
18 BORA YASITA WORKMAN SATURY MARCH ΤΗΣ 31 1923 PAGE THREE Treat Yourself What Position Do You Want?
House No. 20 Of Spain Gazette On Mail Address: x 44, Canal Zune Office 46 Central Avec ue 28th NOV. STREET, Jamaica Representatives. The B:st of Everything for Everybody.
SAN MIGUBL ONDERFUL CURE FOR Box 411, Pinsms, NUNES, VICE CAPTAIN. INSTUCTIONS Clour. Quick wad Thorough. 400 COLLEGES buy BLADDER IRRITATION these Lessons for their students. VISIT OR WRITE the Schools Oittee in Pansios City Plans and Specifications Free Twenty five Matches Listed Technical and Industrial partment.
To be Played, Opening it Co East Indian Oil of Sandal Wocd First class Workmanshlp One on May 19th. Architect. Automobile Work and other gredients Guaranteed. Architectural Draften. Airplane Engine Trinidad, Februvry 14. Part Blue Prat Reading. Plumber and Steam Killer Building Furemaa of Spain Gszette. The fol Potrena Plumber Gives Positive Relief in 24 hours JUAN ILLUECA Concrete Builder. best Metal Worker ten o elected. ubject to super Cuatractor sad Builder. Steam Engineer Attorney at. Law vision) to represt at the West Electrical Engineering Mario. Engineer LY BOX TO DAY ladies in England at the coming Electric Wiring No. 65 Central Avenue Refrigerating Eagleser Touroament which opens on the. Electric Ligh iaz Chemistry AT THE TELEPHONE No. 64. BOX 76 19th May: Electie Car Running Pharmacy Targraph Engineer Navigation CHORRILLO DRUG STORE iterbados: Austin, Practices in all Courts of. Telephone Work. Outdoor Piga Palater Geo. Challenor, Tatilton, Panama.
No: 48 Street Corner Ancon Ave. luce, and Francis. Mechanical Engineer. Agriculture. Mechanical Damsa. Fruit Growing English Spoken Fluently Jamaica: K, Nunes, Tu Machine Shop Praction. Live Stock sad Dairying Holt, and K, Phillips Toolmaker Poultry Farming Demerara: Browon Civil Engineer Mathemation Fernandes, and Hunter. Surveying and Mapping Radio Small, Dar Gas Engine Operating bust, Pascall. Geo. John sod Coustanține. Jar. Business Training Department.
Mr. Austin has been Salesmanship Business Spanish elected Captain and Mr. Advertising Preach Nones, vice Captalo. The Jap Banking and Banking Law Foreign Trade taio is authorised to us any Higber Accousing Stenography and Typing West Indian resident in England Certified Pub, Accountant. Toucher ir be considers it advisable. la Bookkeeping Common School subjecta view of this Demerara bas sug. Business English. High School Subjecte gested, Bowell Jones. Ray. rivate Secretary inond Wishart (Ryal Technical College of Glasgow) and Vibert And Many Other Courses.
Wight (Queen College Oxford Blu. Nunes is a left hander, Name.
most consistent run getter, good field and good wicket keeper; Address educated at Dulwicb College and played every sincs. Aver. Mark the subject you wish to study and write your name and Address age 1911, 59. 23, with a total of Mail the coupon to day for freefCotalog.
770 runs, excellent forun in 1922 average 127. Including five sue Ctive centuries, highest score 227 not out. In 1919 playing for Dulwich scored six cen turies and played for Sarrey and witor counties.
JK Holt: First class balsman: combining sound defence aud good hitting porer. OF Strokes all around the wicket.
In 1921 average 100, and in 1922 although not reaching such bigt figures was in good form; good Held anywhere and fair change bowler. Slow mediuun right hand, keeps good length and carried in stock uses his head well. God Phillips; Best bowler in Jamaica, right hand siow, per fine Selection of tect length comes from both sides of the wicket, and in be opinion of those qualitied to judge abould be successful on English wickets AND BARBADOS PLAYERS Comment with regard to the players from Barbados, with JUST RECEIVED the exception of Francis, une rara and Trinidad is unu cas with less than the best sary as their playing is well.
know locully. Prancia is an ALSO BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY excellent bowler.
Medium to fast right, good td and fair SHIRTS TIES COLLARS bat. Although Francis is not етсе, ETC. BTC.
known to this coloos, the fact that he has been recommended by the Barbad is con mittee is At sufficient. Droot of his being a first class player and capable of S, PERREIRA adding strength to the bowling department.
CENTRAL AVENUE, Corner 9th Street, PANAMA Arrangements are being made by Mr. Mullett who will be assisted by the Captain and Vice Captain. The team sails in the middle April and will play Labourer Intentions. Great Britain Makes First its opening match on the 19th Payment on Debt to May against Caan jridge Univer sity and will conclude the The following is taken from a tournament with match recent English paperBy Dutch West India Oable against Worcestershire. Up to Speaking at Leicester recent from Washington dated March 15 the present wentyfive matches ly. Mr. Ramsay MacDonald it is stated that the first payment are listed to be played but in all declared that the quest for by the British Government unprobability that number will be great reparations would fically der the recently negotiated debt increased to twenty seven. land Eur»pe io bankruptcy. We funding agreement was made to Colon lo order to stimulate interest could not isolate our debt to day at the New York Federal Re on the other side of the inatches, America from the debt France serve Bank. Although the foris intended to insert photo and Italy owed us, and we must al agreement has not yet actugrapbs of the individual mom. produce a British policy for the ally been signed, the British Gov.
bers of the team with their liquidation of international debt, ernment made known its desire performances in the Englieb based apon sound economic to make at once the S4 128, 085 Dapers and with that obj ct Mr. ideas The slight revival of payment necessary to reduce the Fred Grant, Hon. Secretary of trade at home would have con debi to an even 4, 600, 000 the the Queen Park Committee tinued it Earope had been figure upon which the New Year would be glad for photographs allowed to recover gradually, funding plan was calculated.
and cuttings sent him. These and the Rubr invasion meant a he will forward through the trade set back.
its pride, that by its conduct and West India Club for insertion in He was told as leader of the its honoar and energy in public the Eaglish papers, Labour party that he was to be affairs is going to be worthy to FOR FRIENDLY SOCIETIES pitled because be had suob a stand alongside all the finest To All Concerned.
awful job. He would take one ot aristocracy history has ever the young colts from the Clyde thrown up.
Kept in stock at the and put him up against any of Me Mr. Mc Donald said the LAn absoluta divorca has been the millionaires of the Tory bour party in the coming session xanted to loparban Meddin party, and as a man he wild were giok ts try to settle the against Aduett Maddess in the beat the other every time We real quistion and the high cost district Court at Ancon by judy are going to build up an aristo to the consumers.
3799 TE sro bomst to Wallingford through his At cracy of democracy, Mr Ramsay Donald continued, on aristocracy that is proud of itself and It you like beautiful hair use MADDEN. is going to make itself worthy of Crooline Hair Producer wicket keep Walk Over Shoes English Woolens White Linen Drills ARE THE BEST MADE Then why be satisfied THE PALAIS ROYAL BUY PAIR TO DAY AND BE SATISFIED American Bazaar Stores Panama ORDER BOOKS WORKMAN PRINTERY torney


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