
3012 MALTA Tom Interesting West Indian News. Continued from page 2)
TRINIDAD JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNSS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Assortment WORKMAN PRINTERY of Qualified la Pedagra YOUR MONEY BACK IF 350 DATRYMEN DAIRYMEN Creamy Milk GUMEN SY في هاته. لذا ردنا أبادة و به ذفال نادا با دو. MILK (By LEONARD REID. Reformsin (rinidad London, February 1923. Th high class investment securl is the season of the year wbenties bas relieved the Banks of LINES ON Backlog sifairs obtrude them the necessity (which in previous WHICII FRANCHISE selves upon the public notice. years made so large drain SOMMISSION AS DECIDED All the joint stock banks of upon protits) of setting aside TO REOOMMEND.
Englad and Wales have now large sums for investment de published their reports and preciation This year, too, The following is taken from balance sheets for 1922. These Bank directors consider that accounts are worthy of study, smaller allocations the Barbados trocafe.
tban franchise Coniesion prenot toerly, because they are a year ago to general reserves are mi der of what we are too apt necessary, the justification for sided over by Mr. Habto take for granted namely the their reduction presumably be bard, attorney General, which has been sitting for som ting ludruk nable strength of these ing that the rise in gilt egad 89great institutions but also be curities just referred to has ad.
in Trididad, to settle the tailo cause they reflect the course of ded considerably to the hidden of the qualifications for votis trade and the position of the reserves of these institutions.
and for representatives oder pconomic life of the nation. Two When Investment values fall tbe propos scheme of polar festures of the accounts are a Bank directore religously write representauja in the Legisla substantial decline in net protits down their security holdings to fuive Council of that island bas for the second year in succes market price. When investeincluded its labours; and its sion, and the general maintala ment volues rise, they do not Good recomieadstidas bas boen published ance of dividends at the same! write them up. Hence a large ad rates as were declared for 1921 vance in investment values auto Pemale sutrage has been and 1920. Both features are in atically adds to the balance TO SELECT FROM AT THE granted four vots but out for representatives, easily explained. general fall sheet a degree of strength beyond 10 profits was, foregone that which is apparent from the Th: qaslitication for voters onclusion, for in a period printed figures.
are: of Bevere trade Jepression The balance sheets, It carefully Males of 21 years, and tothe volume of loans and advances insles of 30 years of age.
are restricted, and it is from studied, throw some light on the British subjects.
that source, that the pincipal course of economic and financial Tevenue of Banks is derived events in 1922. Here is a eum. Without legal qualifcations.
for the Nor is the reasou for a mainte mary of the aggregate Iwo years residence in the solony; and eltber cance of dividends in a year of five biggest Banks Should Be talling protits far to seek The important items at the close of Teachers Owaer or decaner of a house sgbstantial rise during the past 1921, at June 30th 1929, and at rated in the tw reutil two years in the quotations of the end of 1922:value of at least El2 106 PC IN MILLIONS OF.
anom or in the country dis.
tricts 10; or De 31. 1921, June 30 1922, Doc. 31st 1922, It Not THE BEST The Bdiior of The Ware Owners or teoants under a 1, 649 1, 611 1, 537 Dep sita three year least of land or 655 Sir. The results of the ga 678 660 house and land rated not less Losce sed advances examination of th Colon Inter Scho 307 than 103. year for taxes.
895 Ditcoats 269 Association which appeared on YOU can buy no 377 The qualifications for Menbers 310 Better loves men 480 is your lumns should be a se of Couacil are: For the first time for nine theme of his address was the ating, not only to the West af years, deposits show sub wide opportunity of the develop parts dretly escard, but the Ownership with in the electoral Porduct than ia this general public interested distrits of real property valued stantial fall. Loans and advances ment of trade between their country and the other parts of cation not less than 2, 500 nett, or from also di clined, although decline was notbing like so the British Empire.
In such which he derives at least 200 to the credit of the Caos Phon stçiking as in the previous year. development Me Goodenough Government it must be acknowledged the year nett inome alter paying all expenses; or The charges in the last two items sees compensation for the blows tros education is provided for a expenses; of in the store table nflec: the dealt to British export trade by LEAGUE Na resident ownersbip of ren wij bin ite burdere.
Treasury tinancial policy. The the chaos in Central Europe and proper y within the electoral disThe Panamanian govermans item discount, which has fallen the introduction of the new big trict worth at least 3, 000 or Aug ib:ral still, in providiog tor si 80 sbarply, includes Treasury tariff in the United States from whiche rerives at least Bills. The item investments, Mr. McKynna took a very dren the same school facilities 400 a year nett income; or which has risen largely, includes different line and devoted him doce for bar ewa bilions, but sing to Net: income of at least 400 befast that mus of these and Treasury Bonds. These charues self to explaining with apposit.
derived from any sourc, with ca! nih to eduzete their ebikes residence with a the electoral.
policy of reducing the dating inter dapendence of nations in their own langus, little adentes Sweetened Condensed district, debt by allowing Treasury Bills trade, and the inevitable has taken of Pancas mo pa CONDENSED The colo y has been divided to mature, and replacing these drances to trade all the world offer. This situation explain the res into several electoral districts. And by ten years Treasury Boods over that the troubles of Europe one of many privee who is with one member each as fol Peams and Colla bat pa bo The following Mr. Rginald McKenns, ex must Cause.
from inspected herds lows: Port of Spain; St. Patrick EVAPORATED give the always had reason of free chancellor of the Exchequer, insentercs Iol ad of Tobago and coinbloed bis address as chairman of the to Mr. McKenna line of abou: the tui ion gra in the prise cobs, WHY PAY MORE dis icts of St.
London Joint City and Midland thought. very brief etads Au rew. Narwa and Mayaro the Bank, singled out this flition of general It does not emping wild who there course FOR INFERIOR BRAND The population of Trinidad is ary policy of the Treasu y as the foreign trade wll show the received ia their homeland, and they 334. 495 and of Port of Spain 61, principal cause of the trade whatever injured it in one part of justified in their contentare, Tour this, most of the people eading 581.
depression. But this diagnosis is the world has its reaccion else Agen FIDANQUE BROS. SONS Th: Advocale gous on to say: not generaliy accepted by finan where, and that any conti lent private ach vole buvo rigu bo to hopes, based on the comparative as. Before mano na makao IBALO BRANDON BROS That profound philosopher cial experts.
ly small proportion of ou pre wa charge of young made. We or she work Duniey. onea said he would give TOLEDANO, Colon The series of speeches made by exports to stricken Europe, ac p3818 so no kouw. edge of the impulse any people the vet as loog as be of tb ollwg hid the counting of the votes. In the chairmen of the leading tot well founded. We shall tin ames Lannut sying that my deures tricidad it is not the counting banks at the annual meetings of that the coun wercial breakd. their cherehelders bave th year in Central and Estero Earope owuld us from training the that bas been retained, but the reeebitea fcatures of more than not only destrucive of our war so that would ottainly be the box Sixing of the qualification for asual interest. Our leading Bank kets there, but must hamper out but we mnat not xe prekeaa The Faithful Bubble.
membership of the Council tigure export trade more or less all th chairmen are not mere imperfection mais box beefoonboetsw. nations; and The proviso that a member pareau and pupils much to guio. It is beads They are hard workers, world over. In these conclusions ever, that to be well informed och more mualy and bones for every must have property in the eles bend na To reached their positions the ex Chancellor is in acre suficient qualification to tonela sa sulod sabor to cause the list where mori The level wbich toral district for which he behandling and service. More over ment with too general conrepe is and to allows you to have counts and to read bi pupil monnted on practically everyone is Atands is a particular vicious If we remember aright they have a to remain stricken and distress. pedagogy is a dangueous man bare or to have quiet talike with one of the simplest and most som years ago by Mr. Sharp.
and asscciations, unique opportunity of feeling ed, then everything that can pro. ico, puteaks boing, then of alla nogle familiar of appearaneəs, but it is and it may Eational done to foster other markets the pulse of the It is quite easy to becsma att blir sbilders d) bot be said to bare only lately that thanks to the defeated the purpose of its ineconomic life. Their pronounce must be taken in hand, in order this republic: and the only due to Parcelo uboald be wise, and not so ingenuity of a Beitish firin one troducer ments, therefore, corny great that work may be found for museen in the food ily med broauto. bhay are told of lis essential faults has been Otes delegates who visited the But the Colonial to Poronts are imposed on Pe plant things about thoi children removed. To ordinary babble West Ladies in the winter of sind among them a general the population of this country to soul their is not always accurate because last year seemed to have ap agreement that trade is steadily But few people really believe mot speak and write their be ki the duty of parents slowly improving. But on the that in such efforts can be found Buge oorreetly, advertise then droe to te ebst who are cump seat its length albers acco ding to proved of it, and it is to be Buduates, compotent to teach in college tohtown, and not because whetburit is hot or In the retained in Jamaice and introdurare prospects of trade, there any very great compensation for the poor parents at the highest seuraacker anyo bimself. At hawe spirit vel referred the duced into the Trinidad Constiis considerably divergence of yone child wasne onih lia: ia the Lane e atainia, the liquid is en tation. Possibly the Eust Inopinion, Mr. Goodenough, the world wide effects of the Rves mool inu mnoucaly chate.
There is no examination exep papar be tells you be shaped that as the temperature dians in Trinidad will tind that the chairman of Barclay Bauk failure of Europe to tread the held by tho teacher himead my Bacause you cannot 1356. 91 the breadth for the it works in their favour.
expressed optimism. The chier path of recovary.
course continue the deception, and the hin for eximinaron; or pubble is affected its length the faroe goes on till she childrebes Lam not com test cime will show how far the to teab rem sin. qante una tered Great com reputable school when the labelligen: Parenta, daircare is taken to ensure the ex 105 Fiom a detached point of view high qualifications are jastified.
Total of British Payments British Rulers to Visit Italian King and Pope Parent discover tha impositi sad giving tbsir ebildes suoi eduoti pro jora of air and spirit to it does seem absurd to grant To Be 11, 105, 965, 000.
il sit satiebad but they are doing give this result, but tests have Pius Now, there is on: and only no u terminate this abure, and that is boyshoir duny. to their cbildreo. when tb y proved that the new invantija is very low suffrage and to bestow women sudrage and then to Washington despatch states holding ompetiti zo ex minnti spallinue to support schools whish on thorougnly satisfactory.
limis that choice for the expresthat under the British debt Rome February 19: King all the schools. The prepare them for such examihatian Bind of that suffrage to a band settlement terths passed by the George and Queen Mary will be should not be conducted by the House to day payments during the guests or the King and ere of the schools. do bolb lieve for a moment they will All pupils acued be gaily of such faliy. Tae ex criativos Creolina hair producar.
the sixty two year period of Queec at the Quirival Palace ing to their respectiva. grade expressed under the proposed liquidation will total 11. 105, 965, during their visit to Rome in the on the same day to dem. Bove ben bold. cegularly idee 1821, 21 new constitution, it will not be 000, of which 4, 600, 000, 000 will spring. Tae British Monarchs houd then be published in the bow do we findes gradusl dininuum is the bumbr of cardidste ome ou munfully and capture the surprising it the Legislative be principal and 6, 505, 965. 000 als) will pay a visit to Pope papera in order of morit, het real times may whəł falling out pluese of honour, or allow him to the Council is less representative interest.
Pius. They will be received parents might know the page min in undupated posesion of bie ot be people of the colony than warusted Payment during the first len at the Vatican with Royal their children. The Calle lentiraly, and general Luke Lesekre righta u the best teacher in Colon it is to day with Crown Colonies years, when the per cent Honours, and Cardinal Gasciation bu arrived grovails on the part of those bave treepawed, Mr. Editor, to nomicaes.
interest rate applies will range parri, the Papal Secretary resonable and honte doch are failed to bring their sebook much oa your space, but am aware between 159, 940, 000 and 161. of State, will return their call been holding quarterly Betonoprotabe place.
400, 000 per annum. During the at the residence of the British in. Oober 1921.
Os examination of all the recite to the letter will be read by many bought remaining fifty two years, when Minister to the Holy See as the As the fires, abat domate, fed ob sehool from the be ful puren who will begin to view the eation in. new light to the benefit of the interest rate will be 8t per Cardinal because of relations cent, the range of annual pay between the Church and State, private schools took part, but the gaming taking the load, sad maintaining the comm suity. beg to say that am bo pecil dents will be from 176, 240 000 cannot go either to the Royal from thu impossibility okie position as ino: all new compete.
to 185, 850, 000 Palace or to the seat of ere taking good positions in the sport, Parents should understand from other advari am pure CONSIDERABLE HARM IN Payments on principal will British Embassy, accredited to most of those who took part bara hers why the si. Jakob Catholis riend of any teacher, wb care to CRAZE WHICH HAS BEEN DOING withdraw while man ble helto one to the bead increase at intervals tf one to the King of Italy.
ta tha obert uul tau is there to all wha sude the moving TRINIDAD the time.
four years, and in anounts ot Dur ng their visit, King George But up a sun lar.
lo MKrt oue bucher here, and am quite sure Mr.
CT, one to six millions, from the and Queen Mary will be assiga This is much to be remettended that all the others are afraid to compete whom have praised in my letter will initial instalment of 23, 000, 000 ed to the apartment occupied in publie must be exoured at their hobimt: the muat surprised man on its During the past few weeks dissatisfaction has been growing for the first two years to former times appearance by Enperor har as the one of the folling 175, 000, 000 the final two years. William of Germany, Competent toschers for wing of the other tes she should either POR BONO PUBLICO (Continued from Page 7)
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