 principal object of the cenof passengers visiting ren wear industry walked out tres will be to keep the contractors refusal to accept boats has been decided upon to day to protest against the Paris on their way to or from America. The use of flying. 50 young unemployed occupied in a good and agreeable minor changes in a new contract.
The children wear workers on grounds of safety, the manner, so that way, they expenditure of less power, contract with employers expired and the eliminatioa of landsball not degenerate to the state of the street corner ing. Bit will be attended on each side of Back on the Isthmus.
the Channel by a fleet of fast motor boats. Considerable time will be saved. It is stated that BOOST The many riends of Mr, the new service will come into Nicholas Desmangles will be operation probably by May next.
Sockoo ONS glad to learn that he is back on Another interesting statement is pro brettono o be the Isthmas after three that a new inland airline months vacation spent with his between London and Glasgow is BROKEN REED?
the suggestion would probably the Union Jack to the Stars and family in St. Lucia, and has re now under con alderation. The na nid 3A CIGARETTES be resented as an insult; but the Stripes, Why, then, the rever.
sumed work with the Dredging route will take in Manchester, American Senator limpudence British lion does not always roar sion to the subject? Will it em.
Division of the Panama Canal. and thus the important industrial paid He is loud in praise of his centres of the North will be og shot so many friends over there who brought into direct communice Under the caption The resolution amay not get very far, she looking for naval bases with welcomed blm gladly and left no tion with the Continental lines Second Time of Asking the pot even the length of conferr a view to future contingencies?
ASK FOR THEM stone unturned in making his running from Croydon. As the Edinburgh Evening Nets performs Ing the authority desiderated. It short stay with them pleasant ten trom Glasgow to London public service by bolabouring may boj merely the idea of one and enjoyabla could probably be covered in Senator Reed for having the man who will presently stand ELIAS PRETO. Agent about three hours, and as facili impudence to suggest the trans corrected; but even that one man must know that we are The Circular commends to Creoline stralghtens and ties will be given for the carriage fer of the British West Indies to pod for what we owe without the nc tice of Senator Reed and dence which appeared in the of mails, the value to the busl the United States.
Says our beautifies the hair and pro ness community of such an in contemporary:pawning bits of the Empire, memte: the British Empire, the 21st, and was reprinted in last others who would seek to dis Jamaloa Gleaner of Nɔvember Cocos hair on bald heads.
novation is evident. If the position were reversed: which may conceively prefer article headed Pare Impu losue.
FEBRUARY 25th The migraAthletic and Cycle Meet JAMAICA vs. PANAMA AT ISTHMIAN PARK 00 Stand CHILDREN Track Enclosure 750.
Grounds. 50 boy.
EMU with his taill. of course, the other in gold or in goods, orld Best on the Market


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