
sabar Tink tregti yam could easily hve by using QUE HARDRESSING QUEENem ves dandrut and stops ta thairQUEEN feeds the hallots and helps the hair too. Smooth and pretty linge can of QUEEN HATTRESSING for 15. 01 drur stores and 13 Unique Cycle Association Encampment Meeting, DESSING.
The popular and successful DenPablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertiseme it on applies WALIND, at the office Central Ave Hon. Correspondence on all matters Office Hours. to p.
e sad corner of Street, Panama, HAIR of public Interest invited tist on Central Avenue, liked and DAILY TRESSING Ride All copy for publication must be Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and respected by all his patients.
ne yourself Specializes in all the branches RATRS OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of of Dentistty Ope Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica HE SMOKES LUCKY STRIKE PEx Months Hon but as a mark of good faith.
Three wo do not undertake to return CHURCH SERVICES Ooo 250. rejected correspondence.
QUALITY TELLS (Atneriesn Epitopal Church. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS (Fourth Sunday In Lent)
Maananen St. Paul Church, Panama SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923. m, Holy Communion 10 am, The Litany BREWER AND RESS se to se. STRAS 103) Holy Eun barist and setinn WHOLESALE QU GNAGES THE ELEVATION OF WOMANBishop Morr!
165 Central Avenue, Panama Ciu pm Sunday School 109 Bolivar Street, Oolon HOOD. Continued from Page 1) 8, 24th Streeth, 30 Evenson sermon Take no substitute, demand at VSH AIR the departure of his team on Guachapali, City of Panama, NIGUTENGALE Restor Thursday 8:b. had already Sunday March 11th 1922 St. Alban s, Paraiso. Resolution of Sym athy One of the most striking and important movements in recived money and given Special Meeting of Sanday Sol pa 11 a. mn Holy Eucharist Serma our modern renaisance is what the votaries and propa: the room.
receipt for the rental of one of Rose of Sharon Lodge, Knights Mechanics, members of This No. 46, o. of of gandists of women suffrage and other rights are pleased verified by Mr. Sangster. The the Morning Star Lodge No. 17:30 Breu 2003 and address NIGHTENGALE Priest in charge Panamı Rp. Panam.
to designate Emancipation of Women or Elevation of quarters occupied by the teain LU M. F3, was convened on St. Matthias Miss! on Las WHEREAS it has pleased Womanhood. These terms sound highly revolutionary remained intact until Wednes the above date and place for the Sabanas Almighty God, in bis great wisand carry a beavy touch of color not consonant with the day 14th. All, but Mr, Daris, purpose of establishing or in augurating Grand Lodge for WIP from our of p. Church School Confirm ion don, to tasto status which progressive men in our own time are broad hentated from them a anteriores the conferring Sablime he stated he was not disturbed Degrees of the Order upon 4p. Evanrong and address minded enough to mete out to the members of the opposite and had not the cardighetene destis eligible brethren.
Clase midst at Membership; our worthy sir Bro her, Felix. one dares not now say weaker) sex, Cunningha who departed this (to NIGHTENGALE Pricat in charge life, Pomey 9h 1923 at 30 From the advent of Mrs. Prankhurst, the most stat ment, Dr. Fyfe insisted The meeting was called to WODOC WHERE I3 the order has lost famous woman fighter for conceived privileges, women ail that he should follow the other order at pm. by Bro.
St. Peter Church La Boca.
members of the team by carrying Wilson in the chair as over the world have given liberal attention to the teach out his instructions. Mr. Davis Master. tighs screw, from among us Where the xid Honourable Sir Holy Commuoios 6;39 a. ru ings of the leaders of the woman suffrage movement. In removed two days later. In the and Brother: for his faithful some countries, like Russia, England and the United course of conversation at the Bros. Day Deputy Mas Holyypis working in the abo7a Lodge has gained the sympathy of all its States, a greater st h 1s been created through the agita. British Legution Mr. Gooden in tar, Graham Secretary. Moralux Prayer and addreu 11. H. Smart Treasurer (abzen, Sunday Sebol pum Menors ac1 friend.
tons of the movement than elsewhere. But the stir thus expressing his unwillingness to Banjimin Grahan SD. King Choral Evensong with Serm 7:30 created has not done as much for the uplift of women as goobome, stated that a Eyfe Joz. Weeks Tyler, Chas. Bishop Morris will be the preacher Bit resolved, that the entire represented and when Ldge; de Membership it might have been thought possible of doing.
asked it Dr. Fyffe instruc ei Sandy Inner Gard, Dor Special Service. Stead Litany and Holy Communion for plore and liment the death of Either the movement has been, for the greater dart, them to go home without the inter conductor, Alex. Midgard children only Wedared iy morning 30 par Brothor and friend, the said misunderstood or its pretensions too far fetched for prac prizes if they would go, both Outer Conductor.
Thursday night at 730 Special servloe Felix. Candiagham.
One thing is certain that since the move. Mr. Gooden ana Mr. Bangster for men oaly, tical purposes.
BEIT FURTHER RESOLVED ment there have been more divorce suits and legal separa not think, therefore, there is Inscriptions the. After the reading of the the that this resolation; b) record Chris MULCARE. Rotor in the minutes of uur Lidge to tions, more ruptured homes and more cases of voluntary any necessity, it that statem »nt tala Encampment Dispensation St. Barnabas Church Empire bo preserve as a lasting tribute disunion than have ever before been known to statisticians is true, to enquire who is the (which was for some time in the Morning prayer sod address 11 am to th) mmory of the said Bro.
in any country, party advising the four young possession of the. Lidge) and Sunday School Cialiem stisa Class the Felix Cuaninbam wh. It is true, and eepecially so in Oriental countries, that these true that this Athletic for scrutiny, it was moved. Evening Prayer and addres p. its presentation to the members has filled to place and Otica la womanhood has for centuries been robbed of its deserts in Meet has been more successful seconded and unanimɔusly carwhich he died, and left behlod JT MULCARE Prios ia charge hin, to be botteral the home and social relations. But the idea that woman than any held under the auspi ried that, this Dispensation being Bartholomews Church Las BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED was created as man inferior help mate has long ago been cee of the Isthmian Park regularly and legitimately issued Cascadas that a copy of this Resolution by exploded Mrs. Prankhurst nor any other woman who Management it is true that we to the above mentioned persons forwarded by our Worthy Racordo sounded protest against the idea did not initiate any followed our own good judge aschartered Members they shal Morning Paa er and address 11. ming Secretary of this Lodge, to in according Messrs. remain and constitute the active Sunday School 30 pm movement that effected practical results, Leaders of Jobnson and Hall the same Officers of the Grand Lodge as Bvening Prayer aol Addros 6p. co to the deceased, mother thought among men bave long before decided that the courteous treatmeut as the much as may be available, for at MULOARE Prisat in sharge a covering letter in pressing the condolenc, and women of the age were worthy of a more important place other four athletes, irrespective least the term of one year, sympathy of the Members of affa that which preceding ages had con of the fact that they caune Panama San Miguel St Oa another motion duly moved, this Lodg. with their irreparaoeded to them, so that shop girls, secretarial stenograph on their own accord; but fail to seconded and carrled, it was de bulding 18 understand why ble loss, and these the greatest any party cided that Easter Sunday next, Gospel Sermona 11, 39 m 7:30 ers, post mistresses, school teachers, lady medico3 and an hours of sorrow in which we love him well, but Jasus loved him other feminine employees have rubbed shoulders with men shoulders consularityisen to shall be the installation of said Sunday School p 13 strumen, for the destruction of Oficers, and conferring of Grand Bailey Pastor and jostled them, in many instances, out of position. an Association which has afford Degrees of the Order be decided best. By do doiog, we give bian up; be is at rest.
This position for womanhood can never be denied by eå the public nothing but clean sport. fail to understand. also, applicants clean upon, for the present intelligent and clear sighted politicians, or even by mem of why four young athletes hardly til April 1st (Eister Sunday) ter 11. 30 a. 730 Gospel Sermon pending etc. Adjournment Church Of God G St Colon Thanks ba to the Almighty God.
medoicre influence and ordinary experience. women more than 20 years of age, far ninated a pleasant conyosation of Sanday School p Moved by Sister Ags. Brewster of our age have as just a claim upon the economic interests away from their homes, should mea for a noble purpose the conded by Sister Richael.
Bis Brewster Pastor of society as have men, and they ought to be given the con be used as the tools for disrupt moulding of human minds for Evanr. Henry New Providence servation of their claim. They are just as entitled as are ing the harmony of the Unique the higher calling of life here Sigaed this day of March the men to a chance to earn their livelihood, and in any Cycle Association and causing and hereafter.
Gospel Sermon 11. 30 e. 7. 30 1923.
the industry in which they can aptly and properly quality bers as rogues publie to regard the memBuguay School pm SMALL, Sie Elliot, Pastor, Worthy Cniet themselves they should demand their rights.
It is quite true that told Mr.
NOTICE Gatun BC. RAWLINS Woman suffrage also claims the right to vote and Gooden that my Association Gospel Sermon 11, 30 a. 7, 30 Recording Secretary take part in general matters of state. On this ground would not be responsible for the. Correspondents are requested Sunday. School pm (Jamaica paper please copy. there has been universal disagreement between the sexes; desired to buck the boys bnt to send to their contributions George Griffith but women have gained much in recent years. In many desire to buck the bunch who not later than Thursday evenings sountries which are considered progressive women bave were trying to detain them bere to ensure publication. Seventh Day Adventist Church Ebenezer Church Building No.
85, Calidonia Road, Panama obtained franchise at the polls and are making their num in order to make my Association STREET CALIDONIA ROAD. Sunday. Il am Morning Forship bers and influence tell in no uncertain terms.
spend the money made at the (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA, p. Sunday Sobo Parliament and Congress, the great law making athletic meets or discredit us in Panama and first class return passage. Paid laundry bills for Sabbath (Saturday) 45 a. Sab7 30 Evangelistie, eervloe faculties of Great Britain and the United States, have the eyes of the public addi six, furaished pocket money to admitted women into the company of the solons, while the tion to the contract which re ine amount of 40 00 for Messre. both School; 11. 15 am General Worship Monday 30 Believers meeting and Spanish Class; 30 pm Tuesday 30 Cariscain Endeavour law has given them the right to sit on jury, trials. But quired that my Association pay Sangster. My Association has Young People Mooting; 30 pm. Wednesday 30pm comments on here is where the movment stalls. It cannot be said that half the maintenance of the team Vespors.
certain portion of the word of the appointments to Parliament or Congress have either of four for fortnight and fat given to the four boys. This il Sunday evening at Reading Thureday 30. Choir praatios just voted 100. 00 more to be elected for that purpose The accounts that have ap Kingston, we have paid for the have obj cted to because Clase All are welcome both young and Friday pm Junior Christian Ea Jesveur nish first calss passage back been popular or practical.
to peared in the press bave not been enhancing por do they complste maintenance of said considered it a source of en old. 30 Proaching Sarvior.
and 7, 30 Prayer meeting justify the departure from age long traditions that men tour for an extra week, complete uragement for them to remain The Salvation Army La Boca RT, A, OJle, Pastor ia eharga hould be the factors of state and the constructors of maintenance for Messrs. Jobn here.
Sunday 5:30 am Prayer meeting son Hall during their stay in GREAVES.
law. This is, exclusively, the realm of men.
11 am Sorgordt Major Watley 7:30 Mrs. Eoriga benbeit Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
The so called woman suffrage which, in its widest application bears an exaggerated and stupendously im New Jersey were declared eligible for selection as jurors, Christian Mission of Panama Sunday 11 30 Morning sorakip practicable character has constructed platforms upon they felt that they had come into their own, but exwhich the propagandists expose themselves to grave perieoce on a dirty case disillusioned them, and they then Panama 11. Collin 7, 30 30 Evangelistada vies danger. They clamor for places and appointments which realized that there are spheres proper for men alone into Chorillo 11. an J, Rawlin 7:30 Bello Wedne day 30 Bible reading Believers weet mentally they are capable of filling but which propriety, which women may not enter without getting their modesty La Boca 11am J, Yard 7:30 C. Tayle Friday 1, 50 Conchi presim feminine integrity and social delicacy forbid. The follow thrown into painful convulsions.
Parsieo 7:30 ing is only one instance of several in which suffragettes Granted that women are no longer the slaves of the Burke Supt.
Oa Sunday evening, the 18th of thie sometimes find themselves entirely out element: pantry and nursery. Providence never desinged them so Gatun 11 am Burko Supt 7;30 mb. Caristian Endeaveur work in Prominent local clubwomn, says the New York to be, for their mental powers and natural genius are too Colon 114 A, Nichols 7:30 Bro. Grant organised. Alin Rov. Оdie in expreted Cumberbatch counction with the Church will be World of the 24th ult. to night were planning to ask high to be buried in the sands of drudgery and domestic Rev. BURKE Supt.
to spend that same day with us, and will legislation to prevent women jurors being chosen to sit at entanglements. They ought to be given a voice and hand be accompanied by Mrs. Stanley, trials of cases in which the testimony is likely to be of in the social, civic and religious affairs of the community; President of the Christian Eode. Vour they are entitled to a fifty fifty status with men in family Colon 11 am Deacon Spenser Baptist Church such a nature as to offend a woman sense of delicacy.
and Deaconess of the Christian Churob The movement is the result of indignation expressed relations, and in economic questions.
Rev. R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge7 Chaplain Renis by six women members of a jury sitting at a trial in Mays But the natural realm of woman is recognized by prac Chorrillo 11 am. Mr. Yearwood Landing yesterday in connection with a raid on a dis tical psychologists to be the home centre where she bolds Missionary service, and Nazareno Christian Chnich orderly house there involving a number of Negroes.
Mrs. Carrie Calkin, forewoman of the jury and man wildest curiosity or inquisitiveness cannot penetrate Coronal Road 11 a 7;15 Pastor Witt pm Sunday Sethupathie sway and undisputed authority in matters into which address by Chaplein Rupp Guachapa Panama.
715 Mrs Leathan 11 worship prominent clubwoman of this city, declared at the con Woman is the focus of family life, the axis upon which the p. Missionary Service addrew 7:30 p, Evaogliatic Service clusion of the trial that the necessity for women listening wheel of natural affection and sympathies turn and the by Mrs. Pardy to such testimony is an affront to the decent womanhood mainepring of society. If the focus becomes blurred, if Empire Muevo 7, 25 Deacon Smith Tuesday 630 Junior Christian Radeo Monday Balievers meeting of the state.
the axis siifers obstruction or if the mainspring snaps the Pueblo Nuevo 11 Deacon Linion The women plan a measure altering the jury system whole fabric of human society will crumble and all the Red Tank 30 pm Mr. Yearwood 7;30 Mr Peterkia Wur.
17, 30 Senior Christian Eodes your and giving the Judge discretion in the selection of women idiocyncr vcies of modern womanhood will avail nothing in New Providence 11 a. Pastor Thrift Wednesday Prayer meeting in such cases.
the recoustructi of life and home on the eternal law that Cativa Supplied Toureday 730 Choir praoi.
The above is food for thought.
Priday 7, 30 Open air mee ing When the women of a nation is only as glorious as its womanhood.
Now Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor Thrits Rev, Neal Pastor in charg Colon


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