
PAGE TWC THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, MARCH 10 1923. Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Evening School LYNTON Book Binding!
Book Binding Department in Connection P1383.
For foc be 456 West Penth St.
Slip Dock For The Port These are large and comfortable basse cha acteristic of the most pass there has more three Colony Tourist CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Trade CALIDONIA No. 78, New Market Street Why throw away your old, but no ENGLISH SHIPPING CO. WILL BE RETAIL DEPARTMENT English, French, Spanish, ASKED TO MAINTAIN SERVICE No. 107, Bolivar Street Latin, Geometry, Algebra.
doubt interesting, books when you HERE EACH WINTER.
THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY can have them neatly bound at The Herald learns that an TERMS MODERATE effort is to be made duriog this year to induce the Pacific Steam FULL SU Apply to THE WORKMAN Navigation Company to give Jamaica a fortnightly steamship Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Teacher at School. Monday, during the 1924 tourist season, Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Wednesday and Friday in connection with its sailings from Liverpool to South Am erica ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES on more than one occasion to The N, which is associat.
discomtis the island opponents.
ed with tbe Royal Mail Steam As a footballer be shone out, and CENTRAL AVENUE Packet Co. decided as the result Call and see us before purchasing as a sprinter he has baen koown of a conference held in London to breas: the tape in the hun towards the end of last year, elsewhere.
and No. G Street dred yards dash in ten seconds when His Excellency Sir Leslie level. By his death, education Probyo was on leave from his in Barbados has lost an enthuduties as Governor oi Jamaica, siastic worker. and Harrison that a few of its palatial steam guide, laz this winter wo on the out steps are contemplated to im ties; and, as in the boxining, so leaves widow (a daughter ol ers should call at Kingston dur for the Colonies whether any himself with the varied activi philosopher and friend te Creoline Hair Preparations ward voyage during February prove the communications be it was with him to the end heibe late Horaca Deignun, a and two on the bomeward trip tween this Country, and the remained a dynamic energy of Positively Soparlor to all others on earth.
former Headmaster of Harrison Uuring March, The Pac fic West Indies, in view of the santripetal force from behind College) and a son who is now Try then und be convinced.
Steam Navigation Co. readily great benefits thas would accrue the College and its glorious pursuing his studies at Clare agreed to divert a few of its to these Islands for a regular traditions, which he assisted College, Caab. iage. To them we They are the Master Preparations of the World.
maiotaining at vessels to Kingston to provide direct service to the tharleod: ably their Different from all others.
el tunder the sympathy of the additional facilities in The Under Secretary of State higb standard. It was not sur Prices of all goods in the Uited States of America 50c; with the development of the for the Coloni. am klad to prising, therefore, that big cominunity in thee irreparable apall Foreign countries, 60c.
tourist traffic to Jamaica. It is say that steamer communica pointment to the Headmaster however, telt that the great troos between this country and ship, on Dr. Dalton resigna Creoline Hair Producer shipping company should main the West Lodies have consider tion in July last year, did not Finance of Barbados.
Straightens rough, harsh. aky hair with or without hot combs, tain a regular winter service to ably improved lately. There is meet with the unanimous appro and without chemicals. NOT MADE OP VASELIVE. Coutaios 10 Jamaica; and, therefore, negotia now service alternately by bitioa of the coin nunity. The financial condition of the porcent mom oil than is possibl be put into any other preparation Mons are to be opened up with Messrs. Eldars and Fyles and his value was appreciated of its kind in no world. Parchla places and provoni, baldness, the Barosdos la ounce tins, the management of the concern the Harrisou Line to Barbados, no 1983 by the public thun by lang Advocate from the Treasury by the Tourist Davelopment Trinidad. British Guiana and his pupils, by whom he was at Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy Board, on the subject. It is felt Jamaica with sailings every two the same time loved and leared. polot of view is more satisfactoA very good scalp treatmen; positively removes Dandruff, Tetter The Pacitie that to give the colony a fort or three weeks be tolerated no noisease, yet period last year, there being than at the corresponding ry and Escons. It is antiseodie. Grows baie koups the scalp healthy Steam nightly Navigation Company was never lacking in friendship balance of some 70, 000 in the In ounce bottles.
winter wille necesitate the pay bavo arranged that their steam and encouragement. The regret Pressury But there has been Jackson Manufacturing Co, ment of a subsidy of 000 or ers leaving Liverpool on the 25. is that he should have been spor very heavy taxatioå to secure Manufacturers sna kvortes Indianapolis Ind, 5, 000 which it is hoped the January and the 22nd of ai so little time to enjy th, dis this. The British preferencial All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Croolins.
colony will be able to afford.
and that steamers shall call well deserved and for which he and iwanty per cent add tioual.
February shall call at Jamaica tinctions of promtion, he so customs dati are ton per cent, there Homeward bound about worked and waited with a herdic 100 101h and 27th of March consistency, energy and patienc and that onda nay duties twenty was discovered in a road at Sandy been found about a quarter of a per cent and sweaty addicional, all tenantry. St. Philip. by mile froin his residence. It is al vessels, and the arrangements when he replied to congratul. tax on property, rentals, a special Gladatoa Greeoidge, a chanteur, leged by persons living in the ve Of Kings:on.
atfords every facility to pople wry, correspondent 01 hi.
and Toe ceas :d man was lying on cinity of the crime that wisblog to pay store visit to appointment bike thich fello wlasses, and a 70, 000 loan to Day and a revolver tigads clasped in trada of general treasury pur his sida with his face eastward, shots were fired.
the island. he Royal Mail Steam terms Thank much гуа The Police are endeavouring to od fatiag dedis. Taere is much doth hands.
The Gleaaner states that a Mar. Packet Company, the 010 kind leiter discoverar think have proved ine Railway is now in the course du Pacitie Railway Oumpany as a good waiter as Greenid talk of schem of increase ex acqualued Mr. Norris sou no sist then in penetrating the vell erar find some elua which might aspaaditure on the strength of ta site: identitytag the body, reot construction on premises tor and the White Star Line and al Gruenidge, it will bar recollect casual surplus in the treasury purted the matter at the Pulice of mystery now surrounding the steamersed was the late star society and the improved outlook for th Siation of the Distric.
merly occupied the despatching Machy obain Barbour Street from New York to the West butler) Mr. Somers Ocks was prasent year, but we do not think quiry was held the sa ne day Aa.
and when. as will ladies. This is in addition to a vigorous caversationalist, aber we, hill supply a long telt want the ordinary facilities inftorded manote. abroad pardie resenket mach encouragement from the of the body revealed two bullet these schens will met with aid th: post mortem examination to shipping, na nely, a convenient by Messrs. Furness Withy and aumour, and public speaker an uj rlty of membars Schemos Undər Considand up to date method of duck the Canadian mail steamers. of very forceful prasence and use of Assembly.
head eration the ing vessels up to a certain safraid that the present time argument. 8: was a patron of othar the It is being constructed by Mr. not opportuned for taking all branches of atbaletos and the ing neral cym nunity, which is the rsvolver, found oa the dec an cariainly fiad little support from thigh. Of the five chambers in Streadwick, the well known strictly to a time table, which Bollege in tae past twenty Gve 80xis to see a reduction ia tha sed. only one was discbargad aad nunber of schemes are sald to steps to secure a by Harrison Toe Barbados Advocate states; contractor and builder wbo, in burden of taxation.
it is thus presu ned, in opposi be under consideratia in conthe course of bis career, has giv would no doubt involve a sub years was due to great part to uld devotion and unul rasa: tion to the tirst conclusions, that section with the civil service. An en us among other things, the his brilliant assistance.
the dece used was murdered and increase of salary to one high of Marine Gardens and the StreadAs a bowlar, for many years he Shooting Affair did not commit suicide. Mr. Nur ficial which is long overdue is wick Hill Gardens, which he Death of Mr. tiiled a space in the tirst and it ris was an officar of a friendly considerad cartain, othar prop constructed upon ideas gathered on his trip abroad, was claim. that he was in bia Duriog. the early hours of society situated about one and asals in yolving amalamations, Somers Cocks prime secon Touraday morning la at the dead The Marine Railway is also only one opdy of Mr. James Lewis Norris, quarter miles from his home and etc. are likely to meet with conone based on experience gatherLocal trundier, the famous 60 y ars of age, 20 ex school was evidently on his way back di ierable criticism.
ed while in the Mother Country (From Herald 10th February. Clit. God man whom he helped naster of the patish of St Paulp to his house, his body having and Mr. Streadwick bas decided. ttinued on Page 6)
to give the public the benetit of It is with very deep regret we There are two piers, extend and it our duty t» day to it out some distance and chronicle the death of Mr, within the basin rails will be somer Cocks, Head mas.
lald right out into the sea. On ter of darrison College, after Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 the rails will be a cradle set on but a few hours illness wleels which will go out nnder residence within the College the vessel and pun her up on ground. The circumstancu ol the beach, his death is almost tragic by its The machinery wire hawsers, very suddenness, for etc. are coming out from Ear Wednesday he presided, as usual land, and it is hoped to have the over the school work for the first vessel up in a short time, day, and in the afternoon visited Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK This does away with the custom, for purposes of recreathe Savannah Club, as was his primitive method of leaning a vessel over on one side while the vion. was at this Mecza o other is being repaired. It will society he took ill, being sez su certainly be a step in advance, with a fit and rendered unconsci Depository of the PANAMA CANAL.
and much credit is due to iar us. As a result he was remoyed Streadwick for undertaking such this bome where be lay an enterprise at his advanced impressed by his environmen: ane oblivious of the Bealous attention of his family, friends, and Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of professional attendants, througo THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in out the night and until the clos BARBADOS.
ing hours of bis career yesterENGLAND FRANCE SPAIN ITALY eve. MrSomersbuiked CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES Shipping Facilities ariely, in the life of the com muity. He was prompt in ou ARGENTINE BRAZIL PORTO RICO 1190 educational, social and sporting URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA MR. ORMSBY GORE SAYS THIS IS world, and played his part with distinction in each of these de.
Soso NOT THE TIME TO TALK ABOUT partments. He arrived in the SUBSIDISED SERVICE: Colony in 1893 to take up his Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World appointment as an Assistant ho We have beer favoured, says Master. He was then a young the Barbados Globe, by the man, bluff and bearty, and Hou. Colonial Secretary with the crowned with bonours won in ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE following copy of a question the Classical School at Oxford and answer in the British and on the athletic field of his Parliament relating to the West University. Bubbling ove: with Indian Steamsbip Service: enthusiasm, he at once threw INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Sir Harry Brittain. To ask himself whole heartedly into the the Under Secretary of State life of the College Bod allied one Touy and in years to at hi bu International Banking Corporation unage, BELGIUM CHILE CUBA PERU


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