
that more like it!
United States District Court In and for the Canal Zone, fifteen (15)
BETTER cigarettes SATIRA TOUSSAINT. Maiutiff.
DIVOR:E 10 in the Republic (By ANTOINE) ne tby future glory through the mirage of the years; ve of times hard this song of Hope free all thine ancient sets; Toere comes a day when from the far fluag portals of the earth, All parbs shall lead to the. brough the there. bang nations girth, The day shalid. wo when Commerce, Trade and Wealth must struggle bere When buy, freigo marts sball rush competing. cach met fair; And barbingers of Theft assembling in thy bomey berth Suall be Earth wonder, and what loyal ssg aw wi. mirth.
Febw, to the morning sun rise shimm ring o er tho saila of sent units of that ocuatica fl set whose ses borne traila.
Frota e very e. ve of Ear with every sbad of hu dan kin, Come u ust ring at thy call, to man triumphant pr grees win. see them waiting in suspense all breathless soxicus. stern. Ibey re er wat through the gateway of the Apes, that e. cl eaca fits no aflet agress to whilber it mu truve.
For all the people of the rıb are fi ing through his cvs.
Oft Times at eve, while sunset threatens with its ghtly shrou And in soute, think on thy stined glories pr ut.
Bubo with oft roffa ed pain tha nocturos pull tan duwa.
Aad tide my vi iu ir mthey eming fame iby loud renowo.
And as the light of the day goca forth, a light more glorious brilla Within me, and see with Fai s propbetio gas, the thrille Of oining wonders, and marv llous conquests of the morrow.
Wben civic harmony with all transcending bliss shall glow.
For in this meeting of the severd ces of mankind, The grand commirgling of b: Ages wit sball gladly find Their blust refining urn, with ceaselesa march e er moving up To bigheat flights of Prozren, where the gods of Wisdrup.
Here, tby door, the bleat communal comité of Earth res, and beirinchantiog pacars o er the calea il birth Of Peace and Labour; and see them bring the ermine bright.
Tu crown thee with an aureole which sheds a dazzling light.
WHEREAS ion for divoros on account of desertion, as provided in the Act of Cngress was instituted in this court on approved ptember 21, 1922, January 25, 1953, by Satire ossaint against her husband, Alfred Toussaint; and whereas un mons issud by this court through the mar hal thereof against said Alfred Toussains has been returned witb nelice that the de! dant cannot be ia the Canal Zine: Therefore, iu accordance with provisions of the sta u rotice is hereby given to the said Alfred Toussaint to app ar in this court within ninety days after the first publ cation or this summor (February 24th, 1928) and there make a swer H, SHEIBLEY Ac ing Clerk of Cour.
found POLO POLO Every cigarette full weight and full size KINKK The Cigarettes and ilken hair pink USE QUSEN HAIR TRESSING Imagine yourself with long wavy.
how attractive you would be. This you can easily have by using QUEEN HAIRDRESSING QUEEN removes dandruff and stops feexis the hair roots and help the hair to row long smooth and pretty. laure can of QUEEN HAIRDRESSING for se. all good drug stores, and at falling hair. QUEEN BREWER AND HESS, Se, toe. STORUS WHOLESALE QUEEN AGENTS 165 Central Avenue, Panama City 100 Bolivar Street, Coloa Taice no substitute, demand QUEEN HAR DRESSING a JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards in PANAMA CANAL transit southbound some ancor.
ing in Gatua ke overnight, Made by NOTES.
Liggett Myers Tobacco Co.
The lowa to Be Sunk. that means quality.
Heay. est Weeks Traffic Under Fire.
Through Canal to Date Among the vessels of the total of 168 vessels transist. Atlantic Fleet making the Ing the canal during the week transit of the Canal on Fet.
ending at midnight February ruary 10 was the old luwa.
the 17. istablished new high now designated Coast record for trafic thr ugh the Battleship No which is to be Canal. This total was made up Bunk by gunfire during the ex of 85 transits of commercial ercises of the combined fleets.
vessils, 81 transits of United Wito engines and belm controlled States Naval vessels, and small by radio the ship will be manBouve as she would be in battle, nonseagoing launches.
in order to simulate war cundi.
Owing to the passage of the tions as closely as practicable.
Naval visuels from the Atlantic She will serve both as an un.
to the citic the traffic was usual target for gunnery and Kreatly one sided. there being as a proof of the ff. of various Although the future is now ob138 vessels passing through the proj. ctiles and explosives.
scured by beavy clouds, evidence Canal routhbound as against 35 vessels going North.
The firing, naturally, will be of progress here should not be verlooked, Io mid winter uoCommercial Traffic Alone conducted well out of the lanes of traffic and pressution will be employment substantially Greater Than Average taken But last month the creases to prouct comercial official figures show that the Without the transit of the vessels against dang Atlant e Fleet, the week traffic percentage of men out of work The Fowu is one of the historie slightly declined would have been heavier tban Official reports show a slight, it definite, ordinary. On the 14th, 19 com. Vessels, the Uaited States Improvement in the demand for mercial vessels transited the Navy, Author d iu 1892, and labour in such leading industries Cana. hwing a cr mbined Pana completed in 1997, sha set ved a3 mining. iron and steel, ma Canal net toonage of 86 808 in the Spanish American War, engineering and shpbuilding.
tars, win without consider tá IDR part in the Datila of San Indeed, 8, jadged by the sinoont of ing the Naval vessels transiting ago.
new tourake laid dowa in the the Oanai that date, makes one of the heaviest day traltic since its Traffic for First Haif of Good Assortment last quarter, the outlook in the ship yards is appreciably better.
opening February.
There may be said to be rather The aggregate net tonnage.
TO SELECT FROM AT THE widespread sigos of slight Parama Canal measurement, struggle upwards in trade and of the commrcial vessels pass total of 161 commercial industry. The questions on ing through the Canal duricg the vessels transited the everyone lips ara how far the week, totalled 414 576 tous, or during the tirt 14 days international clouds will allow it an average of 59 224 tons per of February.
the to develop, or even whether reday. The total displacement with aggregated 698, 652 43 action will set in. Ia any case tonnage of the Naval vessels This gives daily average labour conditions are still so pasting through the Canal of 115 commercial transit Dard, that a slight further drop totalled 314 946 tous. and for the first recovery of Europe in the realm of international atfairs in the cost of living is a welcone average of 52, 494 tons for the hall of the months to cuum pared BRITISH ECONOMICS cluding Perance, it is better has turned up in the shape of feature, days during which the Fleet whith a daliy average of 11. I think to present these the adjurament of the Wasning trinsited the Canal.
comercial transits and 48, 557 views thus bluatly than to ton Conference on the subject Some complicated statistics 60 for the month of January, AND FINANCE.
glogs them over Lockage Records Broken or to pre of the tu diok of the British recently published by the London tend that they are diferent debt to America. Those who Economist go to show that from Oa Wednesday. Fabruary 14 Woile the daly average tranThe one vague hope entertained looked for a smooth and speedy the point of view of protit earna total of 20 lockages were made sits and tolls for the first 14 days in England is that Franca will agreement on to huge and coming British industry as a whole in 16 hours and 17 minutes, at were slightly biger than for the (By LEONARD REID)
the Gatun Locks, during which preceding month, the monthly frankly acknowlege that her polics plicated a problem were boping passed the worst point of the after all, is wrong, and agree to ou mtich, Doviously Mr. Bald. slump during 1922 time there were locked 20 com totals will probably be a little London, January 1923. It arbitration batore irretrievable win was right in wishing to con. statistics analyse the profita dismercial vessels and cayuco under January record figures goes without saying that events disaster comes. should like sult the British Cabinet before closed by company reporters (which is the record commercial owing to the fact that February in the Ruhr are absorbing the just to add one word on this signing an agrcement which published quarter by quarter.
traffic for day. Navy des has but 28 days The Panama main attention of economic and subject. wrote two weeks ago vitaly e fects British taxpayers These company reports refer to troyers, Navy wine sweeper. Canal cord.
financial circles in Britain an article in wbich endeavoured for the next five or six decades. periods which and Navy auxiliary sbtps.
Sober and responsibla opition to explain what the Briush re But there is fortunately no rea average perbaps to six may perhaps be summed up by racion On Thursday, February 15 at, plau meuat and sua for thinking that an amicable meaths before their publication Gatun Locks, a total of 21 lock saying that the gloomy pre cras. what it aimed at Uritics have agreement will not yet be reach. Ever since the first quarte, ages (1 record for day) was FOR SALE tinations, which, recen ly are taken we to tack on the grounded on the basis of a fair business of 1921 these of made in 15 bours and 38 minutes held to have been abundantly bal it aimed at an into rabie blow compromise between British and profits shown ia company during which were justified with unexpected celeri at those Allied countries which American views. The latter are reports have showa quarter by locked in commercial ships and One Stuvessant Piano 19. Experta when view the were: re lying og reparacion more clearly understood in this quarter very substantional 24 Naval vessels as follows: matter, without suspicion of deliveries (e. coal, timbar etc. country than they were; and declines. But at last, in the battleshipe; 18 submarines, In 1 Condition sympathy for Germany as delaulting debtor, or can only reply that the British there is also evidence that the quarter ended December 30th mine sweepers, barges, and a of bias were perfecily aware of that, financial needs of Beitaia are last. an Increase of nearly Naval auxiliary ship. This is a No reasonable offer turned against France, and regard it but that ia the unanimous view more clearly understood in per cent is showa over the total of 38 vessels and consti down.
simply by standards of econom ot experts a lengthy moratorium America; cs also are. wide periods diclosed tutes record for day.
ic and financial wisdom, read the was absolutely essential if the effects of the forthcoming viously by the same companies.
For particulars apöly at glaring lessons in the events large ultimate reparation re agreement upon international Here again is evidence that BE On Friday, February 16 a total recently in the Rubr (1) that caipts were ever to be realised, toatca and trade.
Bntish industry has turned the of 15 lockages were made in 12 WORKMAN PRINTERY France has now made the Tae British plan, however much The acute revival of unrest in tional complications, one can corner. But, thanks to laterna hours at Gatun Locks, during er which time there were locked Central Ave Street eventfal solution of the reparatione problem to the satisfaction as its eritics disagree wito it and Europe has done something to hardly look with contidence cap commercial progels, small Panama City of recipient nations almost dislike it was an honest attempt, carb tha optiis as regards the new stretch of road that lies 13. Slaunch card 23 Naval Tessels hopeless. 2) that even the based on the best expert opinn British trade prospecte which shead.
was as follows: 14 submarines, mine sweepers. and Nayal recent modest trickle of repara. available here, to secure in the was so prevaleat at the begin.
Creoline Hair Producer is the tion deliveries has been stopped, long run the best results for ning of the year.
auxiliary ships.
world best hair toric and will and (3) that the renewal of Germany principal creditors. grounds for this optimism bave ish and English for sale at Some of the Rent Recelpt Books In SpanunOn these days, all of the rest through Earope postpones vessels did not complete the not soll or stain clothes, sine die the financial and eco Another disappointment in examined in recent articles. The Workman Printry.
Canal WORKMAN PRINTERY CD closed, on an four figures a year pre


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