
YOUR OLD FAVORITE On and SOL STAND BY KINKYAIR womans createst 18 Son is her hair it long and wavy.
No matter how short and wiry your hair is, you can make it very STROLLERS PAR DRC falling of stair feeds the Can now be Purchased from all Dealers agent IN THE REPUBLIC was then Bind.
Per Package of 15 Cigarettes TAE WORK LAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1923.
Stock up with PIEDRED TANK All Lodges of The Loyal Order 01 Ancient Shepherds, Ash. MONT Cigarettes, The ton Unity Friendly and The Literary ciety has sallors favorite. Buy them cross another success in securApproved Socfety No. 122.
now before we Run out ing the Reverend Father Mc. Donald of Balboa to deliver an adCENTRAL AMERICRN DIS of stock.
dress on Good Citizenship. 10 TRICT. PANAMA British American Tobacco Co.
this community on the night of (Panama) Ltd.
Monday, the 26th inst. It is koown all ORCI the Canal The officers for the long expect Zore and Pansins that Father ed District UF. Mc. Donald is an orator of no was elected at a meeting convenmeso ability, therefore we antici.
ed in the King George Lodge pate a crowded house for the ocRoon, on ths 19. March, 1923.
cision. The subject is one that as per orders received from the everyone ought to be intereste Gen. Suciety in, as good a nation must be They will be installed when charm made up of good citizens; and the new Surance, arrives from what is eslled a good citizen will QUEEN the head of the Order. The be told on Monday night All Officers elected are.
beautiful with Welcome, Free. Bring along a QUEEN HAIR Bros. Ingram, Provincial friend.
DRESSING Chief Shephero; Me. Murray, Tuesday night, the 27th.
QUEEN removes Provincial Dpty. Chief Shepherd; ano her of Griffith great Sum Rugless. Provincial Cor.
roots and he to make long, silky hair production will be screened at Secty; Geo. Brown, Provincial You can buy a large can ol QUEEN this Clubhouse; this time its the HAIR DRESSING forte at any pood Treasurer; Bro, Grant.
drug store, or at supr production du picting The Past Provincial Chief Shepherd, BREWER HESS: reign and fall of Belshazzır; the se. to se STORES Wholesale Queen Arents life and cruciiction of Christ, 165 Central Avenue, Panama City the fanatical war between this time Miss Garrison gave 100 Bolivar Street, Colon the Hugenots and Catholics in me 15, 00 for three shares. In kecept to Substitute. Dette Bir Dressing France, and a dramatic story of order to be certain that the modern times with gripping investment would be safe, seeing interest.
that she confident we. when to her kuowledge there was a local sent it to a friend in Moonlight Pic nic.
On account of the special the US requesting bim to pict re INTOLERANCE by make proper investigation into Griffith being screened on the business and to invest grand Moonlight shake Tuesday the 27th. the at it serial favourable. This was nou feet will take place EL picture Eddie Pulo King OF done, and was advised accord CAMPO, in Calle Jose Montes.
THE CIRCU3 will be screened ingly. advised that the money sarin (near St. Paul Chare. on Wed aesday the 28th instead be held pending further derelop Ester Modday night April 2d, olitt regular night.
commencing at o clock, In the Convention of 1922 it The West Indian Band furnish the trusic.
GATUN was recommended that the Black Star Line be resuscitated. Patroniz: the West lodian FOR Party in question Women Day Cəlebrated informed that wiss Garrison was How much? 25 cenis kuid.
no becoming restless, but that it By Chapter 16.
in his opinion, the attempt would be successful, it would be Grand International Races.
In the lodge ball of St. Beradvisable to hold the money for nard a very interestiag entersome time yet as it was in nis tainment was given in honour of position for such a period of (Continuel from pag, 1)
Women Day by the officers and time Miss Garrison was inform To morrow will be a grand members o. ibe NI. chapter ed that the money was not days: Juan Franco and a mom.
16. Among those responsible for invested buy in the hands of a this successful function were, friend pending the develop mot crowd is expected. on Mrs. Gertrude Lodge, President ments of the BLACK STAR time to take in all the eveats.
Mrs. Butcher. General SecreLINE This information she In the mile and a ball race.
tary; Mrs. Annie White, Treas received apparently with much Buck Dancer, Dad, Chileno.
urer; Mre. Joanna Robe, Chaplain satisfaction knowing that she Myaro, Victoire and Johnny and Mrr. Rosanab Baptiste, Aswas not to lose her money.
Walker will contest this ualque sociate Secretary, was eatremely shocked when event.
Commander Wateon and his XOXO this was brought against me as Boys Brigade came over in full a charge.
numbers. Salvation Army procession was CONVENTION FUND.
formed headed by a Band wbich R: the 00 Convention Fundmarched to the Lodge hall. On Ex President Grant Suffice to say that this amount Launches Big Overseas reaching the ball after all had encame in late and consequently tered, the entertainment WAS was agreed to by the party to be Settlement Scheme.
opened by the Lady Present Avoid all your cooking guesswork REPUES TO CONNOR. put to the Garvey Defense who after the singing of From Fund, which up to the present By Direct West India Caula Greenland Icy Monntalns. by using time has not been forwarded from London, dated March 10, To The Bdiler of The Workman.
This amount (34, 00) with the it is learnt that the Salvation tory Hall. Colon, as the Lady who Pasama, Rep. de 00 (36 00) which was in the Army Emmigratiou Department was asked to preside. The lady March 22ad. 1923 locker of th: Association, has launched a scheme for ube on taking charge of the very imof ten Bir. Noticing that certain turned it over to the Secretary settlement. overseas portant position made some very interesting remarks suitable to thousand boys between the ages shulements detrimental to me after the impeachment, ene were vablished in the columns of BLACK CRO33 AUXILIARY, the day which was being celeof 14 and 17 udar a practical your Jernal of the 10th. inst. re may impeachment as a result of auxiliary this amouat was in the Pe scheme is the outeome of Ra the 1151 for the above system of selection, training and There were many addresses, songs, duels and recitations ma It is always the same and always certain charges preferred bands of the Secretary from Tae king up a very enlivening proagainst me by Huctor vember 14th. to Dec. 28:1922. prolonged negotiations by the gramme wbieh was well enjoyed Connor, for mis approiation and In my capacity as President of Salvation Army and the Goveradependable.
by those present.
abuse of entidence claim the the Association and Director of ment authorities. The boys The presence of Commander right to make a few observations the Black Cross Auxiliary ex must conform to a good physical anlative to the matter and leave it ercised my perogative and re and men standard. Tae first Watson and his Boys Brigade to the wisdom and justice of the quested the amount and advised party of 40 have already entered was very much appreciated and the officers of the No. 16 Division intelligent public to decide the treasurer of the Auxiliary one of the training centres.
of the UNI wishea to to thank PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY whether or not such implications that the amount was in my hand are justifiable and whether the and would be tarned over to her Mr. Watson for contributing to WAT YOUR SERVICE prime motive underlying the ac on the first meetiog night, Baptist Church Activities.
the success of Womel Day.
Los is of the hero (1) is not gross Before the meeting night came is malicious there was a death, and it was Pastor Torift will baptise a Appeal to Quartermaster.
de carneciion with the above decided by the Auxiliary that number of candidates at the the following is a true statement 55, 00 be expended for a wreath. Colon Church on Sun lay night.
of the charges as know of This amount was turned over the We are remindiog the Chief On Good Friday the Colon The WORKMAN jpins in extend them.
Quartermaster and District following morning at the office to Church will have the usual early Increase Pay Wanted.
ing its good wishes to Mr, Quartermaster of this town not REDEMPTION FUND.
the ladies who were deputed to morning serivic at a. and at Holder.
to forget the condition of the While the charge was for attend to the matter. The re night Pastor Thrift will give. With so many ships passing roads and houses lying in the Giteen dollars as accurately as mainder. 651) was turned over lantera lecture on to the Treasurer and the first Christ. The lantern exhibition the life of vicinity of this town. Especially through the Canal, and the apthe road to Hgh St, oh its some propriation for the Panama Canali Cricket Match Tomorrow can remember there was a sum meeting night the Auxiliary met, will begin at 30.
of not less than 2500 which was thing shameful to see many a why should nt poor quasby be given by tye persons towards for which hold a receipt.
This Mr, Editor To morrow (Sunday) that is the matter At the Chorrillo Church the coming from any town city and the high folkso know that the Middlesex will entertain sion period of our Liberty Hall as know and for which am usual early morning service will respectful lady or gentleman given one cent more than his pay, to reach Gatun Hinding it in such goods in the Commissaries are West End on their Oval in we were forced to use whatever impeached.
be held on Good Friday gioa delapidated state of condition, being increased ning at 30 am. Baptismal It is for the intelligent public service will be held at 7, 30 when game of Cricket which is money we could lay our hands comits high time we poor hard work and more children are scheduled iu tbe St. Clair Cup Japon, and this was also used up to determine whether or world into this every not Pastor Witt expects to Baptise ing employees will not stand for ing such when other towns such as moment and with sugar at so Competition, Quite an interest This was to the knowledge ot the there bas been any misappropia. a number of candidates from Silve: City, Red Tank, La Bocs, high a price and no raise, soon ing game is anticipated and the then President and the Associate tipo whatever, except that the Empire, Corozal Road local fans are expected to be Secretary Hector Connor, amount for the Redemption Pueblo Nuevo and evenix.
Read Is can have good the children will benve and then den out in large numbers. Captain This was substantiated by bin at Fand was used in the construc have mund pendents on the Colon and Ancon Jones and his team are expect committee meeting when one tion of the Division Liberty will be held at Chorrillo Social in connection with the roads to travel over houses to lay their heads down Hospital. ing to to give West End the of the parties applied for a re Hall.
at night.
thrashing of their lives, but fand of this 00 which made up This, Mr, Editor is no preceon Tuesday.
Mr. Holder Celebrated West Ead feels confident of the sun. Le connection with the dent as far as the division is victory.
Toilet Attended To.
five dollars spoken of above concerned.
3rd Adniversary warions suggestions were made. LOST as to how it should be refunded, animous is at the bottom of it all. need not labour to prove that At last the toilet near the staDENTIST On Monday nigh last, at the HOWELL As was subsequently decided tion for the accomodation of those by the committee thst officers (Signed. GRANT. Between Ancon Post Ofice and waiting for the train is under residence of Mr. Holder, No. 55 Calidonia Rod a letter repairs, it has been quite a long House 57, a Birthnight Party HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA present should subscribe, of whom Mr. Connor was the first To All Concerned. containing Bank Draft valued time that this unsanitary toilet was celebrated in honour of the CANAL ZONE. to give a dollar for which hold a 400 drawn on the International has been out of order and on 33rd anniversary of Mr. Percy receipt, for the money was. re An absolute divorce has been Banking Corporation in this city several occassions scorned those Holder the corresponden: of this favour of RF. March sent geanted to Jonathan Meddin from Boston Mas. Finder to p. turned to him subsequently, which are waiting for the train journal at Gatun. Quite a large Office Hours BLACK STAR LINE SHARES. against Adnett Maddens in the will be suitably rewarded on from entering. We trust it number of his personal friends DAILY As an officer of the Associa. district Court at Ancon by judge returning same to March, this can be taken notice of the and well wishers assembled and tãou was in possession of cer Wallingford through his Atat 55 Calidonia Road or to the houses and roads should receive indulged in the customary good the attention of those in wishes for prosperous future Specializes in all the branches taie facts relative to the stand. torney.
Office of the WORKMAN Printery with a lengthy and useful career.
of Dentistty jing of the corporation About MADDEN authority.
Central Avennue.
GAS brated.
supervision and 25 ch


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