
SATURDAY, MARCH 24 1923 The Big Event of the Dinne de Toasting the Guest of Hono8 11 LUCKY STRIKE above.
be SAILO SPOILS 2002 THE WORKMAN (Cont. ned from Page 1)
met came out and to them to Nantuck Some skipper, that Osbed en sturdays by Rates for Advertisement on applies Poppe, ll say. Dith y maka WAL. OND, ibo ofio Central Ave son. Correspondence on all matters them that way now wooder?
nue sad doraer of Street, Panama, of public interest invited WHEN GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER The Egremont officer said the All copy for publeston must te schooner went dowg soon after Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and the rescue in thirty fathoms oft IS QATES OP SUBSCRIPTIOX must be accompanied by the name of Ma tha Vina yard.
OodYear 40 8. Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months 20 Hon but as a mark of good faſtb.
Three hours Servie at 12 noon Three ble.
wo do not undertake to return Oa GOOD FRIDAY all our members Ooo 250. rejected correspondence and friend whould bring an offering (collection) in si of Jerusalem Mission, DEAS The Liberty of the Pross is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS MULCARE. Ractor SATURDAY, MARCH 24 1923 St. Barnabis Church Empire One.
Motpinz prayer and address 11 a. mn AT THESE Sunday School 30 pm HUGE COMMITMENT Evening Peyer and addrew pim GJEST GOOD FRIDAY at II Three houre Service AFFAIRS YOU T MULOIRE Pria ia esco OF By the terms under which Great Britain is to repay Bartholo. nw3 Charch Las her debt to America 34 million pounds will be paid Cascadas IT TOASTED WILL FIND HONOR annually that is practically per bead of the population, Mori og pray ani Address 11 sm man, woman and child for the next six two years. Sunday School Confirmation Class Such an undertaking exceeds in magnitude any of the Brain Prayer cat addren p. a pm kind the world has ever seen, The debt with arrears of GOOD FRIDAY. 11 am Tage hou That is Always TOASTED interest amounts to 978, 000, 000. The most extraordin Service.
ary feature about the transaction is the almost vicarious MULCARE Priest in zbarke manner in which the burden has been assumed. For Britaio took on this liability not as beneficiary but rather as Panama San Miguel St guarantor.
In order to win the war for the Allies and Building 18 America she backed the bills of France and Italy and is Reduction of Admission List of the Prizes Death Of Young Green In New York.
now making good the guarantee. Although America has Gospel Ser a. 11, 3) a. 7;39 Sunday Scho pm receded somewhat from the original terms attaching to the E, Bailey Pastor Fee to Grand Sand. TO ATHLETI: CONTESTANTS debt, this is set off by the fact that the money borrowed Church of God G S: Colon It is with maeb feelings of reFebruary 22nd. gret that we have to chronicle from America was also expended in America by buying, the death of Mr. Egbert at a handsome price, goods manufactured there and used 11. 30 sm 7:30 Gospel Sermoa The Panama Jockey Club, in in the prosecution of the war. Yet although British pub Sunday School p consideration of the numerous Sis Brewster Pastor Evang. and continuous appeals through the recent Athletic Moar was and son in law of Mr. a The prizes in connection with Green, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Green uggist of Colon, lic opinion feels that better terms might have been expectNew Providence the columns of the Press, and distributed to the varioa: wia Rillen Bu sner. Sehool master of ed, in all the circumstances, from the Americans, there so as to more popularise the ners as follows:Panama. event took is hardly a voice which does not express satisfaction that Gospel Serm u 11. 30 7. 30. Trace, an agreement on terms has been achieved and not one Sangay Soboo pm decided to reduce the admissico exine wohl by Servolete cha maior place in w York, USA. le Davis inst. The Young min war Si, Eliot, Pastor which suggests that Britain should have attempted to Grand. Event Sangster 89c7ad 18 poz This is the second time Challenge Ca, and solid Gild attended by several crors, bus Gwdyear ailing for some time and was evade her bond. Yet the British taxpayer, apart from Gitun since the opeaing of the new Medal given by th Uniqa did not rally, and passed away to this particular call upon bis purse, pays far more already Gospel Serm yn 11, 3). 7, 30 Sunday School pm track that the Jockey Club, nas Cycle Association 2nd iz te Great Bayoad, leaving a than the taxpayer of any other country.
shown ita consideration for the Paarl Manicure Sat, 3rd prz: George Griffith MONEY DUE public welfare.
We ref ar to Johason. Silvar Sarvies Sen. Lives, and a host of friends young wife, parents and relathe admission of Ladies free and It is however inevitable that Great Britain should be Five Mile Cycle Roc: wən by both on the Isthmily, and in Jathinking of those countries who owe money to her and Sovanth Day Adventist Church the present instance mentioned Dis; second, Slagster; dmsica, his native land, to mourn Abrahim: ot th: Cyclona Cycie uheir buss. Oa the morning of his who have hitherto made no attempt to face the problem STREET CALIDÒNIA ROAD, In making this reduction the Association, Colon. Ist prizo death, a letter was received in of their debts. Last December Bonar Law in proposing Wear Ioth nisa Park. PANAMI. Jockey Clubis not anticipating the Allied plan for a Rep sration settlement coupled with Sabbath (3. tur tap) 215. sab any losses financially, and wound Silver Capsa native ork buss. Pana na from his wife te her in a declaration in which he undertook that Great Britain, bokeb Sebotol Wo abip therefore, desire to see the sad prize Silver Cap, priz: taar, stating that all hopes or his recvery were kone; and by if the plan were accented and if a final agreement were 30 pm. Spanish Class 14. 39 pon public making full use of the con cession attendance must Tara: Mile Cycla Handicap the afternoon the same day: reached, should make very considerable sacrifices in re Young People Meeting; 630 se doubled it the reduction is to won by Davis: Sangster d: cable inessage was rec ived inat gard to these debts. The British Reparation plan, and, be e continued indetinitely and Hollis 3ed. 1st priz: Complete he was dead. Our sympathy goes to with it the proviso, was rejected, and in consequence of the Clow. All are welcom, both young ned avainst any loss.
Sunday as an active Boading Insure the promoters of racing Silver Sarcice for Dining Tables fond to the young widow, and all consisting of Knives, Forks, the bereaved ones in this tbair measures since employed German reparations appear to old. 30 in, Prasching Sarvio.
Spoons and eto, nel 19d in sad hour of mourning, This is a step in the Bonar Law, incihave become more remote than ever.
right Morrocco, 26 piesas; 2ad priz)
direction and one of which we Silver Nut Bw. 3:d priz: Shiv. Jamaica pap. 73 please copy)
dentally, has repeatedly emphasised that he would be no party to any proposal that Great Britain, alone among Christian Mission of Panama are sure the surfites will appre ing Sat.
ciatewill Three Mile Havy Service Fearnots Physical Culture victors and vanquished, should be obliged to pay a war Pacem 11. m, 30 Burke endex vaurs in influencing others Supt indemnity. That in effect would be the result if, as well as Cborillo 11. J. Trotman 7:30 to attend the racae.
Cycle Race Scratcom an exclud.
ed. Abrams Cyclone Cycle Club Organised.
jeopardising all chance of payment by Germany, France Crag well Association 1st, Worrell 1d. 1st and Italy were to be relieved of their obligations to Great La Boca 11 am Wilcon 7:30 West India Cricket XI For Clock Ivory Mounted. 2nd prize Day Drawing Within the present month, has Britain.
Pollard Paraiso II a. P England.
been organised in this city an Pollard 7;30 Silver Bugar Bowl.
Oae Mile Cycle Event Davis Athletic Association for the In short, people are beginning to ask and it is as Gatan 11 am 7:30 Noblett. Ia a recent issue the Canadian 1st Silver Fruit Dish; 2ad study of Physical Caltare.
well to record the fact how it is that these other coun Calon 11 e un Miller 7;30 Br. A, Gazelle (London. publishes the prize, Johnson Silver Shaving The Association has as its tries should not fund their debt to Britian as Britain has Nichols principal obj ct the development following:funded her (somewhat vicariously assumed) debt to Rev. BURKE Supt. The West India Cricket team Davis British Minister Cup. into a strong moral, physical Mile Cycle Event wou by of the youths of this country America. Questions will certainly be asked in Parliament which is to visit Eagland this It is a long needed to this effect. It may be taken for granted that the terms Baptist Church summer will be the third West 2nd priz: Travelling Bug won manhood.
by Harris.
institution and the lid and India XI to enne to this country Britain would offer would be much more generous to the Colon Ilam 15 Pastor Thrift. the other two came over in 1900 FLAT EVENTS young man of this city should debtor countries than the United States offerred to Great Baptism after the night service avail then selves of the opporand 1906 Some 25 matches have 100 yds. Dasb won by tunity io becoming mambers, Britain. The true solution, of course, would be a mutual Chorrillo 11 a Daacsa Stewart been arranged with the assis. Goden, Silver Cap; ad priz, 715 Pastor Witt tance of the CC. and the Coltbrust, Silver Confectionery! Monday April 2аd the cancellation of all inter Allied indebtedness, but the fundcounties. In accordance with its Dish: priz. Silver and Glass public meeting at the A.
a ing of the British debt in the United States has for the Coro Rond 11 m. Me Iato ah 7:15 Dareon Linton settled policy of encouraging Mustard Cup. Armstrong moment made that impracticable and there is no reason to Pueblo Nuevo 11 am Pastor Witt sport in connection with the 22 yis, Fia: wn by A. Several prominant hall Caapter 14. Gaachapali.
assume that other Allies will be more reluctant than the 15 Mints West Indian Colonies, tae West Gvolen, Silver Sugar Bowl. this city have been req dested to persons of British to observe their honourable obligations. It is Empire II Dacon Brown Indian Clab has undertaken to Arnstrong 2ad, Silver Sugar address the audieac: on the 7:25 Deacon Cummings recognised that France and Italy have to face serious New Providence Deacon Brown raise a fand in order to ensure Stad.
necessity of Paysical Cultura financial difficulties, and these would doubtless be gener d Tank 30 pm Dascon Yearwood the financial success of the tour, it appearing from experience 410 yds. Flat won by Beck open invitation hereby ously taken into account in arranging the funding terms; Cativa Supplied that the gate money will be in tord, Silver Cup: peiz: extended. For further informa but at the same time it has to be borne in mind that the Now Gatun Thursday 30 Pastor Thrift sufficient to cover expenses. Te Colthurst, Gold Medal.
tion see Mr, John St. Luis.
financial conditions in Great Britain are also extremely is estimated that at least 1, 500 880 yds. Fiat Bathune, Ja Secretary: O, Box 833, Azer, stringent, and if her international credit stands high Ebenezer Church Building No. over and above the gate money maletas Galda Madal; 2nd Canal mne.
to Osbɔras. Silver.
it is only because of the immense sacrifices made by 85, Calidonia Road, Panama object. Towards this total the Walking event Mile, Bryan, WEST IDJAN TERCEN. British taxpayers. The combiued debt of France and West Indies and British Gaiaoa Goid Madal; 2nd Priz) Silver Italy to Great Britain, even without reckoning on the Sunday. Il s, Morning Forship pm Sunday Sho.
sums borrowed on their behalf is broadly equivalent to the 730 Evangelistic, tervloo are putting up 800; and the Medal, Stephens.
ol West Ludian Clab is making an (Continued front rozge 1)
amount which she owes to the United States, and though Monday 30 Believers meeting appeal for support towards cole Toilet Combination Set in mor niversary of the landing of Sir Milo Flat ans 18.
the terms of payment would not be so onerous as those Tusday 7:30 pm Christain Eodeavour Hetings on bad manages which rocco; Bethune 2ad, Silver Tooms are and his coBritain has had to accept from America, even a small rate Wednesday 30 pm comments on a stress on the advantages which Jewelry Case; priza Herbert, panions in St. Kitts. We sbare certain portion of the word of God will accrue to West Tadian cricket Silver Marmalade Cup the feelings with of interest would be a relief to the British taxpayer.
the elected for that purpose from our tour. Besides, the tour Five Mile Marathon winner people of St. Kitts recall 80 Thursday 30 p, Choir practice should prove of immense value Bans, priza, Shver Cup: memorable an event, and desire.
CHURCH SERVICES 10a. Three Houte Passion Servic. Friday p. Junior Christian Ea deavour in calling attentlon to the Britisa prize Silver Cup. won by George to associate ourselves with them and 30 Prayer meeting Indian in Richards.
commencing at 12 noon.
in remembering with gratitude year which marks the Teronten those pioneers v. Odle, Pastor in charge ary of their earliest settlement of British F, NIGHTENGALE Rector Broad Jump woa by Oaborne, colonisation. Amerion Episcopal Church)
St. Alban s, Paralso.
under the British flag. Silver Cup, 2nd priza, G20r89 (Palm Sunday. Please convey Robertson, Silver Vase.
all in St Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
11 am Matice and address St. Paul Church, Panama Kitts congratulations and good Colon p. Evensong and address The prizes for March 2515 wishes on this auspicious occaCreoline Hair Producer is the s. Holy Communion were distributed also to the A, F, NIGHIENGALE Priest in charge Sunday 11, 30 Morning worship world best hair tonic and will successful contestants.
sion, All the 10 nm, Matins Sunday School pm not soil or stain clothes. Cycle Events were won by the 10 am Holy Eucharist and sermon 7, 30 Evangelistio service Jamaica Athletes. p. Sunday Sobool St. Peter Church La Boca. Monday Believers meet ng NOTICE.
The prizes for the second day 30 Evensong sermon.
Wednesday 7, 30 Bible reading Holy Week. Services daily at am Matins and Holy Communion 11 am Friday 7, 30 Choir practice 17:30 pm Evanglistic Service have been distributed to the Monday 30 Believers meeting successful contestants.
and 30 Bishop Morris will be special Children Service pm Rev WILKINS, Pastor in chatsº Tunday 80 Junior Christian Baden TATO NOTICE JOn Hat Cleaning Estab hment, All patcons of the preacher at the evening Services on Choral Evensong with Sermon 7:30 Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday The Holy Week Services: your, Story of the Crow will be sung at these Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Pat? Nazarene Christian Chnrch Wednesday Prayer meeting 7, 80 Senior Christian Eedes your No. 3, Street, Calidonia, Servicbe.
Wednesday a Licany and address at Correspondents are requested are hereby requested to call Maunday Thursday. Holy Com Wednesday and Thurday, at 7:30 pm Guachapali Panama. Thursday, 7:30 Choir practice to send in their contribution and get their hats at once, as munion at 6a. E, P, and address, 11 am Mring worship Priday 7, 80 Open air meeting not later than Thursday evenings the business is to be sold out GOOD FRIDAY: Matins and Litany at GOOD FRIDAY Litany at 118 3 Sunday School Rev. Neal Pastor in charge to ensure publication.
Wilson which to


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