
PACE STX TAB WORKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 24 19:3 United States Will Not Change Immigration Law JOB PRINTING of every description DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH Wedding Cards, Christening Cards, Birthday Cards and Ball Cards WORKMAN PRINTERY call into bi day DAIRY MEN support Creamy Milk ILL Heavy British Emigration To United States.
REPUBLICAN LEADERS DECIDE that there was an actual labour IT PRESENT MOVEMENT CONshortage in the construction in CONGRESS CANNOT PASS THE destry, and there would be a TINUES QUOTA ALLOWED NEW ACT AT THIS SESSION. Deed for 300 000 more men than WILL SOON BE EXHAUSTED. they were going to have this LABOUR SHORTAGE. Spring.
FIGURES PUBLISHED Sepator Celt, Chairman of the Lack of Foreign Workers Commitee, asked if construction Emigrants Leaving Glasgow Now Han pering Pregress was held back because of inability to get labour, Mr. Marsball said At Th. Rate O1 More of any Industries, that this was true, adding ibat be Than 500 Woekly.
bad recenily come from Los An ARGUMENTS MADE.
geles, where 300 contractors did out see how their programme for Direct West Indis Cable the Spring could be carried out.
despatch from London duted March says that if Rollsh RM. Welch of the YoungsA Watingtin cable des patch emigration to the United States Catic Fib. 20 states that allown Sheet ard Tube Company conur. ups at its present rate.
heret willers repriset tire of Your gstown, Obio said there Grot itain quott, which is birs te pro 11 was a shortage el cow mon labour, 77842 under United State Law, seraie Colte in lur eigia not only in his farticolar mills.
will ho riched long bitar. Joly the lo stolit down the bars but in the Yourkstou section tat, the end of the tiscal immiin somit bcur from abroad, kererally, and that this was regration year.
Good Assortment Contrary to the Republican leaders decide, after flected in the labour above com.
zenoral impression, tish sabCON IL us with Sedators ard mon. His plant now needed 300 jects are aving at sa never Re: aliyes, that no charge labourers, and there was a similar equalled before, and there is Halterade is this Cug is shortage throughout the iron and TO SELECT FROM AT THE now room for only 28. 000 more in bestriction law.
ste ustry.
for this year quota. Eni. beres Set ate leaders said that, even SAYS MINERS ALE UNAVAILABLE grants are leaving Glasg tbcugh the Bouse passed the Mr. Welch said it was im alone at a rite of more than five new bill based on per cent practicable for the steel plants to bundred weekly which is great of the 1890 centus. Instead of use unemployed miners, as the er than the number from all per cent of the 1910 census, transportation expense WAS a other Eaglish ports combined as st Diesent, the Senate could serious drawback.
during last year. According to Lul, under present conditiets in emigration statistics more emiSome members of the commit its chamber. erect rew iu mi grants are leaving Great Britain gration legislation. Opposition tee seemed to think that as the found necessary tor than from all the to the changed bas is at exclu steel industry bad run full blast in Great Britain during the war.
British Dominions combined Sion et Jardinese were issued in during the war there should be Many of those industries were of the new bill which would take labour for all jobs, but Mr. Welcb me and still remain in the little trouble now in obtaining a most vital character a he YOUR MONEY BACK IF its acceptance doubtful ata ang replied that during the war Last Of Noble 600 Dying.
of peace of the greatest time, ard certainly it could not scocailed non essential value.
su icw, with the flibus many It Not THE industries were closed down and ler. piese, Senate leaders heir employees sought places is divided into two sections. At BEST As in previous years, the Fair London, Oot. Feb, 23, Thonas Shaw, who claims t) by the said, in the ster! wilis.
last survivor of the famous Light the White City, by far we Witsessis by fore the Serate Brigade, is ridiog for the second Asked by Senator Wills of larger section, are to be found Ette on immigration be dererited as YOU can buy no Better time into th jaws of death.
cay Buhet tcoronic chacs Ohio, what would happen it the what may xbibits the present immigration bars were kept up, But the venerable cavalrymanprint would lew it tiada.
ninety one years old. has not be shostage in common labour con the witress said the time would the country Porduct than would Birmitgham, arp opr at ly tween his keegg the proud chartinted Fourteen representatives 2000 come wl en people ger which dashed upon the Rusindustries were quit tuying goods at the high enough. are displayed (At the of as many an bat ery at Balaklava ia 1854.
an org tose aborcupbt to de prices required to be asked be Castle Bromwich Aerodrome) a DAIRYMEN Under him a cal se ot high prices of productior exo, llent selection of the heavier is white sheeted monstrate that there was products of hospital cit from which the docthortage of labeur in many of due to an extent to high wagos kinds of goods, the for labour LEAGUE the country engineeritg Ims tors say he the great producing States.
will never rire. he testimony was in Senator Kirg. of Utah, re and hardware manufacturers, Aftar his charge with tha lThe following are among the of the bill introduced by Sei ator marked tbat be was opposed to the rious Six Hodred, Shaw felt upLeague on his brow the soothing baad of Cell cf Ride form of sections housed at the White Island, which pro. Colt bill, saying, Any Marence Nightingale, a many vides that the immigretion quota contract labour savours much of City:Pottery and Glassware; that was bis most cherished be sured on the rit instead of servitude and causes a revulsion Stationery and printing Silvia of the and electro plate ware. outlery.
the is flexible per cent, basie, of feeling on the part ardy Lu American perpin.
and horologic goods. imate have puller optimit te ad unis. Advocates of the bill replied graph spparatus; Musical matreSweetened Condensed Gatun Silver Ciubhouse.
CONDENSED in migrents in excess of that the plan proposed in the Colt ments; Fancy and leather goods. the que ta when such necessity is bill was similar to one adi pud Sports goods and boys and. And ra to treet certain in after the Civil War, and tha Kames; Basketware; Furniture; Th. Mary Church Tarral and and a most for portant rection Lincolo favoured the idea.
custrial quirements.
EVAPORATED the Carolyn Still Anderson Club OPPOSED 70 PROHIBITION OF Fark Noxon of the devoted to Chemicals, crore.
cel brated Saint Patrick Diy, CRIMINOSONING Frein this list it will dyes, Saturday, March 17th. The first LABOUR.
way Business Asscciation of OFFICES. UTICA. USA see WHY PAY MORE Philadelphia Faid there was a tions are devoted t, goud wrich pa of the evening was spent ia Jau es A, Emery, general cout; shortage in the railway bu iness Lefore th war were imported FOB INFERIOR BLAND athletics at which time Mrs zelot the National Association of Bood man, the Physical Craining Marufacturers, beaded the group and has beplies too. question into Britain in large quantities Instrctor on the Atlantic Sde of a arutacturers heard. He told aire had shtwn a shortage of 31, from Central Europe The only 000 med. If the same ratio were characteristic Bitirb products Agents: FIDANQUE BROS. SONS)
taught the Girls several new the committee the games. The Girls presentert to restriction ISA1C BRANDON BROS Mrs. Bondman a boqueto but did tot believe in prohibi sociation he said, there would be textiles. 01 the other hand.
a shortsge of 255, 000 men her as an appreciation of her kindI. TOLEDANO, Colon tion of imigration. He said could be need, he said, for Dew feature at both the London ness to they do cot malo tain there was a and Birmingsm sections is the the railway The last part of the eveniug inclusion of the produets of general shortage of labour, but 300. 000 men in was spent in a social time closing Canada and India.
that there was a decided short business in ibe Sprirg.
10 o clock, The Girls of bon age in certain induswies, which Killcutt, representing Clubs are busy gettiog ready for It is impossible, of courSP, to threatened it dustry as a whole the Immigration Restriction Mr. Emery testified that the League, appeared ia rebuttal ondrai in detail with the above bas en jyed the crant Foot And Mouth Disease Pelin bunlay sp cal Vasper Under Quarantine. Service will be held for th Girl United States was depeno ent on the claims of ti manufatarers. mentioned sections, but a kes the traag donies conre ned viz the Associa ion of British Cnean ca) Manufacturers Reserve Clubs on the Atlantic and toreign labour for development; He favoured further restriction words may be said THE PANAM4 CANAL Side at the Cristobal Silver Clubthat up to 1919 the average her and contended that there was three of the cbiel. Wo way we British Chemical Plant Manution tirst the representative facturers Association. The reCANAL ZONE house at o clock. Al friends ima igration bad grow a to me no such shortage ay claimed.
charycter of the pottery section.
sre invited.
thirg more than 925, 999 a year: Representative Johnson The display here this year is sult has be. a fully representa HEALTH DEPARTMENT.
but ibat the war reduced it to a Chairman of the House Immigra especially gratifying and is remexhibition Wind ostrine TO ALL CONCERNED: minimum, and there bad been tion Commite, who denounced great advance last British Ho Ro Co Products only one year of consider preying immigration Lawyers Ncalls one Lundred firms in the innerliculas his greatly de lof font and mouth disease in On account of the prevalence British dye industry able iu migration since.
inevitable result. he said, was a housed in a New York city build at the air, he exhibits includ 30w a wide range of colur, and account of the eontiguity of Saldrain on industries that coulding known the Den ot 10t be supplied from native Thieves, still declined to divulge Ing all brauches of the industry. It is at the Bitish Idosti ivador, Nicaragua and Cost. Rica 100. 00 TO BE GIVEN AWAY The first quality channels and had not been met the location of the building chiravare, Pairs that it is to by found each to these countries and thers se mi porcelain ware, all types of IN PRIZES.
to ough these channels in many intend to make my informa erheb ware, kitchen ware jet year an years.
e Marshall, ir, General elective, he suid. will tell the pottery of Sarious type in advanees mde in this direction once the following are prohibited Janubry March 1923 Condipo against these lawyers more ad Rockingham ware, and at dyed fabrtes showing the great catile between them, effective at entry into the Cost Zone or th test Ends March 31st, 1923.
Manager the Associated Grand Jury about their doing the latest desigas, shapes, and cities of Pinan and Colon General Contractors, testified very shortly.
decorations are to be seen. The word or two as to the cor either permanently or for transt ction also Rules Governing Contest.
mskes ditions under which the Flici shipmenti Sorticularly fine show.
being held this year, During Fifty thousand Arses, mulus, asses, cattle.
BRITISH TRADE business men.
buyers from overseas firme 1 Another noteworthy section is 1922 the British manufacturer sheep, swn, and goats, unless AND INDUSTRY. bave been invited together with the devoted to musical instra bogen recent home reduced to reaction, accoua panied by American Con tio Ro Co Products will be given been assem by reducing in cost of many sular a of a tauver of home business cor bted the largest and most downward tendency of labour foot and inouth disense prevails in sealed envelops and sent to raw materials, by a general not come from a locality where All coupons must be placad of Britis (By RICHARD LATHAM. cerns. No articles are sold sentative display from the stalls and stands (which production in this trade that has costs, and by redactions in or that they b? subjected after Alexaoder Sanchez General Lordon. February 1923. Tbe at the White City in London total ever been witnessed. Jo be freight All this has greatly arrival to such disinfection as the Rstailer Ho Ro Co Products, opening of the ninth British four miles in lengti. but orders organization of this section the assisted British manufacturers Chiel Quarentine Oficer unay di 0, Box 579, Ancon, ce sont lpdustries Fair on the 19th are boc ked for fubsequent deliv. Department bas bad the ad to quote. prices that must prove rec. cu ckens, or any other do ster than March 31st, 1923.
February was quite the most ery. The officials of the Depart vantage of the active support and attractive to foreign basers, and mestie fowls; hav, grain, straw.
stabl zalido The competitors of the of or youds Dacked in krass, hay or largest number of coupons will important event in British trade ment which has organised the operation of the Federation of the eventual in the year so far as it has gone. Fair express the most sanguine British Music Industries. Ebe prices at lower level have straw, from the Republic of Gus be awarded the prizes follows: The Pair which is held in two hopes as to its successfull out display of Britise plants and placed British traders in a posil temala, Salvador, Honduras, Nie 1st Prize sections, London and Birming: come.
player planos is a very fine ome; tion to quote firun ices more arwua, and Com Rier. 20 00 2ad ber artciles of cargo or bag.
17 50 is organised by the British few words as to the origin of nearly all the makers of Srst important still, and to guarantee 3rd Government, and, as bas become this trade enterprise. The fact grade instruments exhibiting delivery on contract dates. As gaze and ships carrying. sm 15 00 4th The 12. 50 a custom, was honoured on the that this is in 1923 the ninth an5th 10. 00 ition of the Chief Quarantine opening day by me buyers will form their own cer.
visit ou Their Dual Fair reveals its wartime or gramophone making dua mine for the quality of the goods will be disinfected at the discra 6th 00 Majesties the King and Queen. gin. war baby was the dis presented, and to the production 7th RUCKER, 00 Although the Fair is. as we cription applied to it by Sir Phil. of band and orchestral Instre opinion, but many will be con with 8th the 00 Chief Quarantine Officer, bave said, under the auspices of lip Lloyd Greame, who further ments, in which Great Britain strained to agree 9th 50 10th the. of the Board of Approved 50 1929 the Department of Overseas iad been born in the war bad macy, attention la directed by that the Fair shows that not JAY MORROW, Three competent judges will enly are Britisb standards of Tiade it is, in the words or survived it as well and sue an adequate display.
In the chemical section are to craftmanship betng upbeld, buy be appointed to check the President of the Board of lessluily as the Fair, the wo. lu coupons on April 5th, and award Trade at the opening ceremony. would to day be a more prosper be found plane used in the were adapting themselves to the the prizes to the. The of chemicals, as well as run by trade for trade.
Creoline straightens successful and owners. The names of the winentirely a business proposition started as a special extension of both fine and heavy chemicals. needs of th: markets of the beautifies the hair and pro ners will be publish in this and admission is coutined to those industries which it was Here, again, the Department world.
duces hair on bald heads.
sion of from inspected herds tot ruse tham oliwoor the Albert un as in recent years.
of ments.
19 hem of rethe

    Civil War

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