
PAGE TWC THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Book Binding!
Book Binding Department to with a 456 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exports JAMAICA WILKINSON Contractor Turns Dowo Petition WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT and Builder No. 78, New Market Street DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE WILL NOT House No. 20 INTERFERE WITH AMALGAMA 28th NOV. STREET, Why throw away your old, but no RETAIL DEPARTMENT TION MEASURE.
SAN MIGUEL No. 107, Bolivar Street Box 411, Panam, RP doubt interesting, books when you The Herald is able to state that His Grace the Duke of Devon THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY can have them neatly bound at sbire has declined to accede to Plans and Specifications Free the prayer of the St. Andrew Parocbial Board and other parFULL SU First Class Morkmanship ties in that parish that the Gov.
THE WORKMAN ernor of Jamaica should be in Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Guaranteed.
structed not to proceed with the Amalgamation Bill in its present Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Arthur and Mr. EPB uzning form being counsel for the plaintier During last year a memerial ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES and Mr. N Browne, KC. and was prepared on behalt of proMr. Browne for the Town perty owners and others of St.
The application was not CENTRAL AVENUE Andrew who are oppposed to the inclusion of that parish for Call and see us before purchasing Pare meeting of the Court of parochial purposes in the Bill elsewhere.
Policy was held at the end et and No. G Street which is before the Legislative December when the Attorney Council to merge the Parochial General introduced a Bill to Boards of St. Andrew, make provision for the electi Kingston General Commissioners of Mayor of Georgetown for and the Mayor and Council of which took place only a few DEMERARA 1923. It was mentioned that Kingston into one corporation months ago, the deceased was the Government bad nominated Creoline Hair Preparations to administer the affairs of both acting in a rather strange malthe Hon. Bayley for the parishes, not only in the interest ner, and it is said, had hinted Positively Superior to all others on earth.
of more efficient government at taking his life.
Municipal Deadlock position. The Bill was carried its Try them and be convinced.
but also for the sake of economy. On Saturday morning he callteen Indians tried to organize a The memorial was largely signed to the servant and gave her demonstration in the yard of They are the Master Preparations of the World.
ed, and was sent to the Governor money to get the usual Sunday IN CAPITAL OF BRITISH GUIANA the public buildings by bearing Different from all Others with the request that it be supply of goods for The use of ENDS BY THE GOVERNMENT placards on their chests and transmitted the Colonial the bouse. While the servant Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. NAMING MAYOR. backs tbe following: Omice.
all Foreign Countries, 60c.
was out, the deceased it is Citizens protest against Town The Government has received alleged took a revolver and shot deadlock in the municipal Council majority being overCreoline Hair Producer Information that the Secretary himselt. No one was present as atfairs of Georgetown, itish ridden. Exchaage. Straightens rough, harsh. kinky hair with or without hot combs, of State for the Colonies does only the deceased and Guiada, has occurred conse.
and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELENE. Contains 10 not see any reason why be servant occupied the house.
should not ioterfere in the matquent on the two candidate: Demerara Diamond And percent mor oil than is possible to be pot into any other preparation of its kind in tno world. Patahot in plaas ani praveai, baldness, On the return of the servant tor the position of Mayor, Mr.
In ounce tins, ter; and is is learnt that a letter she found her master lying in a Nelson Cannon and Mr. Dias, to this effect has been ad pool of blood on the floor with receiving six votes each at the dressed to the St. Andrew the revolver by his side and a annual election. Each candidate Gold Industry Creol na Day Dandruff Remedy very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter Parochial Board.
gun shot wound in his head.
and Eszon. It is aatisoptio. Grow hair koss the scalp healthy voted for himself. As the Town The Amalgamation Bill is to In ounce bottles.
be discussed in the Legislativements in the matter, and it is election was without power to The police are taking stats. Clerk, who presided at the PROTECTING THE LIVES OF Jackson Manufacturing Co.
Council this month, expected that Coroner give a vote for one or other of WORKERS, Indianapolis Ind All Up to date Drug Stores carry stock of Creolina. enquiry will be beld in due the parties, the acting Governor.
course, the Hon. Mr. Popbam Lobb, Jamaica And Gana post mortem examination was forced to intervene. Necessity For Roads Urged.
was held by Dr. Moseley, more especially as the Ratemade available for persons en 300 added from the funds. The and the burial of the payers Association had, in pub The Hon. Francis Dias bas gaged in tbe said industries, race was open to horses four MR. R, STEVENS, TRADE COM. deceased took place yesterday lic meeting, adopted the follow given notice of the following Be it resolved. That this years old and under, weight for MISSIONER, TALKING ON THIS morning at Anchovy a few miles ing resolution: the age, with a sweepstake of 10 out of town. That this meeting of citizens to which will move at the Court strongly urged on COLONY UP NORTH assembled hereby respectfully Demerara Combined Court.
forthcoming meeting of the Government tae great and the first borse to receive the urgent necessity for building the Cup and 200 and the secɔnd request His Excellency Clarendon Case Oficer administering the Govo whereas the Diamond and Gold one or more roads to the interior horse 100, six borses to start The Herald states that readers will be pleased to learn that ernment to take such steps as he bearing districts, of the colony of the colony communicating with or the Cup would not be given.
deems best to end the deadlook have provided the Government said Diamond and Gold bearing Nine horses started Phoebus receiving a good deal of atten Hall, has been re arrested by the election of Mayor for past.
Misha Maren Sharpreste front which threatens with respect with substantial revenue in the districts and for this purpose. Worrell, Palmistry (Marcel. to The Combar. tion in Canada at the present the Jlarendo a police ou a charge the City necessary funds. Reed) Flag Staff (Sunich. sme.
of manslaughter arising out of for 1922.
And whereas there is every of Georgetown Laurels (Nobrega. Lady Maud reason to believe that these in (Bennett. Black (R.
Mr. Stevens, Canadian the death of a lad named Elliot in on the main recently. She An made to secure will in future conCaribbean. who has been in the was discharged close upon another meeting of the slowa tribute as heratofore very large The Demerara Races Worreli. and Bulier (algodis y to revenue colony.
the Coro hope of Ot eleven entrants nine facett Dominion for some the starter, Laura Browa (Mr months. Der jury failed to agree to an end to the debacle; but on whereas a great many has been deputed by the Department of Trade and Com verdic.
the day of the meeting an in lives have been lost rowing to the BULLER WINS GOLD CUP. Chimens horse, and wedding in the dangers of the rivers, the only Two Days Excellent Sport animal) being drawn. Mr. Nobrega merce to lecture on Jamaica, its It is proposed to hold a preproducts, and the possibilities liminary enquiry into the charge Supreme Court to restrain the means of access to the Diamond Never since the Gold Iodustry Cup of Town Clerk from proceeding and Gold bearing districts, yo of trade development between on the In the event Canada and the colony. Awong of a prima facie case being with of the Mayor and Deputy safe means to those engaged opening day of the Demeraraang rade das was bebe care se coin meeting for tne elec nothing has been done to provide The outstanding feature of the the days of long ago bas such interest aruused tion the centres in which Mr. Stevens established, It will be necessary Hon has been lecturing on closer to hold another Coroner in Mayor. The plaintiff in this in the industries of reaching the New Year Race Meeting, was business relations between Cana quest ic to Elliot death, and the matter were Conway, inter or and turning therefrom, the Diashond and Gold Industry nection with this Gold Cup.
da and Jamaica, are the Univer: progress of the case will depend came before the Chief Justice, that a road or roads should be interested in the Diamond and And whereas it is desirable Cap presented a result an overflowing crowd a ratepayer. The injunction sities of Toronto and McGill on the finding of the jury.
He has been doing splendid Sir Chas Mayor, Mr Me immediately constructed and gold industry of the colony. with work on bebalf of the colony. To Open Up Rich Valley.
and in interesting lectures he has been relating his experience headquarters as Trade Commis 3rd ult, states that during the gained in the colony, where his The Northern News of the Capitai and Surplus 10, 000, 000 sioner is located.
Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 previous week an improplu development be ceremony was witnessed in the tween Canada and Jamaica is Montego River Valley of st being developed on satisfactory James, It was he breaking of lines goes without saying.
In the sod for a road for Lottery to cement, foodstufis, rubber goods Sunnerland which will mean th etc. increased imports from the transformation of thousands of Dominion are noticeable. In acres of land from, as Mr. Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY 1921 21 per cent of the island Edmuod Hart, one of the speakOwned by The NATIONAL OTTY BANK OF NEW YORK requirements in the matter of ers on the occasion said, a bound.
flur came from Canada. Listing wilderness into cultivated year fully 45 per cent of the fields 250, 000 sacks of this brought into the island came broke the commodity The Hon. Lightboiy, Depository of the PANAMA CANAL from the Dominion, thanks sod of to the adoption by this colony of earth, alter wh ch he gave aa Empira preference on the basis Mr. Lowe. Mr. G, address. Other speakers were of 25 per cent.
Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Brows, Mr. G. Webst:r, THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in and Mr. Rubie and Mr. Bayley.
Tragedy In Port the line of another road to lead same ENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM OERINA from Newman JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS land.
PHILLIPINES The Northern tews bas stated ARGENTINE BRAZIL CHILE CUBA PERU PORTO RICO that the most important roadway MAN FOUND DEAD ON SATUR mont of the wonderful Montogo in connection with the developeURUGUAY AND VENEZUELA oc DAY WITH REVOLVER BY Valley has yet to be pro.
vided for. It will be from Lottery to Kingston. This road, the paper Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World states, will serve to open up The Port Antonio Correspon about 15, 000 acres of virgin land, dent of the Gleaner writing beside getting rid of the mosti death of Mr. Cyril Stannope which a vehicle must pass, that on February 12 states that the tortuous hill in all Jamaica over ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE Walker under tragic is, Spring Mount Hill. It is circumstances took place on therefore to be hoped that the INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Saturday morning.
necessary appropriation for the Ever since the death of his road will be provided this year.
wife, the late Mrs. Helen Walker. The Herald, a by gentlemen rolled up 10 Bel Air Park, the (Continued on Page 7)
The trada International Banking Corporation 18t River Vers


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