
DAGE TWC THE WORKMAN BATURDAY, MARCH 31 1928 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands LYNTON Book Binding Gas Groceries, Provisions, Eggs, can have Book Binding Department wunder an a patient. Dr. Clarke tory examination prices, had been In ounce tins, was the In ounce boules.
455 Went Tenth St.
JAMAICA Evening School Fatal Accident.
CHRISTIAN MISSION SCHOOL WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT CALIDONIA The Guy Hill correspondent No. 78, New Market Street to the Gleaner writing to ibat paper on the 12th inst. states Why throw away your old, but no RETAIL DEPARTMENT that on the previous Saturday, English, French, Spanish, at 80p. during the busiest No. 107, Bolivar Street Latin, Geometry, Algebra. doubt interesting, books when you time of the market; this district was thrown into a state of ex THE PEOPLE COMMISSARY citement by a motor car accident TERMS MODERATE can have them neatly bound at which resulted in the death of Apply to one Celina Oristopher of Ragsvilia FULL and the serious wounding of one Teacher at School. Monday, THE WORKMAN Mabel Browne.
The allegations are as follows: Wednesday and Friday Mr. H, Westmoreland motor Cabbage, Dairymen Butter, car driven by his chauffeur and carrying two youngsters and his ALWAYS ON HAND AT MODERATE PRICES opening of the Legislatore on the 6in ulto, says that the house maid, passing the market gate, came in contact with a Speech of His Excellency Col.
number of people which brought Bir Chas. Brien, unlike bis CENTRAL AVENUE the above accident. The chaut Call and see us before purchasing two immediate predecessors, feur was immediately arrested disclosed a condition of prosperi elsewhere.
ty that is much eacouraging.
and lodged in jail by Corporal and No. G Street Campbeli. the officer in charge The financial condition of the of the station here, the deceased island has so much improved and wounded were taken cbarge that besides paying off a debt of by the police, the latter Barrister in island of 20, 000 to the Barbados SavThe bibit uc. conscious condition akaavis etatea that one. Mosse in the Eastern Empire to work bece bele harts. 85, 000 to the in Bank island was on First aid was given her by Dis was called to the Bar of the in these colonies under the in good, 24, 000 of which could be Creoline Hair Preparations penser Powell and afterwards Middle Temple in January denture system Herald she was taken by motor car to after having passed a satisfactaken as liquid cash. Prospects Pozitive Superior to others on earth.
the hospital at Linstead and the as to were Try them and be conviaced.
ad uited as Mr. Justice Brown, after Mr. Shipping Co Generosity. very hopeful both of yield and and was immediately teleexpenditure They are the Master Preparations of the World.
graphed for, and arrived in due Mosse bad taken the oath and kept well within the Different from all Others The Herald states that Elders estimate throughout the year.
course and performed post subscribed bis name to the roll a Prices of all goods in the United States of America 50c. inortem examination, atter of Barristers, extended his con. and Fyllies Co. have with a good Contioulog the Globe says: We all Foreign Countries, 60e, which the body was removed gratulations and those of bis deal ot generosity, agreed that Co would like to to the woman home. The brother Judges, to the young Jamaicas representatives on the Excellency own words wasi mention in Creoline Hair Producer woman face was somewhat Jamaican and wished him every Westendiat team should travel ba, has to say on the matter of of his to mother the Straightens rough, harsh, klaky hour with or without hot combs, company guests The Hon. Wil these West Indiaa Colonies by and without chemicals. NOT MADE OF VASELINE. Contains 10 peroeut inom o. than is possible to be put into any other preparation was broken. She died instantly profession, Mr. Mosse suitable replied.
liam Morrison, who has as the accident occurred.
of its kind in the world. Patsaat la piases and prevent baldness, been the prime dlover in the mat purchase or exchange. It wiù The Rev. Glasspole, the The new Barrister har openter in Creolina Day Dandruff Remedy newly appointed clergy for the ed Chambers at No. 18 Duke ter of a West Indian team visit be noticed, says Sir Charles ing Englad this year.
the closing pages of his Speech.
Watsonyille Circuit preaches in Street. Jamaica Herald, mainly very good scalp treatment positively removes Dandruff, Tetter for responsible that in my Speech have made the Guy Hill Wesleyan Church decision reached by the Elders ings of the Pressla a carta and Bozems. It is antiseejic. Grows baie koss the scalp healthy reference to certain vapouron the 18th inst. As Mr Glass.
Banana Trade Progressing. and Fyffas Co.
foreiga ecuntry. The quotation pole is a favourite bere it is cer.
Jackson Manufacturing Co, Thanks to tbe efforts of Mr. as regards the sale of this part Manufacgurers and Exportes Indianapolis Int. tain that an enthusiastic recepTbe tion will be given banana trade predicts Morrison, Mr. Holt, who is of His Majesty Duminions was All Up to date Drug Stores carry a stock of Creoline.
brisk business abead, but fruits one of Jamaicas representatives de tinitely settled by the Heir so are maturing somewhat slowly, on the teaun ha obtained six the Torone when he honoured Water Famine.
and at present the demand is months leave o absence from us with a visit just three years quite in excess of the quantity the railway. Major Lewis ago, and cannot credit that Government to give edect to the information that a cricket team available, but as we are having Thomas, Director of the Railway any serious minded person can recommendations contained in from New York is likely to visit Paths, Wednesday. The seasonable weather, it is expect has very properly agreed that believe that the Empire req airss the report by Hon. Wood, these islands next year include water situation reaches its climax ed that a good supply of fruits Mr Holts financial status at the to traffic in its possessions to on bis wait to the Westing some of the smaller islands Indies and Betish Guiana in in its tiaerary.
in this town yesterday. Since sun will be forthcoming in a month railway would not be affected by pay its just debts.
Information time.
December 1921 to February 1922 though lacking on this side is in Fue companies ace ex. bis absence from work for six day, the inhabitants have been montas. Ia o her words, be will with regard to stabilising the the hands of Mr. William Huggoing without the precious fluid. pected to operate this week.
go on leave ou fait pay.
Barbados And Sugar Pre preference so that the present gias of St. Vincent, who is Conditions are better pictured The Janaicas players will sail sent amount be maintained, Be charged with making the tour than described, and with the To Make Mineral Waters. for England on the Camito ference.
it further resolved that the un fait accompli. It is stated present drought the stiuation is on April 19h.
terms of this resolution be tele on good authority that the comintensified. Large crowds are At a special meeting of the graphed to the Vice President position will consist of prasticalto be seen hovering around the Teh Gleaner understands that a Council of the Chamber of Com of the Assuciated West Indian ly all West Indian residents ia railway station to get a drop of company is being incoporated water from the passing trains, with a capital of 20, 000 to equip BARBADOS merce recently the following Chambers of Coun nerve.
the Great Republic resolation was adopted. Whereing of the team will bowever, but in most cases, their hopes and run an up to date mineral doomed Some water company in Kingston. It is as the in meeting of the Council depend oa co operation existing fast resorts have to return to the known that several well known Opening Of Legis indiane sugara bat entry into the of the Chamber British West TRINIDAD botween the several West Indian colonies without which cattle ponds, and take up what is business men are connected with it is IRILID nopeless to figure definitely on United Kiagdom and the stablature pure mud to drink, and to many the venture, and it is highly prob.
ishing bil ucun preference Cricket Team From Irinidadidas sasked to accom.
the undertaking.
cases, the cattle refnsed to drink able that Mr.
Harold Mercado that if the duties are lowered this same water. Many families wlil be the managing Director of GOVERNOR REFERS TO the actual amount of preference New York.
pay the lavastua we hear the have gone without meals, not the would not diminish, would having the where withal to cook will sbortly be place for FLAUNTED. EXCHANGE OF undoubtedly recreate and engen MAY TOUR WEST INDIES. certainty to come out to see name of Hackett spoken of as the machinery, and the factory BRITISH COLONIES. der confidence in the sugar In conversation with one of the manager will be a ge tleman who industry of this island be it his island home. Although officers of the Police Station here, has had extensive knowledge in Tae Globe referring to the resolved that thia Chamber The Port of Spain Gazette of the remembered as a mere youth he says that he hasn had water aerated water business in Eago Speech of the Goveroor, at the strongly urges His Majesty 11th ulto is responsible for the (Continued on page 7)
for over three days, and urgent land, and Jamaica. It is hoped help has to be sought from that operations will be started at Police headquarters.
an early date. The inhabitants were in formed that water would be sent by tenders and many gathered Public Works.
Capital and Surplus 10, 000, 000 Undivided Profits over 6, 000, 000!
at the station but up to now rejief has not arrived. The whole community has been in a state of The Gleaner states that in the excitement, since Sunday, over estimates for the coming financial the distressing situation and tele year, the Government proposes grams have been sent tbe hon. to carry out certain important member for the parish and one public works. The programme to the Governor included a new post office at Head Office: 60 WALL STREET, New York City It the telegrams fail to relieve erecting of a new Court House Richmond costing 1, 250; the Owned by THE NATIONAL City Bank of New YORK at the situation, a deputation will Sav la Mar, 1, 000; the erecting leave by first opportunity to interview the Government. It will of a new Post Ofice at May Pen 750; 5, 400 for a be composed of three prominent Station at Sav la Mar; 1, 380 for new Police Depository of the PANAMA CANAL members of the community, Unless the situation is relieved new operating theatre sod MODO ward at the witbin the next day or two, the private patients the results will be far reachiug. Black Rivar Public Hospital. 400 to commence the erection Direct Representations through our own Branches and those of Telegram to Governor: Dis of new school buildings; 6, 000 to THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK in tressing conditions existing here improve water supplies in dry since Sunday, owing to lack of districts.
ENGLAND water. Petitioners pray for re.
SPAIN ITALY BELGIUM lief supply to night to relieve CHINA JAPAN INDIA JAVA STRAITS SETTLEMENTS PHILLIPINES sufferings of community. Immigration Department.
ARGENTINE BRAZIL CUBA PERU PORTO RICO Telegram to bou, member for parish: Four Parts without There is to be a gradual reduc URUGUAY AND VENEZUELA water for last three days. Intion of the staff of the Immigrahabitants pray for your immedition Department, consequent on ate assiаtance to relieve distress the fact that there are no East ing conditions.
Indian indentured labourers in Correspondents in all the Trade Centers and Ports of the World the colony. There are about 800 New Barrister second term men and women.
This year the clerical staff is to be reduced by one, while the ESPECIALLY EQUIPPED FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE In Chambers on Thursday services of four interpreters will morning before His Honour Mr. be dispensed with. In another Justice. Brown, Mr. four years the Immigration Dao INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS AT PER CENT. PER ANNUM Bt. James Yates moved that partment in Jamaica will cease Mr. Oardic Mosse be admit to exist, the Government of India ted to practice his profession as having years ago decided to pro The comconcern.
Orders same.
International Banking Corporation FRANCE CHILE


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