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over George dered to IRISH OLIVER REBELS Nay Be Governor Ot Meets Death By Firing maica Again.
Squads on Two Mornings.
Daily Sketch publishes the The Irish situatio continues following interesting OF SKIPPER CREW ARGUES IN VAIN.
to exercise the minds of the news item: British people both at home and Pianola Moved Across Drawing Sir Leslie Probyn term of obromiit and there in gems og So One Seaman Falls Him With office as Governor of Jamaica is possibility of a letting up by Room Playing Tunes Without now drawing to a close, and it is the Irish rebels, to the near Club And He Is Carried To An open official secret that, like future.
Being Touched.
some of his predecessors, he is The latest authentic InformaRescuing Boat.
not likely to shed tears on leav tion by Dutch West Iodia Caule ing the island.
froto the city of Cork dated London, February 15 (The quiet farm stead grew more femel The Governorship of Jamaica March 18 says William Headley was execut can of the 21st ultimo:Says the New York Ameri and take off his orew of elever, Daily Express. The Twostly then the most hair raisins has in recent times been one of They were nearly dead from lighi which mystified the in hwat chamber ever described the most difficult positions ined here this morning by the Free State authorities. He was Rimance on the ses died long starvation and exposure habitants of Fenny Compton, Nearly every piece of furniture the Colonial Service to till. We called to Poppe to arrange Warwickshire, last arrested while in possession of ag) many assert nowadays, with The Duke of werk has in every roon seemed to have of Devonsbire is steal to send his men aboard and been followed by reports of sill becom sive and either crasis now carefully weighing up th. arma during the recent attack the coming of the great weirder occurrences in a farm to the fl vor or noved from on marits of all the eligibla simen. When an attempt was made to wireless and the laws that back that his men wanted to He on house in Biarney Street ships, the development of the abandon the ship.
house in the Norfolk feos, side of the room to the other. He must have one of great tact, burn the home of Mrs. Powill govern navigation.
leave, but he would go dywa And when, once in ever so long with his ship, filteen year old girl sitting be the drawing room, a gramoph une experience in Crowa Colony James Tarie, Patrick Hogan and a fragrance of King Lynn, February 15. merdiven una careerudas e exertentiella pelle poco and crosis ber of the lato Michael Collins does HOW THE CAPTAIN CAME.
atide her aged grand mother in a su idenly bexan piasing a lively administration, Joho. Crerve were also executed drift ashore, it is always of some lonely taruhou se near the Pen tune without being touched POSSIBLE SUCCESSOR Everything was going by the for possession of arms. They obscure old windjammer, some Tell to The old superstructure village of Gorfeld one night last ornaments and crockery Suveral names of ex Governors were arrested in Cuuaty Wex smudgy mess of a crait manned board.
were smashed week sew the old woman right the round and are spoken of in connection with tord.
by roughnecks that a liner of the Santino was washed a vay.
stokers would sneer at.
Isn it We have to and five men in a cap litted from her head as if Int: hundreds of picc2s, the appointment, the most pro ANOTSER MAN Sitor se? ithe got the strange hape minert being Sir Sida y Olivier, caught by a gust of wind and little lifeboat came about us.
float about ia ta air.
We The Kerr liner Egrement made could see the mon arguing with paning an tho started and a former Governor of the Island, o Dubin, March 13. James There was another boat Ruka was The girl called her father, Mr my atitid Mr. Serimshaw called and Sir Charlas Harris, lately worning aller conviction of take a windjimmer leaking in a gale cone. He was going down with executed this port yesterday with the story of the skipper, but he would nt Joseph Scrimshaw, and en ben bis servant, bamed Murrick, Governor of Newfoundland.
ing part in an attack oa National and burning barrels of tar on rushed to the ruon the nightep who lives in a out a few and he The formar did well on the army troops, in a Dablio bone wozden deck as distress signals the old days.
his ship like th old fellows of Was darting about like a fight yards from the farm with four teen le tof waier in the sued bae. While Mr. Sarimshaw sent to bring Mr. GP Ward whole, while his despatches to last month was trying to seiz the sullo and Mr, W Maxey from the the Colonial Oficə always reflect FOUR MORE EXECUTIONS hold and a zzurd ripping the Finally one of th men placed the wisp stehtcara mud crash day break and solemnly. confirm writer. Bu bo uas ruired trom usy remsined untiled the bold, orig originality of the London, March 14. Four men sails to sbreda, him over the skull with a stick and down he went. They er ried Founded througb the house, and POPPE WAS THE SKIPPER the Civil rvice and may not be were executed this morning at it was found that a large wasb tue most uncredible surse wating to re enter it.
Dcumbee Castle Buranorir Ojuu. She was the schooner Santino, to our vessel.
him into bis lifepoat and wed stand had toppled Every day and night sinca, at As for Sir Charles Harris, he is Donegal, says. Central news of New Bedford, where sailors another bedroom.
all hours, furniture has toppled But the skipper, recovering, No sooner had Mr. Scrimsbaw over, picures have fallen from a walking cyclopedia on thinks despaten Iron Dublin this after came from before steam was would not leave the box. He or nuon, West todao. No one knows more dreamed of in ship and she the walls, still moro ornaments reached this room than there and crockery shav: crashed them SENSATIONAL PLOT STORY, to was commanded by about the Colonies in the Caribrow bim was still another crash down the floor, and the pianola paro: bean, his Fourth back London, March 14, sensa Poppe, of No. 7801 sbip, which stairs. large dresser in the sists in moviog across the draw He has been bulving to admin tional story of a plot by an Irish way Roderick Holt, chief officer ging. They refused. Here the was within six inches of submerkitchen had fallen over, ing root, however many times ister them since 1882 and his Republican organization to murthe Egremont; described He roared at them, and finally AT MIDNIGHT HOURS it is replaced in its appointed recent experience in Newfound der Cabinet raudsters and. com. what followed.
we, of the Egremont, swang life These astonishing things hap spot.
land would be invaluable is the mit other outrages is printed ca day by the Daily Sketch. It The schooner was carrying boat and all upon the davits and Dened just about the hour of The mantlepiece clock, which peculiar case of Jamaica.
connects the alleg scheme with ccal and doomed to go under in Then the revenus catter Acustcarried captain and crew below.
midaight, and all through the bad not gone tor years, fell down lang nours of early morning righted itself, struck WEST INDIAN TER CEN y arrested in Great Britain. It is us t) wir is a revenue cutter The activities of Irkhnen recent a few hours. The captain asked (Continued on page 4)
watil daylight broke the usually seven TENARY said that the persons marked for assassination included Mr. BoHamar Greenwoud number On of Friendly.
Working At Jamaica.
Anens the o«lebration of the of women la theo vanization, West Indian Porcentenary which the newspaper aseerts Odinad Masting of Horses was celebrated in the island of employment in the nusenoid 01 Tourely afternon last the It is pleasing to report, that St. Kilss early this year, ki the intended vicums and Us Doris Friendly Society of AT JUAN FRANCO The of spite the of to an ide Patee Bica, sua instant reports the death of money paid to the Uniud States lowing telegram to the Laeward person with details ul tue meu honored with a visit to miss Islands. TO MIR ROW. Consparators Shaw, the assistant Mother on Sir John Pringle which took as part of the buge war lan for place at bis residence in lower which she is responsible; and in The Queen and have noticed Sketch La) provided for the. Vista. This was her first visit plans according to the Dails the Children Hime at Bela To morrow (Sunday) should St. Andrew on the 15th of the due consideration of the fact, with interest proposed creation of uistuebancas through to La Boca and to St. Peter witaess the keenest racing for month, His illness that none of the Allied nations celebration of the spOubao the rougher elements in the larg by the Sea, and to the Girls the biggest purse that has ever Insted only four days when the have been able to adjust their (Continued on Page er cities.
Friendly in this town. been put on the cards at Juan end end came. few days pre indebtedness nor to make any goodly number of the mem Franco. The contest is worthy vious he was in his seat in the payment to Great Britair, the bers of the Society turned of the great English Downs, All Legislativo Coupell of which he Empire has shown in great ECONOMIC CONDITIONS IN CUBA. out to welcome the visitor. lovers of good borse racing will was a member for 27 years, of youthful activity Devotion were led by The Rev. turn out to witness what promisthe following cable despatch will When the news was flashed to show:J. Mulcare, the Chaplain of es to be the most magnifcient the Hun. Legislative Council, ma London, March The newspa: tollowing Uader the abuve caption the sloo appears to be over. Says the Society, as the close of display of an international conhad in sursuing article the Reports. With the present which he introduced Miss Shaw test of horses yet seen in the been confirmed the Actink Culcer predict a record budget rur appeared in tu, West India Com Augusi, 1922price of 8cents to the girls, remarking that it Western Hemisphere.
nial Secretary rose and Bald. plus at the end of the linspeial mute Curculur of Mebruary 16. Tp. und general was because the visitor was a year on March 31. The stateprimism. and though most of social service officer and deeply The grand Panama Derby of a ment the Exch to March a ted the Cuban crop good work of mile and a half will bring sad news of the removal of one 10en, shows a due plus om 102. 1922, prepared by M. Consul veea soid when the price rase, the resterganization, oo dhate together a plethora of horses who, for 27 years, has served as 000, 000 pounds made possible Geueral. Hivada, at the ru yet be higher prices are mak had representing some of the best we honoured member of this as by a larwe reduction to expendi. Uverseas Praus ou ine economie ers ralo fuuds to dianace the them, and expressing the hope thing is made ready for this quest of the Department of ing it muen easier for the grow accepted the invitation to visit Cuba, Peru and Jamaica. Every 80 readily and gladly blood of the United States, sembly. am certain that every tures and a considerable in conditions member of this House will re crease in revenue. The income a Cuba, contains future cr Optimisan is that all present would profit ceive with the greatest regret Tax bas come in so will that may invcrestiux Tacta.
by the present largely by what she was about superior stamina of the importexciting race to decide the the intelligence of the death of notwithstanding the fact that it snowa Lust about 70 per cent demand for Cuban sugars, The visitor then rose ed horses Sir John Pringle, CM. As is one ahuling a pound less than of Cuba imports icome the which has enabled this coun and in very happy strain exmark of respect, move that in the previcu: year it exceeds United States, and some 88 per ty to ship over 3, 250, 000 pressed her felicitations, after It is very bard to spot the this House adj urn until 11a. the estimate by 7, 500 000 cent. of her exovels go that wons of new crop Tuesday 20th March.
sugars, which she delivered a nicely winner, All the horses which uads, Several other revenue country American The Colonial Secretary in orm. items show large increases. Capital invested in Cuba in sugar cords. About 88 per cent of the was greatly enjoyed by all have shown a figure ttat breaks all re rounded about address. which are expected to face the starter decided amount of ed the House also that Sir Leslie alone now amuuats to some Cuban sugar finds its market in The Chaplain then thanked Miss improvement recently. Either Probyo, Gover nor of Jamaica had successfulprofessional tning over one thousand million the United States, where it en Shaw not only for her visit, but of the bunch can win.
and llars.
arranged for a special traie from business career.
joys a 20 per cent rebate over also for her inspiring address, will be no surprise, and the Kingston, and that members of matter which has for some other foreign grown sugars. It and extended to her another public would like to see a clean the Council, the Pivy Council Io latter years seeing the time been engaging attention is is confidently expected that at invitation to visit the girls agaia start so that all the horses may and all other persons who wish possibilities in the Banana busi. the manufacture or industrial al the end of the presnt year no ap. in the near futuce. parcel of have an equal opportunity.
ed to attend the funeral could dess he became the largest indicobol from molasses. Produc preciable quantity of sugar will white gowns made by Mrs. Royce The im portance of an internaride on the train, vidual cultivator in that parish, uon in local disulleries in Cuba remain in the island, although the Mother of the Children Home tional race with a purse for Sir John Pringle was born on He was an honest and upright amoubied (presumably during this sea de crop will not fall short at Bella Vista, for children in the 3, 800, the first of its magnitude the 25th of July 1848 at Suther employer and those who worked the year under review) to about of 800, 000 tons. American in Santo Thomas Hospital, was will be watched with more than landsbire, Scotland. After com under bim were load to their 64 million gallons. he greater terest control about 54 per cent banded over to the visitor, and passing interest. The results pleting his education he decided appreciation of his kindness, part of the two thousand motor of the crop, a proportion which is the meeting was brought to a of this race may have the effect to study medicine and was He was a sincere friend of vehicles in Havana mostly Poids, largely increased by the advan close of attracting other racing men graduated as: MB. and of Jamaica and was keenly inter. are now using denatured alcohol ces made by American banks du to this country, and whatever Bae Aberdeen University, He ested in the advancement of the which is manufactured Iseally ring the recent crisis, whereby baz a record for Cuba.
may be the outcome of this parwent to Jamaica and was attach country in all its development. and avia side by side with patrul, rem purary control. wuich way ticular event, it must be the coder The Workman feels in sym motor.
ed to the Lunatic Asylum and The Report adds significantly: the name of Espinto become permanent, passed out of Great Britain is a good custom Setermination of the Panama dater appointed District Medical pathy with Jamaica at the loss the hands of the non American Otlicer in B1. Mary Parish. It of such a distinguished father In regard to sugar, the 1920, holders. One of the factories has more from Cuba than from her datisfaction.
er of Cuban sagar, importing sockey Club to give the public.
was in that place be bullt up a and friend, disaster and sabeequent depres recently produced its millionth own possessions.
Continued on Page 4)
and Sie Death of Sir John Pringle Great Britain to Have Big Tho King Gracious Message headers are aud Bor Miss Shaw, Sports To Girls Grano International Race.
present is she Es is increased in return.


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