
THE UNUKMAN SATURDAY MARCH 24 1923 PAGE SEVEN Promo Satisfy They Chesterfield lub ADVERTISE IN THE WORKMAN מו You Can Lose It!
Interesting Vest ladian News The best Tonic in the World. Cut from page 3)
aepartuent of accounts of the VIGOR TONIC North Carolina Mutual and his This elegant Tonic preparation is highly recommend traveler is distinctly a tion ed in Debility, Nervousness, Female Weakness, Hebus been in this city only Impoverishment of the Blood, and to build up eleven gaaths coming bere from a run down constitution.
New York but in that time bas gatrei creditable popularity in It promotes digestion, improves the appebesinese, fraternal social and tite, and gives tone and energy to the whole system charch dides, and at presant is president of the Commercial DOSE: One small Wine glass before each meal or Türilt Cheb, and organisation of times a day, Foung mea devoted to inculcating the picines of thrilt and, com mere: and busines1 expansion; JAVER MORAN American Pharmacy.
teacher is Bank Street Baptist Church Sunday School; editor of the Back Street Church Journal; Chesterfield rich aroma treasurer of the United Order of Two years later be entered ance bd been discovered and Noose and mellow goodness are the New York Institute of Finance did not find ber undil yesterday.
direct result of using only the Those Boson is only 25 years and bas earned credits which Both the girl and lover subsechoicest grades of fine Turkwid bet testery of his modest tit him to enter upon bis duties quently net at her parents Bueces is a brilliant illustration in the accounting department house where after some pseley.
ish and American tobaccos.
of what ambitious young man of the North Carolina Mutual ing the parental consent You ll surely like their can make et himself.
Company with a splendid foun obtalned to the marriage which dation, pieasing taste.
took place later in the day.
The young man cime to the United States from Trinidad, La Fortuna For Sale. in his early teens. He work ed as water in hotels and GEORGETOWN stenansblps in and around New The Port of Spain Ganette York city. The writer bad the understands that the La Fortuna MILK SUPPLY good for tune to meet him during group of estates are t) be sold shat time and had associata to the Union St. Madeline Co.
him Only a few for 100. 000 Plan To Check Adulteramenthe before he began to in tion.
quire about schools in this country. He was arged to enter Automobile Association school bere end the writer Organised DEPOTS FOR DISTRIBUTION CIGARETTES bappily recollects discussing this important matter with him There is an Auto mobile As As the result of recent dis of finest Turkish and American tobaccos, blended night aiter night. After three which closures the Municipal Health er four yearsI waiter be sociation in Trinidad saved enough to warrant examines applicants for driving Department in Georgetown, LIGGETT MYERS TOBACCO Co.
start in school and with his Certificates. Up to the present Demerara bas redoubled its enorparents away across the ocean the Association bas issued 224 gies with respect to the question certiocates. The Association also of a pure uk supply curo he set out for himself.
delivers lectures to the chauf. city says the Dey Argosy Nesen entered Union Univer feurs; is responsible for placing The Chief Sanitary Insp ctor sitya Richmond and each road and directions signs at Mr. Hoban and Mr. Us year after the close of school necessary points throughout the Rywan have institute additunt went back to the dining rooms colony, and lately approached rounds with a view to tapping to prepare for the ensuing term. and requested the Director of some of the outlying districts.
Respeat sve years at Union Education to institute lessons in In the meantime a Committee of of which were the the schools for teaching Safety the Town is charged witb the College of Arts and Sciences. First Rules and simple rulus of consideration of the questioa ia lett Union to matrlculate in the road to the youth of the all its bearings with a view IT WILL PAY YOU the Chicago University school Colony with the object of pre to submitting to the Council of Commerce and Accounts. venting accidents with thought some workable scheme by which less children using the streets, it might be possible to control instaed of sidewalks as is at the distribution of milk. propresent the general practice. posal is before the Committee to The Director of Education has institute depots for the distribupromised bis support and tion the idea being that all milk co operation in the matter. consumption should first pass through the depot where it will be tested and distributed under Labourers for Cub. close supervision This Says the Port of Spain Gazette (Trinidad) of 17th instant; Io consequence of an advertisment posted at 14, Marine Square, asking for labourers who are willing to proceed to Cuba, the Snakes Destroyed immediate vicinity was thronged throughout the whole of yesterday. This is evidence, if any were Report of St. Lucia for the year In the course of the Police Deeded, of the troublous times through which the poorer classes 1922 the Chief of Police says: bere are passing. The heads of 2, 552 snakes were produced at the various Police Stations and rewards amounting to 62 103. Od. were paid for DEMERARA the destruction. This shows a considerable increase tbe figures of previous years which are appended for purposes of comparison. It appears that the increase is due to the development of a recogniz? MINISTER DAUGHTER trade of snake hunting at Grand ELOPES.
Anse and one or two otber localities and is not to be put down to an alarming increas in ALL ENDS WELL.
the number of Fier de Lance dental cream? Has it ever dropped and rolled serpents in the island.
ser away in the sleeping car or hid under the wall 948 48 17 Says the Demerara Argosy of 1917 18 44 10 stand at home?
the 23rd ultimo1918 19 1, 891 47 50 Then you will appreciate the cap that is held cap Georgetown after all is not 1919 (9 months) 1, 315 32 17 a city without romance. One of 1920 tive and which holds the properties of Kolynos secure 601 40 06 the danghters of the Rev. There were no deaths reported until you have enjoyed the last bit of cream from the Jeffrey of the Church of God from snake bite.
was recently refused consent by her parents to her marriage We now furnish you with a package of the same with a young conductor on tha high standard as its contents.
Wes: Coast Railway Damed LEBLANC The parental objec UNDERTAKER THE KOLYNOS CO. New Haven, Conn. tion to the match did not deter CORNER AND 1645 STREET her however and being under!
18 years of age she applied to Member of the the Supreme Court for permis. Universal Negro Improvement sion to marry. For some reason Association African Comother the application was withdrawn and things remained munities League pormal at home until Wednes Duiversal African Black Cross Nurses day night. The girl attended service at ber father Special Rate for Members, Church as usual with her parents and other members of the family. On thetr return FOR SALE bome the Minister and his wife remained at the gatewas out One Stuvessant Piang a chat with a member of his flock who had accompanied them The girl In Condition left the company entered the house and slipped out through No reasonable offer turned the back door into a side street down.
where ber lover awaited ber in motor car. The elopement For particulars apply at had been cleverly planned and was successfully carried out.
WORKMAN PRINTERY The bewildered parents scoured the city in search of their Central Ave Street daughter after her disappearPanama City Opens KOLYNOS ALONE HAS THE Way ST. LUCIA CON CAPTIVE САР VEINCH ONT on Georgetown Romance.
1916 17 KOV Di 1, 762 Fancisco or or KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM


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