
Announcement Extraordinary PANAMA JOCKEY JOCKEY CLUB What it is. What it Doing p. in.
CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN (American Episoopal Church. Third Sunday In Lent)
Pud. Isbed on Saturdays by Rates for Adver semsal ons plles St. Paul Church, Panama WALR IND, at the office Central Ave ton. Correspondence on all matters am, Holy Communion mue sed corner of Street Papams of publto interent levited.
Rdo 10 Matias All copy for publication musi te 10 21 in Holy Eucharist and sermon Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and pm Holy Baptist RATES OF BUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of pm Sunday School Ocel Year 40 8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publies 30 Evenson sermon Bx Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faith. Serv. ces daily, in the Church at am Three We do not undertake to return duriog the week. Wednesday 30 pm Ooo 250.
Evensong sodConfirmation Class 11 rejected correspondence. NIGHTENGALE Rootor Te Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS St. Alban s, Paralso.
7:15 am Hl. Com union SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923 8;30 p, Holy Bap ism 11 a. mn Mstis sod Address HONOUR TO WHOM HONOUR 7:30 Evensonz and address Saaday School IS DUE. NIGH PENGALE Priot in charge St. Matthias Miss! on Las Sabanas To The People Of Panama:The Isthmian Park Athletic Meet which went through Metins and Address 11 am We want you to know that:so successfully on the 22nd and the 25 ult. has gone down. Curea School The Panama Jockey Club is composed of a number of leading Pana.
into the history of local sports as a monstrous achieve. 4, 15 Evous sng and address ment by the Unique Cycle Association of Panama. The NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge manian, American and British business men.
group of young cyclists who comprise the membership of The horses include American, Ja naican, Peruvian and Chilean this classy association must be congratulated on the St. Peter Church La Boca.
thoroughbreds, also Native ponies.
excellent manner in which the two day programme was Holy Communion 6:30 am carried through, and on the enjoyable amusements which Holy Baptiem a. The Judges and Stewards have no financial ialerest in the Jockey were afforded the public on both occasions.
Matins and termoa 11 a.
Club Sunday School porn To say the least, the public have been remarkably Choral Erensong with Sermon 7:30 The Pari Mutual betting system is used. Under this system all generous in their patronage and appreciation of the sports, Except on Saturday, there will be moneys bet on a race are added together, th, Jockey Club percentage is The eotries were entertaining and the entrants enthusias service every morning, as o clock deducted, and the balance is equally divided amongst those holding tickets on tic. On occasions when our local cracks were the T, MULCARE. Rector the winning horse. There is also a place pool.
whole coterie of contestants the spectators have St. Barnabas Church Empire always turned out in large numbers, but the overwhelm Morning prayer and adkerese 11 am OUR PROGRAMME FOR ELEVEN (11) MEETS ing attendances at the recent meet have been mainly due Sunday School Confirmation Class between February 11th and April 22nd includes: to the unusual interest and excitement created by the 20 Class Races participation of over sea competitors.
Evening Prayer and address pim Value of Purses. 14, 00. 00 During the week preceding the events, Messrs. JT MULCARE Price ia charge Johnson, Sangster, Davis and Hall, Jamaica Bartholomews Church Las 17 Class Races reputedly best cyclists, along with Gooden and Bethune, Cascadas Value of Purses 300. 00 famed flat race and long distance marvels, who came here Morning Pae apt Address 11 am 11 Class Races to represent the Isle of Springe in the February sports on Sunday School Confira xian Clare Value of Purses 1, 335. 00 the Isthmian pleasure grounds, treated the huge crowds 80 pm of spectators who gatbered to see their work outs to sen Evening Prayer and Address 3, 30 23 Native Racessational demonstrations of their athletic prowess. MULOARE Priest in sharge Value of Purses.
2, 865, 00 Rumours of their vaunted superiority over the local aggregations in the various fields of the game soon spread Panama San Miguel St 71 Races Value of Purses. 22, 500. 00 like wild fire and seized the crowds in Panama, on the building 18 line and Colon with an unabating fever wbich was only to Gospel Serm 300 11, 30a. 7:30 There is no other sport that gives you the same thrill that the cry be cured when the first day of the sports arrived. Never Sunday School pm THEY RE OFF gives you, for horse racing is before, not even in the days of the Empire sward when Bailey Pastor Weir and Johnson thrilled our populace with their lightning sprints, was there such enthusiasm as was shown in Church Of God G St Colon connection with the last athletic meet.
11. 30 am 7:30 Gospel Sermon The visiting competitors proved themselves to be Sunday School p genial and manly sports, and they have been fully appre Sis Brewster Pastor Evang. SEXSASSOOO ciative of the ovations showered upon them, and of the New Providence hospitality afforded them by the in particular, and the public, in general; but, amidst all of their enjoy Gospel Sermo 11. 30. 30 The Salvation Army La Boca Wiki ment and pleasure here, they did not forget that they suncis School3 pp.
Sis Elliot, Pastor Sunday 5:30. Prayer meeting came to represent their island horne. This they Gatun C, 11 am Sorgrant Major Watley accomplished to a T, and their country will have good 7:30 Mrs. Easiga Benpuit reasons to be proud of the pick it sent here to do battle Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 80 against the local champions.
Sunday School pm Christian Mission of Panama Johnson came George Griffith with the reputation as champion Panıma 11 am. Rawlins 30 J, Yard of Jamaica on the wheel. Sangster was hailed as a dangerChorilo 11. am C, Brewster, 7:30 STERLING VALUE ous rival of Johnson while Hall was recognized as an in Seventh Day Adventist Church Pollard AND dispensable factor in team work and a possible placer STREET CALIDONIA ROAD. Boull. Taylor 7:30 CMosley Davis. at a boy. did not seem to gain much advertise(near Isthmian Park. PANAMA. Paraiso 11 am 7:30 Bello ment until in his breezy practices he showed the crowds YOUR DOLLARS WORTH here what he meant to do.
Babbath (Saturday) 945 am, Sab Gatun 11 am 7:30 William From the first event to the last Davis, the human 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 bath School; 11. 15 am General Worship Colon 11 Burke Bupt 7:30 Roy. Thrift comet, rode in a class all by himself.
He seemed able to Young People Meeting; 30 der Rev. W, BURKE Supt.
win any event that he cared to, and, in fact, he won all in Veepers, which he entered save one, the nine mile in which he came Sunday evening at Reading It you like beautiful hair use so close a second to Sangster that it is speculative Class. All are welcome both young and whether the loss was not one choice and courteous old. 30 m, Proaching Service. Creoline hair producer.
The team work of the Jamaica cyclists was wonderful mus. Three more like them would have given the visitors and commendable. The men rode for COUNTRY first a lively time on the track, As it was, the latter did not and ME second. When once country was safe the dash win, at any time, with a romp. away. Onohrəy is handifor me became sensationally interesting. Sangster, who capped by being too far from the Isthmian ground; to must be regarded as a coming wonder and an entertaining practise and he found the track over here quite different IT TOASTED rider, did brilliant work for his team. Hall did credit to from the concrete surface on the Coco Solo and the Gatun his place on the team and contributed much to the success roads. Yet if he had understool the genius of team work of his compatriots. Johnson, under apparent physical he would have ridden differently. He is the hope of th: unfitness, worked like a Trojan and fully earned his places Atlantics ide and much might be expected of him in the in the events.
Our local idol, Hollis, was shadowed by the Jinx Gooden and Bethune sustained their reputations and which played funny pranks on him. tie up fall which defended their country. Masters in their department of Ebenezer Church Building No. Baptist Church wicked blow out were the misfortunes he experienced in bacon. In all the sports it was Jamaica first almost all Sunday. Il am Morning Forship knocked his wheel qut of centre, a slipped chain and a sport, they gave our boys a warm time and carried off the 85, Calidonia Road, Panama Colon Pastor Thrift will preach at 11 three events in which he tried to race.
Am 7;15 and administer the Lord Three mishaps the time.
threw him completely out of the running on the first day, The meet will do many good things for local athletes pm Ev. azelistic, tervloe pm Sunday School Supper after each Service but his amazing work on the second revived the dying it will teach them that broad mindedness is better to Monday 30 Believers meeting Chorrillo Il Pastor Witt The Lord.
confidence of his admirers, and while he lost the fifteen be cultivated than selfishness in sport. It impress Tuesday 7, 30 Ceristain Endeavour, Coroasl Rond 11 Am. Dancon Stewart Supper after each mile race to Davis, his riding, was highly satisfac ory to all upon them the benefit of hard and persistent training. It Wednesday 30 Bible reading who had become despondent at his failures on the first will open their ideas to the fact that the only way to im, Thursday 30 p, Choir practics 7;15 Descon Smith programme.
prove and increase in ability is by excelling one self and Friday p. Junior Christain Endeave u Bmpire 11. Deacon Cummings What caused bim to lose is exactly what made the not by being content with past achievements, 30 Prayer meeting.
7, 15 Doncon Brown visitors win: team work. The Isthmian cyclists, excepting, To the Jamaica boys we say: Well done! You came day retool is also conducted in the Pueblo Nuevo 11 a. Deacon Melatoula Hollis, Schloss, Baptiste and a few more, appeared to with the determination to win and to take back to your Church, by Mrs. suey, who is alto have been riding under inspiration of the adage. Every bome the trophies of struggle and the rewards of combat. the president of the Chi tsa Endeavour Cativa Supplied 7:25 Deeoon Stewart man for himself, and the devil take the hindmost. Hol. to lis exhibition on the second day has convinced the Isth cheerfully and ungrudgingly to our victors. We are glad fancy work else is told to the young Now Providencell am Deacon Brown mian people that he is still in the first class, and that had you came, we are sorry you are going, and we say: Come people of the sure conduced by Ms. Now Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor Thritthe been less uofortunate on the first day, the records of again!
Ivy We ch, youce Indy of excellent talent and abiety. Red Tank. Suuthe events would have been somewhat different, Davis When next we send our boys over to compete in day School is also ca tueted berw in not excluded. His fifteen mile race was a victorious loss. Jamaica it will be with defininte instructions to bring back connection with the Chu ca Mr Recce Creoline straightens and Schloss is a game and great boy and worked earnəstly the cups and other trophies that are leaving us this Supt.
beautifies the hair and pro thfully with Hollis to uphold the integrity of the Isth week. And they will have to do it.
Rev, Odle, Pastor in charge duces hair on bald heads.


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