
THE WORKAAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1923 PAGE FIVE. YOUR OLD FAVORITE and STAND BY supremacy STROLLERS Can now be Purchased from all Dealers IN THE REPUBLIC wa 10cts.
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes tion ATLANLIC SIDE.
OSXSXSSE CANAL ZONE NOTICE NOTES Comments from the MERCHANTS Windy City GATUN Stock up with PIEDON THE RECENT ATHLETIC Residents Requests Good MONT Cigarettes, The SPORT IN PANAMA Roads and Improved sallors favoritt. Buy them Houses.
now before we Run out In of stock, the annals of Isthmian Abtletie Sporis, never has been The residents of High Street British American Tobacco Co.
the public arcorded such an in Canal Zone quarters would (Panam. Ltd.
oportunity of grand sport as like to call the attention of the on the 22nd and 25th February Chiet Quartermaster and the at the Isthmian Park with the Assistant Quartermaster to the Resp. Log. PartheAthletes from Jamaica competing of again os the local boys for request that they would use.
their influence to bring about a non No.
ph Ths Jamaica team consisting of better and more improved state Dayle, Sangster, Jobpson and of affairs, They would also On Saturday evening February 24th Hall representative cyclists, and appreciate some improvements Gooden. Sprinter and Betbune to the houses which have been of the 10. 7. 8: in Colaj urney.
the Executive Officers of the Sub Order long Distancer, comprised the built from the occupation of the led to the Pacific for the purpose very best choice of the Isle of French Canal Company and of insalting the officers of the PartheSpring and these boys certainly which houses are in a delapidat non dge No. 3, the Istest ani acquitted themselves like men ed condition, Some of the em pesking section of the Order in Pantai in their respective engagements.
ployees have many children an The offis who came u were Br.
it is not up to the standard of An leren, sub, Gooden, in all his events, prov.
modern civilization that they Wilso, Fres, and MeL ed himself the greatest sprinter here and Betbune convinced sboul be huddled together.
Osborne (our local boy) as being The lodge was upseed in due forma a better hall miler. MBOA AND CORNWALL Cafter which thrae cudidates ware added. But abve all the cyclists gave by initiation Bro. Bibigo Isthmianites the thrill of their Delgado WII Meet In Contest.
the esteemed Founder of the lodge wa lives in which excitement ran given free band by the Executive at high tide. Johnson, the veteran Officers, In order to test bie qualifications eyclist, with his phenomenal Te morrow, at the Cornwall and knowledge of he order to carry out sprint for home; Sangster. the Cricket Oval the Gamboa che fuortion. The brother proved sensational pace maker and will play a friendly game of all present that he was fully qualfied sprinter, and Hall, the Silent cricket The Cornwall team will and fulfilled all expectativas After the ola Reliable wete at their best.
be captained by Earle, who ceremy Bro. H, Rullen Boehr, But the Super man Davis, the is well known as a batsman and of Tonis Lodge, No. 22. The Hooded Terror bas de a bowler. Play will commence at asked to disclose the Chart granted by monstrated his undoubted super.
11 a. fans and rooters are the Executive Body of the Order in iority hy a wide margin over all asked to be guided thereby. Bogland to be Resp. Lg. Partheano bis team mates and others.
No. 3, Davis gave the public many OBITUARY. few minutes were given for reseas between Thursday surprises and Sunday. Whenever be is FOR and then the Lodge was ng is called to der for the los allation. Toe Grand sprinting his bicycle seems to be elretribed, but on being asked It is with deepest regret we Officers were Bros Anderson M.
chronicle the death of Mrs. Ida Nugen DGM, HE Rolin how be develops all his great Cox native of Kingston, Ju. Bachner G3 Wilson T: speed be remarked: It is cause maic, WI. who departed Yerwod GD, Mineo, GJD it is RUDGE, my friend this life on February 11th 1923. M, Su veos lo G, Warner C. Britain Best Bicycle Hollis The sad event took place at the and H, McLou Tyler, Too Bros gave many same fights for firstSanto Tomas Hospital, Panaza who were installed to serve the ebeu place to see the phantom RUDGE City, after undergoing an opera term wer. Dəming) Rove 1.
rider passing bim with a bread Manuel de G DM. PO grio easily. In the 15 mile race he stopped the breadth of the Sh was well known, beloved Gstalo Quiro Faustino and respected by all who came Figuertos Set. silo Oviedo Suk, Seot.
public, when, with a punctured in contact with her.
Pelipe Munoz Trea. Fermin Polo Ia.
back tire, with Hollis some 30 yards away from him with Daceased was an active mem Eddardo Guetrero yler Rafael Johnson running next to Hollis, ber of the Division No. Pegueros Chap. and Balbino Delgado Davis sbot from Nowhere 17. IG There were several visiting and won almost at the tape.
She left an only son in New brothers from Sister Lodgee in Panama It appears the Jinks was on and Colon.
York to mourn bis irreparable 50 SSVENSIS SSS Harry on the first day sports loss.
After the ceremony all repaired to the as he had mishaps in the three (Jamaica paper please copy)
banquet ball and did justies to the god of his races, but on Sunday he things that were provided. Several Management, England, will be speeches were given in both English and made every effort for equality. In the one mile RUDGE WAIT.
held at the Flower of the Isth Will Rebuild The Constant Spanish, Bes, Dulgado being the chief WORTH Cup race he made a mut Loigeriam on Saturday interpretur, DAIRYMEN LEAGUE desperate attempt to take tirst Merete 4th 1923. Very imporSpring Hotel place but Davis snatched it away taot baséness has been placed on from him at the last moment.
the Agenda and all officers and Many witnesses of Sunday Condensed Evaporated At a meeting of the share Christian Mission delegates are requested to be bloders of the Constant Spring sports have expressed opinion present Ho el Company, it was decided Of Panama that Harry deserves a consolation to rebuild the hotel which was priza from the promotors of the destroyed by dre a few weeks sports for his kyme attempt at New Court of ago.
PAYS VISIT TG PALO SECO tbe 15 mile 1806. Scblog was It is certain that a modern and setting all the pace he could for Foresters.
up to date hotel will be erected, Harry, and he did remarkably and a most necessary Institution On Sunday afternoon, a few of well to tioish in the race. He revived, Indeed, the absence ot the members of the Church and also deserves special mention Cernmunicated. this old hotel at the present some of the Sunday School In the first day sports, of 36 juncture has been a great loss, scholars of the Christian Mission It has been a surprise to many and it is to be hoped that points accorded the cycle events PANAMA CANAL GOMMISSARIES on herrin, thats new Lodge or work of erecting the new build co, to encourage the inmates of the ot Panama paid a visit to Palo 27 points werd won by Rudge Whitworth bicycle, by Triump Court of Forestry has been opening will be rapidly executed.
ed and established on the Atlanthat place, by rendering a few and by Ensiga and Mead. BECAUSE IT IS tie side of the Isthmus 0: songs, recitations, solos, and adthe second day sports of 30 Panama; the name and No. of dresses, which were well receive points accorded, 22 points were Rint Recept Books In Spar ed.
which is Court Atlantic No.
Rodge Whitworth bicycle the other points being 9914, of the Ancient Order of ish and English for sale at The Rev. Burke Supt. of the Porosters, and is being operated Workman Printery.
work gave a spiritual address to divided anong others. There under the anthority of the High the patients, be said in part that the two was nothing to mar Coert of Earland, from whom its he was glad he had the privilige days events as Sol was at his Chester er Dispensation has been the new Court had proved to be there, yet said he his jy received, the And CHEAPEST successful; Saturday the 24th of was mingled with sadness, when sepsational Oolon rider did remarkably weli Mr. Cadogan, who is bered as a Red Letter day to the there, laid aside from all the out February will long be remem be looked upon those who were In winding one rece teking tirs, well known as one of the pio Court, it being the day when the side pleasures of tho One Trial will Conworld, place with the big ridere, neers who introduced Forestry Charter op Dispensation was through no fault of their owo, it on the Isthmus of Panama is the unveiled, the Oficers installed. brought sadness to him, and vince You chief founder of the new lodge and the Court officially declared tears ran down bis On his recent tour to England cbeeks, but King David Initiates where he is also personally open for business.
be assured them that one thing Court Atlantic is at present there, and he is there to help.
he was certain of that God was krova at the headquarters of the And Installs.
Agents: FIDANQUE BROS. SONS Order. he did not forget to ex. located at Gatun in the Canal press the long felt desire and Zone, and discountenancing all The choir sung a few selected ISAAC BRANDON BROS Read of a mixed Court on the parrow mindedness a drive has plices, which were well received Those who attend the special Isthmes, that is, Lodge or been ide tituted to invite all by the patients, and beg that we TOLEDANO, Colon meeting held at the Flower of Corct which is obtained in other gentlemen and ladies of good come back again, Brewster the Isthmus Lodgercom by places and such as he had the reputation to avail themselves of who was conducting the atrair Royal King David Temple No.
privilege of visiting in London the opportunity of becoming did it satisfactorily, and in a few 2, UOM , on Saturday one that would admit both active members.
remarks sald he was also proud aight February 24th, 1923, when gentlemen and ladies on equality. On that evening the Sublime place to see some of the inmates of the privilidge visit the Tour new links were addded to sell and satisfactory to the provided.
Speeches were indulged in and the Isthmus, after having written. Cadogan by her husband Mr. girl who used to take part in the Da Mr. Cadogan return to Degree was conferred on Mrs. of the place especially one ot the the chain of Mosaicism and the lodge.
officers elect alled in their The following officers will con very merry time spent.
various offices for the term terminated about Boeial with a number of Founder of the new Court and she is laid aside bat hope that The uthority to proceed to organize. A. Cadogan and Sunday School but at this time February July, were amply duct the affairs for the present proceedings recompenced for their time and term: Best, MM; 80 o clock with the doxology selected gentlemen, and on De was ably assisted by another God will soon deliver her.
WC; Allman, night sou blo function Dispensation for the Court No.
names of those initiated: bro Bilis, WA 8; Sister Cadogan is now the 1st supervision of Mr. Rimsay is.
The staff of men under the 9911. WRs granted and 8; Douglas, Brathwaite.
sent and only Lady Forester on this cordial bunch and they teached across the Atlantic to him on side of the Adlantic who has us well, Mr Richards must be. T; Daley. Parker and Cuthbert Stephesco, 1 GAy Browo, Panama District To Hold behalf of the new Court Then honor of holding the degree of a congratulated for the good he The initiation ceremony being o G; Bi yan, MM; Meeting, in tis and ever unos Past Chief completed the second item on Goddard, PWMM; and tentations way. Bro. Cadogan has done for he thought ot Application forms and full caring for the sick opened the portals of Court information can be had by writ place, with the good the agenda was entered upon, of that es namely the installation of the Quinland, WM The regalar quarterly session Atlantic on the Canal Zone to ing to the Secretary Mr. e sent of the Supt. We will go again oficers elect.
At the conclusion, all present of the Posna Dtrict of the Ladies and Gentlemen who would Cherry, Box 1489, Christo it an opportunity is attorded acted as Installation Master and repaired to the banquet singing Grand United dor of Odd 15 ising that noble and Ancient initiated Foresters are cordially Bro. Allocan, PWMM.
welcome the opportunity of bal Also all regularly us.
conducted, the ceremony in a Оaward Ch istian Soldiers, fellows working under the Order.
sonner congratulatory to him and sat down to the fine repast jurisdiction of La Cowitse ol) Altersvo evenings of initiation Court Atlantic at all times.
invited to visit the New Court, Smith entitle Master the TumpSpecial Organ Solo, by Edgar est is raging. olio Creamy Milk Now on Sale at YM gained by The Very Best best Abrahams to


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