
PAGE TW THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, MARCH 24 1923 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Evening School LYNTON Book Binding!
Book Binding Department Mr.
strive Indianapolis Ind. was money If there Case Of Murder In Parish CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT CALIDONIA of St. Gatherine No. 78. New Market Street RETAIL DEPARTMENT English, French, Spanish, Why throw away your old, but no VICTIM IS WOMAN NAMED No. 107, Bolivar Street MAUD DAVIS, TWENTY SIX Latin, Geometry, Algebra. doubt interesting, books when you YEARS CLD THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY can have them neatly bound at THE REPORTED FACTS.
TERMS MODERATE FULL SU Apply to Standford Williams, Alleged Teacher at School Moaday, THE WORKMAN Murderer, Now In Custody Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, Ar. ested lu Vere.
Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, Wednesday and Friday The Spanishtown Correspon ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES Bar hoped he would achieve the dent to the Gleader writing to objet of bis ambition which that paper on the 5th inst. zays His Honor supposed was to a case of murder has just reachreach the top of the ladder, and, CENTRAL AVENUE Call and see us before purchasing ed the ears of your corresponas bis predecessor Sir Conrad dent. The alleged facts are: a Reeves used to say, there was woman named avd elsewhere.
Davis, 26 and No. G Street always room at the top.
years old, a native of Granthat Dear thea expressed thanks to in Clarendon, who lived at Bis Honor for the kind welcom Radcliffe Park, a district about extended to bia sad the Aitorsix miles from here, saw on the and his report would be of im. emoluments of Public Officers. ney General for having readily evening of the 14th ultimo a mense value. Further develop There were some Public Omoers consented to tatroduce him, couple of men passing her bome. ments are awaited with interest. who were omitted from these Being member of the Creoline Hair Preparations One of the men was carrying an recommendations but they were Civil Service of the Colony it Positively Superior to all others on earth.
of it to cut wood. The name of Memorlal Which Electives nevertheless recommended for was anlikely that he should axe, and she requested the loan consideration in a special mes. Immediately begin practica at Try them and be continced.
the man carrying the axe is un WII Send to the Throne. sage which the Governor sub the Bar. However, in whatever They are tha Master Preparations of the World, known, but the other is said to mitted to the Legislature. By a sphere bis energies might hapbe Standford Williams, It is Different from all Others The Gleaner uaderstands that resolution of the Council it was pea to be directed he snould al Alieged further that on hear ing Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. the request of the the memorial which the elected decided to grant a lump sun to ways entertain the greatest reswoman, all Foreign countries, Williams members have decided to pres Ithose officers recommended in pect for the Bench over which made use of some vile langunge, and for the Colonies pointing out the Commission. The other oticers suce marked diadact on for Creoline Hair Producer ent to the Secretary of State the Raport of the Regrading His Honoue had presided with entreated the owner of the axe alleged mismanagement of the recommended in the Governor many yests. Lard Carsoa rea Straightens rough, harsh. kiaky hair with or without bot combs, not to lend it Williams next island affair by the present Message were, however, omitted surer of the Middle Temple, ia and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELIVE. Contains 10 percent more oil than is possible to be put into any other preparation started to shower blow after admioistration is almost com and consequently they are ask giving the students their Certtiof its kind in the world. Patent in piases aal preveni baldness, blow with a stick on the woman plete and will be engrossed as ing, for cates of Callin January last ex reconsideration of In ounce tins, breaking her left fore arm, ber pressed the hope each of them Creolina Day Dandru Remedy)
great toe cd 2nd toe of her left soon as it is finally ratified by their case, the people representatives. It It is not knows what attitude might some day becɔme Lord foot. very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter is learnt that evidence will be the Executive will take up in Chancellor of England. Mr and szoms, it is antiseptie. Grows bai: konps the scalp healthy The woman was taken to the given in the document in sup the matter but the expenditure Dear) enterwined no such ambiIn ounce bottles.
bospital at Spanish Town in an port of the allegation against involved will amount about sion, but that he would certainly unconscious state, whilst the the Government.
Jackson Manufacturing Co, The principal 600.
to obtain success at the matter 456 West Tenth St. Manufacgrers to aportes Bar.
reported to the charge is that the Executive and is doing so would ever strive to maintain the glorious All Up to date Drug Bjores carry a stock of Creoline.
police. Detective Debaney bur bas persistently expended traditions of the profession to ried to the scene but in the without authority of the LegislaBARBADOS meantime the alleged assailant of tive Council, and tbat they which he bad the honoar 10 bedh long.
Maud Davis had made good have ignored from time to which sums surreptitiously reanitted under his The Attorney Geral, Mr. Dear providing the money for all labɔur abroad.
West Indians cape. The woman died on time the sims and desires of Tuesday Jast and now comes the the people. It is learnt that sper Mr. Clyde Dear Ad and other parties interested in these increases of taxation which latter, then withdrew. Barba. last year proyided the revenue We refuse to believe that a sequel Williams was traced to cial emphasis will be laid on the dos Herald)
British Vere and on fact that present subject Excellency cannot over which is be protected in Cuba.
fun to earth by detective De colony was not getting the best mitteo to Local Bar.
Expressed so much enjoyment. are any bardships. the British haney at Old Harbour. Accused men in connection with the Govis in custody bere on a charge of ernment of the country. It is Emigration to Cuba from abroad, we are going to But there should be no inter It the people get no money Consul ough to deal with. murder.
urged that second and third rate In the Chief Justic es Court is men are being sent out to the is room at the Towo Hall, yester.
that there no chance of living tute and sometimes starving land to fill first class positions: day, just before the Goverment is giving to would without some initial The discouragement which the wages being paid ia this island peopla to escaps balag supporand the Secretary of State will Friday sitting of the Court be emigrants to Caba oogbt Toe Governor and his advisers inan who want to go Cab. ed from local por rates.
took be asked to lay before His Ma Ordinary and Chancery Га»
15 jesty the King, the view that the place, Mr. Eagene Clye Daar, of form grouads for searching are warned of this.
It is no should of The Tramway make representations people of Jamaica were entirely the Civil Service of this Colony enquiry into its motives with matter for trifliog.
dissatisfied when the present and recently a law student at regard to the laborating people course the ill treatinent or Bar in tae House of Assemblyvos Bat of through their representatives Government introduced generally. It badians in the foreiga countries Company.
easure for them th; protec. ion tatives had no confidence in the by Sir Charles Clarke, Attorney repeated that it is only by administration General, to His Honor the Caiet patriotic and sett mcriticing cannot be passed over. but Justice and admitted by the otforts of Barbadian labourers Joinions, Babbo that as British they should pay no heed to the latter to practice at the bar of in foreiga codatries that the wine protection of the Beltish nom: to serve.
subj scis, Barbadians are entitled peupla who tell them to stay at REPRESENTATIONS MADE New Barrister.
BY this island. In making the pee ent low scale of wages to tag whereever they are. The THE CIVIC AUTHORITIES TO introduction, the Attorney Geo to the stay at homes is made SIR LESLIE PROBYN.
arrived here on Monday by the Mr. Daar had completed the tion is madness. It is through Jolonial Office calling attentioa Among the passengers who eral referred to the fact that pɔssible. To discourage emigra ause of the Government is to make the Maughn Esq.
GOVERNMENT TO ACT. Metapan from New York course of studies in the compara emigration that the weight of was Mr. Jonathan Moss, Barris. tively short space of two years local taxes is borse, th, large to any abuses kaowo, and pointIt is source of great pl:asure to ter at law.
and three months. His Honor, sams of money sent througoibe og out the need tor adequate us to be in a position to announce Shortage of Water And MaMr, Moss is a native of King in welcoming Mr. Dar t) the post office, and the still larger supervision of the conditions (tinued on Page 3)
chinery Troubles Given As ston, and after leaving Jamalca, Causes of Complaint. proceeded to the United States to further his studies. He TO INSPECT RIVER, graduated with the degree of LL. at Howard University Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 and was thus qualified to practice Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000 The Gleaner of the 6th inst. law in the United States, He states a deputation, including bowever decided to proceed to His Worship the Mayor of Eagland to quality for the Kingston, has waited on His English Bar, and he read for the Excellency the Governor and bar at the Middle Temple. He discussed with bim the manner was excused two in which the West India Electric passed with distinction. He was Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City Company were operating under called to the bar on the 26th of Owned by The NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK their License. It was pointed January last and returned to out that the car service was not America. Mr, Moss has decided being maintained in accordance to practise his profession in with the approved time table, Jamaica and on Tuesday a motion and the lights supplied for will be made in Chambers by Mr Depository of the PANAMA CANAL domestic purposes did not come St. John Yates, Acting Assistant up to the aro perage specified in to the Attorney General, that the the license, In the circum. new barrister be admitted to Ftances it was urged on the practice in the courts of this Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Governor that His Excellency island.
should appoint an expert to Mr. Moss has had THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in a brilliant inspect and report on the plant scholastic career and wa join his ENGLAND of the West India Electric many friends in wishing him ITALY Company.
every succèss in the practice of CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS It is learnt that there was a his profession.
BRAZIL CHILE CUBA full and free discussion at the conference, and the Governor The Public Service.
URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA decided that he would cause a letter to be sent to the company in; respect to the complaint of The Gleaner understands that the civic authorities. It is now a memorial bas been sent to His Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World reported that the Government Excellency the Governor by a are being urged to appoint Mr. number of Public Officers whɔ Henry Holgate to inspect and feel that they have not received report on the entire plant of the the consideration they should, ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE West India Electric Company of the Legislative Council regard the decision to Mr. Holgate is an authority on tramway matters. It will be re It will be remembered that INTEREST PAID ON SAVING ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM membered that he was one of the the Regrading Commission made Goneral Manager of the Company certain recommendations to the at an early stage of its career Government with regard to tbe of Unsatisfactory Working International Banking Corporation term and FRANCE SPAIN BELGIUM PHILLIPINES ARGENTINE PERU PORTO RICO having


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