p. 8


Years of Experience have taught us the Knowledge of Good Cigarrettes and Good Cigarette values and common sense demonstrates that it is better to sell at Low Prices to the many rather than at High Prices to the few!
SMOKE VICTOR CIGARETTES THE CIGARETTE THAT IS PLEASING TI. The Cigarette Without a Fault GEORGE WASHINGTON tootehintalus, en to wouls the neces.
verybody NOSTROLIN cularly nicht and moning entre is an effe preventing untuh illness, lisy pier, and pleasant to be Perteilyle lor peons of all ages. Wind Cures. Bol by Chemists everywhere, price or 15 y port, direct from tape 253. NOSTROLINE ATHLETIC The British Minister Halt dropp. out It was a pretty. Mile Cycle Scratch open 12 race. Baptiste kept the bunch SPORTS cyclists faced the starter with in lively action. At the finish it the following results: Davis was real serious tackling down firs. Hollis Second; Hall third, to business. Johnson rode ont SHOULD USE At Isthmian Park Was a Time 09.
all his energy to win this event One Mile Cycle Novice open but Davis was not to be defeated; Big Success. Jamaicans There were four entrants to the he came home first, Johnson is known thruout the Scored Victory, Snapa tirst; Deleyante second; and Abr bams, third, world as a model of Harold e. Matthews Co. Clifton, Bristol.
second; Walking third. Time Time 4 scconds.
880 yards Flat Scratch open:The Athletic Sports at the 44) Yards Flat Eleven en 10 entrants. It was anticipated Isthmian Park on Thursday last trants to face the tape. Beck that Osborne would have this all TRUTH AND INTEGRITY was aa unqualified success. Over ford first; Colthrust second; his own way and he led the four thousand persons were on Armstrong tbird, Time 53 5, pace with the intention; but on During the five years that we have the grounds, the day was an Sold by all Drug Stores been in business we have endeavoured ideal alu pleasant one and was Mlle Scratch Open Cycle reaching home he was tackled very favourable for the contes. In this event there were eleven by Bethune from Jamaica, and tants. The various events were entrants the four Jamaicans one of the most exciting finish In to follow the example set by this illusExcept in the competed: Davis, Hall. Sangster, reaching the tape Osborne fell.
flat race was witnessed. On well contested.
trious statesman.
Baptist Church Activities cycle events the Jamaica Johueon and seven others repre: Dr. Carrington, Judge; decided representatives carried every secting Panama and Colon. At dead heat, thing before them, They are the crack of the pistol they got finally awarded to Bethane The race was baptismal service will be the winners of the champion away in a good start, but when held at the Chorrillo Church toCycle Cup offered by the Good about 30 yards from the starting Mile Walk Handicap open.
PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY morrow night. Pastor Witt will year Tyre Co.
tape, Omphroy, Sangster and Bryan, first; Stephens, second; preach at 7:15 after which he will YAT YOUR SERVICE baptisé.
The meeting was a grand suc Hollis tellSchloss had a falr Bethune third. Time mins.
cess and will be continued on was physically unable of mainopportunity in this but 15 seconds. splendid program wa Sunday at reduced prices. The Goodsear Mile Cycle Chamrendered last Moaday night at Unique Cycle Association is to be taining the lead. At the pionship. Jamaica vs. Panama.
the Chorrillo Church by the congratulated for having tackled conclusion of the final lap. Davis Davis, Sangster, Johnson and The Gorgas memomai simple in character, a lover of ly Reid, the Secretary, presented beauty and its charm, Gorgas Girls Fidelity Club. Miss Rhodel such a mamoth affair, first; Johnson second; and Hall; Hollis, Batiste, Schloss There Abrahams third. Time minutes and Abrahams. At the crack of were some complaints about the 27 secs.
men with an intricate vision the tirst annual report showing accomodation, but it must be the pistol the contestants got for science. Dr. Martin ad that much had been achieved in kept in mind, that the grounds Mile Scratch Open Flat, away splendidly.
This was the (Continued from page 1) dress was able, clear and im one year. Two ladies from tbe event the day are leased property, and all This event brought out a field of banner pressive, and it will be long Balboa Heights Baptist Church other expenditures would bave nine contestants. Evans first: Batiste made the pace rapid and though pursued by the phantom Pemembered endangered the financial success Bethune second; Walker third. warm, but who was acdie door be address Dr. Porras excelled him. Following the speeches bronze two items that were immensely sang a lovley duet and Mrs of. In address.
of the venture and throw the Time 48 5 secs.
Sangstera terrific Sprint for fully six laps, of the selt in Hawless oratory and ia medals were distributed to appreciated by the congregation.
burden of any shortage on a 220 Yards Flat Scratch Open, track, Hollis then went away, the choicest and most cultured those who were in any way con Mrs. Thrift of Colon gave very few responsible young men of There were sixteen contestants. for seven laps he made it warm language of Cervantes.
the work from the interesting talk on China which the Unique Cycle Association. Gooden the Jamaica represen and uncomfortable, when Batiste virtues of Col. Gorgas of Bless begining. very notable fea was so good that the whole con They are struggling under the tative took part in the event. again took the lead followed by od Memory were highly extolled ture about the distribution was, gregation led by the Pastor might been fatal presente economic strain and this Gooden first; Armstrong second; Sangster and Davis. In the six. and all the honours given to his hbet Mejor Bococla in bis broad joined in asking Mrs. Thritt to Budd third. Time 28 seconds. teenth lap Hollis went to the memory were befitting.
ness of spirit did not forget return and continue her story on Results of Events Mile Cycle Handicap Open, front for the second time, From At the elose of Dr. Porras any one however humble, who some other occasion. The girls or 100 yds Flat (scratch) open, In this event only Unique Cycle the twenty first lap to the forty address, Dr. Boyd took the Citin ng and foreigners were songs and executed some merited the coveted honour. the club sang some beautiful First and second in each beat to Association and Cyclone Cycle second lap it was First Oal Association members entered struggle between Hollis androm. man of no mean the recipients of the distinguish. certed excersises compete in fical.
statue and commanding in elo ed gift and all went away feeling helpful way as to give pleasure much a time Results: Abrahams first; Wor Sangster, but on coming to the genees ho imple sein dnes Samoa satisfied that the Superintend and also to convey a missionary thrust; Wallace, second, 10 5 seconds.
rell second; and Leon thirdaudience with the kindness and and kina and the racing continued to the unselfishness of the man in message to the large congrega.
Second Heat: Gooden first; Time 83. 5 seconds.
Budd second, Time 11 seconds: Broad Jump Open. Osborne Sangster. Arst; Davis, second: bled that day. Dr. Martin was benefits derived from the pre the Secretary report was the finish in the following order; whose honour they had assem. Considering the amount of tion. One item of vital interest in.
Third Heat: Webber first: Erst 17 feet inches.
Johnson, third.
the next speaker, and in re natal and post natal clinic, Major statement that a reading library Armstreng secund. Time 12 Mile Cycle Scratch Open.
of Bocock name should be iden. bad been instituted and was beThe mile Marathon was wop plying to the In this event there were twelve ing much used by the members ting that we assemble stitution.
Wallace, Gooden from Jamaicarepresented When the champion bere in this garden of Paradise, the pleasure of knowing before Budd, Webber, and Armstrong. third lapsomething went to do honour to the memory of Gooden first; Colthrust second; wrong with Hollis wheel If you like beautiful hair e William Crawford Gorgas whose he is dead how well he is If you like beautiful hair use Budd third: Time 10. 35 secs. and he had to retire, Omphroy Creoline Hair Producer. genius brought to its worth, ito appreciated, Creoline hair producer.
of conaddress werden. Bedoelte eron. Colthrust, coprestaties. Al hamabod were beampida. Evans the Panama Portale hold Bheem bilenled with that part of the investime del


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