
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY MAR 1923 PAGE SEVEN Turkish tobaccos are rich and aromatic. American tobaccos are mild and mellow.
Chesterfields are a blend of the finest of each kind. That why they taste so good. Try them today They Satisfy Chesterfield Interesting West Indian News The best Tonic in the World Con from page 6)
and on been openly expressed VIGOR TONIC with regard to the multiplicity of soep takes which have been This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend precated all over the colony, ange the Trinidad Guardian, ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female, Weakness, The sweepstakes have not Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up ben entned to race meeting, a run down constitution.
tat recently have introduced a very desirable element into It promotes digestion, improves the appeloualfethull and cricket The tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system, presenteras which it bas to be admitted, has develop DOS: Ong small Wins glass bofore each for from the raccessful promotion times a day. or two weepstakes being eo idacted in a u orazcili satisfactory manner, JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
were wiaked at by the authoriGesalta sugh, of course, all such enterprises are technically The very large mone tha people of this island and First Enfant My sister got a CUT priza which are allotted neighboring colonies cannot legi pearl from an oyster.
to the essere of winning tickets tim itely afford to spend so large estudis wreased much public a sun of money and it is against Second Enfant. That nothin eas and case with which their interest that excessive Ing; my sister get a wrist watch att esetion of the people could temptation to squander money in from a poor fish. Personded to invest money this fashion should be placed in in sreepstake tickets and the their way. The Tela did Guardian If you are not as lucky come inconsiderable gains which us in a position to state that as a over and buy yours at aereed, were popularly result of the representations hele ved to FULLER Doors, had the effect of attracted to take action and the best acerue to the procede the Gwarnment has a cie THE QUALITY JEWELER, listat the promotion business means of Slating agstast tho 122 Central Ave.
a unter of persons of exceed evil whila permitting a certain ingis dabious stability. mount of gambling on the course This state of affair promised as at actual race meetings is now an It was found that the exer, inevitable scandal and sus. der consideration.
sightly loppling over, struck the pieces which had already It is not desired to introduce wall of an old sugar mill, and bacee. cause the Government total prohibition of all forms of what the neck of the que no Some escasiness were contirmed wagering on horse racing and it the weight of the car.
ed was pinned to the wall by by representations made to the it possible that a scheme may be were not touching the ground.
His legs Generaar in person by the Hoo. devised permitting the contin and when the car was rumaved M. Lure wbo pointed out to banc) of certain he this cellenes the serious baru weepstaka undertakings but the be fell and, as the persons Alsembled which was to be anticipated by dificulty in this connection be was dead! Death must have looked, they saw that Llowine. continuance of these are obvious enough.
sweepstakers. So widespread the Government We think been instantaneous for there has become the craz: that the is right to were no siga of struggle.
merest claildren are as keegls to the deciding a Tawhole conmunity was dangerous, gamblinx interested as their elders and mini which is being foster plungel in Biel on Wednesliy sang of them, Mr. Lazare asserted by the exaggerated promotion nigat last nad on Taurs say a ed, have been going voluntarily of sweepstakes. It is unques clou of sorrow set le 03 the without food in order to save tionable too, that opportunity has ac lve life of the colony. everysoney with which to buy tickets. been afforded numbers of dis budy who was any body seemed Itia compared that the money honest persons to swindle the limp and broken in spirit at the acady paid in cash to poor members of society by the death of a brilliant son of the the arloos sweepstakers runding of small sweepstakes in soil who was universally beloved operated during Dicember which there is either no materiSECO000. In the present alization of the pris at all or tbe taken from the scene of the Oa Friday his motor car was Berhurishing couditions amount paid is entirely dispro tragedy part of the hood portionate to the sum collected.
was broken, the fender a little beat, and that was all. The Breach of Promise Against wiodshield and lands sufered Police.
80 lojary; the machine was intact. The car was driven into town with no ditticult whatever.
Ruphus Lionel Agostini, a Dr. Arthur died at the age of member of the Trinidad Police 36 years.
Force has just figured as defendant ia an action of breach of promise, in which the dis DEMERARA appointed lady was award 80 damages. The case brought to light some must convulsiog Wood Tests For Pap. correspondence addressed by the worsted Romeo to bis Juliet.
CIGARETTES of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended LIGGETT MYERS TORREco Co.
to put Stop ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN IT WILL PAY YOU You Can Lose It! KOLYNOS Opens ALONE This Way HAS THE ESTOS CAPTIVE CAP VINCH ONT 001 AUD НА from was no KOV LTAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled away in the sleeping car or hid under the stand at home?
Then you will appreciate the cap that is held on tin tive e which holds the properties of Kolynos secure until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the tube.
We now furnish you with a package of the same high standard as its contents.
THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. SE base GRENADA In the British Guiana Lilatare recently, Mr. Bowne congratulated the Government How Dr. Arthur Met His on the attempt to make tests of the colony wood for the maoufacture of paper pulp for which Death. a vote of 250 was asked Ho would like to know who was the officer engaged on the tests. From issue of 4th inst. when the work was going to be On Wednesday night last, a collected and from what woods.
started and if samples had been little before 30, while on his bis way home in bis motor car. Mr. Bayley explained that the late Dr, Conrad Arthar the propos:l was to t180 speci.
wet Mr, Ogtlive and mens of the soft woods of the daughter in Melvilla Street colony with a view to ascertainwalking home. They were ing their suitability. It was well returning an Organ known that the colony possessed Recital. As their home was near a number of soft wood for which to his residence, about a there use and undoubt pile away, be invited them to edly it would be a great advantjoin him in his car. They went age to have the different woods in.
England On arriving at the street and reported on as to their entrance to the Ogilvie house, suitability for the manufacture Mt. Gay, it is said that Mr of paper palp. Tne local forest Ogilvie and daughter thank was a mixed poe and cutting bad to be restricked Operativos on bim for his kindness and were about to get out; but Dr. Artbur a large scale would caly be persisted in landing them at undertaken by what was called their door, about 200 yards away elear fellins that was feeling in the Mt. Gay grounds. The every tree in a given area. That.
road was narrow and as there bowever, could only be done turnit is also said that Mr. Oxilvie repented woods, the great bulk of which the tor allow them to get out, but he present, was determined to put them at their door, which he did. There being no room for turning be Teachers Salarles Arranged said goodbye and went down the incline on the reverse, and as In furtherance of a policy of ill luck would have it the car reduction of elementary teachstarted a stone and went over er salaries in Demerara, the a bank on the exact spot where Board of Education has decided there was danger, as but two that frm and after 31st March feet on either side of the spot dext, the salaries in respect of wbere the accident took place all new appointments should be could not reasonably bave result as follows: Head teachers reed in fatal injuries. On hearing duction by 10 per cent first the crash which was by no assistant teachers in all schools means severe, Mr. Ogilvie went of an average attendance of cut, thinking it was a slight over 50, to be paid first class, mishap. and evantually saw a. 33; second class 18; third class bigbt from the car. He called but 23; pupil teachers first received no answer. Help was 36; second year 8; third year quickly fun woned and many 10; fourth year 12; fifth year personsh rushed to the scene.
ato davo TO 01 taille tel 02 KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM year acid in Boroz 31100 DO OG SET VE UOY YA JIW


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