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by Princess Henry VIL well fed land.
Warned Not to Leave Ja To Demonstrate Meditermalca To Go To Cuba ranean. WIII Strengthen Unprotected Submarine Flotilla, KING AND QUEEN OF ENGLAND BEING ONE ATTACKS THE INCREASED GRANT TO DUKE SHOWERED WITH CONGRATULATIONS.
The Samaica Gleaner of the 27th Paris cable despatch dated OF YORK ON APPROACHING MARRIAGE.
ulto. States that Mr. Alken February 15 states that Ar ival of Master Lascelles Put otos from a centre in the strengthening of France cub!
province strongly forces is advocated in Snaps at Lady Astor Irritated by Turkish War Threat and Ruhr warns unprotected young women the discussion of the Govern to leave Jamaic for any part in ment paval construction pro Her Entrance; Communist NearIssue In the Shade.
Cuba unless they are going gramine, expected to be comdirect to friends. He says the pleted shortly.
ly Precipitates a Fist Fight.
condition of a large number of The naval budget reporter, Aste London despatch states young Jamaica women wha are Chappedelaide, is quoted as The baby has already made pow in the Republic is shocking saying: France ought to con ruary 15 states that there was a of them, when not satisfied, said London despatch dated Feb. tories on the Ministry, and some Princess Mary and her baby son a atir.
are both doing well, and the papers made over to annonce source to which they can turn ly submarines. Parliament will over the grant to the Duke of shouts order from members of All the morning news in the extreme and they have no centrate on light units, especial: row in Parliament this afternoon so in language which often raised former Was well enough recieve the King and Queen7this they possesed Pactares con continues, is practically destituto programme of submarines to be increased from 10 000 (about himselt fally occupied to leading to his arrival in the largest type for atd. The island the writer have to say it the suggested York the King son which is to other parties. The Speaker found afternoon.
family are of. and wages ought to on his impatient novices weight, bas his mother blue lite bistory of the baby parents ducement for Jamaicans to go and air fleets to Th, baby, who is of average with the moutes detail of the paratively low, There is no insuficiently strong submarine David Kirk wood, Scottish La Labcurites into the path of Paryes and fair skin.
and their parents. One new. orer. There is talk in make the Ouba otWestern Mediterranean bourite, asked whether Parlia liamentary order and decorum.
Prlaces Mary is in the care of paper devotes much space to getting Jamaicans by contract French lake, to ment would be consulted before The most exciting. sbowing the protect com the baby is being looked after bas eldes of the family from King tion for tbis report The Jamaica has been informed at the Minis.
two traiged boabit anderen hoe diese about the child wine bilo to work the sugar estates, but munications with North Africa. This was done, and whether a ed to night a ben the only comcertainly hope there is no founda inco member. J, Mrs. Bill, funilarly known as The World correspondent be payable on this income suddenly interrupted his speech Lall. Sh4 was sanc try of Govero.
Stanley Baldwin, Chancellor of on the Ruhr situation to make an Mary nurse, and with assiswant she is the proud and happy showered with congratulations to send her sons any longer ment we rating the Washington was already authorized by or the midst of which he site. reThe King and Quoen are bolag Hon such a step. Hayti has reluare Marineshortly has opera the Exchequer, said the grant attack on the Labour Parts, ta anrae of the Lascelles baby upon the arrival of their first Cuba, because of the treal Naral Treaty ous Parliament, which Mac. baby nursery, day nursery Braodenild, and as mach excite mat out to them, and the lot were quoted, and that taxes brought the latter, Libour bathroom and little kitchen ment is being showa 83 was of the Jamaicans He was told the Ministry was would be payable on it the same member, angrily to his feet.
who 06000 were prepared some time ago in caused by Pi. coss Mary mac spaak Spanish is Dot a very putting the finisbing touches on as on any other income.
Sbskiog his clenched fists, Mac.
Chesterfield House, and Princesa riaga a diula less than a yesr ago. happy one.
Continued on Page 4) You may shout till you are Lean Invited Newbold to ema Mary took gruat pressure in bav The newspapers, however wearied, he said in broad scots outside and for a moment or two Ing them equipped with the most know their public and it may be accent. am no lawyer and there seemed a possibility of an modern attrae ive cursery Turpi said safely tuat for one person MENACE TO THE COMMUNITY Waebreneans were than dhe people House. But two other members unsee mis scene on the floor of tt bare. Most of the baby ward to day who reads about the Rulor understand.
robe has been made by the Prin and the American debt, 100 will IN LAGOONLAD.
More shouts came from the used their restraining influeace cess Mary and the Queen peruse every inch of space Conservative members of be on Mac. Lean and the incident passed off without blows.
Some doubt exists as to the title devoted to the infant.
House. There never will be a Royal Writing the baby will bear as his father is KIRKWOOD ASSAILS LADY ASTOB.
under the above grafters in Lagoonland he never Aye, shout till you are boarse, Viscount by courtesy only, he baby in whom greater interest bradlin, the Central American would have touched the juil nor am not sorry, retorted Mr.
Another diversion to night was has not even the pretix bonour. will be taken. say o paper. Express of Bocas del Toro, saya. would there have been so much Kirkwood and then he began caused by another Labour Mem, is not far from the the ber les. If, however, bis father were truth.
Complaiots from varic us parts in about from place to place attacking of the Lagoons have been made at The metbod adopted was osten. opposite for laughing delivering a speech when Lady ereated an Earl in his own right, Astor entered the and in any case wben bis father had as its in sin purpose the com The order of 1917 referred to this office about the action of sively for the purpose of intimi chamber, The Speaker stopped the row Catching her eye and thinking dating Clarkę so as to extort some to succeeds to the Earldom of Here certain class of Britishers in money fron him. But it happens acts of Parlement which Mr. no doubt, of her spirited interwood, he will then receive the plete severance of Germanic ties Lagoonland who are engaged in that Clarke is not so fjoliebas Kirkwold bad failed to with the British Royal Family the capacity of Commissaries or under Mr. Kirkwood observed. hope. courtesy wteot Ves ends on Botha and the suppetssion of peeraxes district police, and, according to get to be cant ersant with the the baby is also a grandson of the god utles neli by German sub Britisha jurisprudence, have no practiced in certain quarters. Mc. Kirkwood then asked it it me. can stand Englishmen graft as is you do not come here to Irritate King, and would therefore a few jacts to Great Britain. The Brit legal right to such appointment Not Many months ago; a commis: was not a case of the Govero: Scotishmen. here the Speakar years ago have been. His Royalish Royal Family was hitherio by it is Govers inent. We there and courtesy title of Prince by the Coburg and Gotha, from the con call the attention of Ponton dhe disturbance wirbo innocent wages reduced, and why second he was a little too Innocent in Highness heminreceive the known as the house of suxe fore think it is point on duty to serio, a West Indian too, was meant trying to effect veconomies on Idly interrupted the member King express command though sort of Queen Victoria, the q. His Britannic Majesty ad deported from Guabito for msk and working men baving their from Dumbarton to remark that there bas as yet been to authore 120a berself having the tou?
law abiding citiz ng of mis sbould nut begin at beira drawn away from the itative ruliog on the subject.
na Representative in this Province, Gaelpn, also a German name.
that community. There me. whose duty it is overrule toe wary wen who are not are T. Newbold, Communist subju.
The right to the title of Royal King George order withdrew rotten state of affair by making tives na members, also wanted to know never said a word, proAlgbness was reserved of this country Gov. rument would in tested Lady Astor, but some children of the Sovereign and the decorations bestowed on rígid lovestigation concerainy are permitied to share in troduce a bill amending the Din kot on bad remove whea in Germans, including the Order of this matter aud Kirkwood the Sovereign sons 1917 King George took Windsor the Garter from the Kaiser and bad impression it casts upon its civil administration, such as Royal settlement acis, bui be got nerves.
Crown Prince; suppressed the the few protecting public peace in the no answer. What am going to say was his family name, Pae of Duke of Albany beld ago o coniunt y which they reside, COMMUNIST AND man by the Britain Re Joices with Royal Dy the then regalog LABOURITE this be rejoined that can take Dake of of Clarke, ma and in time of necessity aiter Jamaican, readvise from any one on these Family, Sax: Coburg and Gotha; given siding as Victoria, and a properto any pressing mand of tbe London, February 15 In the benches. from Scotsmen and London, Feb. Britain rejoic: Brition Peeragos to Prince of ty owner in this Province for over Bodernentia and circumid tahem. Pouse of Commons to day the Welshmen, regarding emigration special circumstances.
ed to day with King George and Battenberg Bad Princess of Teck 25 years, with extensive cultivat. But for such men to be unscrubose new to the House, were a German Jew and in the same ceo: Labour members, particularly out am not going to take it from who were naturalised glish tion in banana, chocolate, and rents owing to the birth of a son assume ihe jamily name Queen Mary, who are graudpan men or Englishmenborn, and provision, was arrested by one of pulcus in their belief and vague again responsible for what ex way it irritates me when a woº of these so called goyerement mendoubtedly be a their must un:citement was going. In their de man comes in.
born last night to Princess Mary. not the wife of Viscount Lascellas. Continued on page commissario. an uspaid official of only to the community in ew bich termaation to be heard they The House roared over the this government, who must make they operate, but bus living by prae icing the me. May a lesson be taught once and civilization, opened a floodgate of interroga. explanation.
Farewell Party To the propuganda which was heard eigher up to date than bumali di replied, stating that despite all to thod of grait on nuoceat Jamale for all.
cans an accounpl. ca of someone Jamaica Athletes ment was as good as if they had in the street, their entertain, woo lied on Clarke aitar mulesta dizen of the last named class of several serious There are no less than balia Sad Death Of District water fractured and he received bruises.
been quartered at a first class ing him to his own field. This men residing within a radius of Guabito and Attorney Hindman. Fulton in his anxiety or being On Tuesday night last a fare complaint to make and he was toil honesly coul Clarke tu che hotel. They had not a word of commissario of empty honou. 80 six miles from proud of the name and to lazy to Barranco; bere are the mames of recklessly indifferent to the few of them. James White sufferings of Ruiz, rushed Mr.
well party was given at the quite sure that his culleagues (Santiago. San San Junction; Pacific Olub to the Jamaica godorsed his high appreciation Gusbito police station to the at sad gloom was cast over Blindman to the Ancon Hospital Athletes Jistinguished of the Unique Cycle Association ternoon of the same day. Ularke Daniel Wedderburn, San San the Canal Zone and this commun for medical assistance and there themselves in the athletic con for the kindness shown them, was lueu piaced va board the Junction; Edward Phillips, Isla ity on Tuesday last, wben it be left the other injured man to test held bere February 22nd Mr. Wynter proposed bi, station, a distance of about the passenger train and sent to sibu. Grande; and Dukey Brown of was announced that the Hon. bis fate, Geronimo Emiliano, local same place; Davis at Albert Hindman, District a chofer, found Ruiz on the road and took him to the Santo Tomas and a tew well known, West the health of the Press and in a twenty two miles north of Sibu: Guabito: Au Jamaicans.
few brief wo:de he outlined the bi, where he was tried for no uff Attorney for the Canal Zone, Indians were present. large arduous duties of that third once whatever except Working formation, and we hope to notice Hospital; as the result of This article is for general in had breathed his last in Ancon Hospital where he is at present undergoing medical treatment.
Dumber of ladies gaily attired estate of the realm.
on his own property. From the an immediate and rapid change. motor car accident on the Las At the Ancon Hospital, the were present also, who with their Dr. Carrington proposed the hour of his arrest Clarke reSabanas Road near the Bull physicians did all that medical varicd attractions did skill could render, and espite assist in making the function a toast of Law and Order. In a mained without food for two days BISHOP OF WESTERN NE Rirg on the previous night.
pleasant one. Mr. Graves Presi. most humorous and interesting and was despatched to the jail BRASKA TO PREACH the painstaking attendance Mr.
From the Information dent of the Unique Cycle, speech in the course of which he bere for two weeks. During ed, it is said hat Tomas Ruiz, Hindman breathed his last.
home team lost his stay in the city he consulted Association acted as bos. and said In May of 1919 during Presi a Panamanian driving a milk Wilson did every thing possible engagements because the British Vice Consul through At St. Paul Church To mor wagon was on the left side of Mr. Hindman was appointed to their make the guests happy and parson was present and when whose instrumentality he was row Night.
the road, the car in which Mr.
to secure transporHicdaan was, was operated by pleasant Toere was refresh he was away on Sunday it bap enabled District Prosecuting Attorney ment in super abundance. The pened again because his spirit tation back to his home, At Even zong to morrow (Sun Mr. Fulton an American. He of the Canal Zone, for four Silver City Band discoursed which was bad one was pres. Of coursd, if the unfortunate day) night, the Rt. Rev. George was driving his car at an exces years, which would have been sweet music while the ladies ent also.
man had proven foolish enough Allen Beecher, Bishop of sive speed, came from the oppo terminated in May of this year, tripped the light fantastic toe.
Tha party to band up some cash to those Western Nebraska (will be the site direction crushing into the bad not this accident given him a close preacher, at St. Paul Church, milk wagon. The shaft des an unexpected death. He was Panama, Rer. E. Nightengale was at about 15 a, and all went!
asked to propose the toast to the way after spending an enjoy send off by the Cyclone Club and The Bishop is on the Isthmus entered Mr. Hindman stomach who demoastrated a commendwindshield and brillant and skilltal lawyer health of the visiting athletes, able evening.
other West Indians in Colon. with Mrs, Beecher visiting theic piercing his lung.
able consciousness of justice This was done in choice and Messrs. Hall ard Johnson left But the others have decided to son in law and their daughter, driver was thrown by the im and impartiality in the discharge exquisite language, cordially on Thursday for Jamaica after remain and receive their prizes Captain and Mrs. Brian at Oamp pact several feet from the place of his official duties.
drunk, and to which Mr. Hall having enjoyed pleasact won.
Gailliard, Culebra, of the accident; bis jawbone (Continued on Page t, the but if the realm.
a aga neeks nama NEAR CLASH who to dent came to The waggon


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