
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1923, PAGE FIVE ATLANLIC SIDE.
29 cheaven NOTICE. Grand Easter All patrons of the I, Concert Hat Cleaning Establishment, No. 3, Street, Calidonia, One of the principal form of are hereby requested to call entertainment on the Isthmons of IMPEACHED FROM OFFICE. and get their hats at once, as Parama is a concert. It is regretthe business is to be sold out.
table, however, what a small rercentage of this kind of amuse.
Hector Connor, General Secrement is prepared with the tary, Successfully Defends desirable test and cire: and, of Cherges.
AN EXPRESSION OF this limited number bow few APPRECIATION.
succeed in satisfying the varied baste of the pleasure seekers report current and common who are hungry for something to on the street states that on TO THE GENERAL PUBLIS: bred the monotony, Saturday night. the 10 th, instant My sorrowfal greetings 1, olt we see a the case against the President of the where a side be NI A. L. Division through this medium, take this undersigned do hereby 198ving the Theatre face crowd splitting comedy has just been No. 17, was brought before the opportunity and chance of tenoffered to them, and we are Honourable Advisory Board for dering my beartfelt appreciation tempted to ask ourselves, sane trial. For several weeks this for their respect paid mis matter had been the cause of behall of my not these people see the funny side of life. But when we re.
much anxiety and excitement Rhodi Eldeaca Wsleitt of decessed wife, member that it was this same among personnel of the LA Barbados. My Lords Hl. mass which shouted 8) vocifeand it had also become vublic Michaels. who was taken to the Tasly while the piece was being property, from the fact that it Ancon Hospital on the fourth ot presented, we must only conwas being discussed everywhere March, and fell asleep at 11. 35 clude that perbape there had Everything was conducted in the m. on March 9, 1923 Her same manner as is done in the remains were taken from the been too much laugb and it had proridoed a surfeit. On the other public court The trial commen hospital at about 10 35 a. mod band, too serious play fails to ced at 1000 m. and lasted un the same day of her burial. to borgeven a smile to the face, til 80 the following morning. 8, and in disgust we are incliged to Sewart, Chairman of the La Boca. House 963) where the B. presided many friends came ta from th thinks that life is a long painful neighbouring streets to behold Hector Connor charged stor the last time, the face of our dratua baunting us even in our entertainments. Grant for mis 9ppropria stster who was a manbar oftas What the human heart would, cion of funds and abuse of cond Christian Mission, as also her therefore, peem to crave for its dence in that Grant collected husband, who is an emal yee of true amusement, is variety. a the Association for specific res Department. Foreman Janitor, noney from several members of the Panama Canal in the Supply little seriousness, a little nonApse now and then, and, sons, and then failed to properly Balboa fleights, perhaps a lesson which would account for said money. Attor Toe funeral procession whicla as an after echo of the pleasant ney Thompson, was planned to leave their resitime spent. In this way an appeared as counsel for deace at Boca at three entertainment becomes not only Grant, but Hector Connor made o clock, in, moved prompily a diversion or a passtime, but a his own defense. He said he did headed by the Superintendest true amusement.
not need a lawyer because he of the Christian Mission (J99ph Such an amusement Is at FOR was in possession of irresistible Thomas Larrier) and Fraok present being prepared with the facts strong enough to defend bis Grillith who is a member and greatest possible scrupuiosity, case.
worker of the Christian Mission, Mod will take form to the Grand There were four charges, made and followed by the members Easter Concert to be held at the up in counts, and these were so lot th sme Mission, and American Theatre on Sunday Cunningly drawn up by Mr frien 13 and relatives of the afternoon April 8th, a6 2, 80 Connor, that any one count would deceased, and mumbars of miny o clock.
convict the accused. After the other gathering such as the There will be a real cosmopoli charges was resd, B. Thomp Methodist, Wesleyan, the Baptist tan programme in which Panason, in a forceful manner, tried the Christian Mission of Pantin manian, American, and West la to prove thit according to the the Brethren (oth sides. 15 dian artistes will take part.
constitution and general law of Salvation Ariny.
the Bible the Association, the Hon. Advi Pruth and others whon time The public may therefore feel sory Board had no jurisdiction and space forbids to m:ntion.
assured that there is a pleasant over the President, but the Strictly speaking, the proc3usion time in store for them.
Chairman, Mr. Stewart, was a bage one and was peace Ask every other person whom showed to the satisfaction. tically represented by the memyou meet in Colon if he has proof Mr. Thompson, that, bers of all the religious bodies in cured ticket for the Grand constitutionally, the President the city of Panama and equally Baster Concert, and the answer KOOSOS was amenable to the Hop, so, the Canal Zone. The deceased will invariably be Sure. There Advisory Board. This fact hay leaves to mourn ber loss, ber fore, those who have not as yet ing been established, the husband and four children, scored their tickets are urged to case was proceeded with. mother and father; who ara now do so at once.
members of the Order, and on Several persons bad testified settled a Mylord Allo St.
Su day last, the sacred rites that they had given Mr. Grant Michaels, Barbados, Colon Boys Institute Held If it is done with were performed in conformity money during the years 1921 Tae Christian Mission, also with the rituals.
Successful Meeting.
and 1922 with the understanding tender a nota of condolenc. to To the sorrowing family and that he would send such money mother sad father and all They had overseas relatives.
relatives we tender our symto the Parent Body.
On Sunday last a very succe89 pathy in their bereavement. been to bim on several occasions PRINCE WALCOTT fal meeting was convened at the afterwards, to get documents to Ls Boca, Canil Zini prove that their money were Boys Institute. Among those (Barbades papers please copy)
present were Mr. Antoine, Condolence on the Death properly remitted, and that Mr.
Interpreter of the Cristobal Grant made various excuses. Advi. Court; Mr. Gilkes of the 1st.
of Rev. Howell, always holding them in suspense.
You can do it better with Colon BP. Scoats; Señor Barbados That atter having had their GREGORY DIES IN NEW Bonito Pacheco, Lawyer; Mr. patience exhausted, they comAllen and Mr. 0, Whittingham Messrs, Hall, Hacketh authorised bim to use his inplained to Mr Connor, and YORK.
were th speakers. Commander Watson took the chair, The Halland Holder, all oatives Huence to recover said money.
meeting opened precisely at of Barbados having read in the He said that during News reached the Isthmus the con during the week of the death of Star Herald and The Workman There were religious exstruction of the Division ercises before the programm newspapers published in this Liberty Arthur Gregory a Hall, some of these Linstead, Jamaica, which took native of locality of the death of Rev. montes were used to purchase place in Now York on the 22 ad was entered upon. Mr. len was the first Speaker and in a Howell, Vicar of St. Leonard e paint and other materials.
Church, Barbados, for over Mr. Connor argued forcefully well known on the Isthmus But of fubruary last. Gregory was very warm address he paid tribute to the stirling qualities of twenty five years, and that a: against this statement, and where he bad lived for many Commander Watson and what he PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY past church lids who can dubbed it as evasive, because had done to organizing the Boys AT YOUR SERVICE remember the faithfulness as there was nothing on record to many years and was at one time Institute.
spiritual adviser of the deceas prove it true. Grant also argued a member of Paul choir, Prof. Gilkes, in his usual ed; we join in expressing nat he sent some of the money through this medium our deep to a friend in New York for him eloquent manner delivered a Creoline Hair Producer is the very forcefu address, a offered regret and sorrow, and tender to to remit to the Parent Body.
the bereaved family and chureb many words of eacouragement the Commitee of Management in CANAL ZONE members over whom he exercis de said he did not send the World best hair tonic and will in connection England, will confer the College money direct to the Parent not soil or stain clothes.
ed pastoral care and supervision. Body, because he understood Mr. Whittingham implor. Degrees at the Flower of the NOTES ed our profound sympathy in this the Black Star Line was dwind any ot the charges brought the audience to give their Isthmus Ludgeroom on Sunday sad bour of bereavement.
support to the grand work March 18, 1923 at 11 o clock, Ing. and he wanted to get the against him.
which was being carried on by Gatua. West Indian pupcrs please copy. vice of his friend in interest of All of the Executive Officers Commander Watson.
the person who wanted to pur: were present, and also a very Grand Ragtime Rally Señor Pacheco was the last Middlesex Defeated By chase shares. Conner said he did large gathering of members, but He said, that reprenot believe this statement, be oaly fifteen membere of the Charles Morris Died At grand ragtime rally will be Sussex.
cause during the year 1921, Mr. Bard were allowed to give a versenting the Paoamanian people, Ancon Hospital.
it was his duty to say that Com held under the auspices of Loyal Grant. parch used shares in the dict on the case, and these after mauder Watson had establish:d Perseverance Lodge No. 10105, The Middlesex went to Black Star Line, and he felt sure being charged by the Chairman, great work in their midst and U OO. FF. on Saturday It is with sad regret informe Colon Sunday last and bad athal at that time, Mr. Grant departed for ten minutes. After he should be supported by all March 17, 1923, at the Flower of blasses of the community. To the Isthmus Lodgeroom, near dient has been creceived of the in the st. Clair Cup Competi of an individual whom he did not thay returned with a verdiced that oricket contest with Sussex CC would not consider the interest ten.
boys who once ago were chased the America Theatre, bumper death of Mr. Charles Morris, a. of the President was guilty as down and lodged in jail by the time is expected and all are invi native of the parish of West tion. The Sussex bad a power the Black Star Line. We canno charged, and recommened that This sad fal batting team, and as a result police are now banded to the ted. An excellent band of music moreland, Jamaica.
of the splendid cricket played give a detailed account of the Institute be reformed. To has been secured. Come one event took place at the Ancon for the day they compiled the rial here, suffice to say that Mr. bo be impeached.
Hospital on Grant was unable to disprove magoificent number of 106 runs On Wednesday 14ih. Instant day they are parading the come all.
the recommendation that the streets and attractiog the attenThe playing of Middlesex team LOST The deceased was in a deli were very unsatisfactory and it last. It is the concensus of tiva of thousands of persone. It President be impeached Was cate state of health for quite they desire to bring the cap to oplnion the general was a great credit to Command long period. In 1921 be visited the Lock City, Mr. Rinkin and could that the Samaritans brought before not bave defeated the mernbərship and carried by vote or Watsoo and bis Institution. At the conclusion of the last Between Ancon Post Ofice and beliebiga foetu thi beneficering the his team will have to buck up. Strong Scotsmen if it were not ot 121 to 88.
letter health. speaker meeting for the assistance given by The trial was a very bought to a close, and all who containing Bank Draft valued month of December slighuy were present expressed them. 400 drawn on the International recoperated, but during last Discontent Among Cricketers. another Club. There have bee onu De. A, Thompson was a great deal of dissatisfaction very vigoroue in his efforts to selves sa iified.
Banking Corporation in this city year he again took sick with a and unpleasantness expressed establish the innocency of the a favour of F. March sent lingering illness until he was from Boston Mas. Finder taken to the hospital where the admirers of the grand old gime never given a chance with the wis equal to the situation, and The cricket fans and other as to what reason Holder was President, but Hector Connor Conferring of Degrees will be suitably rewarded on end came.
are at a surprise to know why ballIn consequence of this won his C190 with honogrs. 8, returning same to March, He was a faithful member of no report was mad) of the On defeat which could have been sewa was highly commended The Pinama District of the at 55 Calidonia Road or to the the Ancient Order of Foresters test between Samaritaas and prevented. Mr. Holder has de for the ed pirable manner in Grand Uni e Order of Odd fel Office of the WORKMAN Printery Court Brock No. 6725 The the Scottish Mesh inics which cided not to play for Gatun wbich he e inducted the trial, body was taken over by the was played on February 22nd again, jows, under the jarisdiction of Central Avenuue.
Heat GAS Pio, speaker. a.


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