
that Per Package of 15 Cigarettes ATLANTIC SIDE.
Mutual Life AssurFair Play Educator ance Şociety.
createst charge is her hair fit The Directors of the aboveScores Pro Bono Publico.
long and wavy, No matter how short QUEEN bamed Society are hereby botiand win your hair is you can make it very fied that tomorrow, Sunday beautiful with April 1st. beiok Easter Sunday, To the Editor of The Workman.
QUEEN HAIR the regalar quarterly meeting Sir hereby crave your DRESSING which was to bə held on that QUEEN removes kind Lermission to make a reply dandruff, stops falling date has been postponed to the to an article of the 11th instant hair feeds the hair following Sunday, April 8th roots and helps to make long, sky hai published in your paper which You can buy large can ol QUEEN WM. DE SOUSA HAIR DRESSING for se. at any good deals chiefly with the Private drug store. or at Secretary Day Schools and Schoolmasters BREWER HESS ofĆ lon, and signed by one Pro Se. to se STORES Wholesale Queen Agents Bono Publico, and to which 165 Central Avenue Panama City there will be a Sunday School Missionary said writer made clear that its 100 Bolivar Street, Colon kecept Be Substitute Demand fun Bir Dressing Meeting at 20. At this view the only one Teacher and School in young people of Si, Peter Church a word is of any worth in Colon.
Sunday School wil! estry through a fine First to begin with, Mr. Edi.
program prepared by Mr. A, B, Huuter, tor, it Pro Bono Publicu ground if you lose the third game aristant Superintendent of the Sunday were nt a friend of that Teacher, Abopes will be given up by the di elogues, address and song, To all This program coriste of recitation, as well as one of the Examiners admirers of your team in this toe above mentioned serviere members of the Colon Inter Schools Extown who desire the cup to come and friende ar beartily javad amination, he would be bold enough to have signed bis real over to the Lock City. MULCARE Rotor name to that article. LA, Division No. 16 St. Barnabas Church Empire Second. Does Pro Boro Morning prayer so address 11 a. ca Will Entertain.
Pabiico realize the fact that, Children Survive at am Mite he has, by his one sided publicawill be preseated at this service tion, predujiced the minds of The Officers of Division No. 16 Evening Prayer and ad ir 30 pm the Colon Private Day Schod)
UNI residing in this town is Teachers 100 more than forJT MULCARE Paide via charge jealous over the grand time Bartholomews Church Lss erly, as far as the Association which the Loyal Oficers pulled and Scholars Examination are Cascadas of at Bernard Lodge Hall concerned! Does he know that that Teacher influence as well two weeks ago, therefore they Morning Peaver and Aldes 11 a.
as ability are anticipating to give their children Sarvice. 3; now waning, and that even his manager sister officers a challenge some Evening Prayer 401 Address 63. p.
is time in the latter part of April, T, MULOIRE Priest in share expressing surprise at the numerical failing off of the the date has not yet been fixed school and otherwise? Does bat president Jones of the main PanamajSan Miguel St Division is certain that the tbe writer of that article know Bulding 18 Colleagues will not allow tbe too, that that. Teacher wbom, be so loudly praised, has, time and women to go over the men, all spel Serm as 11, 30 7:30 agair, for the purpose of obtainwill kindly keep an open eye for Sunday School pm the news and date. Builey Pusor ing honour and lame at the expense of bis weaker Associates Church of God G St Colon preyed on their personal, social Mr. Holder was tha re 11 30 a 7;31 Go! Sena as well as on the Educational lile FOR cipient of numerous cong ratola. and uy Sebool p.
in the Association, being a tions from bis many friends on Sis Brewster Pastor the occasions of the celebration mighty tighter. at he has always termed bimself, thus of his birthday which he e le New Providence causing the 11 schools which brated during the week Mans G»p! Sora a 11 7. 3)
took part in the former examiresidents are of the opinion as Senol pa nations to discontinue (with the Mr. Holder is too old to Sis Ellio. Pastir.
exception of three. 3) thus leavcelebrate his birthday but the ing bim to be almost fighting correspondent desires them to Gun aloot? Does the writer know understand that he is accus Gospel 1, 3). 7 39 that this praised Teacher after tomed to labrate his birthday Sunday School p un coming out of the woods e.
and therefore there is nothing Georg: Griffith passing his Examination and new in it.
receiving his Certificate and for the sole determined purpose Special Program at St. Seventh Day Adventist Church of belittling bis weaker or less Peter La Boca. STREET CALIDÒNIA ROAD, fortunate associates sent his (near Lotbinias Park. PANAMA.
scholars 10 the Teacher A Musical treat is in store for Sabbath (Sturdy) 945 SabExamination, and one having all wbo attended the Sunday bath Sebol; 11. 15 am General Worship passed, sent that said boy to run with children 30 pm. Spanish Class; 30 pm.
School Anniversary of St Peter who have never even seen a printed quesChuach, La Boca, on Easter Duy Young People Meeting; 30 at 30 At the close of the Vespere.
tion before, much more an time ago mentioned in the co service the following program Sunday evening at Rading Examination Test, thus allowing lumns of this worthy paper and will be pulled off by the Choir Claw. All are weleɔme byth young and that boy to take the priz) that poder the Banday school leader under the direction other of Mrs. old. 30 Preaching Sarvia.
had really belonged to children? Mr. Editor, Avoid all your cooking guesswork ship at Mr. Taylor will again Mulcare: these things fair?
make their parents, guardians Opening Anthem The Lord Reigneth Christian Mission of Panama Were they by using and many other friends to hear honourable, were they manly?
The Choir Paasms 11 Cragwall 30 them, and to see what lovely Does the writer know also that, Solo KING OF KINGS Mr, Wilton bouquets of Bowers they can the privileges and concessions as Bascomb Chorillo 11. sm Rawlins 7:30 to salary, free rent etc. given to gather from the garders around Gatun. Duet The Stone is Rolled Away Mosley His teacher are praised Misses Woodruffa and Riney La Boca 11 mm S, Taylor 7;30 second t) none in Colon, while Trotman Carol Song of Gladness The Choir Scout Boys Will Hike to bis associates labour under the 11 a. 7;30 Bello Solo. In the Garden of Eden Mro. Gatun 11 am 7:30 Miller Paraiso.
greatest struggle yea, may Estwick remorsi bo keep two ends Colon 11 am 7:30 Burke Supt.
mended; while, last, but not Duet Juy Reigne To day Miss It is always the same and always least, bob Teacher, School and Rev. BURKE Supt.
Messrs Brossard, D, Wood Fairclough and Mrs. Headley 50 the loter schools examiners man, and their Scoot wishes the Organ Number Min Lydia Holder public in neral to know they Anthem He le Risen The Choir The Salvation Army are Catholic, and on a wbole, are of Catholic Orthodoxy, are now saticipating hike to solo What sball our Offerings Be 10 am Sunday School Sunday mm Prayer meeting Paraiso sometime in.
the first It Pro Bono Publico can part of April, these boy will Miss Ivy Prince deny any of the statemenis, Il am Holiness Meeting leave the silver, Clubhouse their 10 Duet. Hope Beyond the respectfully challenge him to do Grave 30 Young people Easter Programme Headquarters PANAMA COLON GAS COMPANY on Moss: Bascombe and Williams so, writing his real name, in the 7:30 pm Salvation Meeting before and are hoping to spring 11 Carol Hosanna The Choir next issue and will venture to GEORGE MORRIS a surprise over all other scouts 12 Solo Shining Light Mr, AT YOUR SERVICE let him hang his bead between Commandant.
going out oa bikes in the time his knee.
Hunter they expect renching Paraiso.
Thanking you for space.
13 Blessed Be The Lord, The King of Ebenezer Church Building No.
Yours, Israel. The Choir Chauffeurs Complain of 14 The Doxology and Benedictus 85, Calidonia Road, Panama FAIR PLAY EDUCATOR Sunday, Il am Morning Forship 17 Choir, Pappy glad and free Celon, CANAL ZONE the Condition of Streets p. Sunday School March 29 h, 1923 All seats are free, a big crowd CHURCH SERVICES 30 Evangeliatio, servloe will be looked for.
NOTES Monday 30 Believers meeting The drivers of automobiles Tuesday 7, 30 Caristain Endeavour Jitneys, and busses who have to (American Episcopal Church) Wednesday 30 Salvation Army Activities pm comments on Outing Over Port Royal Good Friday Devotions pag license every year are com(Easter Sunday)
certain portion of the word of God For Easter.
Well Attended plaining of the roughness of the St. Paul Church, Panama elected for that purpose streets now in the dry season, am, Holy Communion (Choral)
Thursday 30 Choir practics and are wondering what they On Haster Sunday, very 10 am, Chral Matins Friday p, Junior Christian Ea teav vur The following services which will be like in the rainy season.
What promises to be the best special services have been ar affair for the season will be an took place on Good Friday at the High Street is especially noted 10 Holy Eucharist and sermon and 30 Prayer meeting Rev. Olle, Pastor in chargo the ranged in all our Halls on Iatbmus. and also in Colon and outine by Prescott Orchestra sacred Edifice High Street under for being rough and drivers Children Special Service pm Panama city, Easter Monday, April 2nd, over the leadership of our Cathecist complain that they have to buy 30 Choral Erensong sermon. NIGHTENGALE Rector Salem Christian Church 3rd St.
On Easter Monday evening to p. and dance at Port Royal Point, from 12 noon were as follows. 11, and 12 new tyres most every week.
the Matins. 12 to Regular St. Alban s, Paraiso.
Colon that belowens in the name on Colon Cristobal Silver Clubhouse from three hours service quite tolarga West End Defeated 230. Chord Eucharist and sermon following striking program Sunday 11, 30 Morning worship gathering of turned 10 nm and Sunday School p. 4th St. Middlesex 30 Choral Eveusong and address 30 Evangelistic service When curvey the Wondrous Crose. The management are making out and an inspiring address all preparations to make this (Especially) at the three hours NIGH PENGALE Priest in charge Monday Believers moet ng Short addres by Commandant Mead occasion a time to be long service given by (Cathecist)
Wednesday 7, 30 Bible reading West End o met and defeat. Hyma, Up from the grave remembered by everyone. Laurie.
Friday 7, 30 Choir practice St. Peter Church La Boca.
ed Middlesex In the St. Clair The three pilgrims Boat leaves every 10 minutes Re. R, WILKINS, Pastor in charge from Folks River.
An Entertaining ProCup match on Middlesex ground Choral Celebration of Holy Communion Hymn, The glad new day Sanday last, the scores for each 30 granime at Easter Services team vas West End 143. The visit of five pilgrims Mid Holy Baptism am Nazaren Christian Church Guachapali Panama. Bolo, Easter morn dlesex 28. This is very shameful Matins and Holy Communion 11 am DENTIST HOWELL To morrow (Easter Day) the for the home team as great things Sunday School Anniversary Sarvice 30 11 am Mirning worship Visit of the four women following services will take place were expected from them though The Sunday School children will p. Sunday School Hymn. Wherefore ring the belle HOUSE 1078, LA BOCA at 11 am. Matins address and playing their maiden game the present their Mite Boxes at this service, 7:30 Evangelistic Service 10 March of the pilgrims CANAL ZONE. anthem, the choir which has Sunday before against Sussex At the clase of the service Special Monday 30 Believers meeting been undergoing hard practice and losing same. large num Program, prepared by Mrs. Muloare, Tuanday 530 Junior Christian Eados 11 Bolo, He is rien, as he said and iostructions Office Hours. to p. Browa from Mr. ber of 12 Address from the two angela interesting fans turned will be carried through by the Chol, This vour, organist will delight out from the windy city to Program appears elsewhere in this inuo. 7, 30 Senior Christian Eadesyour Bong, Easter soge golden DAILY their many church worshipers witness the game. Better must There will be Choral Evensong with Wednesday Prayer meeting 14 The angels address to Mary with their true and loving voices. be done Captain Jones, as your Sermon at 7:30, Bishop Morris will be Thursday 7:30 Choir practice Specializes in all the branches At Flower Service when team will put upagainst Pickwick the preacher.
15 Solo, Jehovah reigne suprotse Friday 30 Open air meeting 16. Recitation by other pilgrime of Dentistty the little ones which we had some to morrow Sunday on the home On Monday night, the St.
2nd Rev. Neal Pastor in charge were GAS Paraiso dependable.
the night 8pm jost by


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