
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 81 1923 66 THE WORKMAN CHICK LEVY IN PANAMA Pabllabed on Saturdays by Rales for Advertisem out on applien WALAUN. the office Central Avo slon. Correspondence on all matters nuo sad corner of Street, Panama, of public interest invited. de All copy for publication musi te Box 74, Panama written on one side of paper only, and RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIOZ must be accompanied by the name of Coe Year 40 Cy the writer, Dot necessarily for pubìlesBt Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three 60e.
Wo do not undertake to return Obe 250.
rejected correspondence.
Big Baseball Game FOR SALE One StJVIS N1 P119 In Condition No reis) alle offer tired down.
For particolars aply at WORKMAN RINARY Central Ave ;3 Panama City BALBOA STADIUM Sunday, April 1st, 30 CHICK LEVY Panama. West Indian All Star Team Jack Ridge Strong Pacific Team baving Many Men Many Minds The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JUNIUS Moonlight Pic nic.
SATURDAY, MARCH 31, 1923 grand Moonlight sbakefoet will take place at EC THE IMPORTANCE OF THE CANAL CAMPO in Calle Jose Montes8110 fuear St. Paul Unure) on Eister Modday night 12 The concentration of the Atlantic and Pacific fleets commencing at o clock.
of the United States Navy in the Pacific waters this month PITCHING FOR The West Indian Band will furnish the music.
is by far, the most convincing and impressive proof of the utility and practical worth of the canal. Transiting Patroniz the West Indian Band.
the waterway in less than a day, the war ships of the AtHow much? 25 cents gold.
lantic section linked up with those of the Pacific division for their annual manoeuvres on this side of the canal.
Under streaming clouds of blackness the battle craft VS.
Death Of William moved out of the bay of Panama forming a spectacle more easily absorbed than expressed.
Preston Stoute.
For the past month or more, in and out, dense crowds of naval white bove lined the side walks of every street Warege to record the daith in the city of Panama. The hotels on the Zone between of William Preston State a native of Barbados, which saloneur Ancon and Balboa, and those in Panama have been scenes renc: took plac in Cuba on of lively business from mid day to late evening. Clubs, That defeated the Submarine Base February 9ih after a very short cabarets and restaurants have rung with the deafening illness.
rattle of jazz band, and the patteriog steps of gay and Stute arrived on the Isthmus merry dancers, while the stores have been turning their about 1906 and after working assortments of silks, curiosities and souvenirs into hard DON FORGET IT in Variou. Dositions for th IC. for about three yeurs, in and solid gold The one big topic. of conversation until a few days Sunday at the Balboa Stadium at 30 m, 1909, he was appointed Master of the Lis Cascadas School and ago was the fleet.
It was the great attraction wbich a few months later was promoted to Principal of the Calebra commanded the attention of everybody in commercial Coloured Schol.
and social circles here. All other interests have been ADMISSION In 1919 ha bocine interested completely eclipsedby its presence here and until it sailed in the Coloured Libour Question away continued to monopolize the time and notice of one and all, Grand Stand 25c.
of the Canal Zone whica culmiş Dated to the Silver Enployees But it would bave been a physical impossibility for Strike of 1920, For this he was arrested wbile travelling on train the Secretary of the Navy to review the combined fleet in SXSSSSS trom Colon to Panama and kept these waters if there had been no Panama Canal. Less in prison for six months. Imthan fifty miles away from the Atlantic ocean it can mediately after it release hardly be said that the Atlantic fleet by its presence in the be pro veeded to Cuba, where, after Paciffc waters had left the eastern coast of the United about eighteea maua: sojourn.
faithfully States unprotected or unguarded. This part of the navy served his people by the will of having to return to its base by a passage around the born God, he fell asleep.
like the famous Oregon would have been far indeed but Stoute was an ardent fighter the passage through the canal reduced the distance to for the rights of his people and a minimum his early death is an irreparable loss to this Co incidental with the dem nstrated utility and serneration, viceableness of the canal for naval purposes in time of MOST SMOKERS WILL SAY war, the rapid and liberal business in mercantile trasnits British Legation For since the commencement of the year is proving to the United States Government the commercial worth of this Panama great waterway. For the United States, government the Panama Canal is one of the best investments in history. 25, 000 VOTED BY HOUSE OF Having already paid for itself, it is now more than paying COMMONS.
for its maintenance. It is indeed a wise outlay yielding flattering returns.
When our eyes first struck upon the busy movements POSITIVELY Honorable Percy Bennett, His Britannic Majesty Resiof cranes, steam shovels, dump cars, electric batteries, dent Minister to this Republic drills, picks and shovels, all in the canal prism over fifteen has given out the details of the years ago, with the Gatun and the Mira Fiores dams forNONE new building that is to be conbidding the restless waters of the Atlantic and the Pacistructed for the British gation fic, and the Gamboa dyke holding the wicked Chagres in at the Exposition grounds. The building when completed will be Jeash, we felt constrained to improvise the following one of the acrostic. IT TOASTED BETTER most imposing mendous structure in this city, and will Tremendous Enterprise, Oh Enterprise tremendous. be worthy of the Majasty and wealth of the British Empire.
How. shall speak of thee, thou scheme prodigious.
Each word write but fails me to deplet thy magnitude.
The building will be located IT Progressing time shall not too far advance when brave TOASTED near the new Santo Tomas Hopital grounds. The plans America sball float ber standard oe the Canal wave were prepared under the direc Now that the oceans wide are no more twain, but one.
tion of the British Minister by And loyal hearts in gratitude eball praythe reputed Architects Firm of dead Bolton and bave beer May God Almighty bless all wbo can truly say accepted by the Office of Works t Panama we dug the canal deep, we cleared the earth away STEAMSHIP SERVICE BETWEEN be made for the same service, the works otconstuction that It is expected but with sailings from St. commence about the latter part Candor and truth must bow and waiting in devotion, Admire in silent thought amidst the great commotion, CANADA AND THE John and Halifax alternately. of this year.
Nature sons undoing nature work of centares ag. The tenders are invited Twenty tive thousand pounds b, man is truly great! God grant this work may give Direct West India Cable age at Bermuda, Barbados, for a period of five or ten is the estimated cost of the conOve to the nations; peace, good will, long as the nation live! despatch from Montreal, Trinidad and British Guiana years, commencing within the building will la resistored struction without furnishings.
For almost ten years the canal has been open up to dated March 18th states that and on the Homeward pass two weeks after the date of traffic, and but for a few natural slides bas given almost a call for tenders for a mail. age at Trinidad, Grenada, the last sailing from Halifax porches, corridors and kitchen uninterrupted service to the country whose finance accom passenger and freight steam. St. Vincent, Barbados, St. under the present contract, and hardwood Isors for achine plished the work. The importance of the canal was ship service between Canada, Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, which expires March 31st living rooms, imagined during its construction and realized when the the British West Indies and Antigua, St. Kitts, and Ber 1924.
The steamers emThe building will face the on first ship went through, but the recent returns, the amount British Guiana has been muda, and alternate ployed it is stated, should be bay of Panama and will cover of naval transits and the efficiency of its operative sent out by the Department weeks calling on the outward from 5, 000 to 6, 000 tons an area of 6, 400 square feet greatest area of mechanism as seen during the past four weeks, have mag oferta Tradeended commerce Rates Nevis Bermuda wost: gross, capable of maintain. Pas entes presented this land.
Ottawa, to be sub Kitts. Aatigua, Mont Panama Government, and the No doubt the passing of the entire Atlantic fleet mitted to the officer of the serrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, knots, and providing accom Fest privately purchased by the through the canal last month has stimulated fresh interest Deputy Minister before noon Barbados, St. Vincent, Gren modation for 100 first class Majesty Government.
in the huge concern among the tax payers of the United on June 15th next. Teaders. ada, Trinidad and British 30 second class and 100. The plans call for a complete States, he Congressmen and other eminent visitors from it explained, must be for Guiana.
steerage or deck passengers. the Minister office, the Secre Legation building and indicate: America who viewed the great combination of bat fortaightly sailings from St. On the homeward passage Those tendering must state tary office, the Chancery, the tle ships in the Pacific waters must have experienced John or Halifax, calling one at Trinidad, Barbados and Archives and the Secretary a thrill of pride at the engineering skill of their country week on the outward pass. Bermuda. Tenders may also the amount of subsidy re private sulte and the Minister quired and the period for residence. All that can make one feel comfortable making a corpse of its body, as to bring east and west to the overflowing treasury of the United States, but it which the contract is request. Hade e o tlakad fand considered together in triumphant union.
in tion in the plans prepared and There is much talk about the possible construction of the present inter oceanic water way that has become, in the building when completed another canal. Perhaps another canal the much discuss less than twenty years, a concern of famed importance you like benutiful hair use will be a splendid tribute to the ed Nicaragua project might give opportunity for outlet and usefulness in commercial and naval circles.
Creolino Hair Producer.
memory of Mr. Perey Bennett after be is gone from Panama LUCKY STRIKE LUCKY STRIKE Toe


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