
INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, Mail Address: x 44, Canal Zone Otice 46 Central Avenue The Best of Everything for Everybody. WILKINSON Interesting West Indian Rows.
Treat Yourself. Contractor (Corned from page and Builder House. His Excellency the Govthat yestrday, 4G vermut BY TAKING House No. 20 ernor conferred the dignity of a Justice of the Peace on John DR. SANGER CAPSULES 28th NOV. STREET, Maughn, the well known Mas Pof ship wright Guvern SAN MIGUEL ERFUL CURE FOR went Surveyor of Shipping: Mr. Fox 411, Panama, P Jaughan is a respected citiz BLADDER IRRITATION and a member of the Vostry of St. Michael, and bas both by Plars and Specifications Free bis independence in public agaita and by bis clean private 11 It Contains East India. Oil of Sandal Wocd First class Workmanship vain de served recognition. We and other ingredients Guaranted.
congratulate him with all sinceri ty on the honor conferred upon hin. Idem. Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours JUAN ILLDEGA THE GENERAL HALFAttorney. at. Law UY BOX TO DAY No. 65 Central Avenue HOLIDAY MOVEMENT.
AT THE TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX 36 CHORRILLO DRUG STORE Enthusiastic Meeting Heid Practices in all Courts of No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave.
English Spoken Flueneto On Wednesday afternoon last at the Hall, a repre.
sentative meeting of the Come mei etal element in the citycapitalists, and clerks, was held to discuss the movement being made by store, grocery ste stop employees to obtain a utory week The meetirg was largely attended, was presided over by Rev, Francis Godzon, and included amongst those present the representatives of the City and St Michael constituencies in the House of Assembly, Apart from some trifling clashes of opinion between couple of speakers, there was general unanimity as to the desirability of the movement and employ.
pledged their sincere support. The resolutions were all accepted with acclamation, and Committee bas been formed to prepare the necessary petition, obtain signatures, and present it to the House of Lgisi atute and His Excellency the Governor. Barbados Herald. INSTUCTIONS Clear. Quick and Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy these Lessons for their Students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools Office in Panama City.
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Hospital Report Only the Best Men Furnishings OF carried in stock At the regular monthly meeting of the House of Committee of the General Hospital held on Wednes.
day 14th ulto. The report of the Senior Resident Surgeon for the past month was read and disclosed the following: Admission 281 discharges 262, deaths 23, post mortems 0, paying patiente patients treated in the casualty 978, number returning for absequent treatment 2, 072. number treated by Visiting Surgeon on Mordars 345, making a total of 3, 626 and a daily average resident of 194 There were 99 operations of which 28 were ophthalmie During the month there were 18 caves of typhoid discharged as cured, and four deaths from this complaint. fine Selection of Walk Over Shoes English Woolens AND White Linen Drills JUST RECEIVED ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied with less than the best THE PALAIS ROYAL BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores At the sauce meeting of the ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY Hospital Board, it wie agreed, on the upg stion of Dr. Grey SHIRTS TIES COLLARS Massiah. Visiting Su geon. 10 open a gynaecological clinic at BTC. BTC. ETC.
the institution.
At It was also agreed at the same meeting that one or more honor ary assistant visiting Surgeon be PERREIRA appoinud at the Hospital. The object, it was declared, is to give CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA younger embers of the proiession a chance of becoming acquant with the surgical work or the institution, so that in case mic conditions, the duty stillling to go abroad to do work a vacancy occured on the present develops upon the Government (which they actually refuse to do staff of Visiting Surgeons, there to satisfy itself that the guaran in their native or adopted land)
would be at hand sufficient tee held out as to general con under conditions far less attracdi etors from amonk whom a ditions, terms of employment tive and substantially selection could be made.
less and repatriation etc. were made remunerative than in Trinidad by persons capable of maintain and Tobago.
ing them. In the light of past TRINIDAD. have eventually fallen upon the of the prospective enterprises MATTER STILL UNDER CON of the kind having failed to materialise, it was but natural The appended paragraph reSIDERATION.
that the Government should be prodnced from the Norfolk Jourreluctant in giving its assent. nal and Guide related to the sueGovernment Guarantee It was pointed out however dadian in the person of Mr. WIIcessful career of a young TriniPreferred.
that the position of the local llam Mason. Young Mason it government would hardly be so may be mentioned left Trinidad The Port of Spain Gazette says difficult it the vuarantees held 10 years ago at the age of 15. He we bave authority for saying out were backed by the Govera is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
that tbe application lodged with ment of Cuba The difficulty. Mason Ticarigua, the former of the local Government for per as pointed out to our represen: whom was at one time overseer wisston to recruit labourers and bestifter on ance on their done the on Orange Grove Estate.
performance of side of Mr. William Mason, assisis still under consideration by contract by those responsible the authorities.
for recruiting the men from fant manager, Norfolk district Gazette representative learnt their homes in the event of their office, North Carolina Mutual yesterday that a proposal sas Anding themselves confronted Life Insurance Company, has re.
not ore wbieb the Government with conditions unsuitable to ceived notice of transfer to the was itelined to view with favour them and uniike those which walo nffice of his tiro at Dur ham, at the outset. However great they antieipated bright be the carcity of local It is a pity, added the Mr Mason will be employed in labour owing to present ecoac speaker that we find men will. Continued on Page 7)
the burdens which in the past Trinidadian Abroad.
Emigration to Cuba West India Colonies tetor the REAP SUCCESS AS ACCOUNTANT.


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