
mmm. They Satisfy Chesterfield ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN You Can Lose it!
In eresting West Indian News.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 2)
ten talameute, we bave been VIGOR TONIC trylog but cannot yet raise the necessary Dount for pur This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend chasing the Ray. ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, GRENADA Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up a run down constitution.
It promotes digestion, improves the appeGovernment has decided to practie) ecpaony from the tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
wrong end. Instead of reducing salles, DOS. One small Wine glass before each meal or an ilgimating and times a day.
a bolishing offis, the money Chesterfield is an excepspent on roads by Road Boards tionally fine cigarette made anu District Boaris is to be reto please even the most critiduced by one third This prou.
cal smoker.
ises to be a stiff time for the rozd workers. So much money The finest of Turkish and is to be cut og from circulation pointment. We wish him all American tobaccos are skilNOTICE that is well for the future.
fully blended to produce a It appears that things finanperfectly balanced cigarette of al a looking blu, for the Grenada is not in position to THE PANAMA CANAL high quality and most pleasGovernment. There was a meet act alone in establishing her pro ing taste. Try Chesterfields CANAL ZONE ing of th Executive Council on industry, and today.
Monlay for the purpose of con posed banana Supply Departments tinuing study of the Financial therefore we should act in con Balboa Heights, Z, Estimates for 1923 The whole cert with other islands. No ship February 13, 1928.
malony is in financial difficulties. wi. call at Grenada alone for badan is.
The official pay list of the colony TO ALL CONCERNED: is too heavy for these times, Owing to the frequency of We understund that whaling grass fires during the dry sea.
We venture to predict that the The men attached to Mr. Bel they can be started, the otile in George will soon begin. son and the ease with which new Legislative Council for man crafts arrived here yester Industry from time to tim nas Grenada will not meet before day from Barbados.
sustained the loss of valuable January 1924, Be that as it pistures during the dry season.
may, it is not too early to go ahead with certain details of the It is requested that all persons elective scheme, such as publish JAMAICA wbo bave occasion to be near CIGARETTES ing the conditions uoder which or in any of the pastures belong.
persons may register as voters, ing to the Cattle Industry exerctke the greatest possible care of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended Member For St. Anos to see that such fires are not It is currently reported that started. This applies particularHis Excellency the Governor is LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
ly to the pastures in and around about appointing a Committee INTENDS RESIGNING FROM LEG Summit and at Gold II which to enquire and report to the ISLATURE advisability of establishing an are burned nearly every year by unauthorized tires, either Agricultural Bank Certain accidental or intentional.
gentlemen, it said, have al The Gleaner is in a position to RK. MORRIS ready been asked to serve on announce that the Hon. Taeo.
the Committee.
Chiel Quarter nas Wint has forwarded bis resignation to His Excellency the Govthe The Rev. Bradshaw, who Railway Conciliation Board of Me. Mr. CARL SMART had labouring in this island for miny years, left by sion that it is farcical for bio to Wint has arrived at the concluIT WILL PAY YOU the steamer this morning for remalo a member of the Board Bachilleren Hu nani, Barbados to take up bis new ap as it is not functioning dades, We also understand that Mr.
Wint has intimated to the taxpayers of St Anng that they Congratulations are being reshould look around for a succes. ceived on all sides by Mr. Fred sor to him in the Legislative Smart and family on account of Council for the parish of St. the late success of Mr. Carl Anns, as he intends to resign. Smart, the son of the family who Mr. Wint contemplated re has just gradaated from the signation is due to the fact that National Institute, Panams, he cannot spare the time to gaining the ti le of Bachiller This attend the business of the Coun en Humanidades. waich is cil.
equivalent to the Bachelor of It is stated that Mr, Arts degree.
Allwood is being induced to After an elementary education come forward again to repre received, both in this country sent the parish, and failing him and Jamaica, Mr. Smart entered Captain Peter Blegrove of St. the National Institute where he Ann will be approached by the spent five years, passing all bis electors of St. Ann to stand for examinations creditably. Ia election addition to a beautifully engross.
It is is expected that Mr. Wint ed diploma which certities his resignation from the Council graduation and title, Mr. Smart will take place within the next has received a pennant of the couple of weeks.
college which was given to each student as a souvenir of his Alma Mater. He is also in DOMINICA possession of a very attractive little booklet, the personal present of the Rector of the instiMr. Smart will always ផង New Industry In Do preserve the best memory of nica the pleasant days spent among lll et his tutors; and bear the pleasant 2013 rememberance of an even and TAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of Bays the West India Com sincere understanding with his dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled mittee Circular. Report on fellow colleagues.
Lime Seed Oil from the Imperial away in the sleeping car or hid under the washinstitute is published in the ofOn account of his genial and Am stand at home?
ficial Gazette. It would appear amiable disposition Mr. Smart is both with the de Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capthat this seed, which has bither very popular to been regarded gentler and the hardier sex 18; tive aıd which holds the properties of Kolynos secure product in the lime fruit industry and the fact that he was the yields an oil generally similar in of Boy Scouting in Colon will keep introducer of Baden Powell system until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the chemical properties to cotton his name green so long as tube.
seed oil. Whilst it would not be Scouting lasts on the Isthmus.
We now furnish you with a package of the same suitable for refindog owing to the high standard as its contenta.
inferior quality of the finished It is whispered that his product and the loss incurred in parents and sister intend to ask THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
the process, the crude oil would him to be guest of honour at a bowever, be quite suitable for buffet dinner dance as soon as soap manufacture, and in admix the lenten season is over, and ture with linseed oil for certain the West Iudian society of Industrial purposes. The crude Colon may well look forward to oil should be saleable in the this event for the coming Easter United Kingdom in moderate season.
quantities if it can be ofered at a Mr. Carl Smart will proceeds price not exceeding 30 per ton to Edinburgh this year to take C, up the stndy of medicine.
REMOVAL NOTICE FOR SALE The Rev, Nightengale, Rector of St. Paul One Stuvessant Piano Church Panama, begs to notify the publịc that his new In Condition residence is No. Domingo No reasonable offer turned Diaz Street. next door to Cumberbatch Bros. Tailors. down.
For particulars ap ty at Creoline Hair Producer is the WORKMAN PRINTERY world best hair tonic and will Central Ave Street not soil or stain clothes.


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