p. 1


opend Cum. уде.
There the owes money.
few alarm Says No Sentiment Found Divided Over Present TurJo West Indies for Join bulent World Conditions Ing United States PAPER SUGGESTS ANOTHER In the East and West.
February 23rd states Viscount patch from London dated March Move Via France Would Try To Burnham (Henry L, Lawson ist states that the present turbuowner, and editor of the Lon lent world condicions have divl Dispute Over Common Law Wife Get Certain French Islands, And don Daily Telegraph who ha ded the Cabinet. According to been visiting the United States all indications the strugglo na Alleged to Be Cause of the Then Make New Offer to And the West Indies returned resulted in the formatiou of two last night on the United Fruit factions; one headed by the Brutal Act.
liner Melapan from the Bahamas, Prime Minister, which believes it The Obicag) Daily Tribune of of the Gall of St. Liwrence be lound no sentiment in any of the nation to withdraw as far as Jamaica and Caba. He said be to be in the best interests of the The Central American Express Clarke was seated on the wiaFeby publishes the following tween Halifax, and Newloand places in favour of joining the possible from all Continental of Bocas del Toro reports a must dow when Parker made his editorial: They are the buses of United States, though they all commitments and return to a pol tragic and brutal murder of one demand be Great Britain has agreed to French fishing wish to enlarge their trade with icy of comparative isolation; the Clifford Parker, notorious tween the two men (it is alleged)
the terms of the American ad snuggling, this country, the second led by Lord Ou gambler waich was carried out ia wbich Clarke, used his pocket ministration for the relunding The Canadian probably wouli which advocates the continuance at Guabito on sturday the 3rd knife freely upon Parker. inand payment of the debt to the not like to have them in Amei He said he found the Bahamas of a world policy having as its March instant, between the dicting large and deep wounds.
United States.
Il congress wonderfully prosperous trafic had ohjact the advancamant of the house of il a w, and p. Dae was on the upper arm about British position in all fields.
The account gathered by thst eight inches in length, two funding law to conform to ad. worth much except for tisbit. much to do with it.
ministration ideas and to the military value. The British might and smuggling unless they had a Mr.
Bonar Law, it is understood papar, in cɔnnection with the around the wrist, with deep O! the French occapation of bas for soma time favoured the cruel deed said to be conmitted slashes to the bone, a long British agreement to negotia realise that sensible amricans the Ruhr, he said: am afraid withdrawal of the British from by one Joseph Clarke is some wound over the forehead, tion will be seitled and the do not fe to have British islands it has got France do further, the Rhineland as protest what graphical and is Or be the bitlah West of the Anerican coast and trade there is nothing to gain by the against the French occupatioprot toClarke is a native of Telnidad, waleted on the right puncture. which future. and the fatal Indies will not hape ei tared routes nation working alone.
wound was that which Clark into consideration.
a risk of If France transferred title to expulsions of Germans made upper Now we can k another of antha Uited States the Ualted things easiat and the cost of cipitating an open break with I, but pose as a Panama luog between the claricular Fraper uord Carzon, on the oth ntao and holds the post of tack. The self interest region.
supplying officials to take their er hacd, has used all the inta Commissario at Gubito.
Parker died at about sproposare for the States might make a newohnto plac»s may use up tho money eaca at his disdosal to dissuade too is a professional gambler, are various phases surrounding American He p. on Imogene bed Islandiji in oprema so is apparent ands and a. cish payment for the Friese en situation on the bat, bia ordering tot het en vacuation therefore the conte Parker bo to the murder or Parker.
apparent. Great Britain Some the cale inag the hopeless. There West Indies it would be merely The stagnation in the Ruhr may holding that the Entente Peace in the same Category both people claimed that Parker had thight have been seit ic terest in die Poucable care ni tication of con develope a market for British teries a aina Broline coon mal batins being het belanded te ween in a few drinks and was some to tiers undertaken vod will and Islands Policy, pointing out that fight between.
transferriog British withdrawal from Europe them some weeks ago at Chase one person testified that when America for part cancellation with a desire to pronote and It is the Viscount first visit would be regarded as a sign of Farm which ended in Clarke be entered the room Parker was of the debt but the Brush to maintain the friendly attitude that which keeps forts off the Cana to the Uaited States.
defeat Parker being a stronger on the bed during the struggle.
a tend to pay in full and dians nerican boundary.
settles that argument.
man than he is terminated the Clark hand was at Parker Both men led a throat. Franca als friendship.
Great The person tried to France is not paying. It is not Il Great UNIQUE CYCLE ASSOCIATION recklede kline, there were con separate it and Clark made at saying that it will France owes Beitin sidered kings of the red light bin with the knife; be got a money to the United States and Brita decides that the French PAND JAMAICA ATHLETIC TEAM. Parket asociated with one line for the distance districts. For many years slight ovound on his hand, bat France has Islands of both the should transfer title that no outward Canadļan and the American islands in pult payment and in Imogene until coast. It now may be suggested promotion of good will it will weeks ago when he left Guabito wap regarded as an oulthat France transfer these is not be SECRETARY GREAVES EXPLAINS.
for Costa Rica division, just after There were several persons lands to the United States in rageous idea. The British will the Carnival in February last around the buildings and all part payment Probably Guade probably taink that it is very reasonable. Why not beat them the during wnich time Clarke took remained silent. 9) Maud BartThere has been so much said were told that Barbadians were charge and made hims it sole ley, Edith Smith, Manuel Craw.
French possessions in the Leser to it and have another argument during the past two weeks at the head of the Association king of tie situation, loupe and Martinique.
It hapford, and Imogene Watson were Antilles, it would not be a great behind the reasonabl:08ss of sudrag tre differences between atlairs.
pened tuat Parker returned to on the building, and yet Clark asset for the United States, our own proposal?
ihe Unique Cycle Association and Regarding the prizes all the Guabito on the passenger train was permitted to go as it nothing the nothing like the British West Under the refunding scheme letic learn; there bas been so receipts and aos wer were shown der was committed and dis which says that Parker was presentative Jamaica Ath correspondancs. Including cable toe Saturday morning the mur was done, is the stors given on Indles, but it is a good policy to the British have a long and much done in order to promote a to Gxden and his one side.
clear up title all througo the waarisome way to go with that he had lost his island iringe.
debt to Anerica and unaybe wwo parties, tot feel. as secre that the prize were not quently entered the rosin and anos ane par. them the assurance.
W34 sleepiag whan Clark French possessions in the mouth Deed would seem fair enough. St Pierre and queloite somethiog od for something we try of the association, should received before the time of bie maaded a rior which she bad Cama in and found him there. last make a statement for the departare would shin them ber possession benetis of those who generally to Dr. Morrison in Kingston him. Continued on Page 8)
desire to know the two sides of for distribution: and am sure Girl Body Found RAJE AT JUAN FRANCO the story.
Mr. Good ad his team mates Foresters Dance. Athletes Return TO MARROW The Athletic team came to Pa regard my promise as being In Sea.
nama on an invitation by my honest, might ineption that the Home with Prizes 49sociation, which was sent to tha tirst correspondence relative to The annual Foresters dance for To morrow at Juan Franco, kdosington Cricket Club of the team visit came from the 1923 will take place at the ReAccording to the latest issue there will be eight races on the Kingston Jamaica. Everything Kensington on January 5th creation Hall Calidonia, on the The prizes for the Unique of the Jamaica Gleaner to hand a szemed LATE card for the day on and the order for prizes were 28to, of next month, through Cycle Association Athletic meet sad case of drowning occurred events will be well contested as unul after the placed on January 8th. the auspices of Prospective Courting which was held on February between Sunday night and the handicapper has given the meet on Sunday F:bruary 25th. Dawn ct the Independent 2294 and 25tb in bonour of The Kensington accord: Order of Foresters of Lebanon Washington Birthday at the yesterday morning, the vitin various new horses and non It was then that a curtain section being Mary Grant, girl winners an opportunity to come what kind of a sucs ss the ath this tea ot tour for a fortnight to take this event eclipse all pre in Colon totes the successful of the community began to figure halt ing the contract, paid about nineteen years of age, a first at the Judge Box.
the maintenance Arrangement are being made Isthmian Park. has been receiva native of St. Mary.
letic meets brought and, in view. There was also be agreement on by the members of this Society ed and will be distributed today The body of the unfortunate girl was seen floating under the row racing will spring some became the topic of most impot. psy ball the maintenance for two three prominent ladies of this steamer which will be saliing.
het is anticipated that to mor ing this matter, the financial part the part of my associatoon to vious functions of this nature. At Jamaica sercontestante. Prior to of this Social leaving home by the surprises and that the tance. Tae first rumors be weeks and to provide each mem come unity were admitted mem The prizes are well selected and pier of Messrs. Henderson new and Co. at the foot of East patrons of the Pari Mutuel will circulated were that the Jumal bor of the team First Class pas bers and Mr. Charles E, Dodson, in a conversation Unfortunately Water athletes were not given any reStreet, at about sev un o clock Boy which has been having ceptions tha: the Association the studescida ni na: Athletic was elected Vice President.
gage back to Kingatoa. It was on Gooden the representative of yesterday morning, by man an improvement in his bad named Ralph Verley. Sergt. quite the Jamaica athletes he stated, not ordered any prize: team toa: we decided to hold the Water trial gallops during present for the meet, Cunningham, of the etc.
week and was expected to do duty was to approach we are very much pleased and My first benetit meat on Sunday April 4th New Canal Zone Lawyer. satisfied with Me.
the beautiful Police. burried to the scene, and well went lame on Friday morn Gooden, the manager of the and after making arrangements, took out the body. which was ing and is not expeeted to face team.
the the Isthmian Park Management prizes which we will be taking carried to the mortuary.
enquired waether decided not to allow my Associawith us.
the starter to morrow.
he had any grievac) and what tion to handle this weet and was admitted to the Canal Zone return to Panama for another David Loon of this city The bɔdy was idºntified by The athletes will be willing to Forget Me Not and Crusader was his opinion regarding the therefore the arrrngemento were Bar at Ancon on Thursday the contest should wensedwhoan Giated that ber will have another opportunity to restorante ricorded obismet bestuened over to the visiting Athle sih instant Leoa was examined reach our club and we are select Winifred Grant, sister of the an interviewed each member tic team said sister and hersell came from demonstrate their St. Mary and were staying at some backers are keen that they oftas team and according to Park Management in the different subjects specit. ed. We regret 188 Church St.
will come to the front ed in the Code of Civil Procedure delay in the arrival of the prizes chetr statements, that On Sunday evening they went lively time is anticipated for the the dissatisfaccion was among All plans were completed for by the committee consisting of and whatever unpleasantness turfiles our people, for they were the departure of Mr. Gooden and Attorneys Robinson, to attend divine service at Coke and which might have been occasionapproacbed repeatedly by Dere his teammates on Thursday, Carrington ed therefrom.
Chapel, and while Winifred sons on the streets who inquir. March Bt. Tuesday 6th, Mr. Leon studied law and entered the sacred edifice, Mary when her body was taken from ed: What class of treatment when decided to turn over the public speaking with the We take this opportunity of remained outside and wat sub the sea are you getting Why you passa4 money to Mr. Gooden Selle Extension University of unreserved thanks to all classes La expressing our gratitude and sequently seen to turn through post mortem examination Why is it your pr 338 are not would not leave Panami until English under the directorship their kindness towards the team option bave not bad any reception. he trankly told me that his team Chicago and bus the gate into Mark Lane. After also studied of the West Indian community for serving Winifred did not see ber was held on the body by Dr.
delivered Don go home they received their prias and, of Grenville Kleiser of New in the manner they received and sister. and yesterday morning Lawsou Gifford yesterday, and treated us. Especially to the Unisbe received word that her body it is expected that a corner Without them, the Association is in remaining here, they would York, the icquest will ba held in Čue urying to do you out of your do so at the expeuse of Workman was found in extends que Cycle Association for their.
According to the Association. It is said that congratulations to Mr. Leon and kind interest and entertainment. ceased did not show any athletes, they regarded suen drove them from their quarters, wish him abundant success at list of the prize will be signs of depression that evening, The deceased Is a daughter of statements as the expressiods of called Mr. Gooden attention the bar.
ar her sister and frlends were the Rev. Grant, Presby parties who entertained a dislike to the fact that on account of the published in our next issue.
very terian Minister of Last night the things were on heard what had happened. The st, Mark She was attending for th: Association. Insularity agreement made between us for ALL ROADS WILL LEAD 10 Specialty Store, opposite cene exhibition at Crescent deceased was dressed school in Kingston.
was even introduced for they Continued on Page 4) JUAN FRANCO TO MORROW. railway station.
ta covered on He, conse psy and bet iu for The various smoothly to gone to ot fat.
home soy!
The sea.


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