
PAGE TW TUE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 17 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Book Binding!
Book Binding Departmeni ANNO little way Demerara Lady JAMAICA Evening School PORT ANTONIO CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL TRAGEDY WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT CALIDONIA No. 78, New Market Street Why throw away your old, but no Coroner Igquest Into RETAIL DEPARTMENT English, French, Spanish, The Recent Death of No. 107, Bolivar Street Latin, Geometry, Algebra. doubt interesting, books when you Cyril Walker, Planter.
THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY can have them neatly bound at At Port Antonio on the 26:6 TERMS MODERATE ult. His Honour, Mr. Wm.
Scholfeld beld a coroner inFULL SU LYF Apply to THE WORKMAN quest touching the death of Cyril Stanhope Walker, aged 44 years. Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Teacher at School. Monday, and a planter, which occured in that town on the 16th of that Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Wednesday and Friday month under tragic cireum stances. The jury consisted of: ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES who has embraced the privilege Messrel, Abendaua J, of qualifying for the legal profesFisher, Joshua Baker, which has recently been extead.
CENTRAL AVENUE Mudon, Ernest Ashmeade, Call and see us before purchasing ed to womea. Shepherd, David Alvar anga Willington Keech and elsewhere.
and No. G Street Edgar Black.
ST. LUCIA Francis Wilson, who was em ployed to Mr. Walker as a domBanana Trade at St. Lucia estic servant stated tbal 30 am on February 16th her employer DEMERARA Police Station partook of tea and eggs. At a.
BODY RECOVERED The banana trade is to ba Creoline Hair Preparations he gave her six spill og With Under the directions of a started in real earnest at St.
Positively Superior to all others on earth.
instructions that she should go two to news out and buy cartaid necessaries KITTY GROYNE seine dragged the spot where ceived from the neighbouring Try them and be convinced.
of lite. When he banded her the TRAGEDY.
White had been seen to sink. colony. Mr. Rupert McNamara, money he said: Money is going They are the Master Preparations of th» World.
For more than a hour these who holds the post of Govern out and none is coming in: what operations were continued, but ment Different from all others Land Surveyor at St.
must do with myseli? she without success. Between 9am. Lucia, is engaged in making the Prices of all goods in the Uited States of America 50c. and all Foreiga Countries, she found him lying in a pool of Compositor Drowned Whilstand 30 a. some of the crowa necessary surveys for a large Bathing, of spectators who had gathered British, concern which recently in the blood in a bedroom in which bis sister on the groyne noticed a portion acquired lands Creoline Hair Producer wife had died. There was a of White body projecting in colony for the development of Straightens rough, harsh. aky hvir with or without hot combs, revolver nearby. Witness bad It is said water a above the the banans tradu.
and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Coutains 10 OVERPOWERED BY SUCK previously noticed that he acted of the from the spot percent morn oil than is possible put into any other preparation TIDE.
Homewbat peculiarly at time.
where he bad that the recent fallure of its kind in tae world. Patele la places and preveai, baldness, been drowned The body was banana crop at Cubs and British In ounce tins, Honduras has something to do Detective Grey testified that taken out, and alter having been he went to the bome of the de Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy viewed by the police, it was with the new venture. The soil based and (Tuesday, February 6, 1928. saw the body to a taken to the home of the de au St. Leia, like that of TrioA very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter pool of blood. Between and a. on Sun ceased father in South Street. dad, is admirably adapted to the and Becom. It is antiseptic. Grows balcoaps the scalp healthy day last a sad drowning fatality cultivation of the banana for Dr. Mosley told the ju occare of th, Kitty groyne In ounce bottles.
which there is so much demand ry that ha performed a post when Herman Fitzgerald White, Jackson Manufacturing Co, 455 West Tenth St. Manufacturers and Exporters mortem examination on the body aged 21 years, son of Mr. Eleazır All Up to dato Drug Stores carry. stock of Creoline.
Indianapolis Ind, Death wa, due to the bullet from White (Engineer attached to America. Port of Spain Gazette.
tha revolver penetrating his th: Central Fire Brigade) and Studies Law brain.
Mrs. White, was drowned To Extend Town BounThe jory found that death was Young White who was a Com MISS IVY DE FREITAS ENTERS daries.
hich has been the subjet of er, agent, warehouseman or the result of a wound self inflic positor at the Duily Argosy, left controversy in Trinidad and carrier is, for this purpose, ted while Cyril Stonbope Walker bis home at 219, South Street, INNER TEMPLE, Tobago for a number of years, deemad to b, in the possession Was of unsound mind.
At a meeting of the Castries bas been definitely settled by of the owaer or Casigao. It is Lucytown, to have a bath off the Kitty groyne.
There he met Daughter of Mr. Do Town Board held on Tuesday the passing of Ordinance No. 43 also made an offence to attempt Moore and Stephens, two other Freltas.
afternoon, ME, D. Cadet of 1922, which detinitely pro sell, purchase or export Hanged Himself.
Compositors who had been formally handed in his notice bibits te practice. Tois Orui clayed caca. or for a licensed bathing there half an hour of muon that the boundaries nancs received the Governor dealer to have any clay found on before his arrival. Tuesday, Feb. 6, 1923. At Spanish town on Tuesday of the town be extended. This assent on December 21st.
The trio his premises.
His Honoura mr. Leach spent some time in the shellows: De Freitas, daughter of Mr. should have taken The friends Ivy actio a that the Board years ago Clay is detined in this Wid: powers are given to inheld a coroner inquest touch and then White complained that De Freitas of the bumerara Buat Anyhow it is better Yote than measure as the substance com. spectors, whose appointment by ing the death of Badal (East In the water was It only remains to be mooly known as red clay and the Gover or is authorized dian) who was found baoging by shallow the tide was falling and Factory will be pleased to learn never, Between a rope suspended from an orange he was not enjoying his dip He that Miss De Freitas who has seen whether the people or the cludes any substance capable by the Ordinance, left. out of weight are also suitable for coatiog or colouring police constables) may enter any vember Deceased was 25 years to the end of the groyne and College, University of Wales from this extenston.
cacao beans, or which may be licensed dealer premises lo of age. The jury returnea a ver plunged into the deep water with the degree ot was, 00 SAIL used to make a mixture suitable search for clayed cacao, and may dict that Badal hanged himself. immediately the unfortunate the 27th September last admityoung man was caught in the ted as a student of the HonourTRINIDAD for coating or colouring cacao seiz any they may find there.
beans, whether such substance With a Magistrate seareh war.
suck tide, and despite all his able Society of the Inner Temple is in its natural conditiva or is rant, they may search any lands JAMAICA ATHLETE efforts he was unable to extri. Loadou, where she will pursue mixed wita any other sub or premises at any time for a himself. Knowing that her studies in suspected store of clayed cacao. correspondent to the Gleaner Moore and stephens when they Registrar of the Colony by the Cacao Prohibited The Ordinance makes it an An inspector is further emstates that Osmond Chester saw what was bappening urged Sub Secretary of the Inner Tem Pitter, of Lyndhurst, Jamaica him ou to make greater efforts pla, in accordance with the reguutfeuce not only to add clay to powered to board any vessel in By Legislation. cacao, and a graduate of the Happy to reach the shallows where they lations of the Voiversity.
but also for anyone to the harbour in order to search oave clayed cacao in bis posses: for clayed cacao, and to examine Grove school, at Hector River, were. White made anther Miss De Freitas, as far as we sion. Clayed cacao, however, in in the class of 1922. is showing effort, and as he did not seem know, is the first Demerara Lady The question of cacao claying. ve custody or control of a bank (Continued on Page o his athletic ability as a member in any better position. Moore of the Freshman class of Haver swam out to bis aid. Before be ford College, Haverford, Pa, had reached White, Moore realiz ln an indoor track meeted that he too was getting into recently held between the difficulties, and he only just Sopboa. ore ard Freshman Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 classes of that college, Pitter managed to struggle back to the Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 shallows. By this time White carried off a second place in the high jump and one in the rope position was a precarious one, and his companions seeing no olib, as well as being a mem help at hand, shouted frantically ber of his class relay, team. to bim: Try Herman. Try!
Under the tutelage of track White, who was getting quite coach Haddleton. Pittar is exhausted, feebly called back: pected to develop into a trackHead Office: 60 WALL STREET, NEW YORK City man of no small ability. He has AM NOT ABLE ANY MORE!
Owned by THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK also proven his worth as soccer few sconds more and be player, and is at the present time threw up his hands for the fist engaging in indoor practice for time in an agony of disvair.
the Haverford cricket XI. Vinly did Moore and Stephens Depository of the PANAMA CANAL 100 around for some means of rescua; but there was one at Two New Fruit Companies band. Try man, try! entreatto Enter Banana Bused Moore; Come, Herman, come; do not give up, urged Stephans; Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Iness, but White hour come. With THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in one last look of hopeless dispair ENGLAND FRANCE The Gleaner understands that di bls terror stricken conradas SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM two new Fruit Companies are second time and vanished ba.
he threw up hands for the CHNA JAPAN INDLA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES likely to be the field when the ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PERU banana season brightens up, and neath the waves.
PORTO RICO that one of the present trading After waiting around the URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA companies hopes to extend their spot for a few minutes to see it operations if the bananas are they would again notice a trace forthcoming of their friend, and finding their At present owing to drought hope useless, More and SteCorrespondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World and not enough to meet the White clothing to the Albertthe fruit is still of a poor grade phens came out of the water, dressed themselves and took demand. It is hoped however that with a good supply coming towa Police Station where they ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE in at no distant date, and keen reported the sad accident.
competition, the price will go up. White father was immediate.
One of the companies which ly communicated with, but he INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM operated last season bas dropped refused to believe that his son out the field after a short ex bad been drowned until he saw istence, ble clothes at the Alberttown Whitewas a good win tim mert mation was despatched to the The Claying of shared.
International Banking Corporation CHILE


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