
THS WORKMAN SATURN MARCH 1923 PAGE THREB Treat Yourself Olny the Best Men Furnishings English Woolens White Linen Drills DKI ALBOA EST EER REWED DO YOU NEED BOCAS NEWS.
Secret Society Members BY TAKING Fail to Comply AOF DR. SANGER CAPSULES CANDIDATE MAY LUNCH DERFUL CURE FOR SUIT, Good Sewing can hardly be BLADDER IRRITATION done without good Thimbles, carried in stock To Recover Five Hundred Among other things at our Dollars Gold.
It Contain East Indian Oil of Sandal Wocd store you ll find a nice assortment of Thimbles in Sterlin and other ingredients The undue administration of fine Selection of Silver, Sterling with Gold Banil certain rules of the General and 14k. Solid Gold.
LAWS in connection with the Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours They are Heavy Weight and Grand United Order of Oldcorrectly designed.
fellow Society, Mizpah Lodge, No. 9877. is at present engaging AND We also have Thimbles for the attention of Mrs Charlotte EUY BOX TO DAY Tailors in Sterling Silver. See Byrnes of Guabito, who it is re them at norted is about take action or AT THE legal proceeding against the fore JUST RECEIVED CHCRRILLO DRUG STORE FULLER mentioned Lodge for having lori ited the arrangement made No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
with her as a candidate for Initiation on the 24th evening of ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY 122 Central Ave January list, and for damaging reflction cast upon her char. co SHIRTS TIES COLLARS ter as a result of the attitude ETC. ETC. ета.
of the said Lydee. The grievance of Mrs. By rnes is depre cuted in the following manner.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL Ar application was forwarded to the Lodge on the 13th Decem PERREIRA r, 1922, the formalities of ballotting were gone through by CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street. PANAMA the officers and members of the Luge Report of the Investigating Committee Was favour Able to the letter sent regarding the qualification and character of the candidate. Mrs. Byrdes was therefore notified to attend Bill to Keep Chinese Viscount Burnham the Lodge on the 17th night of the mooth to be initiated into Out of Dominion the mysteries of Odd fellowship (Continued from page 1)
After having made the necessary preparation incumbent on is at hand when our sister colher as a candidate and put in CANADIAN PARLIAMENT WILL nies in the Caribbean will be in ter appearance she was told CONSIDER IMMIGRATION BY the same position as Jamaica that she could not be initiated when it comes to cable facilities.
PASSPORT SYSTEM She was rej. cted from a group If West Indian unity is tº of ten other candidates. No become a reality, it is clear that reason was given for such pro Ir 18 BELIEVED THAT MATTER we in Jamaica must endeavour cedure notwithstanding the WILL BE ACCEPTABLE TO THE warn more about fellow subjecte light of the Ganeral Rules.
CHINESE REPUBLIC of the Enpire in the eastern The old and new Contitution, section of the Caribbean. But pages 60 and 75 respectively:bow can this be done whan, it Initiation of members Rule 77 JAPANESE PROBLEM.
we omit for the time being the reads thas. service which Messrs. Elders Fyffes conduct between England Any person desirous of becoming a member of any Lodge (By Direct West India Cable during the winter months, for And Trinidad, thence to Ja naica shall be proposed by any one Ottawa, Oat. January 18. The nine or ten months out of every occus.
member and seconded by anoth Government bas prepared a bill year, wa are without tbat kica er at a regalar Laige meeting dealing with the matter of the of steam ship His name, age, residence, regulation of Chinese immigra which existed up tɔ the out communication and occupation Shall be duly tion which will be presented to break of the war? fortnight stated by his proposer, and the Parliament at the coming s66 subsidised service from the ly particulars shall be entered by sion. The exact provisions of United Kingdom to the West the Secretary in a book kept for the bill will not be given out Indies is desideratuu.
that purpose.
until Parliament meets, but it intents It is, and purposes an Before the next regular system is the basis of it The with a good deal of pleasure understcod shat the passport Imperial question; and we note meeting the Noble Grand of Chinese Cuasul bere and the that recently the Port of Spain other officer or officers shall Chinese Am cassador at Wash Garette, one of the oldest and make inquiries concerning the ington respectability of tha candidates ington have been to close con most reputable journalse in the 30 proposed, and shall wake regarding the matter for some attention to sultation with the Government West fodies, has been directing. known to the meeting the result time past, and it is believed the It is o opinion that this vital ARE THE BEST MADE of his or their is quirles and matter will be acceptable to the communication, especially in the regular shall also producs and read a Chinese public. List session transport. tida of mails and pas Then why be satisfied medical cartiticate of fitness, resolutios was introduced in sengers, should be inaintained Tha mesting shali than de Parliament by M Quarrie. by British line id not, aj is with less than the best cide whether such candidato mea bar for New Westminster, sometimes the case, shall or shall not become a nam by a bar of the Lodge.
urglag the future exclusion of foreign shipping company, oriental immigration for per British Galana has already. should a majority of the manent residence in Canada and made a favourable pronouncemembers present decide in fawas debated by the House at ment on the same subjact; but, vour of admitting such cand some length.
like Trinidad, that colony is pas date into the Lodge, then the candidate sball sign the Register Hon. Charles Stewart, Minister sing through a financial crisis of Book provided by the Society, in considerable magnitude. When Immigration of moved married the name and age of striction be substituted for have no doubt whatever that the which shall be entered (it he be am endment that effective re the tide of Prosperity begins to flow to the sister colonies, we his wife; and be shall also pay exclusion in th: resolution and paramount question of the fees required by the Lodge the amendment was carried. The rules, Goverment now belives that dised shipping service between effective restrictions will be the Ualted Kingdom and these He shall then be initiated obtained under the bill which colonies, must be considered.
member in the manner prescrib it has framed. Liberal policy When that time comes Jamaica the rituals provided for this matter has always been cannot afford to remain that purpose.
based the passport system. the discussion. It we are to According to the tenor of the The head tax has been considered develop our tourist traffic, and of her initiation and the imme and inei fective in operation. Sir circular untifying the candidate both obj ctionable in principle our share in the promotion of West unity, to diate su pension of and failure Wilfred Laurie favoured a system nothing of providing shippers of to comply, is undoubtedly a bad of passports over the number of and producars marketable additional reflection on the intelligence of which Canada would have coatrol commodities the members of the order; and During the visit of the present facilities for the expansion of to avoid a law suit it is much Prime Minister to China in 1908, trade with the Uaited Kingdom.
fted we must be prepared to drafted enPanama better that they agree to give an agreement Colon that candidate all the degrees between the Goverment of Cana ter into an agreement which gestis as a compromise rather da and the Government of China will bring about a restoration of than baving to pay the amount of doing away with the head tax and that service which the Royal Five Hundred Dollars gold substituting the passport system Mail Co. maintained up to 1914.
claimed for damage by candi. Meanwhile the question of reci at considerable lost to its share.
date. Coniral American Express. procity with the United States tions that have arisen since the In view of the condi.
came up it was leave the immigration question blast of war in Europe, such LEBLANC over until the wider one of service cannot be undertaken reciprocity bad been settled. The without a subsidy; and this is not ORDER UNDERTAKER Goyernment in Canada was the time to make it appear that changed at the polls and that Jamaica has nothing to send to CORNER AND 10L STREET of China by revolution and the and the sister colonies havo Trinidad, Barbados or Demerara negotiations went no further.
FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES Member of the nothing to send us in return. We The present measure will likely must look at the question from. Universal Negro Improvement provide for absolate restriction broader angle the angle of ImKept in stock at the with the exception of Merchants perial trade, and for the estabAssociation African Corte and students whose admission lishment of a West Indian begemunities League will be regulated by passports. mony: in the same way as a So far as is known the Goverment West Indian Press Union would Vultersal African Black Cross Nurses has not arrived at a resolution pave the way to the attainment bis 2017 of the question of Japanese of greater things in these colonSpecial Rate for Members. imigration.
but it is to all Walk Over Shoes question. BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED a subsi.
ed out of American Bazaar Stores with Was BOOKS WORKMAN PRINERY


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