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PRICE Cts. Cy.
HOUSE OF FLIGHT COMMONS S, PRESIDENT IN FAVOUR VPLANS OF ANOTHER CANAL GOVERNOR OF JAMAICA EXPRESSES DISPLEASURE coord have a water consertion. werden bara att det MARCUS GARVEY AND KU KLAX Profesor very de able or WAS to Canal States or ment the a From New York To Trini Will Seriously Discuss Prodad hibition Shortly.
TO LINK ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC OCEANS, New York despatch dated Dutch West Indian Cable AND CENSURES OFFICIAL FOR ALLOWING EITHER TRROUGH PANAMA OR NICARAGUA. January states that St. despateb from London, dsted Huber Julian a native of the February 18 states that total ALIEN TO LAND West Indies, who was formerly prohibition for England. Scot.
Present Waterway, However Cantante dan het Montreal berrod ledare was also be done the Says Disciplinary Measures Will that was member of seriousls discussed in Handle Much Bigger Volume the Canadian Air Force during house of Commons shortly. Ed the Great War, announced to wird Bery mecour, bas been Be Adopted Should Incident Of Traffic Is Opinion. day that he is planning a flight deky enough to secure a place Occur Again.
from New York to Trinidad io in the ballot for private member the Spring and later wiil at bills in Commons, and his forA late Washington despatch to andertake the canal construc tempt a trans Atlantie Bight. wally introduced fois prohibition Soyº the Jamaica Herald of ton a short time ago, Syrian states that the ulumate dream tigo, but it was pointed out there According to his announca: Lesses that he has no illusion does not intend to permit the sick and desired medical assismeasuras, Mr. Serymegour con recent date that she Government arrived on a steaner. He was of the present Administration as ofter had been an adjustment of mont, Julian will start the 000 that the bill has the slightest law which related to the admis tance. Bond was entered in by a explained at the White House to the canal question with Cota miles Axbt to Trinidad on April degree of succes lacking us in dion of a certain class day is the construction of a new Rica, whica borders San Jan 15, this belng the most favour does the support of the Govera)
shis island to remain a dead he would leave as soon as be was aliens gentlemin in the city to see that Canal licking the Atlantic and River, leading to Lake Nicars able time as be will then Pacitic Oceans.
the trade winds at bis back. the opportunity of bringing which occurred in Kingston was landed from the ship and gua.
However be welcome letter is shown by an incident decided it to travel. The man scaun actual Secretary the somewhat uncertain fature. she Cabinet that the Panana Music and Robert Archer, buita death to drink and lite bildet He will be accompanied by Hugh ble views on the subject of recently remained ashore for some days the theory the earned als) colored West It will be remembered that as under treatment. He subsequent be an additional passage, has January, the best month on te Indies. From Triolead the teid people into the full light of the result of a strong agitation ly left these shores. The incident come forward with sufficient ear cord at the White House, it was hops to fly to Colon and win publicity at Westminter.
during last year, it was decreed was brought to the notice of the neatness to command the atten said the waterway is by no return to New York over toe Correspondents are requested that instead of Chinese and ov Fovernor; and, according tos tion and discussion of the Cabi means congested, and can, in Waited State They will then to send in their contributione other aliens, who have been story which has reached the ear net, and to cause the official an tact handle 150 per ceat, more attempt non stop fliebe to not later than Thursday evenlege coming to tamaica stor yearbou. His Excellency his naminister!
of a representative of nouncement that President traffic than now passes through e gland.
to ensure publication.
oust natives from Hardiog bepes to devote that. The receipts have been show avenuse of trade, being permited a severe censare npon one of Panama Canal profits to the new ink a healthy increase. The Canal ted to lead merely by lodging the principal officers of the de proj et is taxed to only 40 par cent of its 30 in the Treasury, the literacy partmen: for permitting the mas capicity, so an additional to land, merely because it was essential under White named law should be cpplied.
co omercially, KLAN OF UNITED STATES.
House revealed. The first is the The result is that Chinese immi medical attention. It is under tide water Capal in Panama, and It has long been the contention gration has ceased.
Persons of stood that Sir Leslie Probyn hae the other the Nicaraguan routo, by military men that because of otber nationalities bave come to pointed out that the Imperial Giant of Organization Appears Before Kingston, but have not been Government in its endeavour to partment which should assist the which had many exponets in the topography, the projed Congress, when the existing Oa Niacaraguan Canal could be de New York Federal Grand Jury.
to land being unable to nal route was selected by Pres fended nach more easily. than read or write either Englisb. enforce the law has been guilty the cavel through Panana, ident Roosevelt.
French discipline, the of a serious breach Spanish. New York, Fsb. Edward Tha American George be Should such an Incident occur Attention languages Through mentioned in called the vulnerability Young Clarke Imperial, Giant of Harris, a Negro, who was grea statuve.
again the letter goes on to state, Understanding between of the great locks the Ku Klux Kla. appeared duated from Harvard in 1909, Nicaragua the Governor will see that disand the United from cannon fire the ranges here the Federal Grand Jury wrote to the World that Garvey Tae incident, which disclose ciplinary measures are wdopted giving the Govern uothought of when they were here yesteday, necessary rigbus (Continued on Page 8)
Subpoenaed from Atlanbaea replied the purpose of bis vist to the state of the Governor mind to deal with be offeoder, 10 days Atlanta was to gat first hand on the subject, occured in Kings offenders.
ago in connection wito tne pro informations about the Klaa ceedings of the goverment attitude toward the goes.
Incident In House Hon. Wint Resigns. gaios Marcas Garvey. Negro Knowing Bull Gored Bullfighter. Viscount Burnham prom ter sad Provision Paco Knowing the power and in sident of the Of Commons. fueace and intention public of Alr. ca.
of the The Gil aner announces definite Clarks was ex bloed by Assis uva for the purpose of getting last th Bull tigater got the Kian, interviewed the excu At the Bull Ring on Sunday At Jamaica.
Ly that the Hon. Theo. Wint, tant United ates Attorney chan, il pussible to adopt a worst of it. Toere was a large Direct West India Cable Cy the Member for St. Ann in the Mattuck on Garvey visit didorent attitude toward the crowd of United States sailors SPEAKS ON THE SPIRIT OF des patch from Londo dated Legislative Council, has tend red Clarke in Atlanta last June race represeul, and thus pre present from Feb. 11, states that yesterday bis resignation to the Governor. when th: latter Acting vant a ropstition in many ways Atlantic and Pacific fleets which the combined WEST INDIAN UNITY, on the King ad His resignation will com Imperial zad of the Kian. at what happened during the are now lying at auctor at Bat dress in the House of Com effective as from the 19 of liev Mareb.
visit denied days of estimated that over mons was occasionally Tae Herald of the 10th alto bis parpuse was to atfect an uba way be uxplained ais ciafer 000 sailors witnessed the tight status that Viscount Buinban ed from dullness by lively inter Mr. Wint bas buena aber alliance with the Klao.
ruption from Lidy Astor and of the presant Cacil from its investigation of Guevey affairs he ence, Ricoara Corux one of the torea bad uot been in Jamaica for half retort: from Labour members inception. Us rendered valuable had disclosed that the cunferenca nied Again in Augus: Garvey da dures was gored in the leg, and a day before he began to speak The rubject under discussion was services during his pariod of was in connection with Garvey between the Universal Negro thare was any relation jaw bone by an emigration as a cure for contin service as a legislator, and by Black Star Steamship Line and for closer unity in the West wal.
nous unemployment. The pro his coming withdrawal from the tho Universal Nagro Improve uue Klan. At that time he said thatoreador fought gamely ed shipping facilities between Tha flash was töra open, but ladies. His advocacy of improvposal aroused the oppsition of Council the electors wiit lose the ment Assoc ation, al waich be he talked with Dr. Evans be and refused to leave the ring the island and the mainland the Labour members whose services of fesrless champion arguments especially those of Mr of the people rights.
president General, Ularke in Atlanta and until the bull was daleated. colonies, development of teleHeadley excited the open derision before Jury Cortez was taken to the bos graphic service, and the decision of Lady Astor who felt impelted the Isthmus where he along Mattack any papers he migot Mogho amma americano in pital after the fight whererbole to take steps to organize a West MC. Wint is well known on Clarke promised to send to Clarke told him the Klan was much mɔre favour of the to make some remarks.
with our membra of the have in Atlanta that would turow thaa You go home shouted a Labor! Jinale Legislature visited on light on Garvey visit.
inmase undergoing than of member at last. won two ocessions recentiy.
Garvey also stated the conver and bruises he got in the fight.
the white element, treatment to the painful wound Indiaa branch of the Empire Press Union, of which he is the quick answer from Garvey trial on an indictment sation was for the purpose of Chairman, must be regarded as charging bim with waving used placing him in a botter position Astor.
an excellent start wben the visit The Bobange miglat bawo tean; For New Constitute of de to dobra ut ordine, to water presented in and a detailed Panama Canal Employees of one who is an Imperial Pathbut the speaker pointedly of the Black Star Negro suggested to Mr. Headley that tinder to this colony is taken into tion.
scheduled to vegia yesterday, any alliance was torined.
he should addre38 bis remarks was postponed uaul Feb. 26.
At the same timə James MUST PAY FOR AMOUNT OF account. In the matter of to the Chate and Lady Astor also Atter Gwvey returned from Beavers, Chief of Police in Atlal. CURRENT CONSUMED, cable communication, we detook the hint, BRITISH HONDURAS APPEAL 18 Atlanta, ha addressed or advised ts, who was running for mayor, sira to associate ourselves with One of the remarks addressed RECEIVING CONSIDERATION shem nou waste their time quoted Oiarke as saying in an ioBalboa Heights, those who have in season and to Lady Asfors by Labour was. You have not IN LONDON, Aghting the Klao. as to called for verview that tha Negro question member out of season boen unselfish in February 27 1928 an Amer. ca for the wbite man. spread dissension in the Kla TO ALL CONCERNED: their praise of the magnificent the manners of a streut corner Hardie concluded his service which the Direct West His Grace the Duke of DaIt is announced that the installa remarks with som scornfal references to thy Royal baby vonshire. Secretary of State for No. 17, In Shake Thursday Busy Day In toa of electric meters in Panama India (via Bermuda) Cable Co.
Canal quarters has been com gives to Jamaica for the modest and the coming wedditg of the Colonies, has caused a letter City.
pleted, and that effective Apıil sum of 1, 000 per annum.
the Duke of York, which the to be sent to the Tix payers Tbe House ignored.
Association ot Beitiah Honduras 1923, employees bills for electric Direct Cable Co. became many Now3 which is common proper.
Thursday last was Later on another to the effect that the question of ty all over the streets reveals the some current bills rendered according Labour Constitu.
member. More Muir, protested tion of the colony tea receiving fact that there terrible when busy day in Panama City to consumption shown by the years ago part and parcel of the arrival of established colony shake up among the members of with against taking young men away consideration at the Colonial the No 17 Division of the 17. pamber of tourists in the city published in Tariff maintained its record is sbown from home iniluence and sending Office; and that at an early date by thy mid day train from the JAY MORROW. by the splendid news bulletins them tɔ remote places far from despatch will be sent to the any town and from female scele Governor of the colony on The Secretary General, Connor Atlantic side and the daily com Governor. which it sends out daily for has preferred a series of charges from the ships of the combined plement of over 7, 000 sailors ty and sending young girls to!
the benefit of the colony. It is employment that was disagainst the President. Grant BECKETT TO FIGHT a factor for good in our midst.
tasteful. There was no member The desire for the Institution which, it is alleged, the former Atlanue and Pacitto fleets of the It gives the country thousands of on the Government side of the of Representative Goveroment in will prove against the latter at an Usited States Navy in Panama House who would send bis son or British Honduras is very strong: open members meeting which Bay, the city presentada London, Feb. 17 Joe Beckett words daily of the latest happendaughter out under such condi The Legislative Council, which is has been called for tc aight picturesque aspect, and the and Dick Smith. the heavy ings in various parts of the tionshe declarednominated body under It is claimed that scores of business life was fairly active weight fighter, hate signed a world, almost free, gratis and claimed Lady rastor, jumping Crown Calony Rule ananimonely members are sustaining the pa from her corper sekt point of adopted a resolution during last sition taken by the SecretaryIt is needless to say that the round bout May 14 The men of which Jamaica has reason to contract to meet in twenty for notbing. It is an institution order, Me Deputy Speaker. year, that is necessars, for the General, and that they are in pos commercial business houses, were to have fought next Mon.
bave five sons and would send more efficient government of the session of positive proofs against hotels, beer saloons and every daye night but he bout be proud. We hope the Time hay one of them to Canada rather adairs ot the colony, that the sye te President, in connection with other form of business com postponed in consequence of an than see them walk the streets. Continued on page 8)
the charges.
manded some trade.
injury to Beckett left hand.
Continued on Page 3)
was debate is After sides an dy cat the subject.


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