
Only the Best Men Furnishings English Woolens White Linen Drills 00.
1008, WILKINSON Ho Ro Co Products Contractor Contest.
and Builder BY TAKING House No. 20 OF 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY IN PRIZES.
DR. SANGER CAPSULES 28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUBL DERFUL CURE FOR l ox 411, Panama, RP January March 1923 ConBLADDER IRRITATION carried in stock test Ends March 31st, 1923.
Plans and Specifications Free Rules Governing Contest.
It Contains East Indian Oil of Sandal Wood First class Workmanship fine Selection of and other ingredients Guaranteld. Exch purchaser of in Ho Ro Co Products will be given Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours JUAN ILLUEGA. coupou.
AND All coupons must be placed Attorney. at. Law in sealed envelope and sent to UY BOX TO DAY No. 65 Central Avenue Alexander Sanchez Genersi Retailer Ho Ro Co Products, AT THE TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX No. 76 JUST RECEIVED Box 879, Ancon. Z. not ater than Marua 31st, 1923.
CHORRILLO DRUG STORE Practices in all Courls of The competitors of the No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
Panama largest number of coupons will ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY English Spoken Fluently be awarded the prizes as follows: SHIRT TIES. COLLARS 1st Prize 20 00 2nd 17. 50 ETC. ETC. BTC.
Bed 15 00 4th 12. 50 5th AT THE PALAIS ROYAL 10. 00 6th 7th 00 PERREIRA ch 00 9th 8, 50 CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA 10th 60 Three competent judges will be appointed check the coupons on April 5th, and award UNITED STATES British Government owners. The names of the winOF AMERICA. Up Against Big paper.
United States District Opposition BATTLESHIP MARYLAND Court In and for the Canal AMENDMENT TO ADDRESS IN Zone.
HOUSE OF COMMONS ON GER To Have Transited the Canal, One of the Largest Vessels MAN REPARATIONS SA TIRA TOUSSAINT. Plaintiff.
Want League of Nations to the United States Navy which The battleship Maryland of ALFRED TOUSSAINT, Dejendant, Invite States To Serve On transited the Canal South bound The Commission.
on Fsbruary 12, is one of the DIVORCE largest vessels to have used the Canal to date. Her princima! Dutch West India Cable almensions are: despatch from London, dated feet; beam, 97 feet 34 inches; Length, 624 WHEREAS action for divorce February 19 states that the drait, 34 feet; with a normal on account of desertion, as pro Br! tish Government on that day displacement of 82, 600, and vided in the Act of Congress faced its first important trial of all load displacement of 83, 690 approved September 21, 1922, strength of the new session was instituted in this court ton againet the united opposition Jaroary 25 1953 by Satira parties in the House of Com Aş vessels of the United States Toussaint against her husband, mons. The test is in the form of Navy do not pay tolls, they are Alfred Toussaint; and whereas the joint amendment to be ao measured previously to summons is ued by this court address, in reply to the speech transiting the Canal. With throngh the marshal thereol from the Throne calling upon the Maryland would slighty ex.
full loud displacement, however against said Allred Toussaint the League of Nations to appoint the has been returned with notice experts t) xamine into Gar ceed the British cruiser Renown that the det ndant cannot be man capacity to pay repata which transited the Canal on found in the Canal Zone; There tions, and how payments can be March 30, 1920, with a displace fore, in accordance with provi settled. The amendment declares ment tonnage of 33. 379 which sions of the statues, notice is that in view of the recenti heretolore was the record disher by given to the said Alfred indication of willingness on the placament tonnaga of any war within ninetv days after the first United States to participate in a Touseaint to appear in this coart part of the Government of the vessel using the Canal.
The Maryland was carrying a publication of this summone conference to this end, the British crew of 1, 950 at time of her ARE THE BEST MADE February 24 h, 1928) and there representative on tue Council of transit.
make answer the League of Nations should be H, SHEIBLEY nstructed to urge that an Improving the Chain Then why be satisfied Acting Clerk of Crort.
invitation be extended to the 1, S, Government to appoint Pump.
with less than the best experts to serve upon this Com toission The amendment is to One of the siunplest methods be prossed energetically by of raising water from open wells opposition speakers, and bas tbe is to hang au endless chain support of the Labour Party, as trem a palley into the water well as the Arquithian and Lloyd and rotate the pulley. The George Liberals.
ascending part of the chain The Government has no reason catches, water as it rises and USE QUEEN to tear defeat on the question, carries it to the top. The etti HAIR but it has given evidence that it ciency of this method depends TRESSING recognizes the importance of its very largely on the design of Immagine yourself position by issuing a strong re the chain, and a leading British minder to its followers, that an arm recontly bought and imhow attractive you amendment to the address is provement where by the chain equivalent to a vote of censure, consist of a series of strips of QUEEN HAIR DRESSING and that all must be in their pla aluminium alloy bent in the QUEEN also terrores dandruff The question of tbe British form of triangular cells cer.
and and stops falling hair. QUFEN haird roots and helps attitude toward the French re carried on a flexible belt. The quest for use of the railway lines use of aluminium makes the QUEEN HAIR DRESSING in the Cologne area, is intimate belt extremely ligbt, and the ly connected with the question of design, has the further advantamendments Popular feeling is that the up going part of here with reference to allowing the chain remains full of water BREWER. ANDERSS, se, to ze. STORES France to use the British Rhine when the machine le stopped WHOLESALE QUEEN AGENTS land zooe, is not unanimous, and thus euabling delivery to begin and a 165 Central Avenue, Panama City very strong section opposed such as soon as the belt is again set 100 Bolivar Street, Colon Panama Colon Take no substitute demand QUREN HAR a step. There is also emphatic in motion. Elaborate tests upon protest against the suggestion this design were carried recenttooted in some quarters that in ly and showed an efficiency the event the German railway of close upon 65 for the elevaFOR SALE men in the Cologne area strike, tor alone. They also showed British workmen be sent to take that the best results.
One Stuvessant Piano here is, that whatever the final immersed just suficiently to arrangement, it will involve a enable them to become fall of In 1 Condition compromise, which will cause water. This type of pump is disappointment and dissatisfac made in various sinas suitable No reasonable offer turned tion to one or more of the inter for hand operation tor ORDER BOOKS ests concerned.
machine driving.
For particulars apbly at Critics Let Loose and easy discussion of varļous FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES en motor car parts and accessories.
WORKMAN PRIN TERY Makers are invited to Sportmanship is an come to Central Ave Street element these meetings and state their very strongly cultivated in many claims for their products, Kept in stock at the Paparpa City British circles, and today it is the other members can put them that even tiading ad tinite expression through the ordeal of open and amont engineers. British and untramelled criticism. This Credine straightens and ocie y of engineers concerned is quite a new beautifles the hair and pre ranged a series of meetings to developement will be element in in automobiles design have ar. engineering discussion and its duces hair on bald heads. be devoted entirely to the free with great interest.
Watehed Walk Over Shoes HAIR BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED with long, wavy.
silken hair. Think would be. This you can easily have by using the hair to grow long, smooth and pretty. large can of for 25 e. at ull kood drug stores, and at American Bazaar Stores were or WORKMAN PRINTERY


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