
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY MARCH 17. 1923 PAGE SEVEN Condi ions In West. billion JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
Chesterfield CIGARETTES They Satiski.
The best Tonic in the World (Continued from page 6)
VIGOR TONIC with a surplus of at least 800 000. It has been decided that 200This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend 000. be invested towards the building up of a reserve fund ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, The Colonial Government has Impoverishment of the Biood, and to build up cecided that a special depart.
a run down constitution iment be created to carry on the dredging of Nassau barbour It promotes digestion, improves the appeard the construction of a deep tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system water pler. new hotel is being created to take the place of ore DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or destroyed by fire at the close of times a day. billion the last tourist season.
Chesterfields Escaped Serious Accident.
were smoked last yearOn Sunday evening last while nearly the Passenger Train was leaving Guabito for Bridge Foot a young BRITAIN lateresting West Indian News.
23 million hopped on next to the bageuze coach, be hopped off FISCAL POLICY (Continued from page 2)
every day and atten pted to hop on another any cacao intended for ship nent coach wben he missed and fell to from the Colony. Finer tobaccos the ground with both legs on the JamaicalWill Invite Sister The maximum penalty for any Better blended track and the wheels of the rear Colonies To Press For person conv. eted of an offence end of the coach, coming upon Larger Preference.
uader the Ordinanca is a fine ot them. He bowever quickly pulled away his legs and it was a miracle a bundred pounds, together with how this idle young man escap the destruction of the clayed ed with both lege The Heralt states that this licence, in the ease of a dealer.
cacao and the forfeiture of his were not crushed he got up and Legislative Council promise to visions ot this measure do nat When he saw that his legs years Session of the Jamaica ran for all he was wortb. We be epoch making. The Council hope this young man has learn is dealing with the long over apply to escao which has bn imported into the Colony und a lesson as well as those who due induiga in this dangerous prae reforwoestion of Constitutional the Cyco Import and Export and at an early date Ordinanca əf 1921 or to proluce the House will be invited to deal for which the owner has a certitice. CA. with a resolation that will be cate from the inspector that it far reaching in its terms. It was clayed before them. LEBLANC will relate to the economic life of not only Jamaica but of the mancament of the finance UNDERTAKER entire British West Indies. Jabuiry Ist. 1923. LC, CORNER AND 16th STREET The Herald is also in a position Ho Ro Co Products LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
Member of the to state that a resolution has Universa! Nezro Improvement either been prepared. or is being Contest.
prepared for introduction in th: Association African Cort use in the subject of Empire munities League trade and the part which the 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY British West Indies should play Vuiversal Akican Black Cross Nurses in that trade, It will if our IN PRIZES.
information is correct, seek to Special Rate for Members place on record the dissatisfac January March 1923 Contion of the colony that Britain tast Ends March 31st, 1913.
Creoline straightens and has not yet seen it to alter her IT WILL PAY YOU beautifies the hair and pro fiscal policy on lines which will duces hair on bald heads.
Rules Governing Contest.
provide for preference on the broadcast possible basis which will offer that measure of pro Eich purchaser of in tection to her oversea posses Ho Ro Products will be given sions that is so essential to the a coupon.
development of the economic life All coupons must be placed of the British West Indies. in sealed envelope and sent to If the resolution about which Alexander Sanchez, General we have beard is adopted, the Batailer Ho Ro Co Products, Imperial Government will be e. o. Box 879, Ancon, not told tbat public feeling in the ater than March 3140, 1923.
British West Indies is alarmed The compatitors of the This over the continued negiect of the largest number of coupons will Government to assist be awarded the prizes as follows: these colonies to progress as 1st Priza 20 00 they should. That progress can 2nd 17. 30 only be brought about by 3rd 15 00 broadening of the policy of pre 4th 12. 50 ference to wbich the Home 5th 10. 00 Government committed itself a 6th 00 couple of years ago. It is clear 7th that the preference is not 8th 00 sufficient to make the 9:h market secure to the colonial 10th 50 producer, or to enable the Home Three competent judges will manufacturer to lock to the to check the colonial market for the disposal pons on April 5th, and awari be appointed of bis wales. To day, it is pos the prizes to the successful sible for foreign manufacturers to under sell British firms in pers will be published in this owners. The names of the winthese markets paper.
It will be pointed out that these colonies bave not made places in the caribbean that had the progress they should been brought under American have ade from the eco inflacnce were well provided for nomic point of view; and this in the matter of Industrial TAVE you ever lost the cap from your tube of has given rise to a good deal of progress; for they enjoyed heart burning among West the benefits of the protective Indian communities, British markets of the United States, away in the sleeping car or hid under the washCapital, it will be pointed out, Those places in the West Indies would be induced to assst in were able to advance industrialstand at home?
developing the great naturally, while the reverse was the Then you will appreciate the cap that is held capresources of the West Indies. case of the British West Indies.
tive a which holds the properties of Kolynos secure As the question is as much an thiog but satisfactory, and this Their economic life was anyuntil ou have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the Imperial as a coloniel question, it is felt that Jamaica should invite defect could only be altered bs tube.
the sister colonies in the Carib the adoption, by the Mother We now furnish you with a package of the same tations to the Home Government Something, said Mr. Sangster, bean to join in making represen: Country, of a system of Free Trade within the Empire high standard as its contents.
wouid have to be done to restore THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn.
TAIS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT prosperity to all the West InMATTER.
dian possession of the crown If the resolution is adopted, the It was not to be expected that Governor will be expected to would always remain loyal to people who were in penury transmit the views of the Legis British Ideals, more especially lature to the Right Hon. the when one remembered that a Secretary of Buate for the Colonies; and further, that a good deal of peaceful penetracopy of the resolution should be tration was proceeding in the sent to the Legislative body of West Indies to get the subjects each colony in the British West Glamour for a change of their of the Brittish sovereiga to Indies for consideration with a fig view to unanimous request Mr. Sangster speech evoked being made to England on the zood deal of interest among subject.
ois colleagues In the House, as In the legislative Council early well as by thinking men oatsida last week, the Hon. W, Sarig woo read his remarks, Mr.
ster, Member for St. Elisabeth Sangster according to a report delivered a telling speech in He has reached the ears of a which he said the restination of representalive of The Herald, has political rights was not the only either do wo ap, or has decided thing which Jamaica required in aisw up. resolution on the the way of reforms. He was as lives set out in this news article; loyal as any other member in the and it is understuod that he will House; he loved British instita prasent it to the Legislative tions, but he could not close his Council next to be discussed at eyes to the fact that while the earliest possible moment.
Opens Way KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE British 11 the 00 13 Home 3, 50 floudB CAPTIVE CAP INCH ON SO beton KOV DE On KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM


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