
HE WORKMAN. TURDAY MARCH 1923 PAGE SEVEN billion billion Chesterfields were smoked last yearJAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
nearly 23 million every day No doubt about it Chesterfields DO satisfy!
Liness was elected Belber The Money Lender hesterfield CIGARETTES Interesting West Indian Hews.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 2)
meeting having the distinguish VIGOR TONIC ed patronage of His Exellency tho Oficer Ad ninistering the This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend Gwernment, the Hon Popbam Lobb, OMG. The crowd was a ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, very good lumoured one and the Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up atmosphere such as one antici a run down constitution.
pated in connection with the contest for such a valuable It promotes digestion, improves the appetrophy which will not only ling. tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.
er in the memory as a tribute to the sporting instincts of a DOS: Ons small Wino glass before each mal or Demerara crowd faded beyond times a day.
be contines of the West Indies, but be a handsome trophy to rca the sideboard of the wioner, THE RACE.
The favourites for the event were Baller and Phoebus of the TRINIDAD Ho Ro Co Products rival Flood stables. After some Contest.
taking the lead Phoebus cond The course lay over mile, but before any distance At Trinidad 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY had been covered, Phoebus was displaced by Lady Maud. the PROPOSAL TO CHECK THIS IN PRIZES.
Trinidad contender, Buller, haadily ridden by Balgobio, one CLASS OF BUSINESS.
of our headiest jockeys, flashed January March 1923 Conpast the post first, with Lady correspondent of the Trini test Ends March 31st, 1923.
Maud second, and Flag Staff dad Guardian writes in that paper third. Few victories have been. The Usury Committee has sat so popular as this one, popular twice taking evidence on money as bas been the Rules Governing Contest.
Buller owner, the late Mr. metbods of loan payment, etc, triumphs of lending the rates of interest Thomas Flood. The name of and although they have perhaps Flood will endure till the end of more meetings to call am sure Ech parehaser of in time and the wildest enthusiasm that up to now they have had a Ho 05 Products will be given ensued when the animal was led very good idea how the borrower a coupon.
back to the paddock, Mrs. Ram is fleeced by the Sbylock type deboll his owner wife and of moneylender. Evidence was All coupons must be placad daughter of the Grand Old taken in private which is necesin sealed envelops and sent to Man of the Turt being over sary in Commissions of this sort, Alexander Sinch Goner at whelmed with congratulations, but if it was possible for the tailer Ho R) Co Products, Buller was sent to the front and persons unconvinced at the Box 879, Ancon. z, not never challanged and his jockey present time as to the absolute ater tha1 March 31st, 1923.
Balgobin deserves the highest necessity for some restriction congratulations on his brilliant of the extraordinary The competitors of the achiavement.
muy largest number of crupo is will Balgobin has lender would have been satisti:d be a varded the poizy as follows: been the recipient of a hand to the hilt. There have been some recogaition on securing cases where thMagistrate bad 1st Peiza 20 00 a triumph which was the envy to 2nd 17. 50 of every one o step in and order a connected with lender to repay a client interest 3rd 1500 racing.
which he had been drawing at a 4th 12. 50 5th If you like beautiful hair uso beavy rate for a long time and went further to 6th 00 7th Creoline hair producer.
attempt to recover the capital friend of mine has a note for 8h 00 payment till now and in the 9th 50 period of the money lenders 10th 50 benevolence interest has been Three competent judges will paid amounting to one and a hall be appointed to check the time the amount of money bor. coupons on April 5th, and award rowed. Victims and dependents the prizes to the success! ul on money borrowing for bust owners. The names of the winness and other reasons are ners will be published in this looking with hopefui eyes on the paper.
result of the Commissions inves.
tigation and am sure they will not be disappointed.
mones ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU 10 10. 00 600 You Can Lose it!
Opens This Way KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE The West Indias, of Grenada, GHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL VINCH ONT CAPTIVE CAP of TAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of er repre KON no efDE away in the sleeping car or hid under the washstand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held captive a id which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contents.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
abo says: The Commission appointed CALIDONIA by the Governor of Trinidad to make recommendations to govern IT the constitutional changes in that colony decided, after much dis English, French, Spanish, cussion to recommend women as Latin, Geometry, Algebra.
eligible in voting for members of Council. This point wasc arried by a good majority representing all that is best in the Commission. TERMS MODERATE The Port of Spain Gazelle; the old interpreter of the wishes and deApply to Bires people who are rooted in Teacher at School. Monday, Trinidad as they have been for generations is in favour of giving Wednesday and Friday the yote to women who bave played a great part in voting at municipal Interesting Items.
elections. On the other Trinidad Guardian, which sents the visiting anti West InThe Governor of the Straits dian class, hopes that the wishes Bestlements has announced the of the majority will have no Abolition of Income Tax in that fect, and with some show of Colony as from January lat.
confidence threatens to see the Governor over ruled the find.
ings of the Commission. During the seven months STATE BANK, April October of 1922. 81, 657 cwts, of cacao wera imported into Canada, of which 24, 576 cwts, With a view of impressing upon came from the British West the Government of Trinidad the India Islands.
need which exists for the starting of an Agricultural Bank in that colony, a campaign has been The quantity of rum imported organised to hold meeting into Canada during the geven throughout the colony. Resolu months April October, 1922, tions are being adopted at the from the British West Indies meetings in support of the bank was 28 803 gallons, of which scheme.
17, 747 gallons came from British Guiana, 71 gallons from Barbados, 10 830 gallons from Jamaica BARBADOS and 155 gallons from otber British West Indian Islands. It is not mentioned in the Canadian Death of Rev. Howell. Trade Returns whether these were bulk or proof gallons.
The Revd. Howell, late Rector of St. George; died last ful Church worship known as night He retired quite recently the Church Lads Brigades of througb ill health, but he has not which he was Chaplain when lived long enough to enjoy the Vicar at St. Leonards, and so rest on earth to which his kind and affectionate were his labours entitled him. He came of attentions to those boys of great Barbadian family and twenty five years ago that to the was known to be one of the present he is talked of and truest and best of the Masters revered by them not only here servants in the Church. He was but wherever they roam His responsible fer the introduction remains will be interred at St of that useful adjunct to youth Leonards Church this eventog KOLYNOS.


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