
CHURCH SERVICES THE WORKMAN Prince Charming Fell in love with Cinderilla because her Fairy godmother took her away from the cinders Puished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies WALS IND, the office Central Avotion. Correspondence on all matters nuo kad eorner of Strool. Penams, of publie Interest to vited.
dop All copy for publication must le Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, ssd SATES OF SUBSCRIPTIO must be accompanied by the name of God Year 40 US. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 Mon but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e.
We do not undertake to retura One rejected correspondence. American Episeopal Church. Pourth Sunday In Lent)
St. Paul Church, Panama sm, Holy Communion 10 sm, Matins 100 an Hal Earburist sad perman pm Sunday Se sol 30 veesong vemos Server daily in the Church at som during the week. NIGU TENGALE stor St. Alban s, Paraiso.
10 mn Mstips and Address Suaday Swol D 7:30 Eronz antiron NIGHIENG ALB Priess in charge Matthias Miss! on Las Sabanas Matios and Address 11 a. ro p. Church School 4p. Evensong and address A, NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge 25.
Your wife will again fall in love with you If you take the cinders away from her By getting her a GAS STOVE PIT The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1923, THE CRIMINALITY OF AUTO SPEEDING PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY AT YOUR SERVICE CICO GARTEN CARTER Tuk Ernur ENTRALE Fanama San Miguel St When autoists, professional or otherwise, sit before bulding 18 the steering gear of their machines the first thought that tarda tanto in tanti anni Gosxl Sermas 11, 30 am 7:30 ought to break into their minds is the right to recognize Baaday School p. tn and respect the sacredness of human life. This is the CARRINGTON Bailey Pastor prime law of community ethics which the patrons of timegaving and labor saving machinery should become Church Of God G St Colon Is a shrewd, successful and clever acquainted with 11. 30 a 7;30 Gospel Soria The safety of human life in public traffic is a double Sunday Sebool p obligation. Persons who are granted government licenses Lawyer at the Canal Zone Bar CARTER Sus Brewster Pastor Evang.
INKS. PASTES MUCILAGES to operate motor vehicles should, as an initiatory prinNew Providence Respected by ciple, be impressed with the fact that they are thereby every one Always in stock at Gmpel Sertan 11 30 sm 30 BENEDETTI HERMANOS given official custody of the lives of unlimited numbers of sunn) Sebo p individuals for an unlimited time. Theirs, then, becomes the He smokes Lucky Strike Sis Elliot, Patt.
Central Ave a 3rd. St.
Gatun cz.
PANAMA responsibility of protecting the lives of all who ride with them or all whom they meet in their runs, up and down, Gospel Sermoa 11, 30 a. 7, 30 QUALITY TELLS suulay School pm the public highway George Griffith The records of accidents occurring through motor NX vehicles since their advent in the commercial world show mammamunan PRODUCTS that operators, generally, need something other than a Seventh Day Adventist Church license under wbich to take the lives of other people in STREET CALIDONIA ROAD, their hands. If with the holding of a government license. nsar Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
offer satisfactory demonstration of ability to operate and IN MEMORY French Want.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabthe payment of the regular fees, an autoist does not carry bath School; 11. 15 am Gubers! Worship in bis gray matter sufficient ken to keep his head on his OF 30 pm. Spanish Cians; 30 pm. Continued from Page 1)
shoulders, bis mind in equilibrium and his hands and feet Young People Meeting: 30 a. several naval bills fo: reorgant on the right parts of the machine he will inevitably be ALBERT HINDMAN Vespsra, zation of Daval defensas. When oome a serious menace to the public.
Sunday evening at Reading the treaty ratified and the Here in Panama, we are hearing of too many accíCluxe. Al are welcome both young and bills accepted, it was said, the The flow rs that bloom in May are early nipt, old. 30 Proaching Sarvios.
dents, and tragedies resulting from the automobile. EsFranch Navy will be recɔ7.
pecially has this been the case for the last two years. And oft, because their fragrance fill the air; The Salvation Army Le Boca structe: on new id 21, yet with Sunday 5:30. Prayer meeting in th scope of international Over a month ago, before the fleets arrived in our waters The petals in their glory virtues dript, 11 am Sergeant Major Watley agreement we took time by the fore lock and, by editorial promiAnd Beauty tint e er tinged them bright and fair.
7:30 Mn. Easiga ega.
The Goveromen! naval connence, placed the dangers of speeding and reckless driving before the public.
The gleaner gently gath ring floral wreath structioa progranne is not con Ebenezer Church Building No. Satlined the number of battleplete, but as the scheme is now The warning, while accepted by many, has been ignor To clothe with ermine some enlaurelled prince, ed by most, as the police records at Balboa and Panama Saw erst that flaming rose bud o er the heath, 85, Caildonia Road, Panama ships will be in accordanca with will show. Arrests for violation of the speed limit have the Washington Treaty tha And clipt it wild without Love soothing wince. Sunday, Il am Morning Forship pm Sunday Bobo tonnage of light ships will not swelled into hundreds in less than a mouth, and the fines Thus bath Life Reaper called thee to thy rest, 30 Evangelistic, tervloe exceed 360, 000 tons: submarines.
imposed by the courts do not seem to have had any salu85, 000; airplane carriers, 60, 000 tory effect upon those charged for the offence.
Swept in thy hey day from this bourne of toil; On Sunday evening the 11th there will the usual Communioa Srvise celebra.
No line batleships will be con The public is pleased with the vigilance and impar Twas but the call which Fate unfair behest, ted after the regular service structed before 1930, the protiality of the police in hauling infractors of the speed law Bestrews about, man brightest hope to foil. Monday 30 Believers meeting gram ne up to that time includ.
ruoday 30 Caristain Eadeavour destroyers and 34 submarines.
before the courts, but it is shocked to learn that men of ing six light croisers, fifteen education, social influence and civic exaltation are amongst Thy trail is strewn with Talent envied grace, Wednesday 30 pm Bible reading Thursday 30 Choir practios.
The whole fleet is to be the list of those who care so little for the sacredness of As oriflamme that leaves its fadeless sheen; Friday 7, 30 Prayer meeting pleted in twenty years.
human life as to endanger the public with their flying May they who after thee Life chancel trace, Sunday School is conducted at Red 300, 000, 000 francs a year, which The expense will be about locomotion.
Find o er thy path unnumbered gems to gleam. Tank in connection with this same work will keep naval expenditure at The evils to which the speed practice can lead are CUM MAGNA BPE.
Rev. Olle, Pastor in charge about its present level.
several and serious. Broken ribs, arms, legs and skulls which cripple their victims for life are too familliar to us as to warrant detailed discussion. But, azarene Christian Church British Consulate Notice.
Guachapa Panama.
by far, the most serious is that many victims are laid cold by the recklessness of automoble drivers.
in the legal fraternity, bereft thousands of a valuable 11:00 am ring worship The Acting British Consulat Colon would we glad it Diniel Some time ago a pedestrian in Chorrillo was hurled friend and plunged the Isthmus in mourning, is the result pm Sunday Schol 7:30 pm Evsaglistic Service Maleolin Allen would call at the into on untimely grave by a motor car whose driver is re of recklessness.
Monday 780 Believers meeting Fulton, the American who is on bail in connection ruanday p. Junior Christian Baden7 Coasolate as soon as possible.
ported to have been oblivious to the traffic regulations; a little while after that a mounted policeman of the with the sad and unfortunate occurrence, holds a chaufw. ur, The Coming ConNational Corps was launched into eternity by a speeding feur license, to operate motor cars, 7, 30 Senior Christian Eodes your obauffeur who it is alleged rushed on him from behind, and Reckless driving and speeding are embryonic crimi Wedo nday Prayer meeting test.
scores of people are now in hospital undergoing such naliży. Ordinarily, they are considered misdemeanors and Thursday 7:30 Choir practice anatomical repairs ae medical science can execute. categorized as police cases. Small fines are inflicted on Friday 7, 30 Open air meeting Rev. Neal Pastor in charge What promises to be a very Now, there lies at the Ancon morgue the cold, still those charged and found guilty of violating the traffic keen content is the one to come form of the District Attorney, Hindman, of the in these waye. But do those addicted to the habit of off on Sunday evening the 18th Canal Zone. But a few days ago the late judiciary was speeding or driving recklessly ever suse, once in their Salem Christian Church 3rd St. inst in the ball of the Guachapall Colon Chapter of the I, one of the most active, energetic and influential members, lives, to consider the danger to which they thus expose not only of the Canal Zone Bar, but also of the Isthmian other people, notwithstanding the danger to themselves? Sunday 11 30 Morning worship The choirs cencerned are the community. He was a brilliant man in a bigb position No one could argue thaeven the mɔst careless driver at Schol pm Primrose Choral Union, and the Silver Lilie, which he filled with distinguishable honor and credit to practices his pranks in order to have fun out of the public. 30 Evangoristio vesvion Tae latter has en renforced himself and to his country. He was a young man with That would be too expensive a game, and he would soon olay Believers moet ng It is rather because he Friday 7, 30 Cavir practice Wedne day 30 Bible reading lately with some very good yoices the promise of a glorious future and an important charac tire and become disgusted at it.
and tha chair master Mr. Rock is ter in the judicial circle of the Canal Zone.
doesn think seriously enough of the evils to which speed P. R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge leaving no stone unturned to The promising flower, it is reported, was ruthlessly ing and its cognate danger can lead.
off the Palun. It is needless carry plucked in its bloom by the reckless hand of a thoughtless Sometimes autoists sit at their wheels in a state of to say that the Primrose choir Baptist Church autoist.
Could a more undesirable thing be toleratnot sleeping; and great light has gone out as the result of intoxication.
judging from what one hears on what might be styled a gross carelessness on the part of ed? When this is the case reasən, buig deugg d, fails Calon Iam 7;15 Pastor Thrift p mn Specialessi »n with distribu practice nights from both sides another. If reports are true, the late jurist was not only to direct or control the actions and anything between too of Diplonas o music lovers will be sure to have recklessly injured, but treated with unthinkable negli suicide and manslaughter can happen. Sic cases are Chorrillo 11 am. Dascon Lin on their money worth. Apart from 7:15 Rev. Torbourne the contest pieces, some very gence when he told the driver of the car in which he rode numerous almost everywhere, and what effect do ligat that he felt he had been injured. It was only when the fines have on men who, in a state of inebriety mingla Coronal Road 11 a, Mr, Yearwood wine anthems. all lately imported 7:25 Beacon Linton will be dying man head leaned forward on his chest that his case with luck go dashing around curves and corners and flying Empire 11. Pastor Witt rendered, crowded house is invited to was considered grave and serious.
through the streets, get corolled by the cop ant piached to pm Mixinary meeting onjay the good singing of their The public has been justly stirred into righteous indig the song of a ten or fifteen dollar fine? 15 Suplied own people and to cheer the nation at the occurrence, and the fact that so many promiSuch a man still retains his licease and who kaows if Pueblo Nuevo Il. Me Johnson wioner, 7;30 Descon Blackburn nent men, of late, have been arrested and fined for speed he would be as lucky as not to kill some one (no body Now Provideno 11 Deroon Broom Creoline Halr Producer is the ing tends to augment and intensify the feeling. But this would worry much if he killed himself alone) when he 7:30 Supplied feeling has not suddenly commenced to evidence itself. It starts off on his next drunken spin.
world best hair toric and will Cative supplied has been growing for a long time, and, although not The first charge for speeding or reckless driving vociferous, has been insistent and increasing in its protest should be taken as a sign of incomatency, and the licensNow Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor Thrifu not soll or stain clothes. Boes 11. Barke Sapt. 7:30against the assmine display of brainless idiots who toy taken away. or at least suspended for three yaars. This would give the offender adequate ti ne to cool off nis speed Christian Mission of Panama with the lives of reputable and useful citizens. Textinn We thank the climax has now been reached. As it is temper ani reflect on the evils of the habit Flaes are all Panama 11 a. Crugwell 7, 80 Piraino a to Mosley understood, the socident that brought violent death to rig at, imprisonment is also justifiable, but the best way to hobilio. Taylor, 7;30 Culoo 11 an Crasto 7:30 Basto Wilson Gaton 11 am Thorpe, Attorney Hinduan, roade his wife a widow, created a loss stamp out the evil is to remove its possibility. Burke Supt Rev. J, W, BURKE Bupt, master is


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