
PAGE SIXITOV THE WORKMAN SATTIRDAY MARCH 17 10 2012 LATA HEALING MEETINGS AT THOMPSON TOWN, JAMAICA JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards Good Assortment TO SELECT FROM AT THE WORKMAN PRINTERY She was progressing 10 YOUR MONEY BACK IF It Not THE BEST YOU can DAIR MEN Creamy Milk First Enfant Ny sister gota pearl from an oyster.
Second Enfan. That nothIng; my sister got a wrist watch from a poor filIf you re not as lucky come over end buy yours at Correspondent Describes the Holding FULLER of Religious Gatherings at which Over THE QUALITY JEWELER, Seven Hundred Sick People were 122 Central Ave.
Anointed with Oil In Clarendon West Indies bas been transferred irim Barbados.
BRITISH GUTAN British Gyan hat been pa4.
ing througe u seri industrial Arointed Handkerchiefs Which Are Prayed Over crisis, Sugar can and tid severe rice growing bv.
Ale Being Sent Out to Different Parts of The Doeses innush tra tha Island: Testimonies of Some of Those verum the found in einy Alleged To Be Cured.
o mak: ad entita tia. e. 6 veel in that industries.
On account o luck of funds it Cbristains should not be sur. for food Sbe seemed to be has not been found solo prised when the gift of healing dying all the time, and could e sider anythu like an a nbi in manifest at spiritul only spk in. whisper. Sbe tious sebofor the devedra awakening, such as has en was so reduced that none of her going on at Thompson Town, in clothes could it her.
ment of the clony. RD esecta.
tives of Brilhapitalists have Clarendon, for the last few carried to several doctors by ber visited Blush Ganuna during the monthe.
busband. one having charged year, looking to the possibili As many of your readers are her three guineas to vist her at ties of the centrs; ont beyon interested in faith healing am her house, Dr. Blank, to wbou moking ban ot two million asked sending you a somewhat bu. she went on one occasi pounds for caruia iaprovatnet ied account of how this iDOVL her what was the matter. Sb works, and a survey of a portion told bim she had come meutis to him of the diamond tiells, nothing During last week over seven and gave her medicine at six to find out. He examined bel CONDITIONS IN has been done open this in igati sent tract of liad. 90 hundred slek people were shillings piot until she WA WEST INDIES 000 odd Equatre pins in xen apointed with oil and prayed sick of it. She had pains all depntation from India viite!
over by the Light Brigade. REVISED.
over her. She could nst dres ARE Jaiponun bir or these professed berselt, or even wash ber tace the couutrs during the year a to be im me liateiy healed, and so being altogether helpless. investigated the su extat went away rejoicing for ward by the colon zion. soon as she heard of the meet YS LONDON NEWSPATE utation which viste Linda At alaege meeting held in ings at Thompson Townsbe loi three years ako tas 0141 the chapel on Friday, from to determined to go. It was not and women should be permite 11 there were nearly 100 easy as she could hardly sit on Economic Measures Being to leave Indt. to settle on lands perpons present who had al the horse. After being anointed Taken In Several West buy no Better ia the elony; and it is Underready been healed of all manner she began rejic ng She mount stood that is vestigators are of complaicte. have jotted led the borse berself, ridiag Indlan Is ands.
in favour of the scheme.
down a jew of their testimonies, home singing take Jesus a.
Porduct than The financial position of the together with their names and my bealer! Now she is wonder addresses hoping you may find fully heale. Every pain is gon The London Times in its Finan colony can be gurred by toe room to publish them at the and sbe bas become a preachycial and Commercial Review of DATRYMEN fact that the year 1922 was comend of this report.
of the gospel Jnuary 30th publishes the menced with a surplus of 1, 033 obwing from its correspo. People have been coming suffered with terrible pain den108 including 500, 000 dols, LEAGUE whici, it way decided, sh uld be here from Kingston and else in my head for 12 years, and Invested as a permanent sinking where to be healed by faith, could get no relief day nor During 1922 a good ma:y ds.
fund; expenditure to July 31 but they are not encouraged to night. was trouble to mysel tricts of Jamaica xperiened a was 166 918 dols, while revsome, as they can send a band, and to my parents, could norought of coosiderable magnienge amounted to 2, 312 763 duls.
kerchief to be anointed and carry any load, nor wast ude, which caused serious tinan It is felt that there will be preyed over. It is returned clothes, and Tie sometimes could cial loss to agriculturists. hardly welis deficit of at least 1, 000, 000 dols, to them through the pot would stagestuelion wrought by at the close of the year; and so with ut any charge, and and fall down. also had suter parching of crops in the fieia Sweetened Condensed it bay be un fou id advisablen they are to claim healing on my neck and body.
and by fires which, during the CONDENSED increase the duties on inper ihrough it. We have already by the imposition of a surtax sent cut many, and have bad My mother took me to five summer swept over one or to sections of the cruotry, has. And of ten and twenty per cdot. on most creeing reports of healing doctore. One charged 5, an resulted in an agitation for the other 4153. another introduction from inspected hords throuph the first and second schedules them.
Irrigation Only to day EVAPORATED of the tarid From January to we anomtid over a dizen band orgot bow. Lucheuer:schemes. pilogist has been kerebiefs srit ua for the pur medicine. uolil when they tuund several centres for the imp. und charged. Each tried a difleren conducting investigations Avust 31 the colony exported in WHY PAY MORE 7214, 317 dol, worth of produe, pose.
that had no more money they ng of water for this purpose.
FOR INFERIOR BRAND) as galost 619, 972 dols. for the On Monday last a blind man said that toy case was too hard same period of last year.
heit una donkey from to be cured. Haring of the Official figures show that from BÁRADOS beyond Parus, man led the revival at Thompson Town, ano anuary to the tirst week in Agents: FIDANQUE BROS SONS donkey He was not only blind of the healing meetings went October, maica xported Ecoaie pesure has also made Tot cramped with pains but was and got bealed immediatel, 3, 000, 000 worth of produc; aud BAAC BRANDON BROS its presenc felt in Barbados where it has been found necessunable to walk, from sitting in Every abecess, every sore, in tor the whole year the total TOLEDANO. Colon ne position so long, he said. cluding a bad foo. am now value is estimated ai 14000, 000 ary to raise a loan of 100, 000 to absist the Government to tide He arrived on Monday, too late healthy and strong being healed for 1, 000, 000 in advance of the nyer this period of difficulty. ad for the meeting Three men by God, and it nan not cost me a previo year figures.
ditional help has been extended Difted him from the donkey aud sixpence. can do any work. distinctly favouable positin brouxbt hm up ibe bil to the cau carry wat ron my heud. canis mainly due to the volume of to planter by the Agricultural Mission House Terandah. He wash clothes and can go to the business wh ch was done during high and 600 feet lone for crease taxation by the imposi Bank. The situation has been was instructed, arointed and ground and market.
he second quarter of the lake 5) acrea in extent for the tion of higher duties on imports. accentuated by a drought which prayed over, with the layirg on Exports from January to Octo storage of 549 003 000 gallons of At the beginning of the year the lasted six or seven months. Exat bards. Immediately be pro CECILIA THOMPSON, ber include 10. 065. 000 bunches water for domestic purposes Government estimated for ports of sugar from Barbados fessed to be bealed. can see Black woods.
In 834, 355 in bananas, 29. 417, 268 coconuta, to Install a turbine plant receipts; with ex. from January to the end of Octothe men down there walking in for the peoditure at 1, 923, 253.
68, 000 gallons of boney. 45 000 generate electicity This ber amounted to about 40. 000 the yard, he said, and feel Practically all lighting of public institution and was before the economy. com tons, as against 25, 000 tons for atronk enough to walk home. have been sick for many tons of sugar.
the same period of 1921; ship Be said that his eyes that had sears, and for the last two years the sugar exported went either the roughfares. and to cour plet, mittee campaign was begu. com of the United Kingdom ments of molasses for the perind could not help In the matter of exports. stated above amounted to 156 273 been Imports should ston and its environs.
myself, had pains from the Resordiox to ticores obtairelba pvekages, as compared with 70, DEAD FOR 14 MONTHS same value as TRINIDAD for the first six months of the 570 packages for tbe same time lop of my head to the soles of amount to the began to burn him, and a little my teet. Being very poor had the first time for inany years of economy, following the fall 532 1b. Of coena agains 45, 459, exports, which means that for In Trininad it Las ben a year ear. Trinidad sent away 33, 624 1621.
alterwards be could see. At all no money to go to a doctor, but Jamaica not sbow an erents he walked down the hill used home remedies of all adverse trade balance.
in the price of exportable 1030. lb. for the sane time in 1921 LESSER ANTILLES by himself, as his attendant sorts without getting better.
ducts in 1921. Within the past imlasses. 99, 850 gallons coconuts, In followed leading the donkey. Sometimes could crawl from The preferential tarif adopt. couple of months, however, there 9510 777, a decrease of over has been a reduction of the three On Friedy be came back having my room to my yard, but baded during the year, as the has been a revival of trade. The 310. 000 against the figures for planted in cotton; a larg quantiGovernment has been making the same period of the previous of the cotton produced in some walked from Porus, about 16 to wait until the sun was bigh result of Jainaica having miles, by himself, Draising God Somebody helped me to come to the Canada West Indies rade advances to plantation owners gear copa, 982. 838 lb asphalt of the islands has been purch ige all along the road. He came to the healing meeting and when Agreement has belped to some but legislation has been eoncted 320808 dans decreare le 5, 000 ed hy American interess. The return ihanks, beirg al Samari anointed was immediately extent in the collection of larger for establisb ment of ton against the corresponding financial position of the Governtan.
healed, and could walk and skip import duties in connection with bank to assist is department six months of 1921; petrol ment of almost every islsod in We have not yet called in a long the platiorm, as used to importations from nor British of the colony indusirial life, increased to 3, 718 073 gallons, the Windward and Leeward to do when was a young sources. At the beginning of Earlier in the year, cwing to the during the six months of 1921 group is acute. In St. Lucia con physician 10 diagnose any of woman. can do any work for the year the Governient anti pressing need of econons, the it was 448. 724 alions; tual oilsideration is being given to the these cases. Nor have many myself now, and sometime cipated that there would be a Governor appointed smail 23. 123 619 gallons; and crude oil, possibility of establishing trade ministers of the pospel been bere wonder whether it is really me. deficit on the years transactions, committee to consider the cur 2, 393, 874 vallone.
with Canada for bananus.
10 tee what the Lord is doing through some weaklings. But if HENRIETTA THOMPSON, revenue being estimated et tallment of expenditure in ad Trinidadiang, like most of the BRITIRH HONDURAS be ol your reporters came here Thompsou Town 2, 000, 000, acd expercitare are ministration, doe regard bring.
sibuy over that amount. The at the same time, paid to the West Indian comunities are on a Friday morning, The Government of British and bring a camera he would get a pre aonduras has borrowed 200. 000 pruning knife was applied to deeds of the colung in the car conti lent that the ten year copy that would be more Poor me! was the mother estigates of expenditure and a rying out of development works lerenti Rreement extended by for harbour improvements and agerly read tban your te of sickness: indeed seemed to Saving was elected, it baving which had been pievi usly ar. Great Britain to these colonies other works at Belize, Rigid por ls of the Legislative Coun live in the Valley of the Shadow been decided to proceed with ranged for and for which pur will result in ineressed investeconomy bas been observed by been raised. went of British capital in the the Administration. Discussionseil debates, interesting as they of Death. was both blind and only necessary works, like. Toad pose loane had loud or time, of the axe in ofcial expen way for uber developement of the Lion of securing Imperial didelis the sick of Kingston here for up blood, went to two doctors improvement, has not froit industry of Trinidad our bands are already full add and one dispenser. They did 000 has been raised in London ditore up of the accommodation is limited.
their best to coa but could for railway extension, it having with the drainage of extensive English corporation having de the colony. es pociallgensport mani cided that it will provide steam ton with sugar production. Each of been agreed that one line sbould swamps, extension of not manage my case.
The them said had a differeot sick be extended 13 miles into the cipal waterworks, etc.
to transport fruits grown there Honduras pyssesses anything is nothing to indicate that British surplus Mrs. Agatha Dunkley, of ness, and charged me according hinter laud. The contract for Government started the year ers with refrigerated chambers geologist has reported that there Elg Town, said she bad been to my ability to pay. knew the works has been entrusted with balance of the Construction 2264 900:revenue an invalid for many years. For when was coming to the heal to the Bediord for to England and market the con like mineral wealth, such as morths. Las signments on the co operative petroleum or precious stones, 15 yre she bid suffered from ing wa coming to God. He Company Limited, of Halifax, the first three terrille headaches. Seven healeu we, and eyery siekness gislat ve sanction base 1351. 000 while expenditure basis.
THE BAHAMAS months ago she was so sick that is gone. do not even look like been obtained for the raising botalled 4535, 000. There has The West Indian Agricultural her life was despaired of on one who was sick.
The Bahamas continue to be a of another loan of close upon 500, 000 for municipal works in continued drop weveral (ccasions, For months in College has been established in centre of activity. The colony BEATRIC GIYANS, she lived milk with a little and around Kingston, to include revenue, and in September it Trinidad, and the Imperial De trade has increased to 1, 474, 189, whisky in it, baving no app tite Thompson Town the construction of a dam 120 was found necessary to fi pa tment of Agriculture in the MILK of Damroduct CO OPERYMENTION, INA GENERAL OFFICES. UTICA, NY, US came will been a (Continued on Page 8)


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