
THS WORKMAN SATURN MARCH 17 1923 PAGE THREE Notice Treat Yourself What Position Do You Want. BY TAKING WILKINSON Contractor and Builder House No. 20 28th NOV. STREET, SAN MIGUEL ox 411, Panama, RP Pians and Specifications Free First Class Workmanship Guaranteed.
Mail Address: x 41, Canal Zine Otice 46 Central Avenue The Best of Everythin; for Everybody.
DR. SANGER CAPSULES ERFUL CURE FOR BLADDER IRRITATION This is to notify the nnblir in general that my wife, Hrida Pessoa, lett my bone and protection on August 18th. 1929 and will therelore, be LO onger rospor sible for any lebt or debts sha may contract.
DAVID PESSOA, Colon, March 8, 1923.
It Contain Fast Indian Oil of Sandal Wocd and other ingredients Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours JUAN ILLUECA UY BOX TO DAY AT THE CHORRILLO DRUG STORE No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
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Amories Tait debt, with ac.
crued io terest will amourt to well over 900 millions at the par of exchang. The plan offered by America, and now accepted in principal by this country, as that Great Britain will pay to the Uaited States ab ut 82 millions a year for ten years and therefore about 33 millions a year for a further titts two years, what the exset tigures will be der eids upon the course of ex.
change. This is an enormous burden for the tax ayers of any nation. It has been computed by one economist that in fact every Bitish worker will have to work and produca for the benetit of the United States for a fortnight in every year for twenty two years. Nevertheless. serious though the burden is the acceptance of the American offer is strongly approved by responsible financial opinion in London The terms represent very substantial remission on the maximum of which the United States might have demanded. No better oder is likely to be received. Prompt aceptance of the terms offered is like ly to to enhance British prestige, whereas refusal would bave made Grert Britain appear in the eyes of the world as a har gling debtor. Furthermore, it is argued, not only that much good will be done by this example of prompt recognition of debt obligations, but also that, thereby. beglaning has at last been made with the enormous task of tackling the whole broad problem of international war indebtedness.
This debt agreement is approv.
ed on further grounds as well It removes or at least it will remove if the American Crn gress sanctions itdeplorably.
fruitful cause of Anglo Ao erl.
can friction and misunderstaun.
ing. With the clouds of unrest unsettlement rolling up again in Europe, the importanca of Anglo American co orporation in econ mic and financial, as as political, policies assumes an even greater importance than before. Any event tending, as this debt settlement should, to assist such co operation is therefore welcomed her.
Here and there of course, voices are raised against the terms, Mr.
Lloyd George apparently does not like them. But on the whole the willingness with which the financial and commercial com munity approves the Cabinet decision is very striking. Toe reasons have a ver abova ex plain the apparently event of British funds strengthening in prices on the news of the Government promise to pay over thirty million pounds a year to Only the Best OF Men Furnishings And carried in stock well fine Selection of Walk Over Shoes English Woolens AND White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY SHIRTS TIES COLLARS ETC. ETC. BTC.
AT THE PALAIS ROYAL. another counur.
BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED Annual American BazaarStores Panama Colon It is per baps worth while to S, PERREIRA quote. because it accurately reflects British doancial opinion, CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA the view expressed by Sir Harry Goschen, the Chairman of the National Provincial and Union Bank of England. at the meeting of the shareBRITISH FINANCE. Britah trade. Necessary Ruhr may on balance benefit holdere last week. This eminent con banker said: The most im.
tracts may be diverted from Ger. portant result of yesterday man to British factories and the Cabinet Council, as reported in coal industry sees boom trade. this morning Press, stands out (By LEONARD REID) head. Bankers and others, who as a landmark in our financial baye exceptional opportunity of progress. Some people may London, February 1923 des Surveying the economic position think the rate of interest which cribed last we certain are inclined to predict a continu we understand the American discrepancy between the views ance for some months at any rate Commissioners are prepared to of two leadica British bankers of the slight recovery iu trade recommend for the funding of on the possibilities of future that has recently been in pro our debt to the United States is trade expansion, Evidence ac gress. But that is really very somewhat more enormous than cu mulates that a vast majority of light compensation for the ulti might have been expected, when competent observers considered mate and grave disturbance all the circumstances under satisfactory and lasting expan which present events must pro which the debt was incurred sion impossible so long as Europe duce in world trade and the purpose for which it remains a ferment. It a large and important section of Europe In financial, as distinct from was required are taken into consideration, but it is an honourcannot buy, then not only must commercial and industrial mar able settlement for both sides, direct British trade with those kets, the crisis in Europe has and feel we should offer the areas hang fire, but also products fallen like a wet blanket, es Goveroment our tries will find that, since they Lausanne Peace Conference has which they faced the situation of raw materials in other coun pecially since the failure of the gratulations for the courage with cannot sell their products been.
Europe, they cannot themselves The exchanges are in leverish and the decision thay have come buy British manufactured. Cbaos dislocation and the stock markets in central Europe breaks the where a rather notab e activity circle of icternational traffic and had prevailed ever since the New British Consulate Notice.
its effects on British export Year opened, have again fallen trade must, in the long run. be upon dell days. However, some The Acting British Consul at world wide. That is a serious compensation for the dark Colon would we matter for a glad ir Daniel country one clouds in Europa has been Malcolm Allen would call at the third of whose workers probably depend on the export trade. As aflorded by the Brisish Cabi Consulate as soon as possible regards the immediate future, net acceptance of the however, the momentary effects American offer of funding If you like bonutiful hair us.
of the French occupation of the scheme for the British debt to Creoline hair producer.


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