p. 8


Part of a Cigarette is THEY MUST BE CORRECT Acca Victor Cigarettes Am ng som badly informed West Indians it is lieved that the British Government, becausa the inhabitants of the West Indies are in the maj rity negroes, would readily dispose of the sovreignity over the islands so as to relieve the Empire of a large part of the financial burden sbe assumed during the late European War.
The words of the Pri Cu of Wales after his tour tu these parts and those of the responsi ble Statsmen of he Enpire, are all guarantet si that the British Goverument is fully cot.
scious of the important part be: Negro subj cis are playing in the unbreakable voin of the best mona chy in the world, with the most perfect form of buwal goverainent, despite its imperARE CORRECT IN EVERY DETAIL AND IN PRICE TOO lections. Quality Price Correct Correct VICTOR CIGARETTES As gards the race meting on Sur day last, another record of guid racing was estabiished at Joan Fares. The results of the varius events were gratily ing and the meeting on the whole was one of the best ever witnessed at Jusn Franco few of the classical sprinters.
such as Forget Me Not. Crusader. La Victoire. CbHeno, Reflja, Capitana and Chumba were keen contestants. Ile racing was Interesting om bexit ning to end, and. be long remembered by those who were present.
AT OIKthe borses that previturly showed very bid form and wb d stir guished tbmBiltes on Sui day last, were p. Zape Capera and ForgetMe No: ZP Zspe for some wecks was unable io show any.
thing like racing form, and it No Orix said that he had run bis Colise But he spiunga upistui. Su day last when at tuesitluging of the tape he took the lead and kept it unchanged to the ticish, with Mountain Boy, who got of badly, a close second.
For the last three weeks Capitana showed distres; under the handicapping and found no place in her field: But on Sunday, she won one of the finest races witnessed at Juan Franco, wiluru 10 yaras from the Judge Box, she defeated Alta Mae by a heid The next surprise for the dawa. Horget Me Not, which was showing bad from ler first appearance on the track, but on. y ste simply outclassed her Cublicants wbich were un able to be in her pace. From the lifting of the barrier it was Forget M6 Not and she only.
ULU ude any bold ai.
tempts but was unable to get on equal pace as the mart sprin. cu Ost somewhat like her old form at Kuuustord Park, Jamaica Tigruly one of the new native pouks did well for her birst trial deis: tiny Baby Chagres which wa Uadiy ildden.
In the race in whicl. Cruzar and La cicle mel, was very doubt u whether Crusader could havo scored a victory, She is appareu ly too heavy and has no mae ner usual form For the urat six turlongs she car ried the ulter horses over a.
very rapid pace, but alter this La Vicure which is a very goud borse to be reckoned win, took auwwa came home a winner. The result of the various Plans for New Hotel events follow thus: First Race: Purse 8000, furlor. Tigrillo 93 lbs ist, LIKELY THAT GOVERNMENT Capali, 98 los second, Baby Claries lbs 3rd.
Pool paid WILL BE ASKED TO Assis 70 2290 on th: winner IN ENTERPRISE, The 90 on vue second horse. 17.
The Hereld of Jamaica states Sccoud Race: Purse for 125. 00 that in connection with a decidistance tarlorgs Plaudeliia sion by shareholders of the 191, Glorita d, Darling 3rd. Constant Sprirg Hotel Co, Ltd. Poul paid 30 and 40 on the that the building, which was winner and 10 on the second destroyed by fire sone weeks horse. Time 1 ago, should be rebuilt. Mr. Sarbird Race. Purse valved geant, of Boston, USA, who 300. CO, distance tur. Reflejo and Myrtle Bank Hotels, bas designed and built Titchfield 1st, Avispa 2nd, and Chomba Loca 3rd. Pcol paid 70 and been invited to prepare plans for 70 on the winner, on the the new structure, second horse 60. Time 33. It is proposed to erect a buildFourth Race. Purse of 260. 00 inhich will contain from 80 distance fu longs. Zipi Zape to 100 room, in additi 99 Abs. 1st Mountain Boy 120 necessary apartment.
1b. d. Liandro 3rd. Pool pala the most modern lines possible.
building will be constructed on 65 20 and 22 20 on the winnicg! It is learnt that the Government horse and 70 on the 2nd. will be approached by the code: Tin e 58 si ce.
pany to make either a grant or Fifth Race: Purse valued at alan towards the cost of erect 750 00 distance furlongs. ing and equipping the new Forget Me Not, 112 lbs, 1st: hotel. in the interest of the Chileno. 100 ibs. d; Oh Pah 112 tourist trade of the island. The lbs. 31d. Pool paid 9:10 on the former hotel and its (quipment winter and 11. 80 for place, on were considerably under insur.
the second horse 520. Time ed, which tbat the 133, shareholders sustained a loss by Sixth Race Purse 175. 00 lurpiture, linen, etc. It is on the destruction of the building, distance Furlongs Capitana account of this 1st. Alta Mae 2nd, Quien sabe lots that it is 3rd, Chagres 4th, Pool Paid proposed to lovite Governmental 88 80 and 80 on the winner assistance in the way of reand 250 on the 2nd horse. placing the structure.
Time 3 In this race Governor Morrow of Kentucky gave made an heroic effort to defeat a cup which was won by Mr. La Victoire, but was unsuccessTomas Gabriel Duque Capiful.
tana (Devotion. This is the Eight Race: Parse of 80. 00 socord cup won by this gallant distance furlongs. This race filly.
was a Japanese puzzle as none besenth Rac. Puise values of the horses were known and 500 00, distance one mile. La at the Pari Mutuel. It was take crone 124 los. Crusader 1101 your chance. Lipac because os, Cort zus bs. Victoire favourite and certainty won 1st, Urus der second.
Pool easily with Wotan for second paid 30 on the winner. Time place. Pool paid 70 and 90 47. At the last hundred yards and 90 on the second horse.
from the Judge Box, Crusader Time 47 secs.
The Cigarette Without a Fault BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO CO. Panama itd.
We quote the following from Mr, Edward Wood lecture as dedicated to the great Imperial ist Henry Cust. 1856 1917) Wood visited the West Indi two years ago and in his report to the Colonial offic, be advocate ed political status to many of the islands. Jamaica is the principal islands in which there is a demand for Constitutional advance mtnt.
Here is wbat Mr Wood says which was taken from the West India Committee Circular: Please take it from me, when a nation which aspires to carry out responsiblities treats them on a basis of dollars and cents, and of selling the affection and love of our fellow citizens for the sake of dollars and cents, it is time to put the shutters up.
Tais statement regarding the absurd proposals that the British West Indies bould be sacriticed was made by the Right Hon. Ei ward Wood in the course of the Cu. lecture which ne delivered at Notting on February, 6h. Emphae sing the personal loyalty shown by the West Indian to the King Mr. Wood declared that it would be a very bunday for the British Empre it we were ever su ill advised as to think we could run the Empire without a Monarcby, beCause we could not. When be thought of the gratitude shown in the West Indies to England 1or the way in which she bad done her job, he could hardly speak patienty of the plea made through the newspapers by people who ought to know better, that we should sell the West lodies to redee in our American debt. Summing up the impressions when he ormed on bis tour in 1921 22, Mr. Wood said be came back from the West Indies feeling it was of prime importance to use every means of stablish log direct personal touch between thuolonial Office and share outside places and he believed it would pay this country over and over again to insist upon regular visit by people responsible for administration, and that one condi.
uion of civil service entry should be the speeding of a year or two on the circumierence of the En.
pire before coming to admiaister in the centre.
The President Derby of 3, 300 00 to the The AND Other Classy Races JUAN FRANCO TRACK TO. MORROW Sunday, March 25th at 2:15 SPECIAL TRAIN Leaves Colon at 11 a.
Returning at p. Fare 00 00. ADMISSION: Grand Stand 00. Field 50c: LADIES FREE Decrease Of Immigrants To Cuba.
meant The West India Committee Circular reports that there was a striking decrease in arrivals of immigrants suitable for employment as plantation la.
bourers in Cuba during the tiscal year ending June 30th, 1922 According to The Cuba Review, only 20, 184 immigrants Inded in Cuba during the year 1921 22, whereas arrivals durog 1920 21 were 149, 361.
Spain, which in 1920 21 sent 73, 543 immigrants. sent only 11, 664 In 1921 22; immigration trou Haiti declined from 30 472 to 388; arrivals of Jamaicans from 27, 713 to 397 and of Chinese from 8787 to 51.
Arrivals from the United States deciined from 143 to 823, and the number of British immgrants from 274 to 467.
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