p. 8


AG EGHT THE WORKMAN 3ATURDAY, MARCH 17 1923 Tragic and Brutal.
Juan Franco Race Gaye Dashing Suprises SKIN DEEP norses.
Don judge Victor by its dress!
That thin tissue wrapper is deceiving makes Victor look, like most of the other cigarettes.
But remember the low price of Victor is only Skin Deep for under that thin tissue paper you will find combination of ripe, old tobaccos blended to suit the most exacting taste.
Try a package to day, there a surprise in store for you. The Cigarette Without a Fault most (Coutin ulira pu: 1)
and took the advantage of bim It is na! urs that two kings cicnot reign over the Fame WITH GOOD PARI MUTUEL.
dominics at the rame time. One On Sunday last tha racing at will try to overthrow the other, Juan Franco was a thorouza by whatever means he can. And success. There were many th sams to be the case pure surprises from outsiders which and simple.
certainly gave thir bickers Clark moyed of and washed a big lomp of money 8t the his hands.
Threw the knife Pari Mutvel. Oaly two favorites away, ard instructed some one to came through; they Were meet him across tbe Bixaola Mountain Boy and Buck Dancer river wi his clothing. He did Mountin Boy has shown Logo orer, however, but took wondor ul amount of improve his walk along the baik of the meut Ha is almost himselt irer, o l he reached the farm again. In the ar: in the tourth of Mr. Miliano Selles, and lauda race, he got off badly with Zip!
rd out at San San where he was Zape in the lead, but at about captured a pm by Mr.
200 metres from the starting Mbue Var40 a ustou house gate, Veneno mide it hot for red who tailed ibe nurderer pi Zape whici collapsed and on horse back, fell out of the rac May BƏR in the rugoihy, and a one time ENQUIRY INTO THE DEATH OF 15 was thught that the decisiva PARKER BY GOVERNMENT.
lay between the two latter On Sunday morning at But the stamina of Ir te vovernment leuch Mountain Buy under very exo was despatched from this port lent riding and good judge nenu WILUur, Allred Gov outclassed is tield ana the game ernment Medical Oficer, Mr.
Titul hors? cam ho ne the wire Joseph Anderson, die penser; ner followed closely by Veneno Captain Pinzon of the Police and May Ba Porée. Sr. Dr. Estrada The first race was quite an of the 2nd Circuit Court and bis caexpected surp Ise Cosat e secretary, Sr.
Alejandro Ramos.
with 84 lba, led his field and wa AL Alipirante these officials 000 fortably. Pool Paid 28 00 boarded special motor car and 43 for place.
court ously granted them by the United The second race gave also Fruit Company, and accompanied by Mr. Diego another surpris. Qalen Sabe Pardo, they arrived at Guabito was prime favourite with Glorita and a post mortem examination running for second place, At the rising of the barrier, was performed by the Doctor Statements Concur. Ing the murPlaudellia took the lead wbien der taken by the criminal she maintained to the fish of the distance, Judge and Clarke the murderer did not disacknowledge the The third race, Tigre was orime. The official party return favorite with Reflejo running tu tu this city at p.
second place at the Parl Mutuel.
SCENE AT THE FUNERAL The horses give a great deal of anxiety at the starting gate, and The funeral took place at when the starter succeeded in o clock pm and a large colgetting them off. Water Buy course of people followed the which was in excellent condition remaics to the place of inter mest and looking the pink of racing As the uneral reached tbe ferm. was unfortunately lalo quarte! It was brought to a standing. Tigre led the first stand til in front of a building two furlongs at a rapid paos 80 that clarke be made to real ze followed closely by Rijo in ulat bis partner as king of the the third furlong Chomba Loca red light district is gone before passed fl jRad in a and that he too must follow in gallant effort reached Tigre due course.
which she defuated in a classical It is said that the funeral was mancer undertaken by Imogene Watson The tiltb race of one mile the woman who was mixed up offered no amusement, although with the murderer and the a goodly number of persons murdered man seemed to have pioned their Some women hadded Clarke faith to Delin as the probable inones which he accep ed, but be CLOVELLY DEFEAT wianer of the one mile event bad reason for not using that 25 Agato Od Joe Williams, Ace of cents coin woich was handed GAMBOA Tumps proved hinsel suporior him by Beatrice, so he dumped to thy Jockey Club horses at it into the sea as the luach left this distance, winning in almost the Almirante wharf. As Clarke Match Was Well Contested a canter.
landed in the city the handcuffs The sixth event carried.
were placed upon him and he great deal of interest as it was walked to the juil manfulis. Sunday March 11 will ever be the first occasion on which CLARK SENT TO LOCAS ON MON recorded on the minds of those Buck Dancer WAS to meet who were privil ged to witness Clemencia. The issue was DAY TLE 5th.
the Clové lly Gamboa match doubtful, Buck Dancer proved At the Rtation Goabito which was played on Isthmian OL Mandat people kather Park grounds.
the superior börse wioning ber engagement easily.
Iron alte lots to see Joseph For quite a while no aucb game Tbe Clark ay le boarded the train. of cricket has been witnessed by seventh rac: wao a othr SAT Clarke was quite pleasant and those who tried to attend our error of Juag ment, Save Your Money and Juhony Walicer are by showed no sign of humility. He well contested matches. At one far superior borses Cbagres travelled like a gentlemat; he and should not bave been was vell dressed trom up to top: stage of the same there was no sound beard in that always poisy he wore a suit of while drill, pavilion; it was as it all our fans watched up together with any one of them carrying nothiog white bojte black and white had gone to rest; but po, they 1988 than 132 lbs, by each to Honolulu shirt his necktie was a were there, taken ill by sudden small bow of heliotrope and his fright of the disaster that starThe card offered was an excap light brown. He was noted then in the face. Bowever, guarded as a murderer by the they soon revived 28 the cellent one and the day was two pulcewe who brought magnificent leather leasantly enjoyed by all those hunting him to Almiraute be caused by MeIntosh and Nedrick particpated in the sports.
was not tled nor was be confined together with their consistent add to the Excitement.
First Race. Cosaco 1st. Baby ith the usuel handcuffs The scoring gave them hope that Chakres 2ad. Pool paid 23 00 railway line between One Mile defeat can be turned into vistory.
ant 40 on the winnlog horae, and Almirante station was crow33 80 on the second borse. Disded as the train rushed by having won the loss seat his op The captain of the Clovelly ta ce furlong. Time 101.
Everybody tried to get a glimpse Second Race: Parse 125 00, of the murderer. At ball mile ponents to face the bowling of.
Distance furlongs Plaudilla staticn the crowd increased. Add John and Sargeant. At the open: 1st Tia Caiman 2ad. Pool paid came At tay quarul where Clarke was ing of the inning runs 3:20 30 and 10 on the winning taken to give another statement freely as two wickets were lost horst; 60 on the second.
of the crime he had committed. for 50 runs. On the whole Gam boa kept up a steady batting Pied 53 5.
Agaiu the crowd gathered as pace and was all down for 185 Third Race: Purga 250, the criminal boarded, Sbe ruos, the principal scorers beios Distance furlongs. Chowb launch for Bocas as is customary, 16. Brathwaite 35. Holder 24, women were in the majority JJ. Black man 12 and F, Burns 23, LADIES FREE Loca Ist, flejo 2nd. Pool paid 11. 80 and 80 on the loner; not out.
and 20 on the second horse.
After recess Clovelly was Time 06.
FOR SALE given an opportunity o face the Fourth Race: Parae 200. 00 trundling of Holder and o Distance furlongs. Mountain Wiltshire One wicket fell before Boy 1st, Veneno 2nd Pool paid with its annual 50 and 530 on the winner; to gave the bowlers of Gamboa high missionary meetings, Mrs. 89 50 on the second.
In 1 Condition fresh vigour to wipe out Clo Black man who missed him, the Missionary service will be held Purdy will continue her interestFifth Race Parse 150 00.
velly for the paltry score of 60 ball travelling to boundary for Indians on Distance one mile. Ace of Sunday at pm Pastor Witt Trumps ist, Delfin 2nd.
No reasonable offer turned runs as they claimed they would With one run to tie, the next bali at she Chorrillo Baptist Church ing talk abont the benetically to morrow Chaplin Rupp wil will preach at 11 a. and 15 paid 00 and 30 on the tirst Pool down.
astrous to Clovelly as when nine driven to leg by Nedrick for speak at pm and Mrs Pathem pm. The Lord Supper will be borse and 40 on the Second.
do. Their bowling was most dis off Wiltshire was wickets fell the score read 66. thus winning the For particulars apply at thatch by at 7, 30, On Monday night the mwons withe succeeding ball Missionary Meeting will be held administered after both services Home 2014 Rev from Wiltshire when WORKMAN PRINTERY Sixth Race: Purse 490 00 Road the Missionary Meeting At this stage of the game skip. Nedrick.
Beegle, Mrs. Purdy and the will be held when the following Distance furlongs. Buck Dan7 Central Ave Street per Nedrick partnered McIntosh Pastor will take part on and after a few overs Gamboa Such praise should be given to program. Mrs. Pardy will wear speakers have promised to take cer 1st, Clemencia 2nd Post.
Panama City u realed that they would not Perguson, Me Intosh, and Nad. an Indian dress and tell of her Pastor paid.
Seventh Race: Purse 3150. 00 win as easily as they thought it rick as they were tne only sue experience and the San Bias Thuift and Mrs.
Baptismal Service will be hela Distance furlongs. Save Your could be done. By caretul play lodians the 25th and at Pool paid 50 and 50 on the Money 1st, Johnny Walker 24.
Creoline The Corr zal Baptist Church at Colon on beautifies the hair and pro were soon registered. By leaps scores being 30, 89 and 36 real bave special service on Sun Chorrillo on Good Fridoy, both winner, and 83 80 on the oue buna straightons and and cosistent scoring, 100 runs cessfull scores for Clovelly, their duces hair on bald heads.
day and on in at 30 borse. Time 05 5. RACES TO MORROW Juan Franco Race Track Chagres.
Several New Thoroughbred and Local Horses will Who First Race Starts 2:15 Sharp USUAL PRICES ang One Stuvessant Piano where ever registered unde this then to 130 Bxcitement ran Baptist Church Activities. connection


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