
Mosaic Templars of America.
YOUR OLD FAVORITE and STAND BY STROLLERS It is the enemy to none, but friendo to all. The Morie Tn plare of Am erion is a powerful, frateral bearficiary society, perfeet and dir et in operation; it bas its lodges in nearly every town, village, citynd cuntry ommunity in the United Sises and in the foreign Gountries The Mrskie Templars of America eomines charitable, religous and cial work, mediesl scivior, Ismaily protec ign patriotie teaching and military instrue tione, In carrying on its work; it has ditbursed among its members mora tuan five milion dollare; its pr sent be adeta, exclusive of the sout in the State and kcal treasu es, is one million, on hundred ten thousand, Four hundred and seven dolare, twenty two ents. Of this amount, one hundred ninety eight thousand five hundred bilety thrie dollars, een ante, consist of carbon band and the balance is invested in United States go bonds, real estate and first mortgages on real esta e.
Sinen January 1922, to Novimber la the de hae paid to buiticiaries of deceased meubers two hundred twentyseven thousand one hundred fifty five dollars; it hos paid to beneficiaries in Texss reventeen thousand, he hundred eventy five dollats; in Tence, eighteenth brand fise hundred and fify dollare; in Louisians, twenty five thousand five hundred thirty five dolls 8; in Alabsma, sixty thousand and three hundred sixty five dollars; in Arkansas, seventy seven thousand, three hundred ninety seven dollars, taking total of one hundred eighty nine thousand, eight hundred twen y three dollars paid to five states; thirty seven eighty two dollars was puid in the other states has maraballed au of one bundred and twenty five thousad ma and women and his driva on to double ita temborebip by let April.
The men and women united under the great Music Banner make great thiago beppen Few people bave any opnoeption of what ibis powerful orgabiastion has and is doing for the Race.
J, QUEELY, S, Elosser Temple, No 913.
Can now be Purchased from all Dealers mon sense IN THE REPUBLIC tie rapid progress of her crops of visit that part of the world on thousand two hundred FOR aruny 10cts.
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes This is to notify the public in DS general that my wife, filda MERCHANTS Pesson, left my home and protection on August 18th. 1922, and will, therefore, be DO Stock up with PIEDlonger responsible for any debt MONT Cigarettes. The or debts she may contract.
DAVID PESSOA, sallors favorita, Buy them Colon, March 8, 1923. now before wa Run out of stock, Baptist Church Activities. British American Tobacca Co. Panama) Ltd.
Missionary services will be held at Empire Church to morrow Pastor Witt will conduct the morning service and at p. ADMIRAL Mrs. Thrift of Colon will dress in Chinese costume and tell of many PLUNKETT things peculiar to China, The Chorillo Girls Fidelity Club will glee a program at the Coro Advocates United States zal Road Church on Tuesday Isolation From World night at 7:30. Mrs. Purdy a missionary to the San Blas Indians Affairs.
will speak on the life among the Indians. Mrs. Purdy will wear a San Blas Indian woman dress New York despatch dated when giving her addrese. February 14 qutos Rua Alni The Colon Baptist Sunday ral Charles Plaak att, School will have a special session Az advocating America isola on Sunday afternoon at pm tion from world affairs and a when Diplomas e will be award big navy, ed to the priz) winners.
Ha spoke on Oar Nivy at Missionary meeting will be the Lincoln Birthday luncheon beli at Empire on Wednesday of the Women Republican Chu the 14th at 7:30, Mrs, Purdy and at the Hotel Plaza.
Mrs. Witt will be the speakers. He said: acola bad fore.
Nineteen girls were initiated as sight; ha bad common sense and full fledged Girls Reserves at the what we need now is plain som Chorrillo Baptish Church on to stay at home and Saturday night, Miss Jeens mind our own business.
condected the initiation and Mrs God put us here in isolation Witt and Mrs. Purdy assisted, and do not want to see us reMiss Nina Gallimore, the Super moved from it.
visors is to be congratulated on ses by the papers that a lot riders have left our shores to Mitchell Sentenced To which war is inost likely to break out at any time.
Long term of Imprison. can see no sense o our ment.
pople going over there making di play of their waltu ia thy face if starving people. They Mitchell, the American ought to stay at home. There are who was tried and found guilty enouxh things for them to for the killing of Frank Chapman here.
at tne Ancon Inn at Street Seos Treaty Fallure.
and Fourth of July Avenue some months ago was sentenced by Admiral Plunkett said that His Hon. the Judge of the Supe the Washington treaty for the rior Court of this Republic to 17 limitation of naval armament and years and months to the Coiba which only three nations had penintentiary.
signed, had been characterized At the trial Mitebell stated that by Senator Lodge as aa exbe was insulted and threatened periment.
by Cbspman and as he was in a He said that it was an experl.
position to take care of himself ment and a dangerous one at: without the assistance of a po that.
liceman, he thought Chapman Having a large navy, be polot.
meant business and took the ed out, does not mean war but first opportunity on the contrary jast the reverse.
He predicted that at the ead Labour Condition of ten years, this treaty would not be renewed At Bocas. Other speakers the loocheon were Voited ates Senator Looroot of Wiscousin; Since the begining of this year, Major 3eneral William Weigel.
why, the labour condition here Major Symonds has been waniog. What with the and State Senator Lusk.
Paying off of hands and reduction in wages in all departments of Admiral Plunkett in address.
even engineers have been leaving American Legion sestarday in the Co. Labourers and ing GAR. and Spanish War vind veterans and members of the Some bundreds of men have left with the Brooklyn Academy of music. in the last two days, Some are gone to Cuba where they are often reflect what does the cutting out for labourers just think of how we enter.
now; better wages and greater ed the late war, whether we facilities are being offered, and bangled it. When you men of the Jamaicans especially are so much G, finished your wars you nearer to their island bome were through. There was no Many labourers are going bungling treaty and ever body through the trail of the Tala went home. But it was different panca Valley to make connection with the end of the last war. It from Port Limon to Spanish was never finished.
Honduras where more companies Rear Admiral Plunkett is well than one are operating and known in Kingston, He came where the people are getting here in command of the Ameriwages so as to enable them to can torpedo boat division about maintain themselves and sustain two years ago.
life in their bodies. Anywbere else is better than this Province at the present standard SAD DEATH OF. earning lifelihood, All the money labourer is privileged to make cannot feed himself (Continued from page alone properly to say nothing Mr. Hind nan wa9 very popuabout a second party and it is lar at the Bar with his collesspent back in the commissariats gues, In his social life he was a for food Tbese labourers in many great leader and very much instances cannot afford to buy respected. On more than one cigarettes which is one of their occasion he showed that he was greatest luxury, nor matches a man with some human symlight with, in the case of a pipe pathy for the poor unfortunates smoker not even tobacco for his with who the Court bave bad to pipe. Just have a talk with them deal.
and they will ask you for a cigarette and matches also, Yet these States where this sad news was His wife is in the United men are daily at work for the cabled to ber. To her and the United uit Company. Wby is other gurviving relatives, this it so? They will tell you we are journal tenders its condolence making no money. The chiefs of in this hour of bereavement departments have reltased these facts and it being so if they do The body of Mr. Hind on 40 will not change their plans conditions be embalmed and sent to his will become more serious and home. To morrow at one o clock trade in general will be entirely. funeral service will be held paralized. at St. Luke Cathedral. Ancon.
held quite an enjoyabis meeting Pacific Steam Navigation Tourist Steamers What Position Do You Want?
satisfactory manner: at INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Mail Address: Box 41, Canal Zone 0fice 46 Central Avenue The Best of Everything for Everybody.
Installation At Mount Zion Temple.
Hissioon Mount Zion Degree Temple D.
on Feb. at the Fiowe of the Isthmus Lodge Hall Colon. The installation of the officers to serve the present term was conducted in a most.
TO CALL AT JAMAICA, The ceremony was performed by Bro. Davy and assisted by the Grand It is reported in the weekly Oficers in the person of Bros. Herald that the Governor of o, Leon. W; Gale, Jamaica during his recent trip Sec. Rodney, to England seemed to have conTreas. N Cummings, Sis Carty, Cond cluded arrangements where by The the Pacitic Steam Navigation following were installed the Company will make their large officers for the present term. tourist steamers call at Jamaic Bro. Oconer, GM; Sis in the regular tourist trips next Tomilson, Mistress, year. Two of the vessels were Bros, Taylor, diverted out of their regular Aris, dec. Mitchsll. trip tbis year to call at the port F, Sec. Sis. 8, Rodney. or Klogston.
of Font; Bro Campbell, Sis, Taylor, of Lesson; that to make the call or posed, But it is further reported Bro. Castino, Cord. Sis. Edwards, Conductress; subsidy of 4, 000 or 5000 Bro. Munroe, Inside Sen will be asked for. Here is another tinel; Sis. Williams, of proposal to exploit the finances It u seem Keys; B:o. Dawson. Out of the country, side Subtinel; Sis. Palmer inkly strange that the Pacito Bro. Rodney and Sis. Carty Steam Navigation tourist vesseis received the Honor of passing other South American ports on call at Panama, Costa Rica, and the chair as PG. Master and Mistresses.
their annual tourist vacation, without any Babsidy the installation facilities, but as members repaired to the ban soon as they are requ st queting ball where very led to assist in the development enjoyable time was brought to of a British country, a penalty of 5, 000 must be imposed.
It is hoped that the donorable United Methodist Churcb Members of the Legislative Panama District, Council of Jamaica wili exercise due care and caution before The Annual Missionary and grant in aid for taking Eglish giving any large subsidy as a Juvenile Services in connection tourist to the country only for with the United Methodist the purpose of spending a few Church will ba conducted Sunday and Monday 11th and boure. Before giving away the 12th instant.
taxpayers money they should Sermons will be preached on will be served?
determine what useful purpose How long these Sunday 11th at 11 and o clock steamers will remain in the a. and m, respectively. harbour, and what is the volume The Juvenile Exercises which of business anticipated from the are splendid put up, will be call?
through at o clock on Sudsy Unless matters can be ac.
The Pablic Missionary Met curately determined, it should ing which will be represent be decided that not one cent of come off on Monday evening the public funds will be given at 15 o clock. All are kindly for any subsidy.
invited REV. C, ANDERSON.
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